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Posts posted by EllaWycliffe

  1. 1 minute ago, Irate Panda said:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole Zach was going to buy the farm was a total storyline.

    I dunno Zach seemed pretty genuinely pissed and he's certainly not a good actor.

    2 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Neither Zach or Jeremy seem capable of running the farm and neither one (Zach in this case) should have realistically thought Matt was going to really say here’s the farm …TAKE IT (whether they were giving him a fair price or not).

    No one said either twin was smart, agreed. :) But Matt has been insisting for years that he wants to pass the legacy on etc etc etc

    3 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    At best, I think Matt would let his kids build a house on the property.  Otherwise, I think he will have his hands on the farm until he is completely incapacitated or dead.

    Land use laws in the area forbid this. The wedding barn side and the big house side are two seperate properties and can only have one family dwelling. When and if Matt builds the barbie dream house, he will have to move or tear down the doublewide.

    Agree that Matt has no intention of giving up any control of the property.  

    3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    I have to say, Caryn said exactly what I was thinking.

    Yeah Caryn is clearly in "stand by her man" mode with her "what the fuck??" I was a bit "kiss your faux grandkids with that mouth, Caryn?". I mean, Amy said "blow it out your ass" and she was A BAD PERSON so I guess Caryn needs to burn on the fire too since "fuck" came out of her mouth. I mean this is a family show and Pretend Grandma/Matt's lover is all "WHAT THE FUCK" - if thats how she talks on tv, I wonder what gets said when the cameras aren't there.

    Also amused at Caryn's marveling over why would anyone be upset over the situation. Unrealistic expectations or not, the younger couple has just found out they won't be purchasing the family homestead and Caryn has NO idea why that might be upsetting?

    • Love 6
  2. 7 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:

    Contacts weren't really a thing yet. I am surprised we don't see more people wearing glasses, as would be authentic to the period.

    Glasses were somewhat non essential in poorer communities until the 1970s and 80s. 

  3. I'm so not shocked that Matt's letting us all know that everyone but Matt was being unreasonable :)

    Also not shocked that he's getting his farm to himself and laughing about it. 

    For the record, TLC? It would be easier to figure out who's being unreasonable if the actual offers and counter offers were revealed. I'm more pro Matt if Zach was offering magic beans and a handful of nickels and much more pro Zach if Matt was demanding double what he paid Amy and also complete control of the property.

    • Love 6
  4. 7 minutes ago, Shermie said:

    And don’t get me started on the elderly who are doped up on a million meds and can’t hear or see well anymore, but by God, don’t take away their licence!

    They have better lobbyists.

    I personally am all for mandatory competency testing for people 65 and up. And I am not that far away from that age myself.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Daff said:

    Yes, Ellawycliff called it. 

    To be fair, I didn't think they wanted a plot where someone caused a lot of deaths thru sheer negligence. And that scene in the doorway last week really did look like a seizure.

    3 hours ago, rlc said:

    Wow, based on how cold Shelagh was to Timmy, perhaps neither nursing nor the sisterhood was the proper vocation for her.

    I didn't find this especially cold. People are injured and maybe dying, including her husband and friends, and Tim is all about how he and Dad had an arguement and like "not the time, Tim!" would have come out of my mouth (although I probably would have included a charming English explicative)

    1 hour ago, anna0852 said:

    My theory is that ultimately Shelagh has had a charmed life and no real permanent knocks to show her that everything isn't always roses. You're leaving the convent and renouncing your vows? Remain a close friend of the sisters and with no judgement or anger from them. Infertility issues? Quick adoption and a miracle pregnancy. Biological mother has isses consenting to a second adoption? Mum is conveniently half a world away. Marrying a widower with a child? Child accepts you as his mother immediately with no turbulence (when is the last time there was ever any mention of Tim's mom, whom he surely loved and has memories of?). 

    She's a married, working mother with three small children in the 1960's and *no one* is commenting? It was one thing for a poor family to have mom working or a widow needing a job but a doctor's wife with a nice house and a nanny would really be getting a lot more side-eye.

