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Posts posted by LilMissKnowitall

  1. In one of the first segments where Jihoon was talking about himself, he was in Korea and zooming around on a moped/scooter, I thought he said something about how he had been having fun, and that was over now. He worded it very awkwardly, I think he was trying not to be crass, but I took it as him saying he'd been "sowing his wild oats", maybe something like "bad boy" I wish I could remember. Based on that I didnt think he was an inexperienced virgin when he took up with Deavan.

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  2. 34 minutes ago, steff13 said:

    So, those of you who think Evilyn and Corey are playing us, do you think they're really happily married (I did notice Corey's ring)?  She's just so awful, and he seems so desperate.  It seems like the crew would have noticed and asked him to remove the ring, though. 

    He's enough of a wimp that he would wear a ring pre-marriage as a sign of his commitment and to let the ladies know he's taken. I don't think they're married, I think he just likes to be dominated and treated badly and that's why he stays with her. Maybe also it's an escape from a Mormon lifestyle he doesn't want but isn't brave enough to admit to so this is easier for him. 

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  3. I think it's a pretty ring, nothing wrong with buying yourself jewlry; I don't follow her on social media so I don't know if she's actually done anything to intimate it's an engagement ring, but it's not her fault if viewers look at it and make that leap or read into her smug expression. It's in a similar style to the halo type of engagement ring so that might be fueling the speculation, but it doesn't have the pave diamonds that most of those do; it's just a stone with several bands. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I get that, I consider my daughter in law more as a daughter.  That said, it was after I got to know her and not right off the bat, I loved her for the fact that she loved my son and made him a better man, (he was before but there is always room for growth etc...).  But Tiffany's sister gets off the plane and that guy spouts off stuff that sounds good and then she says she considers him her brother?  And the tears of happiness were a bit much, I would be worried sick about my sister's state of mental health and safety, Gambling Man would have had to do a lot more than talk a good game to convince me of anything.

    Tiffany wants everyone to be as delusional as she is.

    BTW, did we all hear the blood curdling scream that Daniel let out when Sister Tiffany walked thru the gate?! I thought he was being kidnapped by human traffickers!

    I think the sister's reaction gives us some insight into tiffany, something is up with that family if they both have these extreme, irrational responses and logic. How ridiculous that tiffany told her sister to call Ronald "brother"; who does that?

    Tiffany' s childhood may not have been very stable, she seems to crave a level of intimacy very quickly regardless of whether there are costs and red flags.

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  5. 9 hours ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

    I laughed so hard at that scene of Laura shuffling along in her aching feet that I wheezed. Please tell me she showered and brushed her teeth before any jiggy jiggy commenced. Because if Aladin “jigged” her as is, with 48 hours worth of airplane and airport grossness on her, then I...just...no. 

    Maybe that's why the jiggy jiggy sessions are so quick; it has nothing to do with his ability, but with her unwashed jiggy parts.

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  6. 11 hours ago, Horrified said:

    Is Sumit the quintessential nice guy?  Doesn't want to hurt or disappoint his parents.  Doesn't want to hurt or disappoint Jenny.  Doesn't want to make waves with his friends.  Hell, he couldn't even warn off the lookyloos in the restaurant with any oomph.

    I think he knew damn well about the marriage regulations--he just couldn't tell Jenny and risk the disappointment.

    well Mr. Nice Guy, you now have a big weepy girl (with her tears literally magnified by her spectacles) on your hands and no doubt you will be causing your parents' hospitalization in 3, 2, 1..........

    You're probably right, obviously he has no problem lying to people, so why should he be any different with Jenny? He may seem like a gentle, kind person, but why would you want a life with someone who is so inauthentic? 

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  7. 12 hours ago, Kangatush said:

    I have a question for any woman who has been pregnant: how long was it before you "knew"?  Deavan's story just seems so odd to me.  They spent 3 weeks together and she'd already taken a positive test before he left?  I mean sure, it's technically possible, but doesn't it take more than like 2 weeks to "feel" pregnant?

    P.S.  If I were Jihoon, I'd be getting that paternity test ASAP.  And I'm proud of his parents.  Many in the same position would just go ahead and grudgingly bless the marriage so their grandchild isn't a bastard (old fashioned term, not an insult, just technically born to unwed parents, like myself).

    12 hours ago, Kangatush said:

    I have a question for any woman who has been pregnant: how long was it before you "knew"?  Deavan's story just seems so odd to me.  They spent 3 weeks together and she'd already taken a positive test before he left?  I mean sure, it's technically possible, but doesn't it take more than like 2 weeks to "feel" pregnant?

