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Posts posted by blackwing

  1. 2 hours ago, woodstock said:

    Naomi is pregnant

    That solves the mystery of why she withdrew from the AO.

    She says she will be back on tour for the 2024 Australian Open.  Anyone want to take bets on whether that will happen?  She barely wanted to play as it is, I find it hard to believe she will want to continue playing after having a child.

    Most players will delay having children until they are thinking of retirement.  I think the most notable exception is Margaret Court, I believe she was actually pregnant for one of her Slam wins and then won three more after coming back.  Kim Clijsters also won three Slams after becoming a mother, but she had already retired once to have children and then made a successful comeback.

    The most notable mothers on tour recently have been Serena and Victoria Azarenka, and both struggled to regain their form and did not / haven't had the same level of success.

    So my thinking is that this is the last we have seen of Naomi.  Too bad.  At her peak, she was electric.  She's only 25, but it is very evident that her heart is not in tennis. 

  2. On 1/10/2023 at 1:07 AM, bunnyblue said:

    I'm so annoyed that we barely got to know John, and now he's dead. He was the one character that connected 1883 and 1923 and his death garnered zero reaction except from Emma. It was bittersweet watching Emma dig his grave next to his 3 original family members who made the trek from Texas to Montana 40 years before.

    I am annoyed as well.  I looking forward to getting reacquainted with James Badge Dale (haven't seen him since about 20 years ago when he was Kim Bauer's boyfriend on "24").  His character in this show had at most two lines before he was killed.  What was the point of even having him on?

    I especially don't understand why his own son doesn't seem to care that he is dead.  I know that Jack is concerned about Elizabeth, but how about taking a moment with your mom to grieve for your dad?  Why did Emma have to dig John's grave on her own, before the other ranchhands helped?  Jack at least should have been there.  As always, some pretty poor writing.

    I at least wanted him to talk about James, Margaret and Elsa.  Mostly I wanted to learn more about the early days of the Duttons in Montana.  What happened in those 10 years before James died?  A series of extended flashbacks in the first two episodes of this series would have been nice.  This show wanted to film World War One flashbacks but not scenes of the early days?  What did those WWI flashbacks add to the show?  Pretty much nothing, we already knew that Spencer was haunted by the war even without seeing the imagery.

    I remember as "1883" was ending that there was all the confusion about how it had been renewed for a second season.  And then Sheridan saying that the story would be continued in "1923".  If he has moved on from "1883" and doesn't want flashback scenes, we at least could have gotten more extensive discussion about how they got there.  Who built the house?  James or Jake?  How did they defend the house?  We saw in the 1893 scene that James had made some kind of friendship/alliance with the Native Americans.  And that friendship seems to have extended to Jake.  I sure would have loved to have understood how it is that the Dutton ranch became the largest in the area.  

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  3. Did Jake take any responsibility for the attacks?  Either he did, he didn't, I missed it, or I can't remember.  All of this was set in motion because he left Creighton alive.  He should have either 1) let the law operate and turn those six men over to the sheriff, or 2) made sure to kill them all.  What was the point of putting the six men on horses under the noose?  I think he was basically saying, "hey, if they somehow survive the night, then they deserve to live".  As if that would take the responsibility of killing them out of his hands.  "I didn't kill them, the horses did."  Why?  Once he made the decision to kill them, why leave anything open to chance?

    Now this one guy survived and has declared war.  As a result, Jake got his nephew killed and his grandnephew's fiance is unlikely to be able to have children.  Who will be left to carry on the Dutton legacy after Jack?  Obviously since we viewers know about the current Duttons on "Yellowstone", someone does.  But from Jake's perspective in 1923, he really should be beating himself up about screwing over the future of the family.  Spencer is pushing 40 and has seemingly never shown any interest in getting married and having children.  But now, Jake is putting him in an unfair position by telling him he has to come home and take over.  A life that he apparently never wanted. 

    It really is all Jake's fault.  The current day Duttons are ruthless and decisive, maybe somehow Jake's spirit lives in them, telling them to be forceful and not repeat his mistakes.


    This episode did confirm that Elsa's grave was next to her parents.  We saw one grave with a distinct "ELS" on it next to one that had the same "Our Mother" or "Our Father" engraving that we saw when Monica and Summer were in the Dutton family plot.  So I guess Elsa never got her wish to be buried at the foot of that tree?