    Well, to a point, a) this is how the show is written, there's a lot of rosy outcomes for a lot of main characters. Nurse Crane literally just won the lottery, Mrs. Higgins not only wasn't raped and assaulted when her house was robbed, she's now in a much nicer place apparently for free. Trixie, as one of the other longer running characters, has the same tendency to roll double sixes and Sr Julienne went from "heart attack, soon to die" to "I was just overreacting" in all of ten minutes in this episode. B) a lot of why certain problems don't arise is that you can only show people bitching about the doctor's wife still working when she has kids so many times. As much as it irritates me, I know this si why we don't see more East End racists refusing to let Lucille tend them. 


    10 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

    Could someone explain how he ended up with some medical experience as a result of national service? Is this like people who join the military and end up serving as medics? 

    Because as the second nicest guy on tv ever, OF COURSE he just happens to have had medical training that has never been mentioned prior to this because yeah thats how we keep him in the plot line.

    I admit, I sort of laughed when Nurse Crane entered the house when it looked like the nuns and midwives had pulled one of Sr. Hilda's keggars in the place. I am going to question how Nurse Crane got from Brussels/France/Spain to London in under eight hours. There's no Chunnel in this era and no casual flights. 

    • Love 9
  6. I know Olly Rix looks nothing like the person I am about to cite but I swear Matthew Aylward reminds me, character wise, of Matthew Crawley in Downton Abbey.... the whole "I'm a good guy really" thing, his emotiveness, his caring, his boy scout nature and good looks. In my head I call him Cousin Matthew.

    • LOL 2
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  7. Hey remember when Amy didn't invite Matt and Caryn to the wedding and it was kind of an issue to Matt because it was sorta hurtful etc etc etc?

    So I was watching an older episode today - Season 19, Episode 9 To Buy Out Or To Not Buy Out. At the 27:06 minute mark, Matt and Caryn are in the barn office laughing over how they expressly do NOT want to be invited to Amy and Chris's wedding.

    Matt: "You think Chris and Amy will invite you and me to their wedding?" <laughs>

    Caryn: "I hope not!" <grins, Matt is laughing in the background> "Because then we might have to go!" <Caryn and Matt both chuckle>

    So yeah, apparently Amy was honoring their wishes that they so charmingly expressed as they laughed and laughed at the very idea of attending. I knew this scene happened, because I remember being a bit surprised at how openly nasty they were being on an actual episode. 

    Makes all of Matt's passive aggressive stuff later a wee bit ironic. I can't blame Amy for not wanting these two at the wedding after this scene. 

    • LOL 3
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  8. 9 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

    I do think he did have dreams of Jeremy one day taking it over, expecting Jeremy to do everything his way.

    Which isn't the same as passing the business on. "You can work here under me and you have to do everything I say, its my way or the highway" isn't really letting Jeremy take over, its employing Jeremy. And while I think Jeremy is lazy as the day is long (completely agree that Audrey is the one behind the success of their various ventures) I actually can understand why spending your childhood being told how one day you'll be taking over, only to find out that Dad is never going to let go of control AND you'll have to pay for the privilege of "running the farm but never doing anything that Matt doesn't expressly want or agree to" might lead to some of the bitterness Jeremy expresses over "the death of the dream".

    With both Zach and Jeremy I think some of the problem is Matt's unwillingness to actually cede control and whether he is asking a fair market value price. Hear me out - I think it's completely fair for Matt to expect one of his kids to *purchase* the property. Thats how the "thats unfair" stuff from the other kids stops - if one child purchases the family home at fair market value, no one is somehow being cheated. 

    We know Matt bought HALF the big house property for 975k. That means the original 34 acre farm is around 1,950,000 - lets round up to 2 million. Zach knows the numbers, they're public. I doubt Amy price gouged Matt in selling - I think she got a fair price and I think a lot of the not said back and forth over this was Matt attempting to pay as little as he had to in order to get control of the farm. My point? I don't think Matt over paid  for the property simply to be rid of Amy. So two million is probably accurate. I'm not against some profit, but anything higher than 2.2 million or 1.1 million for "Amy's half" is a price gouge on Matt's part and I can see why Zach would be angry. Zach did just pay close to a million for his own property, so to a point it's not an issue of not having the money.

