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langford peel

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Posts posted by langford peel

  1. 9 hours ago, b2H said:

    Actually, yes, there is something that can be done about the reunion.  Andy could edit the stupidity down, recall the ladies and let them discuss this event.  He won’t because it is not what Bravo considers good TV.  He and Bravo are as much to blame for this character assassination, here and on the other shows.  

    This is exactly right. They can edit out the worst LVP bashing and not pile on to someone devastated by grief.

    But as you have said that is not Bravo’s way. They go as low as they can. As an Andy is lower than whale shit.

    • Love 1
  2. 5 hours ago, gritz said:

    She ditched her toddler in pursuit of fame and a wallet. It's questionable that she even has feelings.

    She has only one feeling. Greed. Greed for money. Status. Fame.

    She sold herself to an old man. She abandoned her son. A man approaching senility who trashed a lifetime of integrity and a reputation at the law to convert the proceeds of a loan to his firm into the payroll for a gaggle of leeches in support of a vanity singing career. She is truly vile.

    But along with Vile Kyle, the grifter Dorit, the pyramid scheme sleazy Teddi and the Depends wearing fame whore Lisa Rinna......she is the perfect New Style Real Housewife. Anyone who stays with this franchise now deserves what they get.

    Lets not call her a out control narcissist who manipulated an old man into bankruptcy. We can save that for people who rescue dogs.

    • Love 11
  3. 8 hours ago, b2H said:

    Actually, yes, there is something that can be done about the reunion.  Andy could edit the stupidity down, recall the ladies and let them discuss this event.  He won’t because it is not what Bravo considers good TV.  He and Bravo are as much to blame for this character assassination, here and on the other shows.  

    This is exactly right. They can edit out the worst LVP bashing and not pile on to someone devastated by grief.

    But as you have said that is not Bravo’s way. They go as low as they can. As an Andy is lower than whale shit.

    • Love 6
  4. I knew Jimminy Cricket was the murderer as soon as I saw him. The cliche would be the overworked nurse and the Norman Bates angle was a little different.

    I like this show. It is a little old fashioned but it killed an hour without a ridiculous shoot out. 

    • Love 3
  5. I know it’s silly to be morally opposed to a type of food. I mean veal cutlets are just about my favorite sandwich. But a diseased goose liver is just too nasty for me. Plus I think it tastes like crap. I would have sent that right back to Siberia.

  6. I know and I just don’t understand that. You pay so much money. Don’t you want to eat like a king if you a paying a kings ransom?

    I think that they don’t want to look bad so they accept it. The last charter should have been a lot more vocal about the horrible inappropriate food they were served.

    A foie gras burger? I am totally grossed out. I don’t want to see anything stuffed down a goose’s throat. Except maybe Kyle Richards.

    Wait a minute.....those were swans.....never mind.

    • LOL 9
  7. I was thinking about what I would do if I had a vacation on a Below Deck yacht. I wouldn’t use any of the water toys because of health constraints although the rest of the family might. My concern would be with the food.

    I confess I would micromanage what we were served at meals. I want to know what we are having for every meal. In detail. So I could veto some of the outlandish concoctions that some of them come up with. I cook for my family and sometimes I have to cook three different dinners due to health concerns or strong preferences. I would expect nothing less on a trip I would be paying so much money for as reported in the press.

    I don’t understand why the guests are not more vocal about this.

    • Love 4
  8. 9 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

    Now that LVP doesn't want to be a HW anymore, I think it probably won't be an issue for the continuation of the show.  Everyone seemed to laugh a lot more, and I liked how well they got along on this trip.  The fact that some of the HWs feel more comfortable now that LVP isn't there to take notes and sling her barbs, everyone can feel safer letting their hair down and getting to know each other better.


    • Love 4
  9. When you go to a viewing at a funeral home there is a book at the back of the room. You are supposed to sign in with your name and address even if you brought a Mass card or a sympathy card. In the midst of the confusion and grief you might not realize that someone genuinely tried to express their condolences.

    Do you really think that Rinna cares about Lisa or Lisa’s grief? The POS who tweeted out a photo of a cupcake covered in pills after her brother died in drug overdose? Do you really think the supremely self-involved Kyle Richards really cares when she replied to Lisa’s expression of pain and grief with a petulant “I have problems too Lisa.” Do you think Dorito, Teddi or the ice cold Erika give a shit about Lisa?  I don’t. Not for one minute. They will be quiet for a week but will be back bashing her at the reunion and on their blogs and on social media. The proof will be evident in the next few weeks. Watch and see.

    I hope we can believe the evidence of our lying eyes instead of the fantasy construct that these women are decent human beings.

    • Love 15
  10. 8 minutes ago, Door County Cherry said:

    It is but not in a tweet.  Erika's card is typically the way it's done.  A note or phone call that goes directly the person receiving the condolences rather than some ephemeral thing like a tweet that could easily get lost in the wave of people who don't know her "@ting" at her.  Then there's the other question of whether or not Lisa would even want to hear from them...whether she'd find it helpful or hurtful should any of them try to reach out, especially since many probably aren't super close to her or she to them.

    Exactly.  That's the point of performative sympathy. It's rarely to truly offer condolences; it's largely to make one's self look good.  

    You are dealing with the old way of doing things.  You think they should send an telegram? 

    In this age of social media and instant communication you must tweet out and mention it on Facebook or Instagram. These are public figures. Performers who rely upon the goodwill of the audience. Yes it is a performance to make them look good. If they petulantly refuse they look bad. Very bad. 

    If as I suspect they are so jealous and hate Lisa so much they should mock her grief like Rinna did about her brother. Then they wouldn’t be phony.

  11. 2 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:

    The reunion was already filmed so there will be no course changing for what they talk about because of the death.

    I doubt Lisa is watching their Twitter accounts for their expressions of sympathy.  It's one thing if they knew her and decided to share a memory to give context to the loss but simply expressing condolences to Lisa via social media would be purely performative for an audience who is not LVP.  

    These woman tweet about going through the bathroom. It is simply a courtesy to express your condolences. It is a matter of appearance and appearances matter. Even the supreme lowlife Brandi could do it but Vile Kyle couldn’t? Where’s Teddi’s Accountability? Will Rinna tweet out something mocking her mother’s death like she did when Lisa’s brother died?

    These worthless bitches can not do the bare minimum required in a civil society.

    As far as the reunion goes it has already been filmed but it can be edited. It would be smart for them to edit out the most egregious attacks on LVP if they don’t want to alienate a major portion of their audience. Actually further alienate them.

    Camille showed them how to do it. A simple timely tweet. But then these worthless bitches want to destroy her too. It just goes through show  you what they are all about.

    • Love 5
  12. Really? Seriously? Are they that shallow? 

    Camille just tweeted her respects. It is the least they can do. And they won’t even do the least.

    Since they are worthless pieces of shit they will do nothing.

    I wonder how it will look to normal decent people when these bitches bash Lisa unmercifully at the reunion when she is mourning the death of her mother.

    • Love 10
  13. Maybe Erica is upset because she knew about the second lawsuit for $5 million dollars that alleges that Tom took money loaned to his firm to finance lawsuits and gave it to her to finance her vanity career of patting her puss. This is in addition to the first $15 million suit which alleges the same thing. This time she is named and is a defendant.

    That would give anyone a migraine.

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