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Posts posted by HouseofBeck

  1. Damn, I love this show. Sheer entertainment. And the Maze/Trixie alignment was perfect. I love Trixie's lack of fear--or maybe she sees right through these big ol' baddies? :)


    One of my favorite parts was at the beginning with "The Devil Inside" playing. There's Luci putting the final tendrils of seduction into place--the strawberry is tasted--absolute pleasure achieved--and then his prey says, "Oh, god!"


    Music: Screeching record-needle halt

    Chloe: Lucifer, what the hell are you doing


    And then you see there's a freakin' crime scene just off to the side this whole time.



    • Love 7
  2. I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

    This, yes. What a lark. I felt the same way about last week's ep, but this one packed on more depth.

    It's funny that I can sit there and be in awe of Tom Ellis as Tom Ellis with his wonderfully emotive face, such as when he is ohsoclose to crushing the life out of Spider--and Chloe tells him Frank wouldn't want that--and oh, the expressions, angst and hatred and sorrow and a terribly dangerous amount of control--and not get thrown out of the scene at all. Somehow this series has become recreation + super cool insight into this version of the Devil.

    Though I'm still puzzled as to why Luci isn't all that quick to sense when someone is being less than honest. It's his business to suss out desires and he always seems to know when people are holding back...

    When Father Frank said he was at peace, my last hope that he would live was just as shot, but damn. Loved his character. Loved how he play-whacked Luci at the piano and Luci did that fast blink-and-look-down and looked like he didn't know if it was okay to like it. Who playfully whacks the Devil? And Chloe showing up just because she thought he needed her. This is stuff Maze won't do--and yet Maze is going to protect the shit out of Luci in spite of himself. He needs to realize that if she's sworn to protect him, that must mean that in her mind, she's doing what she needs to do or she'd be incapable of doing it. But he's getting as conflicted and complicated as a human. :)

    Mustache Guy can get lost any time now, and take blockheaded Dan with him. Boring.

    • Love 5
  3. Why wouldn't he take it well? The sex was just a fun way to get her to give him therapy sessions. Since he's still going to get therapy, he still gets what he wants from her. As the show has made clear, he can find someone else for sex just about whenever he wants.


    It was very refreshing that he just accepted it, no "But whhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" or pressure or anything. 


    She is the worst cop in history so...yeah, don't expect her to even attempt to figure out how Luci can do all the things she has seen him do right in front of her.


    I LOVED having Dr. Linda in on the crime fighting fun. She is far more observant than the cops and open minded. Sure, she doesn't believe Luci is actually Lucifer, but she doesn't constantly shut down the idea and tries to figure out why he would say he is Lucifer. I know, it's her job, but it's also a cops job to find motive. What does Chloe thing Luci's motive is for pretending to be the devil? Does she really think he does it just to pick up chicks? Like his good looks, wealth and suave accent aren't enough?


    I'm sad Dan is corrupt because it is just so painfully predictable, but from a show that has already tried to build the "Castle" dynamic between the leads it's not even remotely surprising. God, this show could be so very much more than it is.

    I would love this show to reboot and be the Dr. Linda/Luci crimefighting team annoying the crap out of Chloe. 


    That said, I really enjoyed this entire episode (minus the terrible green screen), it seemed to move fast, Luci and his expressive eyes were on point, and Detective Douche is a very unhappy pawn indeed...


    I know one thing Chloe needs. Very Good locks on her mom house!



    • Love 1
  4. This part:

    Now it's just bang bang bang bakery bang bang bang.

    --cracked me up.

    So, this show. Even though I have watched every ep so far, I continually have problems remembering the supporting actors's names. They're so much more caricatures. Thank goodness for the show blurbs or Scott would always be just Bakery Guy. He doesn't even look like he has a name.

    Yet I like the depth they're finally showing in him. It wouldn't surprise me to learn he's been harboring a long time crush on Jo, who seems so different than all of his other women. At the same time, it sure is convenient. But I do dig the actor's versatility because even while I was skeptical, it's unfolding like some crackfic romance and is a nice break from all the Elbows Out Shouty Jo.

    I really liked Phoebe's long lazy afternoon with DJ. The end result was obvious, but from the muted music to the indirect light fading everything out to their careful dance of a conversation, their scenes could have belonged to a different show.

