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Posts posted by HouseofBeck

  1. On 12/10/2018 at 6:24 AM, Suzysite said:

    Seeing Mrs Hughes from Downton Abbey as one of the Ux was a bit jarring.   It would have been cool if her male counterpart was Carson.

    Thank you for this, because I kept getting stuck on "Harriet Jones, Prime Minister" and I knew that wasn't she, but I couldn't get past the slight facial resemblance. 

    I so wanted to like this episode as I have been enjoying the entertainment. This was a bit more than meh to me. Tooth-faced villain with the failed meglomania...the Master at his/her campiest was better. Are the planets okay? Did everyone on them die? (I missed what the Doctor might have said about that.) Did anyone on Earth feel that great sunburn coming on? Those attack robots sure are useless, aren't they. 

    Bravo to Jodie, though, seriously. She did the most & the best she could with what was overall a pretty cool season. 

    I love Graham, and he'd make a great Doctor himself, an Early Years Doctor where he'd just escaped with the TARDIS and was still learning all the whys/hows/whens/whats of handling, well, everything. 

    I did like the Ux, and the guest actors, and even the anvil-icious statements at the end, including putting one's faith in the absolute wrong ideals juxtaposed with keeping one's faith. Makes sense for today's world.

    Looking forward to the Jan 1 special...

    • Love 1
  2. 3 hours ago, rlc said:

    Man, will I be pissed if they add a pregnancy next season. I love that Midge is unabashedly hungry and career focused, and I hope the show continues to concentrate on that, and not will-she-choose-Joel-or-Benjamin trope. And obviously, is that even a choice? I’d like to see a lot less Joel (and no Shirley and Moishe next season). It would be interesting to see if Benjamin is truly as ‘evolved’ as they have portrayed him this season, and is actually on board with Midge’s career, and, likely fame.

    I also hope Midge will at least ask Benjamin if he'd mind postponing the wedding...or coming with her...anything so that she'd know for sure if he's really okay with the 'weird' everything, and not just assume either way. 

    • Love 19
  3. Annie Potts. I loved her in other things, but damn, was she ever born to play this role. She packs such range into each scene she's in. And you can see how the things she says, even when Sheldon gets that puzzled look, have stayed with him. 

    I kept waiting for Paige's over the top little girl antics to end out of boredom or something--at least, to me it seemed she was playing a caricature of what she thinks a 'normal' girl would be--but as Mary pointed out, she IS a little girl. 

    Love Tam. His world-weariness with a glimmer of lecherous future hope. :)

    • Love 10
  4. Weird choice to have Howard (half-heartedly) try to resurrect his old dream. I too wish they hadn't gone the ol smashed watch route. (I distracted myself by fondly remembering Gracie Allen doing the same in International House, which among other things was a pre-censorship movie. It was a much newer gag then!)

    What got to me this ep was Amy once again sad-sacking it over to Leonard and Penny for help with how to manage Sheldon. I guess it's just part of her personality to always want to manage this grown person's emotions for him, even and especially while she's hurting too? Arrgh. 

    Penny's striped PJs were divine and I covet them.

    • Love 3
  5. On 11/16/2018 at 11:53 PM, ByaNose said:

    Fourthly (what comes after thirdly?) the dentist in Brooklyn seemed nice. The office still looked tacky after the makeover. I did have one quibble with the dentist. If my dentist had teeth like hers I would be going to a different dentist. Just sayin.......

    Playing catch up (and still have to watch the latest). I love this show for Carson and Thom, but rarely agree with their designs. :)

    I didn't even notice the dentist's teeth, but I doubt she would have worked on them herself anyway. It seemed like every spare penny she had went back into her business, which seemed dedicated to help less fortunate folks get what they needed instead. Good for her. 

    • Love 2
  6. On 11/18/2018 at 5:57 PM, MarquisDeCarabas said:

    Something I just realised, the system put The Doctor in maintenance with Charlie before she switched it. It was trying to show her where the danger was. 

    Thats a really nice touch. I kinda wondered why the system thought the best use of the Doctor’s talents would be janitorial work. 

