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Everything posted by Lindalu

  1. Crazy town! From what I read she found some receipts for porn and a fight ensued.
  2. I now dub the Mormon sister blob 1 and blob 2. Kalani is the most boring, sappy, child like adult I have ever seen. Olga seems years smarter and more mature then this 30 something year old blob taking up my guilty pleasure tv time!!!
  3. Can we just quit with the massive catapillar eyebrows! Who want to see two animals on their face!
  4. Did I miss something? Did Asuelo rape kaliani or something? She acts like he tourted her and forced her to get pregnant. What the hell? Your not 13 for gods sake quit your blubbering and acting all abused,ashamed and worried about disappointing your family who will never be happy with you no mater what you do!
  5. Have we seen Ashley’s parents or family yet? I know we have seen lots of friends but I can’t remember if they have shown her parents? Wonder what they think? For some reason every time I see this couple and people staring at them I think they are staring because he looks to be your son not your boyfriend!!!
  6. Asuelo is trying so hard to make everyone happy he is starting to look miserable. As young parents you do things that you don’t know are safety issues. He is naturally a very caring dad to his son. I think it’s horrible the family keeps says he can’t be trusted with the baby. Glad family of kalani are getting the bad edits.
  7. Leida’s keeps yammering on about how rich her family is. It doesn’t take much to be rich in Indonesia. You can get a full time maid for about $100 a month. And who the hell comes to another country with a child and all the “education “ she supposedly has without one damn cent? I mean come the hell on!!! You come here with no money to contribute? Something is definitely fishy about that!!
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