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Posts posted by iMonrey

  1. I never fail to have a WTF moment when the side effects for anti-depressants include "suicidal thoughts". Really? Isn't that akin to a cancer drug having the side effect of causing tumors?


    Apparently every prescription drug known to man can cause suicidal thoughts because that disclaimer is present in every ad I've ever seen. Especially for anti-smoking pills, which is just as ironic as the anti-depressants because, great! I won't smoke anymore, but then, I'll kill myself. That's . . . not a fair trade-off. Also, the disclaimers always say "If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, call your doctor." First of all, how many people can get their doctor on the phone with one phone call? Second, how's that conversation go? "Hello, doctor? I want to kill myself." "Well, stop taking those pills that give you suicidal thoughts." "K thx bye."


    Has anyone seen the Hardees (I think) commericial, with the woman on the airplane asking the men beside her if they want to join the mile high club? The first one says no thanks, the second one says sure! And then she pulls out two ginormous burgers for them to chow down on. Like that's really what he had in mind, and like you could just get on a plane with two ginormous burgers in your purse that still looks edible when you pull them out again.


    Jennifer Aniston maintains her youthful appearance thanks to Aveeno, y'all. No cosmetic surgery involved whatsoever, no siree.

    • Love 2
  2. This is the first time I can ever remember Phil actually being present in the race - when he was standing next to the clue box ready to explain to the camera the impending challenge, and as Tim and Te Jay ran by (one of them hilariously calling out "Hi Mr. Phil!") - I think that must have been staged. Historically the racers do not see Phil until they reach the pit stop. If I was running towards a clue box and saw Phil standing there, I'd be like "Wait, did I accidentally go to the pit stop?" How do you just race past Phil and keep going as if it's no big deal he's standing there?

  3. I think the reason this one didn't really work for me was that Laura was investigating a crime against someone she knew and cared about, which added more pathos than a case where she's indifferent. Not as funny. Also, it's sort of trope to have her and her husband looking back at some elderly sage from their idealistic, post-college days. 


    Yeah...I mean, I've heard of "keeping it in the family," but prostitution as family business? What kind of mother encourages her two daughters to follow suit? They made a clear point of establishing that Freya was not merely a bar wench but an "entertainer" as well. Gross.


    I'm not sure they meant to imply that Ingrid and Freya were prostitutes. They identified the establishment as an opium den, not a brothel. Maybe that's splitting hairs, but "entertainer" doesn't necessarily translate into "hooker," or else I would have expected a much stronger reaction from present day Freya upon learning this little tidbit. We saw her telling fortunes and tending bar, that may have been the extent of her entertaining. And despite the era I have a hard time believing Joanna and Wendy would willingly put Freya and Ingrid into that position given where they came from and their "royal" status.

    • Love 2
  5. I thought it was pretty good, but I have never seen Broadchurch so I have no preconceived opinions about it. 


    As for why they would re-make a British show - not everyone gets BBC America. (I do, but that's beside the point). I think it's naive to think that these days anyone can watch anything they want. Not everyone has a cable package that includes BBC America, or a satellite dish, and hell even if they can watch it online somewhere how would they know about it? We're not quite a global TV community, just yet. We're getting there but we've not yet reached the point where foreign TV shows are universally accessible.


    My main concern is that, despite the promise of making this a 10-and-done miniseries, the Fox network will try to keep it going if it does well enough. See: Under the Dome. That's sort of the nature of broadcast networks, they don't really do limited-run series anymore, it's not profitable. If they can find a reason to keep this thing going as long as possible, they will.

    • Love 6
  6. Well I thought it was awful, just as awful as when they introduced all those new interns and then made the show All. About. Them. They're doing it again with Maggie - introducing a new character and making the show all about her. When has that ever worked, in the history of television? People don't watch this show because they want to watch episodes with new characters they've never seen before. They watch because of the characters they've been watching for years. The whole thing seems counter-intuitive to me. And idiotic. 


    And no, I don't buy Maggie as some brilliant cardiologist capable of running an entire department either. She seems far too young - I know this is a fantasy, but if someone that age is that much of a prodigy they wouldn't be running a cardiology department at a hospital. They'd be too busy doing research with all their grants and stuff. 


    Terrible episode. Really awful.

    • Love 9

    I'd like to know exactly what John said in response to Jeff asking if his nose was ok.  We figured it was "Fine" but it got bleeped.  Fuck?  Fuck you?  Fuck off?  I guess if it was one of those two latter we would've seen Jeff's surprised face.


    I think he said "Fuck it" like it was no big deal.