    That's a great point that I completely didn't remember.

    22 hours ago, CatWarmer said:

    I’m wondering how the system knew to send the red fez. It certainly made The Doctor happy though. I liked that little touch of continuity; what were others? I’m sure I noticed something but it slipped out of my memory.

    We are certainly a long way from the scope of all of space and time. 

    Amazon gave my son a very nice engineering job last year and he’s doing quite well, so no badmouthing!  No robots taking the place of organics as far as I know,although he won’t give me any details about his next team....


    I kept thinking of the Amazon distribution centers instead, though that still isn't a direct match with Kerblam! (ETA: Lots of problems I decided not to go into.)

    I really loved this episode and didn't expect to be in a perceived minority. I wasn't futzing with my phone during it, I was interested in the plotline, good winding suspense, and I want a Twirly. Good pacing, Graham had the best character lines but this time Ryan had more than usual, and Yaz had some good interaction even as she took a back seat.

    I thought something was up with Charlie as when he heard Graham had been assigned to his job, his face momentarily flickered with discomfort. Not the reaction you'd expect from someone taking care of a huge complex all on his own. I was still swayed by the red herrings, though, especially as Charlie seemed so helpful to the cause. It was just the wrong cause!

    And Graham making the decision for the Doctor to get them all to safety as Charlie was just not going to move in time was solid. The Doctor always wants to save everybody.

    Bubble wrap: Would like to think the TARDIS scrubbed it of detonatey qualities.

    Throwbacks in my mind: Robots of Death, and another Tom Baker, Revenge of the Cybermen, but only because there the transmat was supposed to separate out diseases/other anomalies and that's how Sarah Jane got cured after being bitten by a Cybermat. Thinking that bubble wrap properties would similarly be vanquished, but evidently that wasn't the case. :)

    • Love 1
  7. Very heart-wrenching episode and good pacing. 

    I know this was Yaz-centric, yet I'm still feeling that the quality of writing for all three companions per show falls a little flat, enough to be noticeable. Ryan's part, for example. Graham did much better, and now I don't know if it's the actors or the script or both. And I quite liked Ryan in the first ep. 

    JW continues to excel as the Doctor, and I say this even as I also don't feel that this is tied overmuch to "Doctor Who." Perhaps it doesn't need to be; the immediate focus is on the story, the antagonists, the fixing of the things, and almost as a sidebar, this quirky, sometimes-remote, sometimes-incredibly-in-your-face alien who looks human enough for even that not to matter.

    I can only come at with the perspective of coming up through Classic Who and then being so glad that RTD got it so right when they brought it back. So for me, the entire legacy is built-in and I don't need it shoved in my face every episode. I'm enjoying the hell out of this and that's part of why I want the ensemble writing to be stronger. 

    But if this is your first Doctor, do you feel that too much is unexplained? 

    • Love 2
  8. The only thing that jarred me out of this episode was the aforementioned difference between Penny's and Leonard's memories of their first time. I can't remember it myself and I'm seriously doubting my own memories in general, but didn't it used to be one of the quirks of this show that these two seemingly-disparate people had amazing chemistry? Same with Howard and Bernadette. Yet at some point that changed and so over and over, we get the jokes that the women have been disappointed all this time and are just putting up with their nerd husbands's sexual awkwardness. Bah.

  9. On 11/4/2018 at 5:03 PM, Lokiberry said:

    I'm sorry they killed off Astos so quickly, but I guess it was necessary to give Mabli a chance to shine. I wish there had been more time to get to know the General, her brother, and the android. 

    I really liked Astos and so feared he'd be killed off. Alas. His "I made a rookie mistake" acknowledgement was genius writing and delivered so well.

    On 11/5/2018 at 5:59 AM, libgirl2 said:

    For the first time in 40 years of watching the show, I had the same issue!

    Me too since I watched that show religiously.

    All in all I liked it. Parts of it looked like Ark in Space. Finally Yaz with the weapon!