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  4. On 12/29/2022 at 8:51 AM, Good Queen Jane said:

    Am I the only one freaked out by Kamila Valieva's skate as Wednesday Addams at the Russian Nationals?

    What is her current status?  I thought the Russian Anti Doping Agency (or whatever the official name is) said it finished its investigation in the fall but would not disclose the results.  Does the fact that she competed at the Russian Nationals mean that the Russian agency exonerated her?

    I recall reading that the World Anti Doping Agency commented that Russia is taking too long, and referred the case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

    I am aware that Russian skaters are still banned from all events this year, but I guess she is still considered by Russia to have done nothing wrong?

    • Fire 1
  5. I don't think I've really seen a full episode of this show before, but tuned in for the crossover.  I like Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J.  Haven't seen Chris O'Donnell in years, I guess everybody ages, but sometimes I still think of him as the young kid from "Fried Green Tomatoes" and "Scent of a Woman".  He looks like he has certainly filled out and put on the pounds, especially in his face.  Did not know who the other agents from L.A. are.

    Nice to see Yasmine Al-Bustami.  Jane Tennant didn't really explain much about her status, she introduced the team to Special Agent Afloat Lucy Tara.  But there was zero discussion of how her program has been going, when is she coming back, etc.  The actress' name has been removed from the "NCIS Hawaii" credits, so I'm not sure what's really going on with her.

  6. After feeling like I got burned by the last NCIS crossover, I had decided I wasn't going to watch all three parts.  But I did.  Still really dislike Wilmer Valderrama, and I still consider him to be among the world's worst actors.  He is about as wooden as they get, and his monotone voice induces sleep.

    The NCIS Hawaii episode was entertaining, I liked the scenery and the plot.

    I couldn't stand the CIA lady, and instantly recognised the actress as the actress who is currently playing the sinister Sarah Atwood on "Yellowstone".  I wanted her to get plugged so badly, too bad it didn't happen.  But I do hope she does get some serious consequences for abducting federal officers.  Probably won't happen, but one can hope.

    I never noticed that really enormous wart on the right side of her face.  Maybe she does a better job of hiding it on "Yellowstone", but now that I have seen it, I cannot unsee it.  That thing qualifies for its own zip code.

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  7. 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    So, the young fiancé is madly in love with the young man and his way of life…..ok.  I’m just having trouble seeing her sign up for this.  After what’s she’s been through…I’d be on my way back East for sure.   I guess this country was built on those with a more adventurous spirit.  Lol

    9 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:

    Well, it is fiction so the writers keep Alex with Spencer to move the story forward. I don't think they craft the story with decisions about what even makes sense in terms of what a real person would do.

    I'm pretty sure that Sunny is talking about why Elizabeth is staying with Jack (not Alex and Spencer).  Her dad was killed, she got shot and almost died.  Her mom came to collect her and take her home back East.  Elizabeth refused, so she must really want to be with Jack.

    The writing for her is poor, we know absolutely nothing about her.  It wasn't until this episode that I was aware that her dad worked for Jake and that he was one of the ones who were killed.  So what exactly is this family's story?  They apparently came from back East.  Why were they in Montana?  How long have they been there?  Did they just happen to be in Montana and Dad got a job with Jake at some point in the past?  Or were they recent migrants to Montana and Dad needed a job and fell in with Jake?

    The way the mom talked, she makes it sound like the whole "living in Montana" thing was some kind of experiment.  They recently moved from back East to Montana because Dad wanted to work on a ranch.  And now that the experiment is failed, Mom is taking Elizabeth home.  That doesn't make any sense, why would they uproot from the comfortable East to travel all the way across the country just so Dad can be a rancher?

    It makes more sense to me that they have been living in Montana for some time.  Enough time for Elizabeth to meet Jack and get engaged to him.  But now that Dad is dead, Mom imperiously commands Elizabeth to go home with her?  She knows that Elizabeth and Jack are engaged, what did she expect Elizabeth to say?

    Maybe I am overanalyzing this all, but I think this is just yet another example of bad writing on a Taylor Sheridan show.  Why even bother to show these scenes of the Mom and Elizabeth?  As I mentioned, we know nothing about them, so why were we supposed to care if Mom wanted Elizabeth to leave?  Why even bother to introduce the character of Mom only to have her leave right away?

