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Posts posted by kissedbyarose

  1. I may or may not be torturing myself with a rewatch of this show (best friend and I are semi-bed ridden) and Ezra and Aria's relationship is even creepier and crazier than I remembered.

    Aria tried several times to end the relationship with Ezra and even attempted to date other people. He sabotaged it each time and watching this knowing what he was doing the entire time makes it a million times worse. 

    Also, they clearly "planned" to make Cece A (or at least part of the A team) since she showed up but that backstory during her reveal contradicts almost everything the show told us about her which we all knew already. 

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  2. I mean, like I said in this chat thread, I thought I had higher expectations but I really didn't. I didn't have any REAL guesses as to who A, AD whatever was because I knew the answer was just going to be a load of bull.

    The clothes here were pretty terrible. I started watching for the pretty and the clothes from Hanna's top to Aria wedding dress. Just awful. Was Jason in this? Did Melissa only show up to be a mask for Mona?

    I didn't like the end with Mona and the dollhouse or the reboot. The exact same lines? The same number of girls? These writers blow and I am avoiding anything by this hack show runner.

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  3. I haven't had anything to say since the reveal mostly because it would just be variations of how awful this all is and how this clearly wasn't planned and the script for this episode must be a freaking novel with all the exposition going on. I mean, it's not like the season was so jam packed that they couldn't have paced this out better. What I am saying? I know what show I'm watching. I shouldn't expect anything other than exactly what's happening right now.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    I mean.. I'm just thinking that this finale might be even worse that finding out Gossip Girl was Dan Humphrey

    LOL. I've been saying this since the beginning! Now, we have black hoodie Melissa? When was the last time we saw her?

    Also, Caleb did marry Hanna only one month after professing his love for and boning Spencer. Not exactly a foundation for a happy marriage.

    • Love 1
  5. 4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    Peppermint was giving Faith Evans, First Lady of R&B, with her look.

    GIRL, I spent the entire episode trying to think of who she reminded me of so thank you! Plus, it was probably her best look of the whole season.

    Man, I wish Aja and Farrah had been this great during the season... or maybe I'm just forgetting if they were because I could not remember some of those bitches up there. (Team Shea!)

    • Love 3
  6. I think the swimming interlude was to show that she got too over-confident. Earlier, her dad was testing her on the stars and she answers the questions correctly then he asked her how she would find her way on an overcast night. 

    I'm thinking something along the lines of expect the unexpected was the lesson... and even the reason why she created that crazy bunker in the first place.

    • Love 4
  7. Well, I'll just step in here with my poorly thought out theory that Charlotte was supposed to fake her death with "Archer Dunhill" for whatever nonsensical reason but ended up getting killed by their lame plot. AD thinks that Charlotte was killed by one of the Liars hence the over the top, improbable "game", stalking, etc. Who is that dead body that magically gets transported around so well-preserved? Some random or maybe AD's (twin) brother which equals the same thing. The end. 

  8. At least we got to see sexy times with all the couples in the midst of impeding jail time... - said no one ever *


    The phones on this show are made of magic and explosives.


    That's all I got. Nothing new happened here folks. Bring on the last two episodes that are going to contradict everything that happened before it. That's really the only consistant thing about this show 


    *and by no one, I meant me and maybe some of you... but definitely me.

    • Love 15
  9. I get where Janae is coming from. I had some experiences like that growing up in the South Bronx. (Once in a summer camp, a kid from Riverdale was getting mail from his mom and the address was Riverdale, NY as opposed to Bronx, NY. He kept apologizing for about two days straight.)

    Everyone was always interested in showing me that life was better outside the Bronx but I kept wondering why the Bronx couldn't be just like these other places. I get her anger but I had a support system that made me channel that energy into doing great but I could've easily gone the other way. 

    • Love 12
  10. Does this episode hold the record for the most parents in it at one time?

    Aria is dead to me. There's no way she can justify this. Especially since they had Ezra acknowledge his creepy plot against her and the rest of the liars. "Oh, you initially stalked me for a book? Well, I almost filed a report that you were a creepy lying pedo! Okay! Let's get married."

    Hanna and Caleb. I rolled my eyes so hard at that scene with Ashley. Then I was trying to figure out what expression Ashley Benson was going for when they panned to her during Caleb's melodramatic speech. Not the effect the writers were going for I'm sure. 

    Whelp, three more episodes left, right? Should we start taking bets now on how this is going to end or is it a foregone conclusion that there will at least be a double wedding?

    Also, that jailhouse rock scene was probably the most black people this show had in any one scene at any given time. Booooo show.

    • Love 5
  11. Dead bodies swinging about, casually washing blood off the streets and walls yet I was tense and creeped out during this entire (great) episode.

    But just to be slightly nitpicky in the midst of these wonderful thoughts: I was distracted by the fact that June took her heels to meet with Moira. Not sure why. 

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  12. Aria, having been in the same torturous plot to ruin her and her friends, decides to join in on the torture to save Ezra... from? If no one cared that he was banging his underage student before no one will care now. She is literally choosing a guy over her friends so much for besties before testes. She is THE WORST. 

    Actually, they are all pretty terrible. I walked away from this feeling really bad for Lucas and Mona. (Did I really hear him say he lost all of his money?) I'm not surprised since we rarely see her (Hanna) work on anything.

    Speaking of work, what do they do all day? Why are they still in Rosewood? Where are the parents? Spencer gets questioned and Olivia Benson is absent, the show apparently forgot that Aria has a whole family, etc...

    Only four more episodes! Maybe the twist is that we were all hypnotized to continue watching this after it became pretty clear that the writers don't care and don't know what they are doing.

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