    Mr. HouseofBeck said the same thing about Ark in Space!

    I found the Pting to be just not on at all. Adipose Gremlin. As a kid, I would have felt as patronized as I did when the Ewoks were served up to me as Look, Kid, You Are Being Told They Are Cute!

    So I decided to ignore the Pting and concentrate on the rest of the characters. Despite all my earlier qualms about this season, I am totally sold on Jodie. She may not be "my" Doctor and this may not even be my Doctor Who anymore, but whatever this is (to me), I am so enjoying it. The way she keeps THINKING no matter if she's in pain or confused or just witnessed yet another death in a long, long life that has seen too many deaths. The way she runs like she's running toward the next experience. The way she's piecing together who she is even as she acknowledges that she doesn't know all of who she is. It's all rather marvelous.

    I'm worried that the large ensemble cast is once again proving too much for the writers. Yas was largely relegated to Audience Expository role ("Oh, like the Red Cross!" "Oh, like CERN!") but next week's ep looks to focus on her. 

    Loved the male pregnancy plotline with Graham and Ryan. "I'm never getting pregnant" said so profoundly was the best line for me.

    • Love 6
  10. We couldn't watch it when it aired, so I'm looking forward to it tonight. From the comments, seems on the whole that Jodie is rocking it. I've been approaching this season with such mixed feelings as I wished they'd created a strong, new female Time Lord (Time Lady, though that always seemed derivative as well) versus the lazy route of just spackling on gender--but it sounds like the approach is different enough to make it seem new and relevant while still having elements for established fans. 

    15 hours ago, Florinaldo said:


    Also why is that the Doctor's regenerations are generally so problematic? The other regeneration we have seen in the reboot, the General who turned into a Time Lady when the Doctor was on Gallifrey, adjusted immediately to his new body and personality, despite having just gone through the trauma of being shot by the Doctor. Are we to conclude that there is a specific problem with the Doctor's physiology or is is just a convenient and familiar plot device? Except for Six, I do not think the process was always so disorienting in the Classic series. And they all remembered that they were the Doctor, even Three who had his time travel knowledge mind-blocked by the Time Lords.

    Hoping I'm recalling correctly--it was a mention in the novelization of "Destiny of the Daleks" (4th Doctor) that his regenerations had always been problematic, especially when contrasted to Romana's regen simply because she felt like it, and was either implied there or stated elsewhere in canon that he'd fled Gallifrey before completing the necessary schooling for a smooth transition.

    • Love 2
  11. Finally finished the reunion. I read all the comments beforehand and almost didn't watch it because I knew I'd be disgusted. But here I am. :)

    Joao sure knows all the angles. Getting called on your lies? Time to fake-cry! Presented with proof of your duplicity? Claim you just have no memory of it! 

    The problem is, that stuff WORKS. There are far too many people willing to actively enable people like Joao.

    As in, Colin of all people likes Joao. That tells me that for all his "nice guy"ness, he's still giving a known dickhead misogynist asshole a pass. That's great that Joao's behavior doesn't affect YOU, Colin. Screw that. Joao is a younger Jax. Both know how to appear that they desperately want redemption if only the right woman will come along (to do the work for them, only a woman can do it!)--but see, even that takes effort on the guys's parts, and it's so much easier for them just to stay assholes all along. They've got survival charisma and a whole field of chumps to go through.

    Also, I'm sick of all the "Brooke should have picked Colin!" bullshit. Have I missed all the "<Insert Name of Guy> should have picked Jamie!" clamoring? She's a nice woman, right? The point is, no one is entitled to someone else's affection, man or woman. Colin just didn't do it for Brooke; he clearly has survived to like Joao for another day, but he's given a pass for that where Brooke is dumped on.

    Sandy should stick to a yacht compass instead of a moral compass as she clearly only knows how to use the former.

    God, this show. Please may it not come back next season with any of this cast.