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  8. Wait, they aired four episodes, and now we have to wait an entire month, until February 5, for the next four?  Why the break?  Surely the Superbowl doesn't figure into this.  This show is streaming so people can watch whenever they want.  Did the same thing happen with "1883"?  Not sure why streaming shows have these breaks, it just kills the momentum of the show.  Just when they are finally connecting Spencer's story with the rest of his family, the show just comes to a halt for a month.

    Agree with the above comments that the pacing is too slow.  Last episode, there was the brutal attack by Banner Creighton on the Duttons, which resulted in the death of John and the incapacitation of Jake.  This episode... what really happened?  Pretty much nothing.  Helen Mirren went to the meeting of the livestock commission in place of Jake.  She kicked some ass and established some kind of police/militia ostensibly to protect everyone's cattle, but she made it clear in no uncertain terms to Creighton that she knows what he did and that she was declaring war.

    That's about the only significant plot development.  Oh, Teonna killed the cruel nun and ran away.  I hope we don't have to see this school or maid training camp or whatever it is again.  The ruler and the whippings and the beatings are just a bit too much.

    Alex and Spencer frolicked in Africa and then received the letter urging him to come home. 

    And another interchangeable identical-looking blonde, who apparently is the mother of Jack's fiance Elizabeth, came to claim the body of her dead husband, who apparently worked for the Duttons and died in the attack, and demand that Elizabeth go home with her back East.  I actually thought this woman was Emma (John's wife and Jack's mom), I don't understand how Sheridan would have expected viewers to be able to identify this was a different woman, since we have barely seen Emma.

    I don't think anything was said about Elizabeth's wounds, she got shot in the stomach and somehow was saved?

    1 hour ago, Paws said:

    Helen Mirren is owning this show 100% and her scene at the meeting (and just after) was great. Also good to see Timothy Dalton, that’s making things interesting.

    Helen Mirren is fantastic here.  She makes magic out of everything she touches, and she is elevating the performance of everyone around her, including Harrison Ford, who I have always considered to be a fairly wooden actor.  Taylor Sheridan really hit the jackpot when he got her for this show.  I know people who haven't watched any of his shows and yet they are tuning in to "1923" solely because of Dame Helen.  

    When Alexandra started reading the first letter and her reading of the words shifted to a voiceover by Mirren, I was thinking that even her voiceover acting is incredible.  When she was talking about Spencer's smile, "it is my sunrise, and I miss it with all my heart", I was thinking, now THIS is how you do a voiceover.  She makes Ghost Elsa / Isabel May look like she should give up on acting right now, because Isabel May will never in her wildest dreams achieve the same sort of gravitas in a voiceover that Mirren did in just that line.

    2 hours ago, Affogato said:

    After this episode I am less hopeful that Jacob has survived. I did read a review that pointed out that Cara was given power and then Jacob tells her exactly what to do, but that is when we see Jacob's strength as a strategist, as a general in this war. If, probably when, he dies we need to know what they have lost. I imagine she will blossom into this role, but at this time holds out hope that Spencer will be the military strategist the family needs to replace Jacob.

    Spoilered just in case...


    I'm not sure if everyone gets the same commercials on Paramount Plus as everyone else, but at least for me the commercial right before the final scene with Alex and Spencer reading Cara's "come home" letter was a preview of the upcoming episodes.  In these episodes, Jacob is very much alive and seems back to full health.

    1 hour ago, circumvent said:

    I think she will be rescued by some of her own people, or another tribe in the area, and I think it will be revealed she is an ancestor of the character in Yellowstone.

    They sure are taking their time getting there.  I too assume she's either the ancestor of Thomas Rainwater or Monica Long.  I would have thought that she is probably Rainwater's ancestor, but this season on "Yellowstone", Sheridan finally seems to have gotten the memo that pretty much everybody hates Monica.  The Monica of this season seems a lot more likeable, and if Sheridan has changed his opinion about her, he could be making Teonna into Monica's ancestor and showing us where Monica gets her fighting spirit.  Or some crap like that.  

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  9. To probably no one's surprise, Naomi Osaka has withdrawn from the Aussie Open.  Seems to be yet another mental health break.  She doesn't seem to enjoy playing anymore, I would not at all be surprised if she retires for good very soon.



    Disappointed that Venus has withdrawn with an injury.  I know she probably wouldn't have advanced far, if she even got out of the first round, but it still would have been nice to have seen her play.

