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Posts posted by ReallyRealReality

  1. Wow, Abbey, brilliant move.  Go from the solid 3rd position in the final to primary target because you've proven no one can trust you now.  If she had any brains, she would have waited until they were down to the final 5 and she would have maintained her position and still had respect from the champions by targeting Pia and Janine then.

    The next few episodes should be interesting.

    • Love 3
  2. 11 hours ago, katisha said:

    Meanwhile, I'm happy to have two to barrack for in the finals.  I know people find Tessa dull but I have always liked her and I feel she's an excellent cook who I'd be happy to see win.  Simon has really grown on me during the competition and I'd be just as happy if he won.  Larissa - well, I don't dislike her as such but she'd be my third favourite to win.  And I'm betting that means she will, knowing my luck!

    I can't wait to see Larry's three-course menu for tomorrow. I'm thinking for entree we'll have a prawn and harissa sorbet, followed by tuna ice-cream with a pilchard tuile, a mandarin granita and chocolate rum sauce.  For dessert we'll have a garlic bread parfait accompanied by pizza crumb and seasoned with anchovy cream.  And no matter how revolting it all sounds, the judges will collectively burst into raptures.  God, I hope I'm wrong!

    I'm right with you on the order I'd prefer as the winner.  And thank you!!!!  I was really wondering how Larissa would make a 3-course desert menu and be declared the winner, now we know!

    I've decided, I'm going to just watch the twitter feed tonight.  I'm afraid that all of their harping on her being 21-years-old and the youngest contestant ever if she wins, and then having the preview announcer saying 'records will be broken' is a precursor to her being handed the win.  If she's declared winner, I'm going to skip downloading the episode and save an hour of my life.  If either of the other two win it, I'll watch just to see Larissa's face  (Oh, that's mean!)  But, I still feel like she threw that team challenge because she knew she was safe with her immunity pin, the judges declared her desert as unappetizing.  Yeah, I know they lost it because of the miscount on diners served... but, to be honest, I wouldn't doubt she sabotaged them by hiding the plates.  She's so desperate to being the winner, I feel like she'll do whatever she can to claim the title.

    Larissa's exact quote from the semi-final episode:  "Every minute, for months since I've been here, has led to this very moment.  I've been dreaming of this day"... (clip of her 2nd chance entrance dish)... "so no matter what the challenge is, I'm going to do whatever I can to make it thru today.  I know everyone wants this, but I want it more and I want to push harder."  Everyone else commented on how much they've learned and how far they've come, but not her. 

    Several times she's said 'I'll do whatever I can..." and I believe her.  Sorry I can't be in the Larissa love fan club.

    • Love 3
  3. I wasn't as surprised at her calling him "mate" as I was hearing him come down on her saying "Mate? My name's George. My mummy gave me my name." and then hearing him constantly calling her "Lari" and once during plating calling her "mate".  

    Her mummy named her "Larissa", not "Lari".  Double standards, George!  And teach these up and coming chefs the proper etiquette in a professional kitchen... their responses should always be "Yes, Chef!"

    • Love 4
  4. 26 minutes ago, Rosenrot said:

    Something tells me the same thing. 

    I hope I'm wrong, though!

    I'm joining the club.   Last year Sashi won and I wasn't happy, either.  I know a lot of people like him, but I couldn't get passed seeing his sweat dripping into the food.  The judges raved about his flavors, probably because they aren't as familiar with Indian cooking and wouldn't know outstanding MasterChef worthy Indian cuisine from a family get together staple, but I wanted to spew wondering how they could even eat it.

    This year's contestants don't seem as masterful as I would have liked, but at least 4 out of the 5 cook something different each challenge.   Do we have any idea... or do the judges... if Larissa is capable of cooking a 3-course NON-desert menu?  Even asking that, it still puzzles me how she can fail so many times in her deserts... and have to fix them.  

    Shaking my head at them rewarding her for hero-ing cucumber.  

    • LOL 2
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  5. I'm really hoping they don't hand the win to Larissa.  I am SOOO over her repetitive deserts.  Just change the flavor combinations and see how creative she is!  Puh-lease!!!!   Lemon and black olive?!?!  Sounds absolutely revolting to me, and who in their right mind wants a whole segment of fresh lemon on their desert plate?!  These judges have really lost the plot.

    I couldn't stand to wait to see who went home, so I stayed up late and watched their twitter feed.  Nothing against Anushka, but I'm really glad she's gone.  Am I the only one who envisioned her in labor every time someone from the gantry would shout out "push Nush"?  😆

    • LOL 3
  6. I thought yesterday's episode was bad... four deserts and three of them included fresh figs... really?!?  Today's episode really showcased how repetitive their ideas are.  Not only were the two teams incapable of coming up with a unique menu from each other, but why do the dishes always have to have the same elements?  Is that a judge preference?!  "Three elements done well", and at least one of them in several cooking styles.  *smh*  No wonder they can't be creative!  Tim, bless his heart, loved so many of the ingredients that he tried to use them all... but at least his dish was different!  Probably would have gotten high praises if he hadn't used the plum and made it sweet, but you have to try things to learn... you don't learn from making a puree, roasting, sauteing and pickling one ingredient.  Deserts, too... an ice cream, crumb and twill... seriously!?  My favorite has always been a banana split... it has ice cream, fresh fruit, sauces, nuts and whipped cream.  I know it's MasterChef, but give it a rest already... a GOOD dish doesn't have to be so regimental.

    • Love 3
  7. 6 hours ago, ppl said:

    If the producers decided to ban ice creams, pork belly, crispy skin and purees collectively next season, what do you think the contestants would make?