    • Love 7
  12. On 8/17/2018 at 4:09 PM, Jsage said:

    I agree that the editing is making Hannah look more lazy than she really is.  But I think her poor management skills are real.  She needs to communicate with Brooke and Kasey about what she's actually doing. Something like "I have to inventory the liquor and then I have my break. After that I need to arrange the provisions for the next charter and also they're going on a tour so I need to set that up. Then I will come check on how you are doing." Then they would understand more what her role is as head stewardess and that she really is working. 

    I'm coming from a position of corporate America, which for me is Cubicle City versus a boat you can't escape from, yet I wonder how justified Brooke and Kasey would be if they asked Hannah to spend time detailing her job just to prove to them that she works (it would go over horribly with my boss). It would be fun to watch, though. The little bit with Brooke and Hannah at the end already showed how Brooke is already predisposed not to assign any value to what Hannah does (or says).

    Ah, Adam. As another poster said, just because a woman talks to you, it doesn't mean she wants to dig past your crazy eyes. Even if she's wearing a bikini top and smiling. Christ.

    Hannah could say "don't use my fork" to Joao as he plucks it out of her hand, and he'd squall "Materialistic!!!" Bah.

    • Love 6
  13. 4 hours ago, snarts said:


    2 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

    This episode was tedious and exhausting.

    To me, I read the situation between Sandy and Hannah as: they both dislike each other personally since at least after last season aired (maybe when it was filming, too), they didn't want to have to work together this year, they're probably in an unspoken competition for who is the Captain Lee of this series (as far as the constant presence and arguable "star" of the show), and I get the vibe that Hannah may actually be the only crew member Sandy can't fire. I won't be surprised if this is explained away as "only three charters left, it would cause too much chaos/disruption to fire her now", but I think part of Sandy's "I want to fire her!!!" monologue was raging at the fact that production probably wouldn't allow it, and I think that also speaks to Hannah's eye-rolling transparent dislike for her. Maybe I'm just making that up because it's an interesting "what if" scenario and that's not actually even close to what's really going on, but I get the vibe that those two are jostling for their reality jobs, and not their boat jobs. 


    For the Sandy bits: As soon as she blared out that "We will never work together again," I thought, yeah, right up until Bravo says you are. That's what I take her tweet as, a walking-back of her statement because she wants to keep doing this show. Ugh.

    • Love 5
  14. 50 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

    Did Austin consider that perhaps Chelsea just wasn’t into him?! He came across like a douche this season. 

    That's how I'd take it! "Low sex drive" could = "you don't do it for me." Plus her suggestiveness about him being unable to perform when drunk. *toothy grin* His supposed high sex drive sure didn't help him there! Add in the other shit and it's no wonder she was disinclined. 

    I really hope Kathryn's, "That's all I'm going to say about it" in the teaser really is all she says about it, because people who say that (most often) come back with more to say. Maybe I'll be surprised for once...

    • Love 8
  15. 14 hours ago, absolutelyido said:


    Me too. Craig claiming Naomi couldn't name one lie of his because there weren't any was insane. Come on, Craig, I only watch you on TV for an hour a few weeks a year and I can come up with several. I think that a lot of the reason Naomi was so angry after they broke up was that she realized Craig wasn't at all the person that he had pretended to be, and that she had believe him to be. It's not just that their relationship didn't work out because they came to realize they weren't a good match. She came to realize that he is a liar who can't follow through on anything including, apparently, filing his taxes.


    Craig and his barking at Naomi to name just one lie--and as she proceeds to name several, he just keeps talking over her, and continues as she calls him out for talking over her. He must appear completely different to himself in his own head. Cripes.

    I wonder if the cast is under contract to be very careful about what they say regarding Thomas, or if it's just that they don't want to be hauled in as character witnesses.

    Cam's segment of perpetual crying got to be a bit much. It looked genuine. I also thought, okay, we get it, your redemption tour can end now.

    Per Boobgate, I couldn't tell if Kathryn was mangling "au naturelle" or trying to make a pun on that and "unnatural," and so I am grateful for this forum with the link upthread. :)

    14 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

    I thought she said she gained them naturally, which I assumed to mean through weight gain, but I wouldn't swear by it.

