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Posts posted by kissedbyarose

  1. Emily does know she can have her own babies right? This storyline is just ridiculous and offensive and Emily asking Alison to have it was easily one of the lowest things this show has ever done...and that's saying a lot.

    How many more episodes until we're all done with this?

    • Love 10
  2. I know Valentina totally shit the bed this week but I can't watch Alexis and Nina anymore. For that reason alone, I totally disagree with this elimination. But then, I shouldn't be surprised because I feel like every season there's at least one elimination that makes me consider heaving my drink at the tv and quitting this show.

    (BTW, Hi everyone! Long time lurker here, first time poster.)

    • Love 16
  3. 42 minutes ago, paulvdb said:

    No, I think it was just supposed to remind us how useful she can be when Ezra is not around. She would probably be the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates by now if she had never met Ezra.

    So what you're saying is she's definitely AD because she could've contributed great things to the tech world but instead built the most elaborate, magical, indestructible game ever while chasing Sydney with tech gear like Inspector Gadget?

    Then I agree with you :)

    The only thing surprising about this show is just how bad it can get... just when you think these writers can't get any worse, Caleb uses "spicy tuna roll" to refer his girlfriend's privates... because when you think vagina, you think fish! 

    • Love 3
  4. Welcome back, bitches!

    I'm only here to see how this will end. We should have a pool! Winner gets: a copy of Ezra and Aria's "book", Spencer's wine collection, Hanna's rack of haute couture and Emily's coaching uniform!

    This episode was pretty bad but I expected nothing less. (more?)

    That board game is ridiculous and it has magic powers apparently.

    • Love 4
  5. I started watching this when it first aired, stopped during whichever season Dylan was messing around with that "drug lord" boss woman then binged the entire thing before season five aired because I heard it was veering into Psycho territory. 

    This is easily the best decision I made in 2017. This show is amazing. The reveal that the good doctor was missing got me and I'm as cynical, as wary and as observant as most of you here. (Heh, isn't that why we are all on this site?)

    Amazing. I forgive you show for that terrible awful plot line that made me quit you. But I'm back and we can both pretend those two things never happened.

    PS. Don't die, Dylan! You grew on me!

    • Love 10
  6. This might come out a little disjointed but:

    Perhaps Jack seems perfect because he's (over)compensating from when he was an alcoholic/had a drinking problem?

    *goes back to lurking*

    • Love 4
  7. As a Giants fan, it's against everything I believe in to watch Dallas succeed so thank you Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers!

    • Love 9
  8. *slides out of lurking*

    I'm perfectly okay with losing points in the football pool if the Packers and Redskins lose. 


    ETA: Spoke too soon. The Bears suck.

    • Love 2
  9. LOL. What in the hell...? This episode was so bad.

    -Well, I was right about Noel Kahn dying this episode so yay me?

    -This show was like 5 minutes of "mystery" then 30 minutes of "relationships" and then 5 minutes of "mystery". I had to drink like three glasses of wine just to finish it!

    -I've said this since the very first season but I have to repeat myself. The romantic relationships on here are easily the worst part of this show.

    -Speaking of relationships, I said something very similar to my ex when I heard he was getting married and I didn't mean not one word of it so I was not surprised when Spencer asked to kiss him "to say goodbye" at least the show got that part right. 

    -Hanna recording her lame Noel Kahn plot. Then leaving the recording in the camera. 

    -Jenna walking around blind with a gun. Why not just light the building on fire? Or trap them in and let some gas poison them or anything besides what took place on my screen?

    -Nicole being back is irrevelent. This show refuses to break Aria and Ezra up so this will only serve to waste screen time the next half of this season.

    -Ali is pregnant? No thanks. This show barely has a handle on the timeline as is. Plus does anyone expect them to do a pregnancy storyline any justice?

    -Paige. Still awful. No point in bringing her back.

    -Spencer as Mary Drake's kid. Sigh. 

    -Can we sign a petition to get rid of Spencer's bangs?

    We only have ten more episodes guys until then we should probably try to figure out what is this strange hold this show has over us. Maybe that's the real mystery here.

    • Love 2
  10. Wow. Just wow. 

    What flimsy reason are the writers going to give for Noel Kahn doing this to the Liars? You guys know he's going to die next right? I've already said good bye to his pretty pretty face. 

    Hanna. Sigh. I was really just SMH during her whole plot line. What was she planning to do?Drug him? Torture him? Drop him off in front of Rosewood PD with a bow? 

    The flash drive. Of course no one made a copy or saved a backup! in 2016. with all the shit they've been through.

    Thank you show for the gratifying shots of half naked Jason. The long hair isn't my thing but I'm at the point now where I just have to take what I can get with this show.

    I let out a very audible groan when Jason fixed his mouth to say that bullshit about Aria and Ezra belonging together. Why would anyone think that? Who would even say that to an ex that they still care about (or am I just petty because I wouldn't say anything like that to an ex)? 

