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Posts posted by dangwoodchucks

  1. 1 hour ago, jmcd44 said:

    I noticed that too. Hannah has a large chest  but she quit smoking last year so I think she gained a little weight (would love to look like Hannah). I quit cold turkey almost two years ago after 21 years & I cannot shake the 15 lbs I gained & it’s harder to figure out my sizes. I felt bad for her but mostly because I am sympathetic to anyone who quits because I spent about six months falling into crying spells & eating. 

    I quit smoking 20 years ago, unfortunately none of the weight I gained went to my chest lol

    Good for her for quitting, but you would think they would have made sure her uniforms fit. It reminded me of Dodge’s comment to Lt Lake in “Down Periscope” when the guys shrunk her uniform, “Lt Lake...you’re...almost out of uniform.”

    • LOL 8
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  2. What a great group of charter guests. That pajama night looked like fun for everyone. Except Jenna. Her walk was ridiculous.

    Why wasn’t Byron the one to go up the mast?

    I get uncomfortable whenever Jenna discusses feelings with Adam because she just seems so, I don’t know, impersonal, robotic? Like she’s ticking things off a checklist for relationships. The way she was at that dinner when she wanted to fuck Adam was weird, plus I haven’t sensed any real chemistry between them at all. They just seem intent on manipulating each other.

    Forgot to add how disgusted I am to hear Jenna and Adam refer to Madison and Georgia as Jenna’s minions. As if they’re there to do Jenna’s work for her. Ugh. 

    • Love 22
  3. 29 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

    Yes Byron is a slick one. Above comments about him only behaving due to wife & child at home is dead-on. Madison is an easy target-poor gal. They all enjoy picking on her. Why not call out the one with asscheeks out every day who agrees to 3-ways and confesses to her "flirtatious ways" ad nauseum. Only thing saving Georgia in my eyes now is that she does seem kind to Madison *right now.*

    Georgia has already shown she can side with Jenna against Madison. I hope Madison doesn’t put too much trust in that friendship.

    I would like to voice my support for Chris and his snoring. I hope he bugs the shit out of Adam.

    • LOL 4
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  4. Boy, Parker really had to be in control of things right to the end. Good luck with that, love of his life.

    Adam is ugly. He and Jenna cackling about the punishing of her subordinates for things that have nothing to do with their job performance is disgusting. Previously Adam told Georgia to stop laughing about something now he’s telling Madison to stop talking about something. If he hadn’t gone after Parker as well I would have said his misogyny was showing. Ok, f—king douchebag it is.

    The term “influencer” makes me cringe. And these women are ridiculous.

    Byron always rubs me the wrong way. He acts above everything and then he’s the first to start gossiping. He even jumped in on the Madison bashing. Adam asked him, ‘what’s she over there whining about?’. Byron replied, ‘take your pick’, then they laughed. Ass.

    • Love 22
  5. Well this was a totally whiny episode.

    I get the feeling the world’s most useless chief stew Jenna thinks the romance is back on since Adam made nice with her. She’s weird. And lazy.  And her voice is really annoying (like her face), to say nothing of that laugh.

    The theme music for BD Sailing Yacht is uninspired.

    • Love 14
  6. If I had to be around Jeremiah I would be very worried. His moods flip flop so quickly, he’s paranoid about people being against him and he can go off at the drop of a dime. Roid rage or whatever, he just seems scary.

    Nilsa looks soooo much better without all the make up.

    Whenever Gus talks I just want to punch him.

    • Love 3
  7. Someone on here hit the nail on the head when they said Gus only wants to be fawned over by women, he doesn't actually want to do anything with them (or something to that effect). There’s no chemistry with Nilsa or any other women, despite what the roommates say.

    Everything Gus has said and done this season seems calculated and only done for maximum screen time.

    The way Gus said he was going to establish his dominance over Jeremiah by taking Kristin from him a couple episodes back was unusual wording for a guy mad at his friend for not having his back in a pushing contest. There must be more going on with them than just the thing about the car being totaled.

    • Love 2
  8. I never want to hear “bruh” again.

    I don’t understand how everyone thinks Courtney is cool or why Brian is so attracted to her. She’s perpetually grumpy and whines all the time. And how can she keep saying she doesn’t really know Brian yet she’s sleeping in the same bed with him.

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  9. I’m still giggling about Captain Lee looking like a child sitting at the adult table.  His chair must be lower than the others.

    Lol at them interspersing Kate talking about those drinks (mushrooms, vodka and lemonade ew) with Tanner getting ready to be sick.

    Brian is hot hot hot.

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  10. 36 minutes ago, dleighg said:

    I must be getting old. I am a bit "surprised" that the next episode is called "Penis Ravine." 

    I must be getting really old, until next ep’s preview last night I didn’t know that area had the name “Penis Ravine”.

    These kids annoy me getting into bed with their nasty feetses. Especially Abbi who walked home from the bar barefoot then climbed in bed.

    I knew the stews ironed the epaulet shirts but do they also iron all the other uniforms like polos and shorts? That’s a ridiculous amount of ironing especially when they’re on charter and guests have things to take care of as well. Seems like they could use fabric, for the shorts at least, that wouldn’t need pressing to look nice.