    • Love 3
  16. On 7/18/2018 at 5:00 PM, Barbara Please said:

    Brooke's first mistake is that she believes she can change Joao. She can't. He can only change himself. Her low self-esteem makes her needy, and desperate. She is sweet, but her mate picker is off.

    I've met men like Joao.  Sade would croon that Joao is a "Smooth Operator." Maybe he'd be fine for a fun time, but nothing serious. Brooke is going to be hurt. Hopefully, Collin will sweep in with his Pringles, and his white sweatband, and win her heart. 


    Brooke: "It's not that I think of it as a challenge, I just want to be the person to make this whole other person a better person!"

    Oh, Brooke. IT IS A CHALLENGE no matter how you pretty it up. You want to bring the beauty out of the beast. I know this because I was once the poor fool who tried the same thing, and it took a friend to help me figure out that that's what I was doing. I had it in my head that I could see the good in this person and so why couldn't he be like that all the time? The trouble is, it's hard for those types not to choose the asshole route, because asshole is easy. You see instant results with asshole mode. Having true consideration and care for another person takes work and delayed returns. And the asshole/troubling/scary behavior Joao typically expresses has, for the most part, worked well for him. 

    Part of me wonders if Hannah just expects her relationship with Colin to blow up at some point, so she wants to blow it up now, herself, while she's still in control of it. Or it's just a giant test to see if Colin will put up with anything she throws at him, demons and all. (Maybe it's both.)

  17. I've stuck with this show so long despite all reason, and even knowing it's a wreck, I just keep hoping it'll somehow get spectacular. Oh well, got this instead.

    Abby's response to Colette was nowhere near powerful enough to make Tess recant her No Corporate Ever stance. And yet she did. How fortunate that Abby will always let people who treat her poorly right back in!

    Delia & Tony, summed up:
    Delia: I'm not a liar
    Tony: Yes you are
    Delia: *stymied*

    And repeat. Are we supposed to think that this unrepentant ass who just slouched into town has stunning insight into Delia's soul? Arrgh!

    Right now I wouldn't mind seeing Jo's daughter undergo a complete personality change akin to blowing up the entire family unit. I am still rooting for Jo/Albert. Maybe there's fanfiction.

    A real crime: Barbara mostly off-screen. 

    • Love 4
  18. 11 hours ago, TVForever said:

    And to make matters worse, he wasn't Barb's ex when the sister slept with him. He was still her husband, and he in fact left Barb for the sister.

    That's why I got giggly when Sister (anyone remember her name?) got in Barb's face over Husband's lie about Barb seducing him in a school bathroom. First of all, does that even seem like something Barbara would do, and second, Bish- you slept with your sister's husband, broke up her family, and married him. You're lucky Barbara hasn't KILLED you. 

    Barb's sister will tell herself anything to keep that creep bound to her, ugh. 

    • Love 1
  19. 10 hours ago, oceanview said:

    I loved Kathryn's outfit too.   If I could pull it off, it would be in my closet.  She needed to to feel confident, and it worked.  Ashley and her green (jealous) face was just a bonus for me.  If the latest issues for Thomas were not bad enough, his whole life screams hound dog.   And his old man(hate that term) is  worse, as he passed it on to his son.

    I wonder if Thomas has tried to get away from his dad's horrible views, but lacks the strength. So often I see him resort to the noncombative "Mmm-hmm" at what comes out of his dad's mouth. He's got to know that times changed eons ago and his dad is an unfortunate living relic. And yet. There's the will to consider! (I speculate.)

    Kathryn is better off without him. She's doing the cordial route quite well, so it seems. It confuses him, heh.

    • Love 3
  20. 22 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Except he already had a date for it and simply saying that would have been the adult way of actually shutting that down.

    Yeah, I forgot to add that he still needs to sew himself up a backbone. But then that's self-evident at this point for ol' Craigster. I hope Naomi doesn't come off looking worse again next ep. --though his derail attempt in this ep did get him out of the screeching for the time being. He already knew it wouldn't go over well.