    Article also mentions that Simona Halep is "not playing this year"... but I thought that was because she is currently on drug suspension.  I remember she said she was innocent and said she was going to fight it, did anything become of that?

  10. I agree with others above that the police portion of this episode was way more interesting than the trial.  The police portion kept us guessing as to who did it.  The legal portion, it was obvious to me that the CEO was guilty, the show just took its time getting us to the end.

    2 hours ago, ICantDoThatDave said:

    The court case was just ridiculous. There is no world in which what we saw would result in a guilty verdict. Heck, even as a viewer I have reasonable doubt about the CEO's guilt (I mean, I know according to TV Rules he did it, just that the parts shown at trial were unconvincing).

    Also, since we were told the witness was deported after her testimony but before the trial was over, couldn't the Defense just recall her for more testimony & when she doesn't show have her whole testimony tossed?

    I thought the housekeeper/maid was very clear in that she saw and heard Wise giving money to the bodyguard and thanking him for "that thing you did" or something like that.  That corroborates with the bodyguard's story, in which he admitted to killing Luis and said he was paid by Wise to do it.  Bodyguard was already going to prison for 10 years, in exchange for his cooperation and testimony.

    16 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    The actor playing the defense attorney looked so familiar to me. Apparently, the actor, Dylan Baker, also played creepy forensic guy Henry Muller on Criminal Intent in the S8 episode, "Major Case", who killed a girl in his apartment then tried to cover his tracks with Nichols. His face really was one of those "Hey, it's that guy!" deals...

    Fun to see actors who have been around the franchise for so long keep popping up.

    Yes, Dylan Baker has been everywhere.  However, every time I see him, I just can't get over the lips.  There's something either about the way his lips are or the way he clenches his mouth that makes his lips look so very strange to me.

    16 hours ago, edhopper said:

    The twist at the end concerning the Lebonese woman could be seen a mile away. They can't seem to have a show without something unfortunate happening. How about just a win sometime. 

    Agree... there's always some "unfortunate consequence" that happens to someone, so even when the prosecutors win, they can't feel that good about it because something bad happened to someone who helped them win.

    I can't recall right now off the top of my head, have Price and Maroun lost yet this season?

    3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    As with all the episodes in the reboot, the writing was uneven. 
    They need to find a way to do their social commentary stuff without directing the actors to throw verbal anvils at the audience.

    Agreed, it was just so blatantly nailing us on the head with a hammer.  I thought it was so very unnecessary the way that cop had to mention the migrant buses and Texas.  I watch L&O to be entertained, not to always be told in no uncertain terms how the show creators feel about hot topics in social justice.


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  11. 18 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

    Ugh.  "Jack" is a nickname.  Like "Tripp" or "Trey" or "Chip".  

    And it's a nickname for "John".  So, they gave two kids the same name?!  No way that would've happened, especially a century ago in much more formal times.

    I think this particular version of the family tree, in which Jack and John II are both the sons of John Sr, isn't accurate.  It seems that whoever created that graphic was speculating, and wrongly.

  12. I finished Dead and Gondola, the first book in the Christie Bookshop mysteries.  Ellie Christie and her sister Meg run their family's bookstore in a small Colorado ski town.  

    From Goodreads:


    When a mysterious bookshop visitor dies under murderous circumstances, the Christie sisters and their cat Agatha call on all they’ve learned about solving mysteries from their favorite novelist in this new series debut.

    Ellie Christie is thrilled to begin a new chapter. She’s recently returned to her tiny Colorado hometown to run her family’s historic bookshop with her elder sister, Meg, and their friendly bookshop cat, Agatha. Perched in a Swiss-style hamlet accessible by ski gondola and a twisty mountain road, the Book Chalet is a famed bibliophile destination known for its maze of shelves and relaxing reading lounge with cozy fireside seats and panoramic views. At least, until trouble blows in with a wintery whiteout. A man is found dead on the gondola, and a rockslide throws the town into lockdown—no one in, no one out.

    He was a mysterious stranger who visited the bookshop. At the time, his only blunders were disrupting a book club and leaving behind a first-edition Agatha Christie novel, written under a pseudonym. However, once revealed, the man’s identity shocks the town. Many residents knew of him. Quite a few had reason to want him dead. Others hide secrets. The police gather suspects, but when they narrow in on the sisters’ close friends, the Christies have to act.