    Matt also is currently tied to the show and to pumpkin season which means he has to maintain some control over the big house property because most of the pumpkin season stuff is on that side of the property. Which means we're back to "you are buying the property and paying top dollar but I also still control the property and business and all decisions go thru me" - its not really letting someone "take over" the farm, if you're maintaining control of all farm business and they're just paying for the privilege of living there... and I can't blame Zach for not wanting to pay top dollar to not really be taking over the farm. 

    If Matt *really* wants one of the kids to take over the farm, he needs to leave his self involved little bubble and accept that someone taking OVER the farm means he will no longer have the final say on *everything*. I think what Matt wants is one of the kids to be there to order around and to make him look good as a dad, a "look at me, I'm a farmer man and here's my farmer son waiting in the wings, aren't I a great dad?" type of thing. Thats fine, but thats not ceding control of the farm to one of the kids.

    And I have no problem with Matt clutching the farm as his personal toy until his last breath... but if thats the plan then he needs to stop publicly shaming his children for not being willing to step up and help Dad and not being willing to share Dad's dream of a legacy on the land. If he really wants one of the kids to take over - he has to be willing to step back and change how he controls everything. 

    • Love 8
  9. 2 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Am I mistaken in thinking Darlene adopted the baby?  Was that not a legal adoption?  Why wouldn't her estate go to the baby?

    She was fostering Zeke with the intent to adopt (I jokingly call it "rent to own" with my friends who do it, but only when they're in good moods). Because Wendy ALSO wanted Zeke or at least didn't want Darlene to have him, she reported Darlene's poor health after Darlene's heart attack. Part of why Wyatt married Darlene was to make Darlene look like a more stable mom with a husband so that she could keep on fostering Zeke.

    When Ruth found Darlene and Wyatt dead, she took Zeke and dropped him off with a friend and then returned Zeke to social services noting that Wendy and the Byrds in general should not be allowed to have the baby. Zeke then was never mentioned again....

    • Love 4
  10. 9 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

    A selfie of Amy taking a selfie.

    Its not actually a selfie of Amy taking a selfie. That usually involves a mirror. This is clearly someone else taking a picture of Amy taking a selfie of herself and Chris. 

    • Love 3
  11. Queens aren't rare.... queens with power are. A drug cartel led by a woman who previously was not a player? Thats where I'm having an issue. Camila came out of no where. Now to a point, its a minor nit... I just find it implausible that anyone thought she'd last longer than ten minutes. The FBI in particular.

    • Love 1
  12. Like, I hate to generalize but most Mexican drug cartel gangsters seem to be sexist macho assholes. Your examples are more known for their rarity in male dominated fields. The never mentioned beyond the basic understanding that Javi must have a mom until after Javi was dead woman just doesn't seem viable.

    • Love 1
  13. Don't feel bad about missing that Chad Lowe was supposed to be the half brother. I knew he was guesting so I expected him, but I was like "oh weird, I know Tyler is dead, so they cast Chad to play some random guy giving Owen advice and we are just ignoring the eery similarities hahaha good one show!" And then it became pointedly obvious that Robert was the half brother and I was all "ok, that was weird..."

  14. Well, let's be honest. In reality if Wyatt's marriage meant he would get Darlene's estate, then realistically upon Wyatt's death it would pass to his brother, and Ruth wouldn't be part of the equation at all 

    I don't know how the state of Missouri would be involved at all. Darlene's marriage was legal, if brief, she apparently has no relatives so the estate would fall to her husband's next of kin.

