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Posts posted by Aryanna

  1. Glad this show is back. Haven't decided if I like waiting a week between eps (this show) so it'll last longer or if I like binging (stranger things) so I don't hafta wait.

    Not a fan of Amy Shumer but I thought it was funny when she said she shouldn't have opened her tiny little mouth. But I'm pretty sure she didn't write that line.

  2. I found I was the only one in the theater laughing at the beginning when I saw the ride named Ships and Giggles. That was a good sign to me. It showed that they were gonna give me the Bob's humor that I'd come to expect with the show.

    Teddy was actually tolerable. I laughed out loud when the skeletons teeth fell into Louis' mouth. It didn't take long to find out what all the sidewalk build-up was about. 

    I had a fun time. 

    • Love 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Miss Anne Thrope said:

    I'm only a couple of episodes in --  get one per week on regular UpTV -- but it seems like Ty never left with all the flashbacks they throw into the episodes.  It feels like the episodes are half flashback material, with very little else going on.  

    What season are you on?

  4. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Do I have this straight:

    Are you saying that in a series about how U.S. government experiments induced and fostered psychic powers in children that then get used to fight other-dimensional menaces that come from a place that is a warped version of our reality, you are finding it unrealistic that two gay people could be part of the same friend group?

    Anyway, I felt I should point out that Will and Robin are not really friends and IIRC have never shared a scene together with just them and possibly not been in the same scene other than in the final episode of Season three where I assume both were present for the Mind Flayer fight. I freely admit that I may have forgotten about some brief interaction, but generally Robin started off being paired with Steve, and then was introduced to Dustin and finally Erica to enable them to sneak into the Russian base.

    So what it really comes down to is whether it is inauthentic for there to be two closeted gay people at a small town's high school who might have a mutual friend or acquaintance in common.  Hopefully, most people will agree that the answer to that is yes. Or at least, yes to the extent it matters in a series about government conspiracies and interdimensional D&D-themed supervillains.

    Like I said earlier, you guys apparently know a lot more about the 80s than I do so I will defer to you. I have noticed there seems to be a lot gatekeeping going on in these threads that results in arguments. I don't wanna get into all that so I'll leave it to you guys.

    As far as the storytelling aspect goes, an audience is willing to suspend disbelief of fantastical things in a story. But if the story is based in what is supposed to be the real world then if the things the audience member recognizes aren't very accurate that suspension is broken. Things such as slang or fashion being used in the wrong era. Or modern sensibilities in a period piece. An audience is willing to believe a story about witches and wizards taking place in England in the 1990s but the second a character pulls out an iPhone 12 that takes the audience out of the story.

    It's the same idea of a show like Mad Men trying to be period accurate but doing it with a wink. That wink reminds you that you're watching fiction and you are no longer immersed in the story.

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  5. On 4/18/2022 at 8:53 PM, rmontro said:

    I would trade 10 seasons of the Goldbergs for one more season of The Middle.

    I don't know. I didn't want another season if the Goldbergs but I thought The Middle ended in a good place. I liked how they did it. There were rumors of there being a Sue spinoff but it never happened. I would've watched that.

    • Love 2
  6. 14 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    I have to agree that this seems to imply that you think there are more LGBTQ+ people now than there were in the 80s and that's just... not how it works.

    I mean, putting aside the fact that Robin isn't really a part of the Will/Mike/Lucas/Dustin "friend group," it was also not uncommon for people in the 80s - or now - who generally felt a little alienated from the culture at large to become friends with each other.  So yes, gay people were actually friends with each other in the 80s, just like they are now.

    It's one thing to say that it would be unlikely to have two out people in the 80s, well, that's worth debating. But the mere existence of more than one LGBTQ+ character? No. LGBTQ+ people have existed in American communities since there have been American communities, and that means in the 1980s.

    I didn't mean to upset your own personal view of what the 80s were. It comes across to me as someone writing about the 80s through the lens of 2022. But you guys seem to know a lot more about the 80s than me so I'll defer.

    • Love 1
  7. 4 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    It's not overkill to have two gay characters. Most communities - even small ones - have more than one LGBTQ+ resident (even if they are not out to the rest of the world). As I said in another thread, there was a lot of homophobia in the era and what would be overkill is to have everyone be as accepting of LGBTQ+ characters as Steve was. But the fact that at least two gay people live in a community is not unrealistic. 

    Maybe not for 2022. But for 1986 it feels inauthentic and inaccurate that one group of friends has two gay people. 

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  8. 8 hours ago, dubstepford wife said:

    I don't know how they could bring back Ty.  He died onscreen.  It's one thing to have a character die offscreen and have there be some sort of misunderstanding, which is easier to do in shows that aren't set in the modern era so DNA isn't a thing yet.  But in a show set in the modern era which plainly showed him dying, I just don't think you could bring him back.  And to my knowledge Ty didn't have any twin brothers.

    I'm not sure if they're even going to make another season.  This show was already dying and I think Covid might have been the final nail in the coffin.  It's been, what, two years since they filmed the last season?

    I agree. If this show goes down the whole never before seen twin brother route, it'll be cheesy.

    I wish they'd wrapped it up all nice and tidy because I'm not sure they'll have another season. I haven't seen anything official about a season 16 and they are usually pretty up front about whether it's renewed for another season. I hate for the entire show to end like this. They should at least do like a 90 minute finale or something. 

  9. It feels like they're padding out these storylines. All the obstacles in the Russia plot seemed to be there just to make it longer and give the adults something to do. And now Mike and them are taking a detour to Suzie. I just get the feeling some of these plots have unneeded fluff.

