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  1. Didn't see this mentioned but Ryan and Noelle were on Raid The Cage a couple weeks ago: https://parade.com/tv/cbs-raid-the-cage-amazing-race-scott-lori-thompson-survivor-noelle-lambert-ryan-medrano I did not know Ryan was a paralympian and honestly, don't even remember him on the show. I won't spoil it for anyone who wants to watch but Noelle probably yelled "Let's go!" about a thousand times during the one hour show. I hate that phrase.
  2. What exactly is a “fitness break?” Instead of a lunch break you go and work out / exercise? I would think lifeguards would want to save their energy when they are in the clock.
  3. Just watched the Amazing Race vs Survivor episode. I don’t think Noelle yelled “let’s go!” enough. I absolutely hate that phrase. I don’t like rooting against people but was a little happy they didn’t beat the cage.
  4. I honestly didn't think she was bad at all. The one that really annoyed me last night was Iman.
  5. I don't think they were a million in debt yet. Gordon said that if they continued on the course they were on, they would be a million in debt in six months (or something like that).
  6. Wow. Pretty sure that was an illegal search by Nolan. We think this girl is being trafficked and we have exigent circumstances? No you didn’t. I’m not sure confiscating the guns in the elevator was legal either.
  7. Here are a couple videos for you. Not everyone with Autism is "Rain Man":
  8. I wish one of the questions would be "Should there be hidden immunity idols?" I'd really like to see the results of that question (I would vote no). There should then be a followup question "If no wins, should the contestants be told there are no hidden immunity idols?"
  9. I agree. I actually liked the head chef. He wasn't full of himself and seemed to really want to learn and get better compared to some of the other chefs we have seen.
  10. I’ll just say it, I already can’t stand Sai. Her facial expressions and body language really bother me.
  11. Here is real video of the aftermath of a car hitting a hydrant in Chicago: Unless the show is trying to say that the operating stem broke and the main valve remained closed (which I doubt).
  12. I don't understand how the thieves were stealing fire hydrants with absolutely zero water escaping. Look at all the videos of cars hitting hydrants and you see huge fountains of water. The guys we saw on the show just tied a rope to the hydrant and pulled it off.
  13. I saw this today and was pleasantly surprised. I don’t really like Captain America basically turning into Iron Man (getting all his power from his suit and gadgets) but whatever. One question though is Bucky. He’s running for Congress but ends up being one of the Thunderbolts in a couple months (I know it’s probably not a couple months in MCU time). I really hope they explain that somehow.
  14. Unless I'm remembering wrong, that hardly looks like her. Maybe it's the lighting and /or the tan. Her face doesn't really look the same though.
  15. This place looks more like a wannabe nightclub than a restaurant as seen by the photos on their website and this: Looking at their photos though, I guess only wearing a bra is acceptable attire?
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