    • Love 3
  15. 3 hours ago, LilyD said:

    While I agree it’s probably a big thing between them, I highly doubt it’s the only thing. Ever since both boys started dating, a certain sibling rivalry started to emerge. There always seemed to be subtle things going on related to girlfriends, weddings, pregnancies, babies, new houses etc. And then Jer was ditched from the show in favour of Zach ( to keep the focus on LP I presume?) All these things didn’t help their brotherly bond.

    Oh totally agree there's more to it than just the farm ownership - although I do think thats big because Jeremy was pretty strongly advocating for himself complete with Zach agreeing that he, Zach didn't want the farm, just access. Off hand, I'm sure they love each other but:

    1. Zach probably harbors some resentment that Jeremy is average height and seemingly has little to no understanding of how difficult things can be.

    2. Jeremy probably harbors some resentment over ALWAYS being stuck as Zach's Social Helper Monkey - every activity had to include Zach and Zach frankly wasn't exactly charming and friendly, he was often a rude unpleasant little bitch. Jeremy spent his teen years with Zach attached - who was rarely grateful.

    3. Jeremy was so obviously Matt's shining star and joy and obvious favorite, I wouldn't be shocked if all the kids hold some serious resentment over how Matt favored him. 

    4. Amy clearly defended Zach and coddled him over the other kids even when his behavior was shitty and asinine. Again, I am sure this caused some resentment from all the kids and yeah, its very noticable how Molly walked away from the messes that are both of her parents. 

    5. Jeremy was clearly unhappy that Zach got his wife pregnant first and was VERY upset that Zach was the first Roloff to produce a grandson for Matt. The second Ember was revealed to be female at the gender reveal party and Daddy Matt's face went from happy to frowning, complete with telling Zach on camera "now Jackson is king of the farm" was the moment Jeremy realized his place as the shining star and light of Daddy Matt's life was over.

    6. And there's the show. I think Jeremy liked doing the show but I genuinely think that even now, he and Audrey would be welcomed back if they asked. His public story is that he chose to walk away blah blah blah. My personal opinion is that he and Auj wanted a better edit with more focus on their amazing entrepreneurial ventures and less "look how bitchy Jer and Auj are in comparison to Zach and Tory" episodes. 

    7. Now add in Matt pratting about the farm and the legacy of handing the farm down to his *grandson Jackson* and how as soon as Jeremy left the show suddenly Zach moved up in the ranks as someone likely to take over the farm.

    I never thought Zach would get the farm because if Jeremy didn't pry an agreement from Matt then no one will. But you're right, its not the only issue between Zach and Jeremy - but I do think its a big one. 

    • Love 4
  16. I thought it was fairly well known that Matt did take out a 875k mortgage to buy Amy's half of the big house property at 967k. He also paid her a separate 675k for her half of the wedding barn property. There were news articles at the time about it.

    I do think Amy got a fair price. If Matt is asking Zach for say 1.1 mil, for the property he paid 975k for, Zach is being a whiner. If he's doubled the price, yeah he's taking advantage but I doubt we'll ever hear actual numbers 

    And thanks for the wocb info!

    • Love 2
  17. I money, I get your point with the money not passing so quickly from Darlene's estate to Ruth... but if there's no protesting family, I don't know why it wouldn't pass to Ruth.... and Three 

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  18. On 5/4/2022 at 1:45 PM, SnazzyDaisy said:

    Apparently, the main purpose of Cade getting shot is just to fuel Conrad’s storyline of him still protecting his heart, and/or still in love with the ghost. The romantic interest between Conrad and Cade isn’t believable, zero chemistry, no obvious flirtation.

    Honestly, the whole "there might be brain damage, THIS CANT BE LIKE NIK, everyone rally around Conrad to reassure him that he won't lose another woman to TRAUMATIC BRAIN DEATH because NIK DIED THAT WAY AND NOW CADE MIGHT OMG POOR CONRAD!!!" was just ridiculous and painful to watch. We're four years out in the story from Nik's death, at some point maybe Conrad should see a therapist. Particularly since yeah, Cade had zero chemistry and they appeared to be more friends than anything. 

