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Everything posted by AMtoPM

  1. I was sad when he died. I'm sad every time I watch that episode and Pru's morning of him in the next episode. But, I do think his death served a greater good. I did not want to see seasons of Prue pining for him and compared to White Lighter Leo and Half-Demon/Source of All Eve Cole, he would've been a pretty bland comparatively. Happy to have read this post! I agree! My rewatch of those episodes was baffling because they all reacted like Cole wanted evil and forced it upon Phoebe. Phoebe: You took away my will. The Seer: No. You made the decision to stand by Cole all on your own. For Cole, for your baby and for you. Piper: There is nothing in the Book of Shadows. Phoebe made a choice, there's nothing we can do about that unless she changes her mind. Cole: You took my hand and walked me through that coronation long before anybody gave you anything to drink, so if you want to pretend that you're being poisoned. . . I know what it feels like to have good and evil inside of you, ripping you apart. I wanted to spare you that pain. The show as pretty blatant about it. I don't know why they backtracked and turned her into Phoebe the Victim after laying all that foundation for her choosing evil! I would say that Cole was not possessed by The Source in the same way that a spirit would take over your body and your free will, for example Piper in Coyote Piper. He was still Cole, but he was fighting a hell of an internal battle. He had all those powers in him that basically altered him, pulling him towards darkness when he didn't seek it out. Seducing him. He was given back strength, power, affluence, a high paying job and all the things he desired when he was a demon and human. That weakened his resolve. He fought it off as best as he could, saving Paige and even trying to give his powers to the wizard. But, ultimately, all that talk of "me" and referring to Cole in the third person was a way for him to compartmentalize his actions. Evil was taking him over and that perceptions was being used to hold onto his last shreds of humanity. Once he went through with the coronation, there was no turning back and he made his choice because he was tired of fighting it (which looked so painful in the episodes when it took a physical toll on him) and Phoebe accepted him. The same thing happened to Phoebe even though the show wanted to pretend otherwise when it was all over and blame it all on big bad Cole. The Seer told her to stop feigning innocence because she has the same power as her, to see and feel. Phoebe admits that Cole is The Source and she felt it the minute it happened. She made a choice to ignore it, so she could get her man. Then she made a choice to give into the pull of evil to stay with him. The same powers that were taking over Cole, were inside her via their baby and tainting her the same way. The Seer gave her tonics to relieve the good in her, but she still made the choice to stay with Cole even after throwing the tonic away. While off the effects of the tonic, she almost killed her boss but Cole interrupted it. She was still confused and wrote letters to her sisters and Cole, not knowing who she wanted to say goodbye to. She drank the tonic WILLINGLY anyway choosing Cole when he showed up. It wasn't until she found out he killed an innocent and her sisters would be coming for them that she involuntarily threw up. She finally picked good when Paige screamed she was about to die. She made the correct choice and fought off the pull, but that was after everything spiraled out of control. Cole had been fighting it off and saving her sisters as well, but never gets the credit Phoebe did. Then no one holds her accountable for agreeing to become the Queen of All Evil or even her "screw the power of 3" mantra before that choice. Both Cole and Phoebe underwent the same transformation due to being corrupted by evil powers. Yet, somehow Cole has to spend eternity paying for it and Phoebe gets off acting like some wrong and wounded party that he preyed on. I think it's a great storyline. Cole was one of the best characters on the show because he was allowed to have that duality, to be flawed and still capable of good (until the 5th season when he became an abusive and obsessed stalker). Their relationship fulfilled that promise of being drawn to evil that was established in Phoebe from S1. Adding those same layers to Phoebe would have made her a better character, showing that she chose a bad man as her soulmate from the very start because it spoke to something in her. Have her deal with the fallout of her actions and try to repent. Let her learn from that mistake and never prioritize her own selfish needs over her duties. Let her learn that Cole can't be her perfect Prince Charming and life isn't Cinderella. She could've even tried to save him like the older Phoebe hoped for after realizing he was experiencing the same battle she did to give them both peace and redemption. Acknowledge that selfishness evil would always be a temptation when they're together because they were both so obsessively in love with the other, choosing a healthier path of walking away. But, nope. Then Phoebe became a horrid character in the aftermath because the writes tried to make it like none if ever happened. She is the flawless and perfect Phoebe. Love is her true power! ETA: Another thing? The way they handled the baby was awful. It was Phoebe and Cole's baby, period. It had evil source powers like Phoebe and Cole, but it wasn't actually the old Source's baby or the Seers. That was so silly. I think back to the first seasons when Phoebe had no interest in marriage, but wanted a baby. Instead of Wyatt, could've been Phoebe raising her witch/demon/source spawn. Perfect ending for her. She gets her baby and doesn't have to bother with the dull love interests.
