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Posts posted by windsprints

  1. 2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    Forgot to mention…what kind of doctor performs ground breaking surgery and then flies 1500 miles?   Don’t the usually stick around a few days in case of, you know, complications!  

    I was bored and not paying full attention  so I may be incorrect here - did The Sun actually do any of the surgery? She was narrating it for those in the gallery but it seemed like the others did the actual surgery. It still makes no sense to me why she's even involved as she's a general surgeon. It's so dumb that she took off to Minnesota after the surgery was moved to Seattle. I also don't get why so much time in the episode was devoted to Nick doing a surgery we've seen 20x over the years. 

    Schmidt is like Izzie after the LVAD or Derek when he went to the woods. He'll be back. Let's just hope we don't have an episode where he stands outside the hospital all day ala Izzie. I'm hoping Bailey will recommend they take Schmidt & her creepy boy stalker to space in her place.

    There's not one couple on this show that I root for or have any interest in watching. I loved Amelia/Link but they ruined that. 

    I did like that Jo fixed her hair.

    • Love 7
  2. 4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I bet Victor still has some pull at the WSB, so that when Peter inevitably reappears, that will explain things.

    I am waiting for the results of the autopsy. There's still a slight chance of "OMG it wasn't Peter!" and we find out there was a twin.

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  3. They have the show off for months then resolve if someone died (my guess is most didn't think Owen would die but still) on another show. Good going. When they get to Grey's it's Schmidt that gets much of the focus. Ugh. While I cannot stand Schmidt the characters are supposed to be his friends & colleagues. How they ignored him scrubbing his hands for hours then just passing "watch him" from one to another was awful. For a show that seems to believe it's on top of every social issue they sure couldn't bother treating a mental health break with any respect. 


    Because Kai has as much personality as a stale piece of toast.



    Nick? Yawn. ALL this guy does is sleep with Meredith in hotel rooms. That's it. He has no other role on this show. It's boring.


    They don't even bother to try to make new characters interesting anymore. They just show up & eventually they will get around to a) have them on screen constantly until many can't stand them, b) ignore them then plop them in some story expecting fans to care or c) fade into the background because they have no idea what to do with them.  Option C seems to have taken out McWidow. Once they got Scott Speedman to sign his fate was sealed. The "hotter" guy would be paired with The Sun so he was disposable. As someone mentioned above, this story with Owen could have give both of them something different and interesting for the remainder of the season. Oh well.


    And what about Owen's kids? He's got a major injury, Teddy's with him, his sister and his mother is dealing with his nephew's surgery, who's watching his kids?

    I could be wrong but I remember a few mentions of them having a nanny. The show does a terrible job portraying most of these people as parents. The difference between Meredith and the others is that they go out of their way to pretend she is mother of the year or have her talk about missing her kids oh so much. Then 2 scenes later she completely ignores them. It's so stupid, something that a line of dialog here and there could take care of. I don't think anyone expects/wants to see her or any of them constantly parenting as it's a workplace show so they don't need to show it all the time. Example: in this episode Meredith could have told Nick something like "I'll meet you in an hour, just going home to see my kids and put them to bed". Done.

    Since it was still Christmas in the episode I guess there's going to be a time jump of 2-3 months. Everyone will be mostly by any injury, etc. Hopefully they can make it more interesting. 

    • Love 5
  4. 5 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

    I actually think the explosion actually started after Lillehammer in 1994, which was the best skating competition EVER. You had Nancy vs. Tonya, Gordeeva and Grinkov, Torvill and Dean, Katarina Witt, Brian Boitano, KURT BROWNING, Elvis ....   AND Scott Hamilton was still skating professionally!  It seemed like every week there was another pro competition.  

    I remember many of those skaters being at the shows post Kristi's 1992 win. 

    • Love 2
  5. Quote

    Honestly at a certain point I think professional figure skating (which had Boitano and Gordeeva and Grinkov and Yamaguchi) was more popular than amateur. Sometime in the early 90s. They televised the world professional figure skating championships and they would go up against football because they could. I miss that golden age, skating was so great. I even met Brian Boitano (before his second Olympic appearance) and he was SO NICE.

    I remember skating exploding after Kristi won. There were multiple skating tours and all the pro competitions and shows were on tv for hours on the weekends. Figure skating was huge.  My niece was little & I took her to show after show. It was such a fun thing that we enjoyed together.  Even as a little kid she knew all the skaters & followed them on tv. She and I were just talking about it the other day, we can't remember when it dropped off.

    • Love 11
  6. Quote


    And the worry is that it will cause her “irreparable harm” if she can’t skate? 


    Doing nothing about the adults doping minors will cause her far more "irreparable harm" than not skating because they'll probably keep giving her (and others) the drug.  She shouldn't be skating and her coach should be banned. 

    It's unfair to all the other skaters as well. This whole thing taints the entire competition. I don't think I will be watching.

    • Love 21
  7. Quote

    I know time is a flat circle on this show, but it’s not that much off the rails.