    22 hours ago, vibeology said:

    When Devon and Leela were talking suddenly about how they needed to figure out how to work together in a professional manner right after a totally professional exposition dump, I just laughed. She's a surgeon (what specialty? who knows since that plot was dropped even though she nearly killed someone just last week) and he wants to do research. It's a big hospital. Do they even need to interact much? 

    Yeah, this isn't that hard except you know, they're in the "CONRAD MAN PAIN" squad so they will be included in all of Conrad's cases.

    • Love 1
  19. 34 minutes ago, LilyD said:

    Most can be prevented with a good will and proper communication to those involved.

    This. I've watched the show, I've watched Matt dangle the farm and who gets the farm over his kids over his male children for years. Yeah, I think Molly got the huge fucking hint that SHE was not worthy, but there was every reason for the Prince Twins to think that Daddy Matt was going to hand over the farm to one of them. 

    So in theory, Jeremy and Zach have a "rift" between them over how Jeremy thought the farm would be handed to Jeremy... until Jeremy was shot down by Matt over making an unacceptable offer to buy.  Now Zach appears to be angry that Matt wants someone to take over the farm but finds Zach's offer unacceptable. 

    I know the twins are just a few iq points above the below average line, so I am not shocked that they haven't picked up that Matt's "precious" is the farm. (Point - no matter how many times Matt mouthed off how he wanted the farm to stay in the family, I knew it was never going to happen for a variety of reasons including the reality that Matt really didn't want it) but lets be honest - neither Jeremy or Zach are bright, or savvy and yeah, the communication they heard - and that was filmed - was that Matt wanted one of his sons to take over the farm and maintain the legacy.

    So, I can understand Zach  - and Jeremy to be honest - being hurt and offended to find out that Matt hasn't effectively communicated his true intent and interest in the farm and how it leaves his hands. While I think there were some red flags that Zach should have picked up on (and that I think Tory did pick up on) this isn't a case of "Stupid Zach is being unreasonably selfish and poor innocent Matt is the victim of greed" - Matt's been pretty open in stating his wishes for the farm to be taken over by one of his sons without attaching "and they'll be paying me  top dollar for it, of course". 

    I think its sad that "who gets the farm" appears to have destroyed Jeremy and Zach's relationship and Matt doesn't seem to care in the slightest. 

    • Love 4
  20. 9 minutes ago, Blackie said:

     This for sure they shouldn't have cut. When Sr Julienne came to her to tell her how successful she was, I was "thanks for not showing us !!"

    Yeah I was like "Is this some sort of passive aggressive joke, Sr. Julienne? Because Nancy fucked it up hard"

    3 minutes ago, Blackie said:

    There's a word for that.

    Yes there is but no one went there and instead were all very much "of course the boys are sniffing around" as though she looked like Nancy. 

    • Love 1
  21. 3 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

    If that's the case, then Matt should most certainly not sell at a discounted rate to one of his kids.  

    Well, he shouldn't sell at a discounted rate regardless - thats his retirement.

    That said, he also needs to concede that he is unwilling to sell to his children for anything less than top dollar and prefers a nice profit over one of his kids following in his footsteps and that making a nice profit is much more important to him than creating a legacy on the farm. 

    Then he needs to shut up about how he wants the grandkids on the farm because he's made his choice over watching Jackson etc grow up on the farm versus a nice sum in the bank. That's all - he's made his choice, I respect the profit factor, I can't say I'd make a different choice... but I would stop the public guilt games over how disappointed I am that no one wants to live my dream. 

    • Love 10
  22. 30 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

    Can’t they find some horses? The prehistoric ones are still wandering around at that point in history.

    Fair point but it assumes anyone knows how to tame and train completely wild never domesticated horses. 

    • Love 1
  23. 40 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

    I dunno.  If I were Matt's kid I'd be thinking about splitting up the farm and selling the parcels after Matt dies.

    Land use laws in the area forbid that. The big house property can be separated from the wedding barn property because they were originally separate properties, but while it would make a ton of money to break the property into a massive subdivision, its not allowed. 

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