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Posts posted by iMonrey

  1. I don't recall any mention of social services. All I remember was Brett whining that the mother was more concerned about the hospital bill than her daughter being alive, which implied she's a lousy mother, somehow.



    So is Boden being written out (taking care of his Dad's business) like Neuhouse (where is he?)


    I doubt they're writing him off, I think his absence is just an excuse to bring in this new villain, and they got him out of the fire station in a very contrived way. Luckily, with the way this show zips through storylines at lightning speed, Boden will probably be back by the end of the next episode.

  2. The show went into the toilet the minute Jess and Nick became an official couple, and improved 100% as soon as they broke up, so I hope to heck they're not going down that road again. But I didn't take Jess's breakup from Ryan as any kind of omen they're getting back together again.


    Again in this country it makes sense with what 90% of the population owning a television and seeing those creepy smoking PSAs....but what about the poor countries that can hardly afford to feed their children?


    Then make the product illegal, period. And buy food instead of cigarettes.

    • Love 1
  4. It also seemed kind of ridiculous that Boden has to take an extended leave of absence to tidy up his father's affairs when, apparently, his wife is doing all the work. She's the one who came in at the end and said she had to tell him about his father's papers and he just ignored her. Why does he even need to be home? To watch the baby while she does all the book keeping? It would have made more sense if Boden had been injured or something that would have really prevented him from going to work for awhile.

    • Love 1

    RE governments altering packaging, I think it's analogous to saying: "We won't outright ban it, but you can't advertize it, either." It may be a strategic choice to say they don't want an underground illegal trade in cigarettes, but they don't want to make it easy, either. It's regulation. They can say you can't sell to children, you can't sell at schools, you can't have fancy packaging, we will tax it, you need to label ingredients... whatever terms they want. We have similar rules about various products in the USA.


    But I see a distinction between running PSAs about the dangers of smoking and forcing that product to use off-putting packaging. There's also a hypocrisy in singling out cigarettes as opposed to alcohol or fattening foods. Imagine putting labels on liquor bottles and beer cans with big photos of diseased livers on them, or people puking their guts out. Or making McDonalds put a big poster of an overweight, pimply kid on their sign. It's a slippery slope. Either make the product illegal or don't. 

    • Love 1

    I am ready for just one episode where no disaster happens and we get to observe a day in the life of our firefighters.


    I want the opposite. Just rescue scenes, no soap opera. The former is what they do best, the latter they're horrible at.


    I agree with miracole about Brett and the the guitar. The teen was running around smoking pot laced with PCP and lost her guitar. She doesn't get a new free one just because she almost got herself killed. She's lucky she's not in jail. I haven't seen any evidence the mother is abusive or on drugs. She's got a problem teen and it's none of Brett's business.


    I did like that this episode featured more of the supporting cast more instead of just focusing on Casey and Dawson but the new chief is too cartoonish and over the top in his villainy. Buying Otis a bowling shirt with "Gutterball" on it? Really? Who walks into a station to fill in for another chief and starts acting like an asshole to everyone on Day 1? 


    And, oh yeah, Dawson, you don't get to be upset because Casey is seeing someone else, you're the one who moved out and ended it. So shut it.

    • Love 2
  7. I got several good chuckles out of this one, although to be honest most of them escape me at the moment. I guess that doesn't speak well to the impact it made on me but I was entertained anyway. One part I remember laughing at is at the pizza parlor where Jess was telling everyone they made some kid eat the grease-soaked napkin and then admitted she was the kid.

  8. He didn't sign the house over to Alan, but he did put his name on the deed. Which means if he didn't specifically will it to someone and died, Alan would get the house.



    I don't want to stick up for Alan, but if Walden is a billionaire, and Alan has enabled him to get a son, I think he could have just given him, say, $10 million as a divorce present.


    I agree. I don't remember if there was any kind of pre-nup (was there?) because California is a community property state, but even if there was, usually in a pre-nup you do get something in the event of a divorce. Alan did marry him just so he could get a kid, so I think Alan deserves something out of it. Maybe not $10 million but he could easily afford to buy him a nice condo somewhere.


