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Posts posted by Rhondinella

  1. I was under the impression that Grace was starting college this season.  Wasn't something said about that earlier in the season, in passing?  Or am I making that up?  So my assumption originally was she was working for her mom part time when not in class.  But there's been no evidence of her being in school at all--no mention of having to go to class, no evidence of her studying, etc.  So, I agree it's weird.  But then, it's Grace.  They've never really cared much about her backstory.

  2. From Tara's Particle:


    Wait, we're ending on a cliffhanger, and it's THAT? When Alicia almost opened up her mini taco box for Jason?



    Heh.  I'm totally seducing my husband tonight by offering him my mini taco box.


    I've never been a fan of JDM before--I think the ridicularity (what, it is too a word!) of his storyline on Grey's Anatomy soured me on him early on and it was hard to overcome.  But . . . . dear Lord that cocky grin turns me to butter every time!  And that's even WITHOUT the glasses.  Have mercy!

    • Love 3
  3. Since OMG A PLUS SIZE FW SHOW seems to be such a innovative, daring thing to do, I bet these models do mainly print work and so don't have the same experience in actually walking a runway show.


    Ok, excellent point.

    • Love 1
  4. The plus size models were horrible walkers. Yikes.



    Thank you!!  I just finished watching and came here specifically to comment on this (since everyone else has said everything there is to be said about Kelly being robbed and the season being fixed for Ashley).  What was up with those plus-size models?  Watching them walk made me wonder if they were actual professional models at all or just random women from off the streets who were the right size.  Some of them seemed like they'd never walked a runway in their lives.  I just kept thinking how Ms. J would have a field day imitating their pitiful walks.

    • Love 6
  5. I'm calling BS on Grace being able to verify with Stanford that the guy never attended there.  I'm faculty at a university and I assure you that you cannot just call a registrar's office and get that kind of information.  It's called the FERPA law (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act).  It's the educational equivalent of HIPAA for medical records.  Educational records, which include not only grades but things like when a student was enrolled at a school and what classes he/she took are all private information that cannot be released without his/her consent, even to a parent if they are 18 or over.  Even people who work at the university, either staff or faculty, don't have access to those records unless they have a direct need to have them to perform a specific duty in their job.  For example, as faculty I can't just look up the schedule or grades of any student on my campus, only ones I am advisor for.


    So, an outside stranger definitely cannot call up a school and ask them to verify the enrollment of a student without providing written evidence of the student's consent.  Schools are so terrified of being sued under this law (it happens) that employees are required to undergo yearly training on legal compliance.  Schools found to be out of compliance can lose federal funding, namely, student loans and grant funds.  So, yeah, it's a big deal.


    To conclude: the Kings clearly have not worked in higher ed in the last 20 years.


    1)  Would the FBI really be that stupid and just have a Google Image popup of an undercover agent?



    THANK YOU!!! That was my second WTF moment of the show after the above.


    No more slapstick crap please with the small Eli office.


    Ok, I admit I kinda enjoyed that.  Every time.  Hee!  It reminded me of the recurring gag with the pole in the middle of Pete's office on one of the seasons of Mad Men.


    The FBI agent and the opposing counsel were both great.



    I certainly enjoyed the FBI guy more here than I did on OITNB where he bugged the hell out of me.  But to be fair that was more the stupidity of the plot than the actor himself.


    I do not understand why Howard is suddenly the star of this show.



    I'm kinda getting a kick out of Howard all of a sudden being competent.  I mean, it's a nice change, and it shows you why it is that he managed to make partner in the first place.  He couldn't have been that idiotic for his whole career if he was able to get where he is, so it's kinda nice to see that he can still turn it on when sufficiently motivated.  That's actually the plot I'm probably enjoying most.

    • Love 4
  6. I am just so completely, totally and absolutely in lust with Nyle, I can't even. 

    The worst part is that I am old enough to be his mother.  *heavy sigh*



    Come sit over here by me on the Pervy Old Lady Couch, leighdear!  I've always found him attractive but didn't truly start lusting after him until that photo this week  . . . hot DAMN!!  I'd make it my screensaver if it wouldn't make my husband jealous.


    I laughed out loud watching the models try to pretend to be excited about going to Las Vegas.  Or, rather, to hide their disappointment that they weren't going to an exotic foreign destination.  Always in the past they have jumped up and down and screamed like idiots, egged on by the producers, I'm sure.  Interesting that the producers didn't even try to make them fake it this time, it seems.

    • Love 2
  7. Why does Merri need an office?



    Because she has 14 rooms, or whatever, to fill and no one else living with her, I guess?


    I am surprised they got this season and I am thinking that it's because the Duggers were cancelled and TLC needed to fill in a time slot.




    Except this season was fully filmed before the Duggar scandal and subsequent cancellation.  But I agree that Duggar-gate could well buy them a season 7.  Lord help us all.


    the inbred Habsburg jaw



    islandgal140--will you marry me?

    • Love 6
  8. 31 pages of the application & info.




    Wow.  There's an entire master's thesis, at least, just BEGGING to be written in analyzing the differences between the rules for men and women in that list.  SO MANY QUESTIONS.  But the one that puzzles me the most is why the women are allowed to sleep in 30 minutes longer than the men?  Things are adjusted so eventually their schedules dovetail back together, so I don't understand the point?  Probably someone read an article somewhere back by "science" that said women need more sleep than men or something. *eyeroll*


    If the stripper had the baby, JB and Michelle could just adopt it. Boom! 20 kids!



