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Everything posted by treetop

  1. 350 looks right to me. She really does look like she has lost some weight. Its not only from working out, though. PCOS works against you if you work out or not. You can literally run the whole day and you will still gain weight if you eat sugar or carbs so I think she may have changed her diet. What do you guys think?
  2. Why would I pay good money for my vacation only to listen to Whitney crying about made up drama all the time. That woman controls her family and friends like a little dictator and all she can is dish out but the second you criticize her for a change shell lecture you how awesome her life is while crying hysterically. Who would want that during his vacation...
  3. How dare you infringe on her very public safe space, lol. Im 100% with you, the lifting is making me cringe. If she would do it flat on her back to train her upper half - ok, but the way she does it its killing her knees.
  4. She smokes? Didnt know that. But it would fit. Any evidence for that or is it just a rumor?
  5. Tbh I really like the idea of being body positive no matter what. I really admire that. But Whitney is promoting not fighting PCOS even though it can really kill you in the end. Is she already a diabetic? Her organs, knees and hips are suffering. Healthy at any size? No. Being extremely underweight or overweight its both not healthy. A REAL role model to women with PCOS and women who fight with their weight would eat accordingly and do a little bit of exercise that really fits her body type while being positive. Not lift weights and further damage her knees or run 5 miles at one time and then whine about it the rest of your life and even lie about it. All Whitney does is make big bucks out of her illness and then play the victim when ppl call her out on the bullshit she spews while women with the same illness get the impression PCOS is something you cant fight. Whitney hasnt just given up on the fight, she also embraced her PCOS as something to make $ with. Inside she is a very depressed and sad person. The real joke is: depression, hormones, sugar, organs, joints... it would all get better if she started losing some weight. Shes frustrating.
  6. Now that explains everyting, thanks! Was really wondering why nobody called her out on her declining health or narcissism.
  7. I wonder why there are only ever positive comments on her instagram. I dont have one... can you like delete or block negative comments so nobody can see them?
  8. I thought I was the only one! Whitney is carrying around a lot of weight. Her hips and especially her knees have to carry a lot. Now shes lifting weights like that and putting even more pressure on her knees while standing up and even bending them. I was just absolutely baffled any trainer would advise that.
  9. Saw you guys discussing the "RV vandalization". I thought abt that myself. I think it seems suspicious. I wanna break it down in two categories here: Hateful attack - one could find out what colors in spray cans to use while walking by - some ppl are just hateful Desperate PR stunt - writing doesnt cross into faces - pink paint seems unusual - paint only on the picture - several strokes for every letter - underlining words and adding punctuation - no subtlety, time consuming - Whitneys popularity is sinking - Whitney likes to play the victim - many things in the show are scripted for drama - overall graffitti seems quite artsy - it looks like some time went into it So imo it was not some random person walking around feeling hateful. Imo it was done to get attention.
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