    How is it possible the writers and producers haven't realized St. Gabby is killing this show? There were so many good options for last night's episode, it could have been good. But nope, we got Gabby hour yet again and it was just eye-rollingly bad and cliche.


    Exactly. This was a really good opportunity to do something different with the cold weather snap - all kinds of possibilities for dangerous rescues, someone falling through the ice, the fire hoses freezing up, what have you. Nope. Instead, someone leaves a baby at the fire house. Uh really? That could happen any time of the year. Why set up a weather event and then not do anything relevant with it? God, this show and its wasted opportunities!

    • Love 1
  10. Technically, the illegitimate daughter of a King would not be a princess. Just thought I'd point that out.



    The very last scene actually put it over the top for me. Too saccharine and bugged me. Maybe it was also because we've seen no indication that Henry is Jewish, only that Abe is?


    Henry wouldn't need to be Jewish or even have any Jewish ancestors to be related to Abe. The connection is evidently quite distant, starting with an uncle of Henry's and an out of wedlock child. Who knows how far down the tree from that child Abe can directly trace his ancestry to. I don't think he's meant to be a direct descendant of Henry's uncle. 


    However, I agree with your larger point, it's unnecessary and too much of a stretch.

  11. I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say Phillip Morris has a legitimate gripe with countries that want to change their very branding with hideous and off-putting pictures. Look, we all know smoking is bad for you, but so is alcohol and so are sugary and salty snacks. We don't put disgusting, off-putting pictures on any of those products, and if we did I suspect those companies would sue as well. 


    It's perfectly within the right of a government to ban a certain product altogether, or to run PSAs against its use, but so long as that product is legal I don't know what right the government has to change its packaging. It's either a legal product or it's not, period.


    I also thought "why is SI Swimsuit edition still a thing" was one of the weaker "why is this a thing" reports. Yes you can get all the free porn you want online but SI isn't porn. Plus those models are probably so airbrushed it's practically fantasy. Different animal than porn, altogether. 

    • Love 1

    I was really willing Matt to just kick his ungrateful asshole dad out on the street. That guy deserves no support, as far as I can tell.


    I agree. What cinched it was Matt's story about how his father just took off and disappeared (to Korea) when he was 14, so clearly this isn't even someone Matt owes for being there when he was a kid. And maybe it was the drugs talking, but the elder LeBlanc spent the episode worrying Matt would sell his condo because he knows Matt's in dire financial straights. Why would he then turn around and expect Matt to buy him an expensive car?


    I felt for Bev being ignored while Carol spent all of their quality time talking on her phone to Helen during their power walk.


    This felt sort of a like a bottle episode, more or less.

    • Love 2

    as for Chuckie, I have no idea why he wouldn't be going to school other then negligence.


    Do we know for sure Chuckie isn't going to school? Debbie said high school started a day earlier, which would explain why Carl and Chuckie weren't going that day. Sammi did ask Carl to steal school supplies (I think) for Chuckie.


    I honestly could not stand the scene where the baby was screaming non-stop while Ian was trying to change him on the hood of the car. Another minute of that and I would have had to turn it off. If there's one think I can't abide it's a screaming baby.


    Otherwise, solid episode. The Ian and Mickey storyline was stellar, but it's so damn frustrating watching Fiona blow it with Gus, already.

  14. I guess Juliette's sudden fighting prowess/control of her powers didn't really bother me because for one thing, her powers are obviously tied to her emotions, and nothing's going to get her more riled up than Adalind at this point. For another thing, she had home court advantage. Like the shot where Adalind is thrown into the kitchen and the cabinet above her opens up and empties its contents all over her head. Juliette knows that house like the back of her hand, Adalind doesn't. I don't think it was a matter of Juliette being more powerful than Adalind, but rather that Adalind was a bit out of her element, not to mention being taken completely by surprise. All Adalind could do was react. If she'd been prepared for Juliette and was expecting this the outcome probably would have been different.


    What bothered me is NBC has shown promos of this big fight all week long and I spent 55 minutes watching the clock waiting for it. By the time it was at the 8:55 mark I couldn't believe they still hadn't gotten to it yet. In the big picture the flaming arson guy was pointless.