    Although the only Agatha in their family tree is their cat, Ellie and Meg know a lot about mysteries, and they’re not about to let the situation snowball out of control. The Christie sisters must summon their inner Miss Marples and trek through a blizzard of clues before the killer turns the page to their final chapter.

    I saw this book at B&N and was enticed by the simple but fun-looking cover, complete with a drawing of a mountain and gondola.  Seemed like a perfect winter read.

    I'd say this series is off to a slow start.  With new series there is always the issue of trying to keep track of all of the characters, but in this case, I'd say not only were there too many characters, but not enough of them had a distinct personality. 

    My biggest issue with the book is that I don't think the author did enough to keep me interested.  The ambience of the town and the little tidbits about Agatha Christie were interesting, but midway through the book I found myself a bit bored.  And it seemed like the author might have been bored as well, because with about 20 pages left, it's almost as if she threw a dart and whoever it landed on would be the killer, and that's how she wrote the ending.  For me at least, the identity of the killer came completely out of left field.

    Still, I would give book 2 in this series a chance, hopefully it will improve.

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  13. What a mess.  It looks to me like Claudio Reyna was ticked off that his son Gio was benched during the World Cup, so he contacted US Soccer to provide dirt about coach Gregg Berthaler.  Seems pretty vindictive.  Unfortunately, it seems to have worked, because it appears that Berthaler has been put on temporary leave until the investigation is complete.



    In other news, Cristiano Ronaldo has signed with the Saudi Arabia team Al-Nassr, and I'm laughing at his claims that "many" teams all over the world were interested in signing him.  Really?  If many teams were interested, I think he would have stayed in Europe.

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  14. 17 hours ago, Affogato said:

    I don't know if it bodes well that the main thing people talk about is who survives to see the kids grow up.

    I agree, I think it was a poor writing choice to have Ghost Elsa state her cryptic pronouncement about who lives to see his children grown.  If she hadn't said this, we wouldn't be trying to figure out "who lives, who dies, who tells your story". 

    I think it's kind of sad that of the three possible Kevin Costner grandfathers (John, Spencer, Jack) that I've been waiting to see who dies.  John has died.  But if Spencer is the grandfather, then according to Elsa, he dies before his child becomes of age.

    Not really sure why Taylor Sheridan would have included that line.  Did he think it's supposed to make people sit on the edge of their seat eagerly anticipating who is going to die?  For me it's doing the opposite, I think it's annoying.  I would rather have seen Spencer's story and Jack's story, and if some tragic end befells them, then that would be all the more poignant.

    I think part of the problem is that we have already seen John II (or Jr?) briefly.  And there are multiple versions of possible family trees posted online, all of which indicate that John II is the only Dutton in his generation.  But theoretically there shouldn't be any reason why both Jack and Spencer can't have kids.  Kevin Costner John and the current day Duttons have never before talked about any of their Dutton ancestors, from 1883 or 1923 or otherwise.  Jack or Spencer could be Kevin Costner's grandfather, and the other one could be the sire of a line of Dutton cousins.

    But because Esquire already said that Jack doesn't have kids, and Elsa already pretty much said that Spencer dies, it seems like Taylor Sheridan already wants to tell us the endings for these characters before we have even seen their whole life story.  It's a curious decision IMO.

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  15. On 1/1/2023 at 9:38 PM, RedDelicious said:

    Market Equities Sarah doesn’t want to take out a hit on just Beth. She wants to take out a hit on John too. Good luck with that. 

    ETA: And then she’s going to throw Jamie under the bus for it.

    This is why I can't root for Jamie... because he's an idiot.  Surely he is smart and astute enough to realise he is being used.  He knows he is being used but he can't see beyond the fact that he's going to stick it to Beth and to John.  Does he think this woman is then going to support and protect him?  Of course she won't, she's going to pin it all on him.  He'd get his revenge with Beth and John presumably dead, but he will be in prison and on death row.

    On 1/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, Msample said:

    So Sheridan must have found time in between his 431 other shows to meddle in this episode ; thus we have yet another useless flashback that doesn't advance the plot; an even longer interlude with Jimmy that doesn't advance the plot, and an extended country music montage showing the ranch hands wrangling cattle into the trucks for their Texas vacation. It was just over 20 minutes of show time taken up by Sheridan filler, not counting of course the commericals for other Sheridanverse shows. 

    14 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    Awww...I don't understand why Jimmy gets so much hate.

