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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. I can’t help but feel that when they get down to the last 4, no one should be in the basement

    Eliminating Jordan was for the best. He definitely has poor time management skills. What kind of chef is he again, professional or home cook?

    • Like 3
  2. 20 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

    Carly will probably think that Ava has tampered with Sonny’s meds the way she did with Morgan’s.

    Yeah I can see that happening. If Ava's not careful, knowing about the tampering of Sonny's meds and not doing anything about it yet, she's going to end up being accused and land in jail

    Joss's reason for becoming a doctor seems to have changed. I thought it was because of Ava's stabbing and the helpless feeling she had watching Dex save her. Unless I misheard, now it's because she felt helpless when Dex was sick/injured I think in her dorm room (was he shot or something else?)

    • Like 3
  3. That Congressman looked too healthy to have Stage 4 lung cancer. And yes, Drew was an aggressive jerk to continue hard charging lobbying him

    18 hours ago, Blackie said:

    If you sign up to be a surrogate you should be prepared to say :"the baby", if not, there is only going to be trouble for everyone involved.

    I was trying to nap, so all I heard was Carly at level 11, and Sonny at his usual underwhelming state. They just haven't done enough to show that Sonny is really acting extremely. It is the usual  MB mumble mumble interspersed with his smashing his fist down off cue.

    Then I woke up to the weird scene of Trina and Joss talking interspersed with Dex getting dressed. so weird.

    I don't know, Sonny's absolute paranoia about who he can trust seems concerning. I'm surprised that Dante either didn't pick up on that or mention it to Sam as a concern

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Does Bode know the kid isn't his? He has no reason to be mad at Jake.

    Does the kid know Bode isn’t her dad? She seemed real happy to see him. She also seems really happy with Jake, which is nice, and their handshake routine was definitely cute. I like the actress

    Oh Luke

    • Like 1
  5. Quote

    TUESDAY, MAY 7, 10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT

    Shaun, Jared and Charlie's young patient need his parents to agree on an important medical decision that could greatly improve his health; however, his parents are unable to agree on the correct path which spurs the team to try and intervene on behalf of their patient.


    • Like 1
  6. Quote

    TUESDAY, MAY 7, 9:00-10:00 p.m. EDT 

    After a mafia-related mass casualty, the team is tasked to keep the peace at the hospital. Lucy and Celina work together to investigate the suspects behind the attack. Meanwhile, Tim and Aaron embark on a metro ops mission.


  7. Quote

    TUESDAY, MAY 7, 8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT 

    After discovering the body of a missing girl 13 years later, Will and Faith reopen the case leading to Will experiencing frequent flashbacks as they uncover the truth. Meanwhile, Angie and Ormewood investigate the death of a veteran.


  8. On 5/2/2024 at 6:30 PM, Frost said:

    That has to be one of the stupidest titles I've ever heard.

    It’s definitely one of the most awkward-sounding

  9. Double bill with Episode 1 on Friday May 10 with Episode 2 following Episode 1 (which starts at 7pm ET with a runtime of 46 minutes) in the US on Disney+ (May 11 at midnight Saturday UK time)

    Synopsis: The Doctor and Ruby meet The Beatles but discover that the all-powerful Maestro is changing history. London becomes a battleground with the future of humanity at stake.

    Runtime: 49 minutes

    Writer: Russell T. Davies

    Director: Julie Anne Robinson

    Full production listing https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001z8bz


  10. New era, new Season 1, now streaming on Disney+ and US fans don't have to worry about when the BBC is showing it on BBC One each week

    As stated in the production topic, the episodes will debut on BBC iPlayer in the UK and on Disney+ internationally at midnight Saturday mornings UK time (then on linear BBC One Saturday evenings). For those of us in the US, that will mean starting at 7pm ET Fridays

    Episode 1 premiering May 10 in the US/May 11 at Midnight UK time on Disney+ (and BBC iPlayer)

    Synopsis: Ruby learns the Doctor’s amazing secrets when he takes her to the far future. There, they find a baby farm run by babies. But can they be saved from the terrifying bogeyman?

    Runtime: 46 minutes

    Writer: Russell T. Davies

    Director: Julie Anne Robinson

    Full production listing: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001z8bz 


  11. Lots of stuff happening. Isaac called the wedding off, which I didn’t expect, Patience showed up and grabbed Isaac, Thor told Flower he didn’t want to be in a throuple and want to get married, the stripper was back and almost died and Pete’s back after a fling and almost disappearing. It was mostly a fun episode and an unexpected ending

    • Like 9
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  12. On Thursday’s show, I was amused that Nina let slip to Max that she was sleeping with Drew. I’m still not sure how I feel about Nina and Drew together given their hate of each other and him basically threatening her at least once, but it’s interesting for sure

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