  2. I wish Piper and Leo never got married or if they did, it happened much later on. I don't have a problem with the pairing or Leo as a character, he is a little dull but sweet and harmless. They definitely worked together and I bought them as "true love." Early on they were pretty unobtrusive and in the show's periphery, he was accepting of everything, even being with someone who prioritized her relationship with her sister. My problem is how the show devolved into "Leo! Leo! Leo!" because as her husband he was always available. I just liked it better when the sisters were off fending for themselves without Leo there to explain or heal everything. They could've ended up together much later allowing more time for it to be "witches kicking butt" solo. The show would have been better if there was less focus on romance and dating overall. The only romantic plot that worked for me was Cole/Phoebe, but not in S5. I think Cole worked as a doomed love and something that got in the way of the sisterly bond because I also bought into him as being a big enough lure and temptation for Phoebe to lose herself in. The fallout from it sucked. He shouldn't have been destroyed as a character to absolve her of her wrong doing. I'd have liked it if he stayed her doomed lover, in and out of her life in a guest spot capacity... allowing her to focus on witchcraft and less about the writing wanting Phoebe to "find love again" by "opening her heart after Cole's betrayal" over and over. Kind of like how Andy's death freed up Prue in some ways to not be beholden to any particular man, though I'm sure the show would've tried eventually and ruined her. They were headed there with her constant need to "get out there" even though she didn't seem like any of her relationships fulfilled her more than being powerful and the one in control.
  3. I agree. I loved Phoebe in season 1 to 4. In the first two seasons she was so bubbly and had this eternal optimism throughout it all. She put a lot on emphasis on how Prue viewed her because that perception touched on her own insecurities. She was unsure of ever amounting to anything and while she was passionate, she didn't find anything to channel her passions into. That's where magic came in. It gave her a purpose and a destiny. I loved her enthusiasm and how she was the go to for spells, potions and knowledge on all things magic-related. I hated Leo's over-involvement because it took some of that from her and then it became Paige's thing. She had such a bleeding heart as well, she felt for everyone and was preyed on because of it. I loved that her power was not just to see things, but she felt what other people felt and it often propelled her to fight to save them. In season 3 and 4, she came into her own with her love story with Cole helped bring out new aspects of her character and adding to her complexity. For one, the lure of "evil" was always with her in the form of the Woogy and then her past life. Cole really brought this forth and tempted her like no other. The first taste was faking his death and lying to her sisters. And then of course when the Source and Seer took them both over and they ruled the underworld. But, when it comes to love he finally brought that to fruition in Phoebe and that was her most interesting story throughout the show. Her previous love interest was her first love, that ex from NY she gave up on. She cared about him, but outgrew him and was focused on her new life with her sisters and magic. Then there was Cupid and Billy. Both of them unattainable and representations of love, not actual love. She fell for safe bets that she could walk away from or guys she grew bored of. Phoebe liked the idea of love better than actually being in a relationship. Until she met Cole and he touched part of her soul. Made her want a real relationship, marriage and all of things that terrified her with other guys. And throughout it all, she was more selfish than previously because she wanted this one thing for herself if nothing else, but she was still so warm and sweet. Though it was never mentioned like Prue, she prioritized duty and this relationship gave her a passion outside of magic and saving innocents. She welcomed Paige with patience when Piper could not. She got a job because she wanted to help out around the house. She was still the bleeding heart from before. But, she was maturing and paving her own way. I like how she lost herself because he didn't prioritize her relationship with her sisters and her duty because of her boyfriend/husband. It's an interesting conflict, but she fallout was awful. All her selfishness was swept under the rug and she was absolved of it all. I hate how she changed after season 4. She lost everything that made her great. She never took any accountability for what happened with Cole. They were BOTH seduced and warped by evil. The Source's power took Cole over and the lure was just as enticing for Phoebe. She blamed it all on him and became so bitter as a defense mechanism to protect her heart and not face the consequences of her own actions, her sisters permitted it. After that she only grew to be more of a constant victim and more self-involved. Nothing was more important then her own lame column. I cannot believe how she would whine about having to save people because she had the weight of the world resting on her shoulders thanks to writing an advice column in her local paper. Being a big celebrity with billboards and an upcoming TV Show only validated her over-inflated ego. She even made being a empath all about herself and another source for more whining and victimization. Poor Phoebe has to deal with the feelings of others, when S1-4 Phoebe would have used that power for the betterment of others. She also kept searching for a guy who could top Cole and never could find him. It made her desperate and obsessed with dating/men. She was once again in love with the idea of love and not any particular partner. I wonder if the show realized this when they had her settle for Coop, another Cupid? She married the embodiment of love cause she could never find the real thing despite it being her only goal in life.
