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  1. My comment comes after the announcement of Lisa’s death by her daughter, Danielle, who is either in denial about why her mother passed away at 50 years of age (yes, it was reported that this woman was ONLY 50) OR she was trying to prove everyone that predicted her death from obesity wrong. Danielle has reportedly said that Lisa’s death was caused by another condition, unrelated to obesity. It’s hard to imagine ANY illness could trump the degree of obesity Lisa had unless it was suicide and because of her mobility issues (she was still not mobil even after her supposed recent 200 lb. weight loss) her method of suicide would have been very limited. Even if Dr. Now had approved Lisa for the gastric sleeve or by-pass, it is highly doubtful she would have been successful with her inability to control any aspect of her eating habits. As a person that had gastric by-pass surgery in 2004 (and has kept off the 130 lbs. I lost afterwards), I know how easy it is to eventually be able to overeat, thus gradually stretching out the small pouch that is created for the small meals you must continue to eat in order to keep the weight off. Without addressing all the psychological problems Lisa had that caused her to prefer food to quality of life, she would have never been successful at losing the weight. I have seen every episode of My 600 Lb. Life and Lisa and Steven Asante were 2 of the worst patients profiled. However, in my opinion, Penny (one of the earliest people shown on the show) was equally as bad. She actually HAD the surgery yet she lost no significant amount of weight at all but kept claiming that she could feel the weight falling off DESPITE what the scale said! All the while, cameras rolled at her home as she ate meal after meal of fattening foods in huge portions. All I can assume is that she threw up a lot of that food afterwards because the size of her pouch after surgery couldn’t have ever held all that food. Rest In Peace, Lisa. While I’m sure your family will miss you, your death has given them back their life. So sad for all of them.
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