    • Love 10
  11. 15 minutes ago, jkitty said:

    I can’t imagine DvF, Leo DiCaprio or Beyoncé and Jay-z sitting at any of those tables (or any BD tables). I’m willing to bet they just have gorgeous, chic fresh flowers and maybe some candles. 

    Kate always orders fresh flowers. Other than ordering the can-can dancers, what have we seen Hannah do that says “chief stew”?

    From the beginning with Mila, this season has been nothing but a bunch of contrived drama.

    I would like to thank Jack and his accent for preparing me to watch “Film stars don’t die in Liverpool”.

    • Love 4
  12. I watched the trailer out of curiosity, just to see if it looked interesting. But as soon as I heard Whitney shrieking “I fucking hate both of you!”, I said nope.

    Nope nope nope 

    • LOL 3
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  13. I really don’t see why holding a grudge is a problem in this game anyway, the three previous Challenges were based on grudges and revenge. Sarah apologized to John, when she had no reason to, and he still ended up screwing her. John, and Ashley, put a price on losing a friendship and took all the money. Turbo said he wouldn’t lie for money and wants to play the game with honor. I think Natalie underestimated how much her actions actually hurt Turbo because he thought they were friends. If anyone thinks Turbo was being petty about the whole thing just remember, Natalie was so butt hurt about her apology not being accepted that on the next challenge (the plane) she commented that Turbo cannot win this because she didn’t want to see Turbo in the final and she didn’t know where their friendship stood. Now that is childish. 

    During the final Turbo could’ve messed with Natalie on the food by giving most of it to her. But he didn’t, he even said he didn’t want to give his sisters (meaning Cara and Natalie) too much.

    As far as the Hunter thing, Turbo wasn’t doing anything except sitting there when Hunter started saying he could fuck him up. I think Turbo very much believes in ‘treat me the way I treat you’ and he did nothing in either case to warrant the treatment he got.

    • Love 13
  14. John & Ashley after winning a Challenge, with a partner: I’m keeping all the money myself.

    Turbo: I want to win this challenge for my people, for my country, for Turkey. I want to help someone who is poor, who is living street. If you have a chance to change one life, let’s do it.

    Turbo is too good for the Challenge. The producers even asked him why he kept helping his opponents. I’m glad he won but I would’ve been ok with Wes or Theo winning as well. I like how Theo and Turbo carried their friendship through the final, and ran the last leg together before starting their final sprint. TJ’s appreciation of their best effort all the way to the end was great.

    I’m so sick of the vets > rookies/show respect to the vets shit, that I’m glad only one vet made it to the finish.

    I liked Cara’s joy (and Theo’s) when she was the only one to get the trivia question right, though her celebration was a little OTT. But considering she doesn’t usually do well with trivia and the fact that Wes got it wrong, she had the right to celebrate. She’s much more tolerable when she’s not around Paulie or Kyle, or talking about Paulie or Kyle.

    The previews for the reunion made me say, ‘Oh, I forgot he/she was on the challenge” quite a few times. It looks to be way too much John going on. And too much Kyle/Paulie continuation. I might skip it.

    Seeing how grueling this final was, it makes me wonder who among those eliminated prior to the finals could have completed it.

    Some LOL quotes for me:

    Wes: The door of the pain locker opens up. I’m hoping that we’re gonna see like rain forests and all these great things. Dunes. More dunes. More sand.

    Wes: It’s so sandy.

    Cara: All I have to do is eat what’s on my plate. I am Italian and I am trained for this.

    Cara: We’ve eaten, we’ve done trivia, we’ve run, we’ve run, and we’ve added some running into the running with a little bit more running and a sprinkle of running on top and another pinch of running.

    • Love 9
  15. 5 hours ago, UGAmp said:

    I’ve been one to complain about easy finals for the last few years. So I was pumped to see it was going to actually be difficult. But man did they overcorrect. This was brutal. I get running, I get biking, but in the sand? In the brutal heat? In the middle of the day? I don’t think I could have done one lap. Poor Georgia. Girl was absolutely delirious asking if Bear was there. I hope she comes back in a future season. And while Mattie technically quit, TJ shockingly did not give her a hard time. I mean he even complimented her and gave her advice. I’ve really grown to care for Teej over the years. I feel like his personality has come out more these last few seasons and I like it.

    I can’t help it... I’m still pulling for Wes. Theo seems fine but he’s been tainted by being Cara Maria’s partner. Just please not Ninja or CM.

    Speaking of CM, my DVR cut off. Did it end with her freaking out? Or did something else happen?

    After they finished their IVs, they were informed there would be a tribunal consisting of Theo, Wes and Turbo. They are to vote on Hunter, CM and Ninja for the killing floor. 

    I wonder how this would’ve gone if Georgia and Mattie had also completed the first part. Double elimination?

    • Love 2
  16. If Ninja had trusted Turbo’s strategy to begin with she wouldn’t have had to swallow her pride, as she put it, to apologize for her asinine behavior. If she really meant to apologize she would’ve done it as soon as she realized how she made Turbo feel, not after she found out they got into the tribunal. Dee can stfu with her “you’re being aggressive” shit which she aggressively yelled at Turbo. I think he stayed pretty calm for having two women yelling in his face.

    Georgia singing at Wes cracked me up. It reminded me of Sam in “Ghost” singing Henry VIII to get Oda Mae all frustrated so she’d agree to help him. I think Georgia actually flustered Wes more than CT did that challenge where he yelled at him all night.

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