    Panna cottas, of course!  lol

    I haven't been commenting much just because I don't get to watch it until several hours later (I'm still waiting to watch today's).  I have been wanting to pipe up lately just to say...

    The hardest thing for me to convert to is hearing them referring to the "produce".   Here in the states, "produce" is limited to the fruit and vegetable section in the grocery store.  We never refer other items as produce, even though the definition is "things that have been produced or grown, especially by farming"... they are simply "meat" or "dairy".

    Also, has anyone else missed the masterclass episodes?  Seems we've only had 2 this series.  I always like getting a look at how the contestants learn new skills.

    • Love 3
  8. 6 hours ago, PepperMonkey said:

    As per usual, I will be skipping immunity pin hell and just stopping by here to see who did or didn't. I'm actually thinking Tim may get an immunity pin to keep him in the festivities a bit longer. Let's see if I'm wrong again (hope, hope, hope)...

    You need to pay closer attention to the previews for tomorrow's show... when George held up the Immunity Pin you could see (click if you want to know)...


    Larissa's yellow shirt blurred in the background.  

    Am I the only one who loves watching the opening credits and singing along?  How depressing is it that we've already reached the halfway point and the song's now cut in half.  😢

    I know everyone is down on Tim, but I actually like him... especially when he gets high praises and we can all see how red he becomes.  It's a pure joy that can't be faked.  I don't really have anyone I really like or dislike this season... except maybe the judges.  I've always said, and still say, they should have guest chefs in to do the blind tasting for the immunity challenge.  These judges know the contestant's cooking styles too well to be unbiased.  What's the point in having a 'blind' tasting when they know who is cooking and what cooking styles each one has?

    • Love 2
  9. A different and interesting (lol) quote from Gary today while critiquing Simon's salt baked beetroot dish

    ...if you (m)(b)ake "a big one, the result's different, 'cus it can only penetrate so far"


    • LOL 2
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  10. Sandeep really needs to go on a spice cleanse or start wearing sweat bands.  Spotted him again with sweat dangling from the tip of his nose as he was bent over working.  At least he was shown using paper towels to try and dry off with, but he was still flinging it around trying to wipe it off on his arms.  Blood, sweat and hair are things I never want near any meal offered to me.  😓

    • Love 2
  11. 1 hour ago, PepperMonkey said:

    Still no one I'm finding to actively root for. I like Tati, Derek, Tessa and Danielle (OMG is it Danielle????? I'm worried about my short term memory today....).  And the only one I actively dislike so far is Abbey... or at least I think that's her name. I'm not finding myself as enamored of this season as I have been in the past seasons so maybe its time is running out. I'll continue to watch as long as they continue to air it, but my FF button has been getting a real workout this season.

    SO many blondes on this season, it's really difficult to tell them apart sometimes, but there's no one named Danielle on the show this year.  You are correct on the one to dislike, Abbey (chubby blonde).  The women remaining that you didn't mention are Steph (short blonde hair with glasses), Christina (tall blonde with horse teeth), Nicole (the 'other' blonde, the only way I know she's not Tessa is that Tessa reminds me of Paris Hilton when she smiles), Larissa, and Anushka.

  12. Missed posting on yesterday's, but I wanted to say that I paused on each contestants side-by-side comparison and, believe it or not, Larissa's was the worst.  Everyone else had all of the elements in the same place, only missing a dot or two of the chocolate at the far end of the lines, or one sprig of green at one end of one of their cakes.  Larissa's was much more compact (didn't fill the plate) and was mirror imaged.  So, based on what WE could see, she didn't do a proper replication.  The judge's should have caught that... said SOMETHING about it and acknowledged that everyone else got it right.  What can I say, some things I'm picky about.  lol

    8 hours ago, misgabi13 said:

    How was the celebrity chef allowed to use macadamias once he had picked his ingredient (given that macadamias were one of the main ingredients)?  Not that Anushka would have won!

    The challenge was that Anushka could see all of the "iconic Queensland ingredients" and choose the mystery ingredient she wanted to work with, and that item would then be off limits to the celebrity chef.  The celebrity chef had to pick his item blindly from the remaining four.  He had no idea what the other three ingredients were, but since they were on the table, they were also stocked in the pantry (you could see the big pile of pineapples when he was shopping) and therefore available for either chef to use... he was only restricted from using her choice.  (The whole thing was dumb, in my opinion)  I do want to add that I liked the way he took time out of his cook and engaged with the other contestants.

    And, just to add to the chili debate... I'm from the Pacific Northwest (Seattle area)... never heard of having it with rice here.  My family usually just eats it by the bowlful with a plate of cheddar cheese and crackers.   Speaking of... a friend's quick dip recipe that I learned and still use today.  In a small saucepan, empty one a can of your favorite chili, 4 ounces of cream cheese (half a box), some diced onion (I use one thick slice), and your favorite hot sauce to taste.  Heat, smashing the cream cheese in until fully mixed and it comes to a bubbling gooey mess.  Best if served hot, enjoy with whatever dipping chips you like.  I use tortilla chips, she served hers with Spicy Nacho Doritos.

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  13. Two things that bothered me in this episode...

    First off, what happened to Anushka's hand?  After the diner's arrival is announced, she gives a private interview and she waves her hands around several times and there is a big white bandage on the palm of her left hand.  No mention of it at all in the episode.  Was it a burn or a cut, and did she contaminate food?

    Second, was anyone else grossed out or even notice when George walked up to check on the American truck and Sandeep was knuckle deep scratching his head... and didn't stop to wash his hands?!  I don't want to think about how many other times he did it unconsciously that wasn't caught on camera.  Also, constantly wiping the sweat off with his arms is just as bad, who knows how much extra salty seasoning got splattered and dripped around. 

    *excuse me, I'm going to be sick now*

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