    P.S.  If I were Jihoon, I'd be getting that paternity test ASAP.  And I'm proud of his parents.  Many in the same position would just go ahead and grudgingly bless the marriage so their grandchild isn't a bastard (old fashioned term, not an insult, just technically born to unwed parents, like myself).

    I assumed she missed her period so she took a test. It's bad luck but plausible to get pregnant that quickly if it's not your intention (and who knows, maybe it was her intention). I had questions not about that but her timeline of being seven months pregnant when they've been a couple for "oh I guess" eight months but meeting in person at month 3. Shouldn't she be five months along? Did I miss something? 

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  8. On 7/7/2019 at 2:19 AM, Dot said:

    Twit's weekly tease to drive her fans crazy thinking she has a BF. And what the hell is that caption supposed to mean? They watched documentary movies all night? Who cares?

    Well at least he seems to be willingly putting his arms around her as opposed to pretty much every other man she interacts with.

    • LOL 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    This took place in Season 3, Episode 10, Part 1 of The Skinny, which aired on August 10, 2016.

    Shaun Robinson attempts clear up "once and for all" the question of whether Buddy ever was, was presently, or ever would be enamored of Whitney.  He stands strong in the face of her death glare and denied all three.  I've looked at various times, but never found an isolated clip.

    Thank you @Ketzel !!

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  10. 3 hours ago, Jenny8 said:

    When Whitney asked for that kiss, Buddy almost hesitated for a moment, but when he saw that desperate look on her face, went along with it. In the TH, she said they had been friends but that suddenly it "morphed into something tingly". It was always something tingly for her but it was never more than friendship with many benefits for Buddy. It's doubtful that will ever change.

     Can Someone who is technologically capable find and post the clip of the follow up show where they sit with the host asking them questions and buddy clearly says he is not into Whitney? It was awkward and painful to watch but he was very clear.

    He may send her mixed signals by being touchy feely with her, which is not fair, but it is only to meet some need he has and has nothing to do with wanting a genuine romantic relationship with her.

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  11. 7 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

     I’m  not trying to downplay those issues, but Twit is a liar, and is self diagnosing herself. She’s led a privileged life compared to some, and I cannot think of anyone who has half their barnacle friends, and immediate family drop everything to fly out to support her cause. Is it even a cause to warble on about how awful it being a fat girl, and then proceed to shake and sweat over the stage like an epileptic seal?  I realize it’s all for the show, but it’s extremely unrealistic how doting everyone is around Twit. It feeds into her infantile behavior, and blows up her ego even more. In addition, it mocks real life heroes who face real challenges like the numerous people in attendance at No Barriers. 

    Does anyone else remember the scene, several seasons back, where Will said, to us the viewers, something like "Whitney is very charming and has a lot of people around her who accommodate/are fooled by/manipulated by her" I'm paraphrasing but it was more than saying ppl enable her, there was an element of essentially saying she has these weak ppl around her and has snowed them into thinking what she says is true. It was around when he fired her or found her with the cookie? Or maybe at a weigh in. I can't remember but it stood out because no one ever calls her on her crap or are honest with her and instead seem scared and as if they have to constantly run around after her helping her. It is the most disturbing dynamic. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I have no idea if twerking is still ‘in” but I checked out that flossing dance. You don’t seem to move your feet so it’s right up Whitney’s alley. Maybe that’s what she was trying to do in the ‘meat jacket’ video. Although the arms are supposed to go alternate between going in front and behind the body. 

    Maybe they need a guest teacher to learn to twerk so they can see actual movement in the butt rather than a big, gelatinous blog shaking around. 

    Isn't that the old Pee Wee Herman dance!?!

    • LOL 3
  13. I  liked her, I thought she was more reasonable and polite than many of the people we've seen on this show. Her clothing choices weren't always the most flattering but she may not have a lot of resources. I was incredibly impressed with her ability to take care of herself, I'm too chicken to drive a uhaul truck on the highway, and one towing a car?!?! Forget it! She handled her business, got a place to live, got herself around, and did it all pretty matter-of-factly and without the drama and ridiculous melt downs we typically see. 

    Regarding her expression of her gender identity she mentioned  it was hard to talk about emotions and seemed uncomfortable/awkward articulating her experiences sometimes; she may not have processed it all yet, or may not be as familiar with the "appropriate" language that many of us are versed in. It didn't sound like she had experienced much interaction in the transgender community and I don't recall seeing her online much so she may simply be unaware, but I trust that she knows best for herself how to live her life. 