    Escort Carl is a fine-looking man and Abby is an idiot for still not having learned that she always gets pulled apart when trying out two men in her life at the same time. And that everything she's realized about Dr Harris, things he has repeatedly told or shown her, should not continue to be a surprise.

    Carl probably should have asked her first about name-dropping and if I were in a more charitable mood, I'd care more about Abby's feelings.

    Delia...what a painful confrontation, even though she'd set it up, with Albert and his wife. And I'd get it in writing that Gordon never finds out.

    • Love 1
  5. I had a hunch someone would say this, but my impression is different.  I see Schwartz as commenting/observing on the lack of sex & in his usual way, making light of it.  But is he really so bothered by it?  I'm not seeing it.  My theory is they might be well-matched in their non-interest in sex.  At this point, Schwartz knows exactly what he's getting with Katie.  If their interest in sex was significantly mismatched, would this relationship have proceeded to the engagement?  Doesn't make sense to me, but who knows?  


    So why is Schwartz commenting on the non-sex?  Maybe cuz he knows people around him know about it (and of course viewers too) & might think it's strange/weird, so he's making light of it before others do?


    Just from watching him whine about it and still stay completely prone in the last scene that he'd brought it up made me think he doesn't really care. If this is a real relationship, they're either two submissives waiting for the other to make the first move, or the chemistry is really off. Or somebody's on meds that fuck with their sex drive. I dunno. Tom seems like a cartoon figure most of the time, and not a hentai one either.


    This reminded me of the episode when Schwartzie went to a photo shoot gand he was a bit pudgie so they needed to paint on some abs.  He doesn't have a job, he should be at the gym every day!  Sorry, but he has no excuse to have a "dad bod" considering his face/body is his livelihood; he gets paid to look good.  As for the rest of them, I couldn't care less.  Seems like they party hard and then come home and eat eat eat.

    I was thinking of this and then remembered Tyra's "I paid my dues!" minirant on ANTM, in reference to how she can eat what she wants and still do photo shoots and they'll doctor up the results because of her years of fabulousness. I don't remember what cycle that was, but it was directed at one of the women putting on visible weight after indiscriminate eating.

    • Love 1
  6. I would say a Save the Date invitation for a war is the smart thing to do. You don't want spend all that time preparing your army and marching all the way there to find they had other plans and are not home. 


    I loved Wormwood telling Madalena to please step away from the baby because she kind of freaked him out. She is the evil Queen of the story she's living up to her name.

    This last is why I think that even though she did sign away her immortal soul, the D'Dewers are going to give it right back--she's far too much for such amateurs.

    I really loved Gareth singing. I don't know as he has much of a range, but he had a few melodious turns there, and his song was so him.

    King Richard continues to make me swoon. Galavant does seem to be receding into the ensemble cast, but he'll probably come into his own again next week.

    Damn, I love this show.

    • Love 2
  7. I was so surprised at how well Delia's boss took her decision. Could it be, they had a real, grown-up affair? Slimy Adulting 101! And then the pictures at the end horrified me. If it had been Gordon's mother, she would have been suspicious way before Delia's snappy line about perfection. Maybe it was the wife. Any spurned law partners we haven't seen since Delia demanded her full due?

    I am really digging Barbara, even more now that she's willing to concede what seems so obvious: Behind the toothy veneer, Abby is one brittle person who could serious time off from her life.

    And I never thought the Bareassed Baker had it in him. I hope he and Jo take Charlene down.

  8. I agree with others that Sheldon being a dick episodes are my least favorite. You'd think he would not be so uptight since he has now experienced all the joy and wonder of coitus.


    I apologize in advance for being completely juvenile, but your above word choices made me snigger appreciatively.


    I miss the more confident, store owning Stuart we met in the beginning

    of the series. He's become a pathetic, creepy chump & rarely adds

    anything to entertaining or funny to the stories. Although I still like

    Stuart & wish they would incorporate him in a better way.


    I kind of like that both Penny & Bernie have not tried to change the

    guys' wardrobes. Priya did that with Leonard & it struck me as very

    controlling and dismissive of who he really is. I hate when women

    are shown to try to change a guy from what he was when they were first

    attracted to him. Reminds me of Bernie trying to get rid of the Tardis

    which was handled very meanly & poorly.