    What was the point of this cop? Or this Nicole thing? Watch Ezra come back and say some shit to Aria like "while I was gone, all I could think about was you." You saw it here first folks!

    I really need this season to be the last. I can't quit on my own.

    • Love 6
  11. Jason! I will forgive everything that happened this season if he stays and continues to make sense for the rest of this season. Maybe he came early so he could get that court order?

    That's all I got. It's pointless to complain about the mystery anymore because it's obvious the writers are just making this stuff up as they go along. 

    But I forgive them for this episode just because Jason and Noel Kahn were on my screen. (At this point, I take my victories when I can get them.)

    • Love 2
  12. Noel Kahn! Man, this show knew I was getting ready to quit. (Who am I kidding? I lasted this long. I'm with this to the bitter end.)

    Listen, I get why Jason isn't there (the actor not being available or whatever) but his absence in this whole thing is glaring (to me at least.)

    How long have they been back in town because I'm sure not that much time has passed since Ezra was drunkenly mourning Nicole and aren't they even writing this book about her? Don't answer that I don't really care.

    Bitchy Alison is the best Ali.

    Although romantic relationships have always been the worst part of this show, the one thing this show had above all others was that it never did the love triangle thing. Now it seems like every conversation Spencer and Hanna are going to have will involve Caleb which...no. Caleb kissed his ex girlfriend and he's the one that needs space? Of course he does! I wasn't a big fan of him in the past and I'm definitely not a fan of his now.

    How many times is the show going to pull random hookup inevitably leads to meeting the guy in a very awkward and/or inappropriate way later move?

    The actress playing Sara Harvey is terrible and now it looks like I have to sit through her acting just to enjoy Jenna and the very pretty Noel Kahn? Can we at least get Jason back too?

    • Love 2
  13. Why can't I quit you show?! I feel just as dumb as the Liars actions over these seven seasons. 

    Nothing in this show makes sense so I'm expecting the ending to make ZERO sense.

    -So other doctors know that Dr. Rollins is treating his WIFE? Okay.

    -I find it odd that all four of them are so focused on their love lives when their lives are in danger. I mean, I broke up with a dude a few months ago because he was all "wahh, you no pay attention to me." and I'm like... "yeah, on the list of shit I've got going on you're not even in the top five." and I don't even have a murderous-torture-loving-mask-making-maniac after me!

    -Aria without Ezra always makes any episode better.

    -I hate Spencer's bangs. HATE. and I'm assuming these bangs are the reason for her personality change.

    -Why are we assuming Alison killed Charlotte? Is this still an open police investigation? Why are they still in Rosewood? Jason hears his sister is in a psych ward and does nothing? Doesn't Alison have a father who is alive and well or is he apart of the mounting body count on this show (serious question, I can't keep track.)? Hanna goes missing for a few days and no concerned scene from Ashley? Lies. Doesn't anyone on these shows know it's 100% okay to be SINGLE or better yet that high school romances don't last forever? 

    On a completely shallow note, it seems like the show was prettier (heh) in earlier seasons; now I just want to fire all of makeup and wardrobe.

    Please be the last season. Let me go in peace.

    • Love 5
  14. I read all of these great and thoughtful posts and once again came to the conclusion that any one of us put way more thought into this "story/plot" than the actual writers did.

    If I watch season 7 (and I probably will), I'll have no one to blame but myself. The writers have shown us time and time again that they clearly don't follow their own show so I'm fully prepared to hate the series finale and ignore the last couple of seasons once this is all over...just like I did with Gossip Girl.

    What? You're telling me Gossip Girl had more than 2 (maybe three) seasons? Sorry! Can't hear you!

    ETA: Season 7 is the last, right?!

    • Love 1
  15. This show is cracked out.

    I will say that when Ali first saw what she thought was her mother (I'm mad I had to type that out) scared me.

    Hanna, Caleb, Ezra and Aria? Thumbs down. I've hated the last two since this show started so this book thing is just tedious and I fast forward that sex scene.

    Is there any show that allows people to move on from their high school sweetheart?!

    That reveal plus the clunky exposition (along with the one lonely file in the record room) was the final nail in the coffin. I can't believe I still watch this shit.

  16. The lighting on this show (especially on the runway) is out of control.

    I don't have most of the queens names or looks straight yet so I can't provide any commentary but I will say that I loved this challenge (and last week's too). Although I didn't dislike season 7, it was definitely one of the weakest challenge/writing wise so I hope this trend continues.

  17. I come out of lurking just to say that Lucas buying a factory and then giving it to Hanna is something out a terrible fan fiction plot.

    Why am I still watching this? Nothing anyone did made sense this episode (or really since the time jump). Except maybe Mona who is officially the best thing about this show.

    • Love 6
  18. That was terrible. I mean, I'm sure it's easy to coach here from my couch but if im staring at 4th and 2 or 4th and 1 - I'm pretty sure my plan of "hand that shit to Leveon Bell" is WAY better than "trust my aging, fragile backup QB." :|

    Oh, and that kicker... SMH

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