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  10. I've seen a fair amount of 80s movies and I get the feeling that ST is made by people who have seen those movies too. Rather than lived through the 80s. When making a period piece, it's the small things that matter. Like when I watch A Christmas Story it feels like the 1940s even though that was before my time and I would have no way of knowing. But little touches like them wearing sweaters in the house because central heat wasn't a thing in the 1940s makes it feel authentic. 

    We have Robin who is gay but I feel like if Will is gsy too then that would be overkill for the time period. It's like when a movie takes place in the past and there's a white character who displays modern sensibilities toward black characters that you know weren't common for the time. It comes across as the white screenwriter trying to make themselves feel better or absolve themselves of any guilt from the past.

    It's the same as when I watched a show a few years back called The Alienist. It's supposed to take place in the 1890s but some of the characters had 21st century sensibilities. That kind of thing takes me out of the show.

    • Love 3
  11. On 5/28/2022 at 8:57 PM, CeeBeeGee said:

    Watching Mason Dye play a high schooler is a little disorientating when the last thing I saw him in was Flowers in the Attic in 2014 (?).

    That's where I know him from. What a wierd movie that was. I remember my mom reading the book when I was little. Whoever wrote it seems to have a incest fetish.

  12. I finally pulled the trigger on the Up free trial so I could watch season 15. And I have thoughts.


    Lou is so aggravating. Remember a few seasons back when she was gone to NY most if the time because she was trying to franchise Maggie's? It would've been great if she never came back. Talk about someone who has failed upward in life. 

    She divorced Peter then makes that stupid phone call and when he says he's all in she's like "hold up." Same exact thing she did to her last suitor (can't remember his name). Then when she finally decides she wants to move the relationship forward she gets mad at Peter for not being at her beck and call. She expects the entire world to revolve around her whims. Peter is way too good for her. 

    And she treats her businesses like she treats the men in her life. She's headstrong until she gets what she wants and then she gets bored of it. Just find one thing and do it well instead of half assing 6 different things.

    She's ruining this show.

    I miss Georgie. Katie isn't fleshed out enough to take her place. 

    I'm glad they're finally giving Tim a happy ending. He's had so many false starts with relationships that end in heartache. I'm glad they're letting him be happy.

    I like Logan. They need to try a little harder to define his and Amy's relationship as mentor and mentee. It feels like it sometimes borders on a somewhat romantic interest.

    This season had some.good episodes. I was hoping they'd wrap it up at the end but they left it open ended. I've looked to see if there's gonna be a season 16 but haven't found any official word. I did see a rumor of Ty coming back. That sounds like a jump the shark moment. 

    I love this show but with characters like Ty and Georgie gone, they need to wrap it up. The new characters don't add enough interest for me. And I of course still miss characters from the past like Mallory and Ashley.

  13. On 5/22/2022 at 9:30 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    Nice call to the fan theory that Sandy was dead the whole time.


    I feel like I missed something. What is the fan theory that this is in reference to? Are we talking about Sandy Frye?

  14. When Ginzy mentioned Chad I was like oh yeah, didn't he and Adam used to be friends? Remember when Adam had friends? Remember when their school was populated by characters and not just background actors? Remember when the show used to be fun?

    And don't get me started on the wierd Murray inserts. I swear the scene where he was asleep in the chair was just a photo of him. 

    Pops added a lot of heart to the show. Murray added a counter balance to Bev. Now its just crazy Bev stories all the time.

    I also miss Adam F Goldberg being a part of it. I liked the episodes ending with a comparison to his real life. Now it's just completely fantasy with no thread to real life.

    I'm fairly confident rn that I won't be watching the 10th season but we'll see how I feel when fall rolls around. 

    • Love 5
  15. What a fun episode. 

    I think there may have been more sci fi references than just Balde Runner. But I don't think I caught all the references.

    Has Bob's Burgers ever ended on a cliff hanger before? I was at a loss when it said to be continued. 

    • Love 2
  16. 16 hours ago, rmontro said:

    With Beverly staying on as the Quaker Warden, it strikes me that they could turn the series into sort of a version of "Schooled", with the Principal and Tim Meadows.  And balance that with the kids adventures in college.

    I liked Schooled and hate that they canceled it. I can't believe that was canceled but The Goldbergs gets a 10th season. I'd like to go back and revisit Schooled but I can't find it streaming anywhere. 

    • Love 9
  17. 17 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

    Mallory is a favorite of mine -- she's cute-annoying, but also a lot more direct and perceptive than the other characters give her credit for, and I've decided I just love her.  


    I do, of course, love Amy and Ty, but I've reached the point in Season 4 where they have their contrived break up and I'm just like 🙄.   

    I loved Mallory because of her directness too. She would say things other characters wouldn't but they were things that needed to be said.

    The whole Ty/Amy on again and off again did get tiring but the show eventually moved past that. There's only so many contrived ways you can keep them.apart.

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  18. 15 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

    For some reason I started watching this on Netflix, and now I'm weirdly addicted and halfway through Season 4, LOL.  

    It cracks me up that Amy is expert or a quick study in literally all things horse.  Horse training!  Horse whispering!  Barrel racing!  Rodeo!  Show jumping!  Halfway through Season 4, her father is trying to turn her into a jockey ... even though she is kind of tall.  Hee.  

    My only issues with the show so far are that I wish they'd give Soraya a plot line ... and I really, really, really don't like Tim most of the time.  His abrasive nature is like nails on a chalkboard for me.  

    You're in what I consider the golden period of Heartland. I still love it but it's not the same show it once was. And I miss some of the characters who no longer appear on the show. Tim does mellow some in later seasons, but not too much.

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