    Yes to all of this. I miss Old Stuart to the point where it's painful to watch him now.

    And I hate the trope of (mostly) women expected to instantly change the person they're with, so I'm glad Howard still has his particular color coordination (especially the blues) and Leonard still looks like a comfy teddy bear.

    One nitpick I had with the opening is that when the girls segued in to talking about Affleck and Leonardo, the guys all deflated. It's just possible for people to have more than one interest at a time, guys! I get that they were excited at the seemingly impossible discussion beforehand, but it still bugged me.

    Raj...I haven't really paid attention, but he seems fitter than before (per the pole dancing scene).

    • Love 2
  9. I still can't stand Lala with her doll-eyes and "gosh I just can't seem to help all these words coming out of my mouth" character.


    I still deliberately looked up a post that had a screencap of the pastie situation because I couldn't stop staring. Real, not real, I don't know: It was fascinating.


    It's a pity she has to talk.


    (Screencaps here plus a full spread review...as it were.)


    I also thought Jax was first just sitting there with the toilet lid down, but then it became evident that THIS WAS NOT THE CASE. Keep the mystery alive a little longer, Jaxie boy! I consider myself lucky that we didn't hear any grunting, groaning, or plopping.


    Bravo to Brittany for declaring she has to "talk to that girl." I salute her as she is about to die...oh, I'm sure it'll go much better than that. /s


    It's an unenviable situation, but she must feel very secure in her relationship, no? Part of me wonders what would happen if instead she encouraged Jax to go for it in a "you just can't help your poor little self, darling" way. Would this reverse psychology work? Would it instead make for more weirdly entertaining TV?


    That black Sur dress looked far better on Katie than that shapeless purple thing. 


    James's armpit hair looks good with nothing. 


    There was an early TH with Scheana where I swear I not only saw a wrinkle appear during an odd squint (on her cheek between her eye and nose), but she suddenly looked 20 years older. Then it disappeared. Reverse Dorian Grey moment, maybe. Freaked me the hell out and all I was doing was trying to eat my spaghetti.


    I too have caught the SUR amnesia and am glad to see Stassi coming back, if only to see all the re-alliances and shiftings and uncomfortable non-wrinklings of troubled foreheads. 


    And did James really say to Kristen that he'd never stopped loving her? PLEASE GOD, KRISTEN, RUN AWAY. 


    I need to stop watching this show. But I can't seem to.

    • Love 4
  10. "What is this feeling...?" That is going to be stuck in my head for awhile.

    I melted at Gareth presenting her with his gift. I had a feeling he was going to go do something about it...but what a surprisingly delicate attention. :)

    Richard continues to make me swoon. I was glad to hear Galavant singing, and such a substantial song.

    Please somebody cut the power to that evil tiara!

    • Love 4
  11. I have mixed feelings about Phoebe's decision to stay in her class. Just because she thinks it's Classic Phoebe--! Her radar is off when she really should get out of things. Then it seemed like maybe it was a good decision until the teacher ruined everything he said by advising her what not to read in that book. Arrgh.

    I feel badly for Jo even though I mostly don't like her elbows-out-to-the-world character. She did look more pulled together in this episode than previously. There is also no reason other than vindictiveness that her bakery is under attack. But I was yelling at her not to trust that snake of a Southern charmer. I say go for the court battle and screw the kid's feelings, but I'm feeling rawr-y.

    I wish Abby had just kept walking away from Drama Magnet Doctor, but she hasn't learned yet.

    Damn it, Delia, maybe you and your boss have the pheromones clicking, but maybe you should postpone your wedding. Indefinitely.

    Eesh, what happens to Jo next week? :(

    • Love 1
  12. Oh, how I've missed King Richard (and his marvelous hair). I wanted a shirtless Timothy Omundson, damn it.


    I loved his "pre-Renaissance" line.


    Galavant is one of the few miracles of network TV left. I mean logically this show shouldn't be anywhere near broadcast TV... but it is. I mean I'd had hopes it might be right for the new Netflix model... but somehow that didn't even turn out to be necessary.

