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  1. PLEASE let this be true, and let Rinna and Erika be next.
  2. Yes. The only ones who really care about animals (LVP and Denise) are gone and we still have a fur-hag Cruella bitch Erika and a dog dumper. Bums me out.
  3. Also, can you explain what you mean by too fragile? For hours on end this woman sat there being attacked from all fronts, kept her cool and never struck back. She even complimented Teddi after she tried to destroy Denise all reunion. Denise is stronger than pretty much every one of them combined. Kyle cries every second, Sutton bawls in dressing rooms, Rinna throws glassware at the mere mention of her husband, Erika turns evil incarnate at the drop of a hat, and Teddi Is an insecure exercise addict so scared of being fat again it’s insane.
  4. I don’t care about being good for the show or not. Just being a human being, if someone can watch what I just watched and not empathize with Garcelle and Denise dealing with these psychos, I just won’t ever get it. Shrug.
  5. Literally if you come out of this three part reunion not FIRMLY team Denise and Garcelle, I will never understand you.
  6. Look, Denise has problems. The first of which is that she doesn’t come out and say, “Hey, screw you guys for trying to talk about my private sex life, I didn’t nothing to you but maybe talk some shit, and I think you all suck. Erika you are a fur hag wannabe with an 80 year old husband, Kyle you are fake AF, Teddi you’re beyond boring and Rinna you are a garbage human.” She could tear into them for how they’ve tried to treat her but she doesn’t seem to care. And now she’s gone like LVP, without a real fight. Please Bravo, put someone in there to drag all of these bitches.
  7. This is so pathetic. A few things - Denise said she said way worse stuff about Teddi to Aaron, not Brandi. She is super flighty and or drunk/high so she gets confused. Also now Brandi on WWHL said Denise said Teddi was “disgusting.” First mention of that ever. Brandi is lying her ass off. And I still don’t care if they slept together. I really will never understand why Denise is being treated like she killed somebody. Jesus, she didn’t do anything to any of these idiots. Rinna did NOT let Garcelle’s very apropos comment go right away. She staged a scene with Amelia about it, wrote about it on Insta numerous times, then finally made Amelia also do a dance video. Rinna is actual garbage and that is an understatement at this point. Drinking game - every time Kyle says “honest” or “genuine.” I’d be passed out already and she is, as Garcelle said, full of shit.
  8. If people truly think that Rinna's gigantic bobblehead on top of a toothpick isn't the result of food restriction, I don't really know what to say. She clearly doesn't eat, and her aversion to food has been shown on the show over and over along with her even admitting food issues. Then, add in her absolute distain (thanks Sutton) for "fatties" and it becomes pretty clear. She probably needs help and she almost undoubtedly contributed to her daughters issues. I just keep thinking about the severity of the anger shown toward Denise compared to what she has been accused of. This is one of two things, either a set up to target and get rid of her by the mean girls (most likely), or there is something way bigger to which we aren't privy. Because honest to god I have never seen people are pissed off over absolutely nothing. She called Erika "cold?" Erika revels in that and IS cold. She said she can't stand Teddi? Um, most people would agree with her. She may or may not have slept with someone that has no affect on any of them? Who cares. Nothing adds up. There are many things on this season worse than any of that. Kyle basically called Denise an unkempt loser/ragamuffin on camera. Erika sexualized children, and couldn't even offer an apology. Rinna betrayed Denise and their friendship at every turn. Garcelle called out Kyle at a function. Sutton was an undeniable snob. I mean, I just don't get the unparalleled hate for Denise.
  9. Oh my god. Erika says something on camera worse than anything Denise does all season (sexualizes a minor) and she tries to say “I’m talking about teenagers” and then mentions gay sex to try to win woke points??? Holy fuck. Is anyone actually falling for this? Rinna is a vile human being. She also looked old as shit and completely anorexic. Kyle calling out Garcelle was pathetic. What a total bitch. And her look could not be more dated. And, again... Was Teddi there?
  10. Teddi is the most boring housewives of all time. Period. That hat also was an abomination. I still don’t give a fuck if Denise is covering up the Brandi thing. It’s none of their business anyway and THANK GOD she finally just came out and called them mean girls. They are disgusting. And this whole thing was orchestrated by Kyle, Kim, Brandi, Teddi... it’s so obvious and gross. Denise is the target, they are so transparent you can see through them. Watching Teddi and Kyle in WWHL and wow, they are so pathetic.
  11. Did you watch the talking head when she did it? She was completely referencing his disease and making a joke. It slid under the Radar because we as the audience were geared to only pay attention to Puppy Gate that season. I have no narrative and it’s pretty strange that you think you know the “truth” of her comment if you didn’t even view or remember it. Also, this is a board for discussion of a reality show, please refrain from the zealous “Stick to the facts” direction - I’ll post what I want about the show, thanks.
  12. Yea, I get that (even through the smugness). But Kyle was smirking and clearly making a joke about him having HIV. Still cute? Making fun of the fact that someone has HIV?
  13. I think what has really gotten to me about last year and this year on RHBH with the pile-ons is that what the "targets" (LVP and Denise) are accused of is SO MUCH LESS egregious than what other cast members have done outrightly. Examples: 1. Erika sexualizes Denise's teen daughter on camera with the threesome comments. 2. Denise's first year Kyle addresses Charlie Sheen being her ex and says "you never know what he may bring home" or some such shit, obviously referring to his HIV diagnosis. 3. Rinna refers to people as "fatties," makes fun of Ash Wednesday on Instagram, wore the swastika couple's costume years ago, throws glass and practically tries to choke someone, etc. (plenty more here) 4. Dorit admittedly gave away a dog to someone she barely knew at all. And LVP did... what? Possibly tipped off Radar Online? And Denise did what? Possibly hooked up with Brandi and said true things about Teddi behind her back? It's all just so hypocritical I could die.
  14. I don’t think anyone really cares if Denise and Brandi hooked up. I mean really. Who cares. What’s obvious is the gang up and the fact that they 1. took Brandi Glanville (lol) as gospel 2. got together as a group to use it against Denise 3. Sabotaged her in Rome I don’t even care if she’s lying. This group of women are total assholes, and probably jealous of Denise’s paycheck.
  15. It’s called being civil. And she wasn’t around at Sutton’s, she was in the bathroom. Erika specifically said Sutton’s event was the issue. I guess we will agree to disagree because I thought she handled it really well, as evidenced by the conclusion of them getting past it.
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