  4. Watched this show on Netflix and joined just so I could talk about my feelings on the seasons! From favorite to least favorite Season 3 - The show found its perfect balance. The procedural/episodic storylines intertwined a season long arc. An interesting season long arc that I could invest in. Cole was an excellent antagonist turned protagonist. The only episode I disliked was Astro!Prue making Piper's wedding all about her. That was not cool. I thought Phoebe being pulled to Cole and away from her sisters was an interesting temptation. The show didn't present it that way, but that's what happened. Her love for him became bigger than everything else and that led to Prue's death. Of course, Prue's death was easily avoided and another slopped together and nonsensical plot point, but I'm not watching this show for tight plots or even episode to episode consistency. Though, this is the most consistent season in terms of the magic usaged and the characterization my eyes. Season 2 - The sisters had some mastery of their powers and the book of shadows, and Leo was off in the periphery with his will they/won't they status with Piper, allowing them tons of agency. This is what I love most about the first three seasons. It was them using their wits and occasionally help from others to figure out was happening. Phoebe was the master spellcaster and potions creators while Prue and Piper had the cool powers. It all worked out well. Season 4 - Much like seasons 3, good balance of season long arc and procedural. The creepy guy who shrinks them into dolls is one of the scariest villains for me. I loved that episode (ignoring all the stupid P3 drama). Paige was surprisingly easy to like, even if she could never really replace Prue and the show was better with the original "Power of Three." But, it was interesting to see how Piper and Phoebe were able to become stronger without her always there to be "Super Witch." The downside for me is that this was the real start of "Leo! Leo! Leo!" Hated how they lost their ability to craft and figure things out without him. When the girls jump into the portal after the Evil Enchantress, I cannot help but compare it to the Halloween episode in S3 where they fended for themselves and learned how to use magic back then. In S4, they are chained to the wall and Leo has to fight off the guards. Leo who always got his ass kicked, um, okay. B Season 1 - Solid first season. Really established the 3 women and their complicated dynamics. Some boring episodes here and there. A little too Prue-centric, One of my favorite episodes of the series is the Woogieman. So good. Also, in all the one episode boring and personality-free love interests Mark Chao stands out as one of the best. I wish he and Piper had a real shot! Season 5 - The beginning of the end for me. Season 6 to 8 - The introduction of many things I did not like. Chris, Bille, Magic School and Leo the Elder/Avatar/Whatever. What makes these 3 seasons the worst for me is what became of Piper and Phoebe. Piper always longed for a normal life, but she still valued saving innocents. I remember her crying when they couldn't save that doctor who was going crazy from gaining their powers. Suddenly, all she does is moan about having to save people and yell at Leo for spending way too much time focusing on trying to save the world and no on their family. Seriously? Is this the same Piper who didn't want him to clip his wings because he was better off doing good? Phoebe. Her fall was so sad to see. She had the biggest, bleeding heart at the start. She became so self-involved and narcissistic. They acted like she was "sexy Oprah" when all she did was write an advice column in her local newspaper. She couldn't act more bothered or annoyed every time she had to forgo her dumb column or boring dates to save a lives.
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