    I loathe Jimmy for multiple reasons but the chief reasons are 1) at one point he was the special snowflake of the show, ooh he's trying to be a cowboy but he's really bad at it, oooh he's getting so much better... whatever.  2) his scenes are completely extraneous to the show.

    Has he always looked so old?  I don't fault the actor for balding but it seemed like this episode his head is really misshapen.  Like Ed Harris in Westworld old and misshapen.

    As soon as Jimmy came back, my fastforward button got used again.  Makes the show that much shorter.

    I would assume that "6666" is going to air in the "Yellowstone" timeslot until the summer?  So Rip and Company are going to cross over and that's supposed to be our hook to want to watch it?  I have zero desire to watch "6666" and I hope that Jimmy permanently stays on that show.

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  16. Just realised that I think we didn't see Teonna at all.  I'm not particularly complaining, since I find her storyline shoehorned into the Dutton story and so far we haven't seen any connection at all, but it's just an odd writing choice to focus so much on her in the first two episodes and then completely ignore her in this one.

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  17. 1 hour ago, circumvent said:

    Someone pointed out in another thread that an article says that Jack and what's her name will not have children, so maybe Spencer and Alex do have a child, then die, and Jack raises the kid. It is one possibility because if the say that Jack is not grown yet, than this show becomes some sort of comedy. 

    Yep, I agree.  It seems to me that unless there is conflicting information, Spencer has to be the one that ends up being Kevin Costner's grandfather, but the only way this is possible is if he dies.  More discussion in Speculation thread.

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  18. On 12/30/2022 at 9:10 AM, circumvent said:

    Or they both die and the uncle raises the kid, or Jack does. There are too many possibilities and it is annoying that the writers/producers want to keep this all muddled and a guessing game. To me, it shows that they are not very sure of what they are doing and want people to keep talking about the show for whatever reason. Don't worry, Taylor Sheridan, we are good at hate watch and will keep talking about it

    OK, so John is dead, so he can't father another child with Emma who becomes John Jr (or John II).

    Jack could be the father of John Jr, as long as Elizabeth doesn't die, but the Esquire article already states that Jack and Elizabeth don't have children.  Of couse, Esquire could be wrong, but they supposedly confirmed it with Paramount.

    So that leaves Spencer as the father of John Jr., and thus Spencer is the grandfather of Kevin Costner John.  But Ghost Elsa claims that "only one of her father's children lived to see their children grown".  John has already seen his child Jack grown.  I would consider 20 or early 20ish or whatever age he is to be grown.  If Ghost Elsa tries to pull some crap like "oops mah bahd, when ah sayd grow-un ah mahnt that one aint grow-un uhnteel one is mah-reed" then I will hold a seance and exorcise her.

    It seems it is only possible for Spencer to be the father of John Jr. if Spencer dies during this season.

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  19. I forget where they said John has been.  This episode, all of a sudden, he's back with the rest of the cowboys and family.  I had been wondering why James Badge Dale wasn't getting his name in the credits.  During the credits, there are two instances where there are parts where there is no picture/actor, I had thought that they were reserving one of these spots for James Badge Dale for when he finally started appearing on the show.  But nope!  He showed up like he was never gone, and then was promptly killed off.  Chase Edmunds deserved better!

    Elizabeth, Jack's fiance, was also shot in the stomach.  She got brought to the kitchen table along with Jake, but the episode ran out of time before addressing her fate.

    I really do hope Jake survives.  I like seeing Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren act together, they seem very natural.  It must be a little strange as an actor to appear in a movie with someone as husband and wife 35 years ago ("The Mosquito Coast") and then reunite as a husband and wife decades later.  I hope we continue to see both of them.

    Still disliking Isabel May and her horrid accent.  If she was giving these cryptic statements from beyond the grave, couldn't she have clued us in if Jake is going to die?  It's kind of a big deal.

    Over in Africa, I noticed that when Alexandra said that her parents are going to hate Spencer, he said "mine are gonna love you".  I guess Jake and Cara are his adoptive parents?  Of if not formal adoption, he considers them to be his parents.

    Alexandra annoyed me to no end with her constant screaming every time he fired the gun.  

    And Is Brandon Sklenar the new mancrush object of Taylor Sheridan's affections?  Taylor Sheridan loooovvvees the actor who plays Jimmy so much, he contrived a scene in which Jimmy would reveal his bare butt to the TV audience.  What's up with Spencer's shirt?  Did Taylor Sheridan ask the costume designers to put in extra stitches to keep it splayed open unnaturally wide so as to constantly reveal his oh-so-manly chest?  Why not just make the actor walk around shirtless?  The shirt looks ridiculous.