    I think it has a champion inside Disney--someone up the chain who's been protecting it. Sometimes that's the only way good stuff stays on TV these days.


    Yes, a thousand & more thanks to whomever is championing this show.


    Oh how I've missed this show. But I HATE contrived situations like that botched message between Isabella and Galavant.

    Richard and Galavant make fun traveling companions. "Off With His Shirt" will definitely be stuck in my head while watching the next Captain America movie. Hee.

    Isabella's parents are THE WORST. Equal to Elsa's parents in Frozen.

    Garett and Madalena's song made me laugh though.


    That botched message made me groan, too. But at the same time, the medieval equivalent of auto-correct + bad connection was pretty good.

    • Love 5
  13. Ariana at the diary show: cringeworthy. Why is it funny that she feared that she was surrounded by lesbians? You could tell she thought she was so very hilarious, but her delivery was self-conscious and unprofessional and her material sucked. She's "an actress who understands comedy?" My ass.

    At least Sandoval is an idiot who seems to understand he's an idiot and is good-humored and enthusiastic about showing all what an idiot he is. It makes him likable and somewhat self-aware.

    I understand why he freaked out about Kristen going on the trip, because he's an emotional guy like that. I love how real this show is. For Sandoval, this really is his life and he doesn't want to spend his bday trip with his mind-fucking ex. For him, that trumps that they are all stuck with each other on this reality ride. Ariana just gets less and less cool the more we see her, doesn't she?

    And Kristen just keeps getting better looking. She looked super hot at the club with Jax. This show really benefits from her special brand of crazy. This episode was a big improvement over last week's and I think she is why.

    I'm enjoying Kristen. If it's an act, it's less blood-pressurey (leave that to Tom & Ariana), and the crazy eyes are buried, so she's refreshing to see. Though I wish she'd delivered her apology and left at least 2 minutes earlier so Ariana didn't have a chance to say all that shit.


    Yes to this about Lala:

    She just irritates me. I hate how she says, "Hey, Papi!" when she enters a room. I hate how she kisses other dudes in front of other dudes and obviously wants all the dudes fighting over her. And not even hot dudes either - but scrawny, twitchy James and sweaty, aging Jax. Gross. Then there was her whole, "People might THINK they have a boyfriend, but that's not really MY problem". Ugh, HATE chicks like that. Yes, the person cheating is responsible for their actions, but if you KNOW a guy is taken, why go there??? I mean, as much as Jax fucks around, is disease not even a factor? The whole thing just makes me want a shower. She has no self respect. 

    But my bad for thinking she was a flat character. She's also a "girl's girl," she said so herself! Multifaceted right there. /s


    Also, if Jax is taking on this avuncular-type role, I'm all for it. Like Kristen, he also seems less excitable. He may still WANT to be what he used to be, but it's way more fun watching him watching everybody else with his mix of bewilderment & air freshener.

    • Love 1
  14. Now I want to see more of the Phoebe-model-friends angle. Well, they're not really friends. But it's interesting how the storyline keeps Phoebe drifting from project to project and revelation to revelation. Maybe she should be the writer instead of (or in spite of) Abby; her piece in the school paper could be the start.

    Jake=monkey ragefest was painful even though I meanly agreed with the assessment because Jake and Abby are such a mismatch. But then the "We are just these people together" was worse. :( But yes, packing everything into one weekend and thinking that's the pivot point? Eesh.

    And however mismatched Delia and Gordon are, Gord continues to impress with his wiles.

  15. That was incredibly funny but I felt like a voyeur watching Amy and Sheldon together. Not that we saw anything particularly risque  but because they are both so guarded emotionally, watching them open up very intrusive.


    I was howling with laughter at the opening crawl. I'm so glad that Lucasfilm/Disney allows them to use the IP.



    I had been spoiled, and honestly I thought it was perfect. It felt almost painfully intimate, honestly, but it worked and I'm glad they went there. I liked that Amy was okay with it not being a regular thing, to be honest -- it was obviously very special and meaningful.


    And also, I loved Sheldon getting verbal consent. So Sheldon.


    I loved this episode, and yes, that scene was so intimate that I found myself trembling along with Amy (a reaction I didn't have for my own first time)! Wow, they handled that so well.