  8. This type of immunity challenge is exactly why I quit watching this show for several years. It's unnecessarily aggressive and potentially violent. I know there are lots of people who enjoy this hand-to-hand combat type of thing but I am not one of them. I know this isn't Big Brother, but it's not American Gladiators either. It's just a medical emergency waiting to happen, and the second Baylor started bawling about her lip they should have pulled her out of the challenge. There was no way her mother was going to come after her after that. Challenges that end with contestants bleeding should be retired from this show.


    Back to Jeff - after the tougher match up then, Nathalie/Val, he has the gall to say that the John match up is the biggest battle that far? Don't remember his exact word but "another big battle coming" would have been more appropriate wording (unless of course broadcasting didn't show the actual sequence, in which case I eat my words and apologize for thinking the worst of Jeff).


    Oh by all means, feel free to think the worst of Jeff. He had a visible hard-on for the John vs. Jon match-up and drove home afterward how great Jon must have felt, for beating someone as big and strong as Rocker. He also goaded Rocker into that "I got beat by a girl" bullcrap. Jeff is the other reason I quit watching this show for a long time.


    But the conversation where he said that he thought she might be open to physical compliments because of the way she was presenting herself wasn't, well, completely wrong.


    This may be off topic but I tend to think women dress for other women rather than for men. But I don't disagree with your point.


    I thought the show was OK but nothing special. The reviews were all over the place - some said it was awful and others said it was the scariest thing they'd ever seen on network TV (in a complimentary way, I mean), so I was certainly curious to see it. But it ended up feeling like any other crime procedural IMO. 


    I do think that Jack was overly aggressive trying to get Beth to like him - or at least the way he kept hounding her about why she didn't like him. That should have raised all kinds of red flags.

    • Love 1
  10. From what I could gather, when you're building a new high rise you have to get permission from surrounding buildings if you're going to block their view; either that, or you have to get them to sign something that says they won't build a higher building and block your view. Something like that.



    The show's ratings aren't bad, but they're not high enough with that magic 18-49 demographic. So we'll see.


    What really kills me is that it's the second most watched program at 8 pm ET after Survivor in total household numbers (8.89 million viewers, vs. 9.47 million for Survivor) but it ranks third (tied with Hell's Kitchen) in the coveted 18-49 demographic. I'll just never understand the logic behind placing so much emphasis on the demographic over total viewers.


    I did kind of feel like this was the weakest of the three episodes so far. Seemed to lack some of the humor from the previous two, with the exception of the office assistant trying to check up on the babysitter.


    I know that women dying in childbirth and high infant mortality figures into the stats, but at the start of the twentieth century, wasn't the average lifespan around forty?


    As you said, a high infant mortality rate is what skews the numbers. It's not that most people only lived to be around 40, it's that because so many died in childhood or in childbirth the average number goes down. People who lived past thirty had almost as good a chance to live into old age as they do now.



    I do wonder if Abe has his own family?


    If you mean his biological family I'm assuming they were all killed in the Holocaust, which is how he came to be adopted by Henry. I'm still not clear on what kind of relationship Henry had with the nurse (?) who handed the baby over to him in the pilot episode - it seemed like they were involved, he tried to break it off with her at one point but she refused to let him go, and they haven't explored it beyond that point unless I missed something.


    The best thing about this show is the relationship between Abe and Henry IMO. It's really quite poignant for such a fantasy-based type of show. I liked that Abe had more to do this episode than sit around in the antique shop or pick Henry up and bring him clothes. He was trying to help out with the case and got caught up in the excitement, and Henry's reaction to finding him with the police officer and ordering the officer to keep him where he was was very much a paternal thing to do. "Keep my kid out of the way! This is dangerous!" 

    • Love 2

    Was that Hannah Simone dressed like a child in the flashback scene because if not, that child actor is a spot on duplicate.


    Yes, it seemed to be Simone as child CeCe but some kid playing child Jess. Don't know why, maybe it was supposed to be a joke about how CeCe has always looked the same or matured faster than Jess, but they've had a kid playing child CeCe in previous flashbacks.


    I've been enjoying this season quite a bit so far, somehow it's already a vast improvement over last season now that they've discarded the whole Nick and Jess thing. On the one hand, Nick seems to have devolved back into a 2-dimensional cartoon, but you know what? He's way funnier that way. The whole B plot with the sponge was hysterical. The commercial tag was great. 

    • Love 1
  13. I thought it kind of sucked, but then again I didn't like the pilot for Suburgatory either, so maybe this one will grow on me. I do like John Cho but I don't think I laughed once the whole time I watched this. It's going to be a real problem stretching the premise for more than one season. Heck even over the course of ONE season is going to be a stretch.


    I wonder if the ratings will come down much today...