    100% agree it would be ridiculous if Meredith was pregnant - should should be 50 by now. But the show has deaged her more than once & I think it said she was born in 1978.  Also, this show had Adele pregnant in her 50s. That being said, I don't think she is pregnant. We've seen her puke from nerves before. If they feel the need to have yet another (unneeded IMO) pregnancy I think it will be Amelia. She slept with Linc and now is falling for someone else. 


    I guess Glasses will get away with malpractice and manslaughter because podcast guy didn't seem to have anyone who cared about him in the hospital, so no one will ask any questions or sue.

    Agree, nothing will happen to him. No one else has ever been held accountable so doubt he will. Maybe he will go off to the woods like Derek did or something. I think we are going to be treated to Emo Glasses for a few episodes. 

    • Love 4
  8. 9 hours ago, Avabelle said:

    What’s his big secret?

    That he had the drugs in his car & was helping veterans with assisted suicide. He told Hayes about it. - Ooops, typed before seeing someone answered already, sorry.



    I cracked up when Meredith said that she can't lie to the FDA when we know that she has and shouldn't be allowed near any drug trial ever. It just amazes me how her screwing up Derek's trial has all been handwaved away.


    Now that it is her name/reputation attached she suddenly cares. Last time everyone covered for her and now it would be on her

    • Love 4
  9. Quote

    If it means we lose Glasses, let Own make it!!!

    I don't think either are going anywhere. Owen will be saved. Hayes knows his big secret now so there is the Owen drama for the rest of the season. Maybe they will add in Hayes growing closer to Megan if he tries to help her since he seems to be the only one who sees she has a problem. Poor Hayes, they sign Scott Speedman and he gets kicked from love interest to Owen drama, lol.

    Glasses will probably have a crisis of confidence which I am guessing may make him even more insufferable.

    I don't think Meredith is pregnant. I think the puking was nerves.

    I had hopes for Dr. Wright but they dropped after tonight. I guess "don't bother sucking up" Dr. Bailey from the first season now loves a suck up.

    I have found this season really dull. My 2 favorite storylines last season and this one both involved Link - his friendship with Jo and his relationship with Amelia. Looks like both of those will be ruined.

    I'm fine with the show being off until the end of February. There's nothing I am really looking forward to seeing at this point.

    • Love 4
  10. 4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I honestly don't think we're meant to read anything into Meredith's mothering skills by the amount of time we see her with her kids. The show has always treated the kids like props. They just aren't interested in telling those stories. The kids are just a result of the adult relationships and an afterthought. 

    I don't expect to see large amounts of time with kids since the show mostly takes place at the hospital. It's not the length of the scenes, it's the content. For me anyway. Had she said she was going home instead of to the cabin is an example. Easy way to show her kids are important while requiring no scenes with the kids. There's been quite a few things like this over the years and it's cumulative in giving (again for me, I'm sure other people feel differently) me the impression that she is far from a warm mother.


    Yeah, they must have been there for hours and no one thought to take them to the daycare? And were they just sitting in their strollers all that time?

    The fact that the daycare is in the building makes it even worse. It's not like someone would have needed to pack them up and take them to a sitter,

    • Love 8
  11. I find the Minnesota storyline to be dull as all hell. Somehow they have managed to make Scott Speedman and Peter Gallagher boring. I'll add Kai to the list of boring. I do want Amelia/Link together but if they're going to test the waters with other relationships for them then don't use dull characters. 

    I really like Jo/Link as friends. I think the actors have great friend chemistry and I buy them as friends. I really hope we don't have Jo pining away now because Link had a crush on her a decade ago. I hope it's a fleeting moment then we move along. If the new resident is joining the cast perhaps he is a option for Jo if there's some chemistry. I already like him more than Glasses and Helm.

    For me, Meredith ambitions aren't the problem with her being a mother. It's that she rarely shows any warmth towards the kids and they are generally nothing more than a fleeting thought. She and Derek were both surgeons, he being a world renowned one at the time. Yet we saw quick scenes of Derek visiting Zola in daycare, having a tea party, etc. Probably 90% of any warm scenes with Meredith's kids since Derek died have been with Amelia, Link or Maggie - all busy surgeons with ambitions too. Even in the last episode Meredith couldn't make it home for the holiday (out of her control) & when the weather cleared and she could have gone home to see her kids she instead said she would go off to the cabin with Nick. She changing her plans to return home to see her kids, even if delayed for a day, went out the window for Nick & not her ambitions.

    I tried a couple of times today to get into the forums but they were down.

    • Love 12
  12. 9 hours ago, taanja said:

    Because she acts like she's a single woman with no family?  First thing she did after seeing her flight was delayed was to call Nick.  Not her kids who are waiting for her to come home for Thanksgiving, but Nick.  After Amelia and Linc raised her kids while she had COVID, first thing she did was to take a job that would take her away from her kids a good part of the time, leaving her kids to be raised by whoever might be around since she also hired Amelia to leave Seattle a good part of the time.  At this point, with Maggie away, and Mere and Amelia in Minnesota, I guess Linc is raising her kids.