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  20. On 12/20/2022 at 12:46 PM, DanaK said:

    When you said you had to start watching pronto, I guess you really meant it lol

    Haha, yep.  I'm still not really sure what was happening and why it was happening.  I still don't understand how Teddy made his way into the world Christina/Dolores was in, did she will him there, or was he all just in her head?  I've never felt so stupid or confused watching a show.  

    I just wish it had gone back to the Westworld of Seasons 1 and 2.  Robot hosts go amok, humans die, humans try to fight.  Was much simpler to understand.  Then Season 3 came along and it all went downhill.

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  21. 17 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

    Are there any modern (set in the current day-ish) cozy mysteries with a male protagonist?

    I am always on the lookout for more cozies with male protagonists!

    There was a three book series called the Stay at Home Dad series by Jeffrey Allen.  This series was among the first cozy series I ever read.  These were hilarious, I wish he had written more.  I believe he has some other series featuring male protagonists but haven't checked them out.

    Jeffrey Cohen (also known as EJ Copperman) had a three book series called the Double Feature mysteries about a guy who owned a movie theater.  The first book is called "Some Like it Hot Buttered".  These are also very funny.  And he does have a few other series with male protagonists.

    I quite enjoyed The Gourmet Detective series by Peter King.  There are eight books in this series, it features a chef who turned into something of a food detective.  His clients ask him to do things like find a rare ingredient, or deduce the secret recipe of a rival restaurant.  Each book features a different kind of cuisine, and the food descriptions are great.

    I'm currently reading the second book in the Jake Cantrell mysteries by Robert Mrazek.  He's a security guard at a small college in upstate New York.  The first book is called "Dead Man's Bridge".

    • Like 3
  22. On 12/13/2022 at 8:38 AM, Hanahope said:

    assuming it comes out soon, i'll have to decide whether to read it now, or wait another 10 years when a Dream of Spring comes out.

    I'm thinking you will have at least 5 more years of waiting for "The Winds of Winter", and at this point, "A Dream of Spring" is a pipedream.  He isn't going to live long enough to be able to spend another 15 years writing that one.


    I posted this in the media thread as well, but as it relates to the book, the article says the book is "highly anticipated" but doesn't address it at all other than this throwaway line.

    Of course it then goes on to list the multitudes of TV projects that may or may not have been put on hold.

    The amount of planned or discussed shows is staggering.  It's very evident that Martin is just a TV producer at this point.  If many of these projects have been shelved, how about he just finish writing the damn book?

    Total disservice to the readers of the books, without whom he never would have been able to amass his TV empire.

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  23. I just came across an article discussing the Dutton family tree from 1883 to current.  Color me shocked.  The woman who played the "stick up her ass" nasty Aunt Claire in "1883" is the same actress who is currently playing Sarah Atwood.  I had absolutely no idea, she is completely unrecognisable.  They did a good job of uglying her up in "1883"!

    • Mind Blown 1
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  24. 4 hours ago, circumvent said:

    Cara was certainly behaving like Jack's mother, not sure if she actually affirm that she is the mother, so that would settle who Kevin Costner's grandfather is. 

    Cara (Helen Mirren) isn't Jack's mother.  Jack is the son of John Sr (who we haven't seen yet) and Emma, who I believe was the blonde woman on the porch that was sitting and talking with Cara.  Since Cara is married to Jake who is the brother of James who is the father of John Sr, that means Cara is John Sr's aunt, and thus she is the great-aunt of Jack.  Jack called her "Aunt Cara" at one point.

    To make things even more muddled, here's yet another article discussing the family tree.  https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a42308044/yellowstone-1883-1923-dutton-family-tree/

    Interestingly, this article claims that Paramount confirmed that Jack and his fiance Elizabeth won't have children, thus seemingly portending an early end for Jack.  Maybe after Jack dies, John Sr realises he needs another son?   This article suggests that John Sr. and Emma have another child, John II, who then becomes the father of Kevin Costner. 

    Or Spencer fathers a child with whatshername and then dies.  That child is John II.

    Article also suggests that Taylor Sheridan is working on yet another spinoff set in either the 1940s or 1960s that centers on John II. 

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