    • Love 2
  15. Everything up until the last five minutes was a complete waste of time. And that's unfortunately, because the MotW storyline would have been an excellent one back in Season 1 when it was just a MotW show.  But now they've got way too many balls in the air and the stuff that's really important is all sitting on the sidelines while the episodes play out like mostly filler with a teaspoon full of story arc here and there.


    What they really, really need to do is spend the next few episodes without a generic crime of the week and focus on Nick trying to fix Juliette, Sean figuring out his agent is double crossing him, and getting rid of Viktor and Adalind once and for all.

    • Love 4

    Also did the show forget that Riley use to beat up Ben when they were younger? She's an athlete.


    The joke isn't that she was an "athlete," but rather that she was fat. They even did a flashback where they were teens working in an ice cream parlor and she had a fat suit on.

  17. I don't see Martin Short as political. Some of the names being mentioned - Chris Rock in particular - are far too polarizing. I don't think they're going to risk seriously re-branding this show. I could see Jason Jones and Sam Bee as co-anchors but I doubt CC is overly enthused by the idea. John Oliver is the only one I would really look forward to, anyone else is a crap shoot. I think Lewis Black would be good, but he's not the genial "every man" like Stewart this show needs, and CC probably wants someone younger anyway. Chris Hardwick might be palatable, I just don't know if he's up to the task.


    - Hmm, Renard seems to have gotten over his mysterious stigmata pretty quickly. The last episode ended with that in such a climactic way and then it isn't even mentioned this week?


    Hey, I totally forgot about that! Apparently the writers did too.



    Realistically, yes, Juliette should have a pet.


    Why, because she's a vet? Not all vets have pets of their own. In fact it's the opposite of what you'd think. They spend all day taking care of sick animals or putting them down and it's all very emotionally draining. A lot of them tend not to have pets of their own for that very reason.


    I think they did address the Grimm blood thing when Henrietta basically said there's no undoing it.


    That doesn't address the issue to my satisfaction. For all we know, Henrietta doesn't know that Grimm blood will take a Hexenbiest's powers away. And we have no idea if Juliette knows exactly how Nick disempowered Adalind in the first place. This is all very annoying because it's sort of playing out like soap opera 101 - lack of communication is at the root of the whole problem.


    I admit it was cool as hell to see Juliette go all bad-ass on the Mantacore, but this whole storyline is just another in the myriad offshoots of this show. There are way too many little sub-plots going on and dangling all over the place.


    And if Wu hadn't found out about the whole Grimm world a week ago, he would have certainly had it spelled out for him this week when he looked at that guy's iPad and saw a big old picture of Nick with the word "Grimm" underneath it.

    • Love 2
  20. I thought it was funny it turned out that Nick and Hank were only kidding about going on Monroe and Rosalee's honeymoon, because they were so deadpan I honestly wasn't sure.



    The Royals will once again be the focale point of the show and will suck all the momentum and life out of the show.


    It doesn't have to, though - that's what's so frustrating. If we knew what the hell was going on with that storyline it wouldn't be so intrusive and annoying. We know Viktor and Adalind are on their way to Portland, because they're trying to find the baby, because . . . why? This baby is so important because . . . why? It has Royal blood, and it's part Hexenbiest, which is important because . . . why? The Royals are important because . . . why?


    I can't figure out if we don't know what's going on because the writers think they're keeping us in suspense or if it's because they're making this shit up as they go along and even they don't have any real idea where it's going. More and more I suspect it's the latter.

    • Love 4
  21. See? Nick did give Wu permission to use the trailer whenever he needed to. I liked the flashback to the Season 1 episode when Wu ate the cookie and then the carpet. Finally, now he knows. Loved seeing Rebecca Wisocky too. She's really making the rounds lately, she was a guest on Once Upon a Time this season too. She's one of those actresses who always manages to grab your attention.


    I've been watching some of the Season 1 reruns on TNT and it strikes me how much better the show used to be, although having Nick, Hank and now Wu all "in the know" didn't bother me as much as I expected. What's clear is the show never had any real idea where they were going with Renard and that's become more painfully obvious with the passing of each season.

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