    • Love 3
  21. 23 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

    **snipped just to spare eyeballs, loved your entire comment**

    • I also thought it was weird/unrealistic that Barb's kid would leave the classroom to come out to the hall and ask why the three adults were whispering.
    • The real Delia character would be skeeved out by Tony, not turned on and intrigued.  He's been in prison, and she would know about the history of unreliability, drugs/drinking, etc.  She absolutely would not have pulled her dress up and panties down for basically a complete stranger, especially when, if she was really desperate for the shot, she could have revealed far less to expose the area that needed the shot. 
    • Yes, Delia came off as a little flirty with Tony at Phoebe's house, but she did not "lead him on" the way Tony accused her.  His comment rang pretty entitled/potentially scary to me.  Again, it won't be a red flag to her, especially since, as voiceover pointed out above, Phoebe's lecture turned Tony into the "best kind of candy" 
    • Mike's brat daughter needed to be shut.down with the "whipped" comments.

    I was confused about something that was said but I didn't quite catch.  When Barb and her sister were talking at Jo's restaurant, and the sister mentioned about meeting with the pastor, the sister said, "I still love him."  Then she said something, and even though I replayed it three times, I still couldn't understand what she was saying...the part in bold is what it sounded like, but I know it's wrong.  "Thought I could cheat yet, but I can't."  Does anyone know what she said?

    Perhaps it was, "I thought I could leave him," and was extra poorly miked. I wonder how the sister's pastor helped her through the initial "slept with my sister's husband" blip in her moral career. /snark

    I hated that "you led me on" comment by Tony, as up until then I had been slightly enjoying the hands-off attraction budding between them since they met. Delia gave that weird smile/smirk though, so I don't know if that meant she knew he didn't mean it...or was taking (false) responsibility? Skeeved me out.

    I get Phoebe's response of avenging angel, but also thought, you were just told, by Tony himself, to let him be an adult. This also means letting him make mistakes. Trying to make up for the lost years that he quite wrongly accused her of in the first place is not going to magically happen. That said, I still like her character, and her more responsible attitude, even if misplaced.

    Still digging Jo and Albert, and I hope neither of them mess it up just because Jo needs time to reframe how she thinks about Frumpkis.

    Annoyed at Mike's brat daughter too. Perhaps I'm too far away from whatever age she is to remember what it would be like if I were forced into a sudden maniacal blended family with no rights or say about any of it... okay, I'd hate it. I'd hate it now! But I'd like to think I wouldn't go out of my way to be hideous. Eh, maybe I would. :P 

    I don't like Colette, or her little speech inside Abby's home, or how Abby once again has nothing to say.

    I didn't expect Abby to like the amazingly-perfectly-shot-and-lit video, as I didn't think it showed her as this stunning personality.

    And Barb's kid is a lousy actor.

    • Love 1
  22. On 6/28/2018 at 9:53 PM, Drumpf1737 said:

    It's funny no one ever talks about how much Cam likes being on camera. tbh I'm over her nagging Shep. I like the friendship she has with Shep and Whitney but the nagging is just annoying.

    I was thinking about Cam's relationship with those two, and I can see her getting exasperated at Shep's continual blockheadedness when she sees his potential. Even down to reading a recipe, with his excuse that his mom did everything for him. (Cam's response to that was great. Mom did Shep no favors with that.) And with Whit, well, she just seems supremely comfortable with him despite the odd shape he takes in this show. Maybe it really is a true friendship among the three and not just camera clips and glossy Instagram photos. 

    On 6/29/2018 at 1:22 AM, zenme said:

    Is there anyone more annoying than Ashley? She's such a desperate goldigger.  I don't know how Thomas managed to keep her on as his girlfriend! How can anyone be so self-unaware and see that people don't enjoy her company? 