    And to make it worse she said she would go to the cabin with Nick if the snow cleared the next day. Not home as planned after being away and missing Thanksgiving with the kids, trot off with Nick. You'd think almost dying from COVID would maybe have her making her kids a priority after they almost lost her but nope.


     I can't even blame Meredith! 

    I can. Meredith chose to adopt a child then have 2 more.

    • Love 9
  13. Re: Nick being real  -  I don't think promos are considered spoilers but just in case I'll just say go watch it.  Promo

    The episode was OK. I enjoyed Amelia & Linc together and Richard and Bailey working together. I'm glad Meredith's kids have their aunts. Meredith isn't even going to bother to come home when the snow clears after missing Thanksgiving with her kids. The kids can eat the turkey with Amelia & Linc as Meredith goes off to the cabin with Nick.

    I still don't care about Glasses or Meghan but I hope her son makes it.

    I hoping the second half of the season picks up and is better than the first half has been. 


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  14. 45 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

    Other couples certainly have had that much exposure in sexual situations in the past. At the moment there aren't very many other happy couples though. They should give Helm a hook up. I don't think we've seen her in any romance and I find her more tolerable than Glasses.

    Other couples also had 2 full characters. This one is bumbling Glasses and the guy he has sex with. As someone said it's the only time we see him. 

    I want less Glasses and Helm. It doesn't matter if the scenes are sex scenes, OR scenes, locker rooms scenes, training class scenes - they are just everywhere this season. Smaller doses of them may make them more tolerable. Right now it's some decent scene then there's Glasses bumbling through again to kill the momentum.

    • Love 7
  15. I loved having Addison back. She was the best part of these past 2 episodes, a reminder of the show when it was so good. In this episode the Amelia/Addison scenes were fantastic. After years of characters yelling "SISTERS" it was great to see two women being close without the point having to be pushed at all. I am glad they didn't destroy Addison's marriage in the process of bringing her back. I wish they could have a trial or something in Seattle that would let her pop in for an episode here and there. It doesn't need to be her spending X number of days in each city (too close to the Meredith storyline) but have her come in for a patient in the group here and there. For me it's going to feel like a letdown the next episode when she is gone.

    My strong dislike of Helm and Glasses continues. I am thankful Helm wasn't quoting Meredith during her surgery mess so I guess there is that. Nico exists to have someone for Glasses to push against the lockers and kiss every time he has a good doctor day.

    Owen and Winston feel like they were on another show. I like that Winston is handling medical storylines but he seems so disconnected to most of the cast. Meredith is his sister in law, Richard is his father in law - I wish he'd have some interaction with them to tie him into the family more while Maggie is away.


    • Love 9
  16. Quote

    Or at least mention Henry. Is she still married to Dr. Jake (Ben Bratt)? I need to know! And, please, Derek isn't worth getting that upset about. Rewatching Grey's, I can't stand him even more. I totally thought she was upset about Mark.

    She said her son was 8 so that was a bit of a Henry mention. I hope she's still married to Jake. Maybe she'll talk with Amelia more and we will find out next week. 

    We saw Addison react to Mark's death on Private Practice. Since Private Practice ended before Derek died we never saw her acknowledge it. I didn't mind her being upset here. They were married 11 years, he died suddenly and it's the first time she was back to somewhere she associates with him. UO: I wish she had the moment with Amelia instead of Meredith. Addison has a long history with Amelia and they have a close relationship. 

    • Love 4
  17. 33 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

    Is she staying for the whole season? I thought Kate Walsh was only back for a few episodes.

    I had read 2 episodes but I can't find the article now.

    ETA: Here's the article but take with a grain of salt. Not being confirmed anywhere else that I see. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/greys-anatomy-how-long-addison-montgomery-back-kate-walsh-episodes-fans-watch-season-18.html/


    That reminds me...I'm beyond done with Helm and her infatuation with Meredith. It's not cute or charming. In fact, after all this time I find it creepy. I'm ready for her to go.

    Agreed. She's practically a stalker. She's been on the show for years and her creepy attachment to Meredith is her only defining character trait. Time to move on.

    • Love 8
  18. 3 hours ago, Avabelle said:

    I haven’t watched yet but I didn’t think the move to streaming would have impacted the production of show? Bar giving them freedom for maybe some curse words I thought the show would have stayed the same more or less.

    The first 4 are on CBS so they are the same production as previous seasons. David did a lot of press yesterday (there's spoilers in his interviews for anyone interested).  He talked about the shift to Paramount+ in most of them.

  19. 13 hours ago, madmax said:

    If my first date with some guy was in the woods behind his house, I'd be saying bye-bye. 

    Guessing it was intended to remind us of Derek taking Meredith to his land. The "I'm not sleeping with you", date on the land, & likely more to come - they're trying to make him Derek-like.  If I was a MerDer fan that would aggravate me but I'm not so I don't care, just noticing it. 

    Maybe having the lab in Minnesota sets up an ending if they decide this season is it. Meredith leaves Seattle for the next chapter with Nick in a new city. If they decide to continue they can move the lab or end the study.

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