    I'm kind of surprised I seem to be in the minority about my feelings about her. I liked how she kept moving through stuff and really like her for her desire to be a contributing member of society. 

    • Love 22
  14. 16 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

    So about halfway down, she's dependent on the spotters to lower her down. Thankfully they were strong enough to get her down safely, but that was not a successful rappel. 

    Just like the guy at the rock climbing gym who had to hoist her up the wall; she does very little without assistance but acts as if she has conquered huge hurdles.

    Did you see her look back over her shoulder at the point where they essentially just lowered her down? She must have felt something different in the rope and realized they were taking care of it for her because she stopped doing anything and just sat there suspended.

    • Love 13
  15. On 3/1/2019 at 9:52 AM, ClareWalks said:

    I just watched the episode. It's the first episode I've watched all season. It was HORRIBLE. My fucking god. The peeing in the hot tub, truly, was bad enough. I cannot believe her friends got in. But the start of the Whit-a-thon was truly Hawaii 2.0 and Whitney should be totally and absolutely humiliated by this footage. From the instant she got on that fucking bike, she was a MESS. Screaming and hollering for NO REASON WHATSOEVER. Look, I don't like riding a bike, I find it kind of scary. But she was going SO SLOW and she had functioning brakes so there was zero danger. She was hollering like a stuck pig going on FLAT GROUND at maybe 5 mph. I wanted to jam a stick in her spokes.

    Then this FUCKING ASSHOLE (yeah, I'm actually mad) gets off the bike and takes off waddling down the trail without even glancing back at her friends, the INJURED Tal, and her 80-year-old FATHER?! She has fucking earbuds in?! She MADE her friends do this with her. To support her. And she is just putting in earbuds and hurpling ahead like she doesn't give a single shit about anyone else (which of course she doesn't). Unbelievable. She is the worst friend, the worst daughter, the worst kind of narcissistic prick. Her father could drop dead of a heart attack and she wouldn't even know until later, and then she'd just cry that her daddy couldn't cheer for her anymore. I am so done with this bitch. She is the actual worst. I have no idea how she still has any fans. 

    She's ridiculous, so self absorbed and just selfish; I thought the same thing when Heather was cooking breakfast. She just sat her ass down at the table waiting to be served; she didn't lift a finger to help. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, Haleybug said:

    This caught my attention as well.  Trained for 6 weeks, my arse!  Had she actually trained for 6 weeks - wouldn't her trainer be aware of said trip to Alaska, and its activities, prior to a week and a half before the trip?  Riiiiggghhtt, Twit.  I'm sure you really trained.  Bonkers. 

    In other news - when Twit was on the phone with Buddy and Heather was in the room, was Buddy aware he was on speaker phone with Heather listening in?  If not - that was a real d*ck move on Twit's part.  She is supposed to be his best friend who allegedly cares about him SOOOO much that she cries when he's struggling through life - yet she doesn't consider his privacy?  Had I been on a call with my best friend talking about a recent breakup, etc. and later found out my ex was in the room listening in - I would be livid.  I was secondhand pissed off for him and I'm not even a Buddy fan.  That was very 7th grade of Twit.  I guess I can't say I'm surprised.  Without Heather there the drama factor would be minimal and she would have no immediate audience to her grand display.     

    I'd have to watch it again to be sure but I thought she said six *months* and I had the same reaction- but Jessica's just hearing about it a week and a half before you go? Unless she meant she's been seriously working out for six months and considers that training for an event that supposedly didn't exist until last minute? The timeline on this show continues to confuse me. 

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  17. 19 hours ago, Reality police said:

    If by bag of hair you mean that mess on her head, then yes.

    How can Michael not know where his PO's office is? 

    In Megan's defense I think she put in the address as being in Rochester not knowing that Michael actually lives outside of it in another town (Farmington) . And the sherrif is in yet another town, canandaigua, which is next to Farmington. How he didn't realize he wasn't headed back out to Canandaigua I do not know. It's a long drive and you would not mistake it for driving around in Rochester. 

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  18. 10 minutes ago, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

    I feel bad for the guy having to hold the end of the rope.  And as Mr. Judgey pointed out, did y’all see that he was anchored to the floor?

    I'm pretty sure he was hoisting her up, he was straining in a way Jessica was not. 

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