    'I look forward to your next birthday, when we do it again.' 'That works for me.'


    So cute.


    It would have been nice to see the writers actually write something that would be plausible.  Sheldon as the one completely and almost anti-climatically happy with the experience and Amy as the overdone and so trite post-coital blissed out mess was so, well, a bit sad in terms of 'that's all the writers have?"  I think the couple's dynamic would be more interesting if Amy had to suddenly deal with being the one in control but only sexually.  Instead I get the sense we will see yet another round of Amy desperate for sex and Sheldon deigning to indulge her.  In between trains and Star Wars.  Yawn.


    My first thought when Amy seemingly agreed to once a year, was wait until the bliss wears off before you sign the contract, Amy!

    Like most of you, I loved the episode! It was just the perfect way for the two of them to have sex for the first time ever (individually and together). It wasn't mushy, but it wasn't like Sheldon was only doing it because Amy wanted to. It was his idea. It really was perfect.


    The funniest part of the episode for me was kind of unintentional, I think. When Amy said "let's go get me waxed!", all I could think is that Sheldon is very unfamiliar with female genitalia, and his knowledge is probably limited to National Geographic  pictures and things like that, so I highly doubt that he'd notice if she was waxed or not. Totally not a nitpick, it was just funny that they all thought she should be prepared, as if Sheldon hooks up with women all the time.


    That part knocked me a bit out of this excellent episode. If Amy wanted to wax, yes. If she thinks she's expected to, hell no. Same with Penny and her "what women want" tips (i.e. I hope she kept it general; it's a personal nitpick that only Penny is seen as the pretty/sexy one, and hasn't her character devolved into complaining about Leonard's technique anyway?); Penny and Bernadette like to steer Amy toward the way THEY do things. But I can see the character wanting to check all the conventional boxes just because it's all a whole new world for her. AND IT'S NOT ABOUT ME. :) /invested

    And oh, Bob Newhart. Sense of timing is still superb, and he's just all-around awesome!

    • Love 2
  16. I want to try some of those pound-o-butter cupcakes.

    Jo's continued resentment is tiresome, but Abby needs to use her words more (and better). I am really liking her managing editor--let's have more of HER.

    Delia's plotline may be the most entertaining so far...I keep waiting for her fiancee to do something douchebaggery though. Then he keeps not doing something douchebaggery. I do struggle with that pairing.

    • Love 1
  17. Good god that's an unflattering angle of Scheana.

    I think we missed a whole chunk of action--whatever made La Squared go from meh to possessive over James within what seemed like a 24 hour span, had to be something big. She shouldn't have cared that anybody hooked up with him. The whole thing was weird. But I do believe she retained the exact same expression on her face the whole time. Maybe it's the dead eyes.

    Lala finding refuge with Jax was hilarious. To the rescue!

    My favorite part was everybody out in the alley. It looked like they were on a break from shooting. I loved that bored/comfortable vibe. I want more of Sur Alley even if it comes with Kristen, who continues to improve and at least tries to verbally and physically remove herself from James-infested situations. But James can't seem to let her be.

    • Love 2
  18. OK, am I alone here -- some shots of James, he looks exceptionally beautiful -- and then I see the dumbo ears & the twig arms & go BLECH,  Lala is a moron.

    I can see it. Also when he smiles, if you didn't know he was...himself...I can acknowledge the charm and charisma. Damn him.

    Can't remember...people, at least Lisa, warned Lala against Jax. Did anyone warn her about James, or had he not been as openly a douchebag yet?

    • Love 5
  19. I'm not sure yet what i think about this episode but i do think it had some interesting ideas in it.

    First, i took the notion of the Doctor and Clara as being the hybrid to be precisely a statement that she wasn't the greatest companion of all time. That was Ashildr's point about it being Missy who set them up. Clara was always a trap for the Doctor (perhaps because he was so intrigued after Ostwin) and Missy almost succeeded in turning the Doctor into another Master. In some ways Ashildr saved him which gives a new meaning to her promise to make sure she would clean up his messes when he left (and that leaving was a major theme of the season).