    Thomas doesn't see it in himself, har. I can't imagine all the women in this show are terribly comfortable when he's around. Yet he's getting such a calm, reasonable edit, still acting as the Benign Yet Ever-Judging God when speaking of Kathryn's and Ashley's respective behaviors. We're supposed to forget all his gaslighting and excesses and assaults (still going on!).  I wouldn't be surprised if off-camera, he's been promising Ashley everything, and if this isn't just dramaed up for the show, she's genuinely bewildered and wretched by how his actions aren't matching up. She's still an unpleasant person.


    Craig's eventual response to the whole "Take Naomi to the daaaannnnce" crap was excellent (and I paraphrase): "I would have married her. Would you have married Austen?" Shut that whole peer pressure situation right down! 

    Still, he does need to wake up a bit. Maybe he truly perceives things differently. Like time, and deadlines. But he's right, he shouldn't work for anyone else. They'd be driven to commit murder.

    ETA: Loved Kathryn's outfit. She was knowingly going back to a place she sources as the cause of her depression. She didn't know how she'd react. Armoring herself in an outfit she felt confident in was a great choice, plus I'd love to have it myself, so there's that. :)

    • Love 11
  23. I am mostly just here now for Delia's dresses, which have a disheartening tendency to be sold out. Bah.

    I was marginally interested in the Abby-Natalie dynamic, but that may have been because I was itching to see a real knock-down fight, even metaphorically. The Abby-Jake squabble wasn't quite it.

    Phoebe's and Jo's characters seem to be trying the hardest to evolve. I am digging Jo/Albert and I didn't expect to.

    I wish Abby would ditch her pained "Everything's fine!" smile and just LET IT ALL OUT. She always ends up destroying things anyway.

    • Love 3
  24. On 6/14/2018 at 9:44 PM, Batwings said:

    Whitney arriving to the party like:



    Ha! I was just reading over on Confessions of a Southern Charm Newbie (which should get way more attention):

    "Whitney arrives in a knee-length black coat with furry lapels as if he is testing everyone to ridicule him. He really is the Derek Zoolander of the show, but if Zoolander sold clean urine and positive birth control tests on Craigslist instead of professional modeling. Every time I see Whitney, I feel like I just saw the guy playing the Phantom of the Opera taking a lunch break with his costume still on."


    On 6/14/2018 at 10:03 PM, Drumpf1737 said:

    What bugged me was Cam hurting her mom's feelings about the blankets. I know she's probably tired and an enthusiastic grandma can be a pain in the butt, but her mom's face nearly cracked when Cam said she wouldn't use the blankets her grandmother had made by hand and passed down generation to generation.


    On 6/15/2018 at 10:29 AM, TheFinalRose said:

    I know that grandmas giving old blankets and toys and sleepers that have sentimental value is a thing, but no new mom is going to actually use something vintage on a newborn. Perhaps a christening gown that's been dry-cleaned and used briefly for the ceremony when the baby is not newborn, but IMO fresh, sterile and brand new are the keywords for new moms.  Cameron was blunt about it but she obviously isn't in the mood for taking those blankets and being responsible for them. In my opinion, those kinds of hand-me-downs are more about the original owner not wanting to dispose of something handmade so they pass it down so the next generation has to deal with it. 


    On 6/15/2018 at 2:05 PM, politichick said:

    That was perhaps not the first time that Cam's mother tried to get her to take those blankets and she has a pretty honest relationship with her, so the mother will get over it. She can use them at her house when the baby comes to visit or spend the night--and then wash them. Maybe Palmer will want them for her babies, and realistically my plan may be the only way they survive long enough. LOL

    I was wondering about this, too. I didn't like how Cameron was so terribly blunt with her mom; yet she's exhausted and so perhaps just amplified that part of her character. I wouldn't want to use heirloom blankets myself, I'd save them. Cam perhaps thought they're better off being lovingly saved by her mom than stuck in a drawer in her own house.


    Craig's conversations with his hand-claw were almost funny. I keep thinking his butter knife incident was just yet another dumbass way of demoing that wall with all the holes and crap. Only it slipped or he was holding it incorrectly (if there is a correct way to hold a butter knife when trying to remove a wall). With him, I don't even think he'd need to be intoxicated. It would just somehow make sense in his Super!Brain.

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