    And their way back to TV!!  Even TLC couldn't resist bringing them back to air THAT!!

    • Love 5
  9. Oh, God. This is going to be another Gretchen season, isn't it?  I  . . . I literally understand nothing that happened on the judging runway except for the win for Ashley. When even the other contestants thought the guy who went home was going to be the winner you know there's a problem.

    • Love 8
  10. I loved the opening intro so much I immediately rewatched it. Perfect cheesiness & poking fun at the whole thing.



    The BiP iteration of the franchise is the greatest yet because it's the first to show that the producers are finally beginning to turn into the skid and unapologetically own what it is that really makes them popular with a lot of people--the cheesiness.

    • Love 6
  11. I couldn't QUITE tell if Josh Molina was seriously a fan who was snarking on the show lovingly or if he was forced to be there by ABC and was just upright snarking on it.  Anyone else get the latter vibe at times?

    • Love 2
  12. So, the hubs, who doesn't watch any TV and has a particular disgust for anything reality TV related, wandered in while I was watching and stared at the screen for a bit while the rose ceremony was going on:

    Hubs: So, what's the prize on this thing anyway?

    Me: Why, sweetie, the prize is getting to stay on TV for another week, obviously.

    Hubs: No, I know, but I mean what is the STATED prize on this thing?

    Me: Well, the chance to explore the possibility of maybe continuing a relationship with a person you meet in paradise outside of paradise.

    Hubs: No, really, I mean, what's the actual prize, do they win money or a trip or something?

    Me: Nope.

    Hubs: Seriously? You're not foolin' me?  They do this for no reason other than the chance to be humiliated on national TV?

    Me: Pretty much.

    Hubs: [slinks quietly back into the bubble of peaceful retreat from popular culture from which he wishes he had never emerged]


    [Yes, this conversation actually took place, almost verbatim].

    • Love 21
  13. Tanner continues to amuse me - "Hi, I'm Tanner.  You'll likely remember me from Kaitlyn's season.  But she might not."  lol



    I missed that, but I loved the, "It only took me 7 freakin' weeks on this show to get a one on one."  Heh. Nice.

    • Love 3
  14. Storm coverage made me miss the end. What happened after the ambulance?



    We never saw what happened with Ashley after Dan (?) jumped into the ambulance to accompany her to the hospital.  I assume we'll see more tomorrow.  The only other thing that happened was the return of . . . . dun dun dun .. . Clare to paradise, come to steal everyone's man, essentially.  She specifically name-checked Tanner and Jared, of course, as of her specific prey.  After Clare has a brief interview with Chris Harrison where she explains her reason for braving another season in paradise (she always wants to give love a chance *gag*), Chris gave her a date card, metaphorically slapped her on the rump, and sent her into the the ring. I'm surprised the editors refrained from putting in the sound of a round bell clanging. That's where it ended.


    The tag was a bunch of clips of people dealing with the crab infestation (no, not THAT kind!) at the resort they were staying at.  A lot of girls jumping, screeching, running away, and people pointing and saying, "oh, look, there's one over there!" and so on and so forth and what have you /SueHeck.

    • Love 5
  15. Weren't they kind of abrupt with the bird girl going to the hospital...? She went off in the ambulance, it went to commercial, and then she was forgotten about...



    I assume (hope?) they'll pick up that storyline tomorrow night.  I'm guessing this is their plan, starting storylines Sunday that they don't pay off until Monday. I can't imagine she'd be gone so soon unless she was deathly ill, which she didn't appear to be.  They wouldn't want to waste the crazy.  And even if she were seriously ill and off the show, you know they'd wring much more drama out of it than that.


    the bird girl



    Heh.  I like it as a new nickname.  She is kinda bird-like, so it fits.  And, yeah, there's a bird brain joke in there somewhere but it's too easy so I'm just going to move along now.

  16. As far as which contestant not listed on  the show I hope eventually shows up:  I choose other--I hope it's Brooks from Desiree's season!  I think he is so handsome.



    Potential speculative spoiler based on non-speculative information:


    I'm pretty sure he's not going to be on.  He's been one of the hosts of the Afterbuzz TV Bachelorette Podcast this season and has been talking about the promos for Bachelor in Paradise.  Not sure if he's hosting the Afterbuzz podcast for that show too, but just didn't seem like he was a part of it from the way he was talking about the promos.  But I could be wrong.

  17. If RS is to be believed, the people who end up on this show are generally just . . . whoever agrees to appear.  They start with the higher profile people and work their way down.  So when they're getting people who were on for two episode who you couldn't pick out of a lineup (*cough*Dan*cough*) that's a sign they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for contestants.


    Also, who knew Tanner would be so popular?  Someone will have to enlighten me.

  18. Vote for your favorite.  No specific criteria.  It could be someone you just liked, someone you think is pretty to look at, or someone you totally expect to go bat-shit crazy and make the whole season. Your choice.


    For the first two questions I've used the list of contestants officially released by ABC.  If the pattern from last year holds, there may also be other contestants joining as the season goes along, so question 3 is about who you'd like to see if that happens.

  19. That was a quick announcement. I wonder if they are trying to keep people from jumping ship on the whole franchise after this season. Don't they usually wait to announce this?


    It's not the official announcement by ABC.  EOnline got wind and decided to announce it as a "scoop."

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