    They did a little, but not seriously. Ratings are weird anyway, almost every show on Tuesday night was down last night. 


    I thought this was a pretty weak episode anyway and I don't want to watch Severide spiraling out of control the way Shay did last season after that diabetic guy shot himself. We've already been down that road. 


    I'm so bored with Gabby and her out of the blue need to become a fire fighter. That just came out of nowhere and I was hoping they would have dropped it by now.


    Next week looks like it could be pretty awesome though.

    • Love 1
  15. I had no idea Jack Kingston lost his primary, and I must say, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. He's been on Bill Maher's panel several times, and he's one of those really annoying, disingenuous types who smiles a lot during his bullshit. 


    Hadi al Bahra looked like he was on the verge of tears at times. Anyone watch the extended interview?

    • Love 1
  16. This is the point in the season where I start getting the impression that the judges are deliberately propping the weaker dancers that are running away with the votes in order to justify their sticking around so long, while nitpicking at the better dancers to justify their eventual eliminations.


    Michael was just as bad as ever, IMO, clomping around like a buffalo. Granted, since he was in hold most of the time his partner was better able to steer him but his actual technique was no better than ever. Yet the judges just gushed over him like he'd improved by leaps and bounds. He must be getting the Bill Engval votes. Meanwhile Lea did a wonderful job and the judges wanted to pick apart her performance and call out some mistake I couldn't identify even after watching it twice. What BS is that? You don't gush all over Michael for clomp, clomp, clomping around and then nit-pick, pick, pick at Lea for such a wonderfully upbeat and lively dance.


    Kevin Hart wasn't as bad as I had feared, although I'm still at a loss to explain what the hell he was doing there. If they're just going to pull random comics in to guest judge let's get Adam Corolla or someone else who's actually been on the show and has some kind of insight into what they're doing.


    I adored Mark and Sadie's dance but Up just makes me sad. She dies, people!


    Bethany deservesd high scores just for the umbrella work, but that dance was seriously lacking in actual dance content when you break it down. I'm really tired of Derek getting 10s for sitting around and moving his feet.

    • Love 2

    Lady Stark has returned from the dead


    On the wrong show, unfortunately.


    I thought they hit a total Reset button for this season. It seemed like the writers sat down and went "OK, the thing we were planning at the end of the first season isn't going to work for a full 22 episodes, let's backtrack a bit." Army, gone. Jacob, home. Town, back to normal. Wow. That's a lot of reset.

    • Love 1
  18. So is the show going to be on Sunday nights from now on? That's probably a much better timeslot for it. Huge ratings bump over the first season finale.


    Favorite part was Terry complaining no seven-year old would talk the way Holt had scripted it, with Holt replying the lines were taken verbatim from his diary at that age. 

    • Love 1
  19. Belle spent 28 years locked up in the hospital dungeon, you'd think by now someone would have checked to see who else Regina had locked up down there, especially Rumpel.


    I was so excited to see Michael Socha's name in the opening credits and he wasn't even in this episode.

    • Love 3
  20. Why on earth is Dash sleeping in the attic?!? Surely he has a room somewhere in that huge mansion, that he has all to himself. He wasn't sleeping up in the attic back when Penelope was still alive was he? I mean, when he brings these women home what do they think when he takes them up to the attic to have sex with them? He's already got the dead-eyed look of a serial killer as it is, the attic thing would just be the clincher.


    The only thing I can think of is that they created this huge attic set for Dash to find the family grimoire and they didn't want it to go to waste.


    The whole Edgar Allen Poe thing was stupid, I'll admit. And whose spirit was Freya supposed to be possessed by? They referenced him by name several times as though we were supposed to know who it was. 


    I did kind of like the idea that Joanna always knew someday she'd travel back into the past to retrieve the Magic Box, because in 1848 her future self appeared to her and took it.

    • Love 2
  21. I loved the bit about Ayn Rand. It always amazes me when Republicans hold her up as some icon of capitalism and the free market. A modicum of research reveals that Ayn Rand's heroes were gangsters and swindlers. She advocated for being a selfish asshole. Granted, many Republicans privately advocate for being a selfish asshole, but fewer are brazen enough to do so publicly and proudly. I just don't think they really get where Rand is coming from. And no, she would not be lionized in today's Republican party. She was an avowed atheist, and the type of Republican she would campaign for would be the worst of the worst.

  22. I don't have anything against Katherine McPhee, and I could even get past the implausibility of the whole airplane thing. But what really annoyed me was the character of the waitress, and her Rain Man son. So trite, and an obvious built-in love interest for Walter. If they had dropped those two characters, I might have found the show more interesting.

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