    Second, although i too was thrown by the use of the gun, the Doctor did make sure he knew how many regenerations the General had left before he shot him. He wasn't killing him but forcing him to become a distraction by regenerating. Had he killed the guy after Jenny he would have stayed dead. And as to why the Doctor saved kept the general and not the Council the general had blocked Rassilon when he was trying to kill the Doctor by eliminating all of his regenerations (that question about how many regenerations the Doctor had was the linked opposite to the Doctor's question to the general since Rassilon meant to be sure he eliminated all of them).

    Did anyone else think, when they came across the Dalek saying "exterminate me" that that might be Missy? It seemed like a throwback to when Missy trapped Clara in a dalek and also wasn't Missy's final scene in that episode an effort to convince the daleks that she knew how to help them against the Time Lords? Breaking into the matrix would do that.

    I do like the concept that Missy was behind much of this; from the old days, that character has been having such a grand time being evil mostly for the hell of it (and, of course, meglomania and ruling the universe). Hell, I even like the notion that it was her, or possibly a Clara, saying Save Me on the inside of that Dalek that I still feel sorry for, arrgh.

    I can't yet reconcile that shooting of the General despite the regen question. The principle still gets me. "My" Doctor never would (though he was never above putting someone out of commission for awhile). But I've long been thinking this isn't really my Who anymore either, though my love for it overall is so strong I keep coming back. :)

    • Love 3
  20. I had the same thought. It was no worse than if the general had just laid down for a short nap. I figured it proximity to home must make the difference.


    I have a flashback to the Romana years, whether overtly implied on the show or Terrence Dicks filled it in in the novelizations, that the Doctor simply never got far enough in his schooling to learn how to regenerate easily before he got fed up with Time Lord lethargy and stole a Tardis and fled. And that Romana was more intelligent than he was, at least theoretically and collegiately. :)



    I'm pretty sure they are setting us up for a "The Doctor is a woman". Moffat is trying to hard to be edgy and pointing out how easily the Time Lords can change gender.

    Ashildr and Clara fly off in a Tardis that they apparently know how to operate. After all these years, they are still getting defective Tardis's with broken Chameleon circuits. Apparently no one has informed the manufacturer. 

    I still hope it's a different show, then, because having a woman undertake this legacy is a commendable concept--but how much better would it be to have a wholly new Time Lordy character to establish her own storyline and reasons? Not simply a genderlifted Lady Doctor, or Clara Who, but...

    I don't know. Baby steps, right?

    For the Tardis, did he say it was the old Tardis workshop, or just the Tardis workshop? Sound quality once again struck. Old workshop would imply issues with Type 40s in general, if that's what that really was.

    I remember thinking that I hope his Tardis can sense him using a Tardis and come get him!



    new sonic screwdriver looks badass.  i never wanted one before.....but now i do, lol.

    Oh yeah. :)



    Just wanted to say a giant YES to your post.


    Inevitably you get into the trap that if you want to use Gallifrey at ALL it's going to come off as less than people expect. There's no preventing that.


    What they CAN prevent, and Moffat now especially should be publicly shamed and beaten with verbal sticks over this, is how incompetent they came off. How Bozoish. Even if we accept the premise that The Doctor (and I guess The Master) is extraordinary even among them--that he's not just smart compared to humans but also his own race--that doesn't mean they need to come off like idiots.  If they're ever used again something, somehow, has to be done to make them seem grand rather than puny.


    I tend to agree. I enjoyed Tom Baker's Gallifrey episodes because he carried them so well despite the budget! Now we've got budget galore and...yeah. I love me some Capaldi, so to me it's still down to the writing. Yeesh, Rassilon, I never knew ye.


    Wow am I in the minority who thought the episode was awesome? Then again am in on the minority who thinks Dictir Who is awesome?

    Even with all of the above, you aren't. Doctor Who is one of those unique shows that has such a legacy of fans that the show feels very personal to us, whether or not we have a "right" to that feeling. Not speaking for everyone here: We WANT to love and enjoy it like we always had. I go into each ep expecting to have a good time. When I'm saying "WTF is going on" in the opening and not in a good way, it shakes me out of the willing suspension of disbelief. And I liked this season better than the last one...or I had been. Lot of disappointment. And for me, it's because of the writing and direction.

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