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Posts posted by SmallScreenDiva

  1. 13 hours ago, tv echo said:

    In the EW video above (where other Arrowverse stars said nice things about SA), I like how CL managed to get in a dig about having to switch from a black Canary suit to a white Canary suit...

    -- On Arrow ending, CL: "And maybe now that the show's done, I'll get that black costume, I'll get that one back."

    I kinda cringed at that part of the video because she kinda made it all about her and nothing about Stephen and the show. I did LOL at the part about the black suit. I mean, sure, Caity, do you really want the "black" suit that has been passed around by so many versions? Stick with the white. At least in that you're unique.

    • Love 3
  2. That sucks about Soho Playhouse. I dropped in here to say I actually got a chance to watch Reborning during the weekend and thought Emily was fantastic. The play was described as a dark comedy but it was more dark than funny. Emily was funny but not Felicity funny. It was different and edgier, it was impressive really. Also, I never quite realized this, but she's tiny. She had great chemistry with Paul. I almost want to see them in a regular rom-com. Anyway, kinda bummed that the production is probably gonna shutter because of the fire. 

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  3. 7 hours ago, tv echo said:


    Arrowverse: 10 Potential Spin-off Series From Arrow's Season Finale
    BY KEVIN PANTOJA  – ON MAY 28, 2019  I

    9 SPEEDY
    8 WILD DOG
    5 EMIKO
    1 STAR CITY 2040

    Birds of Prey? No solo BC spinoff? Not that I think any of these would actually work. Not with the actors they have right now. 

  4. 4 hours ago, tv echo said:

    ktmam93 asked:
    Since Felicity was suppose to be a one-off character, when did you decide to shift the writing to make her be the romantic interest for Oliver?

    Sometime during Season 2, I would say. Based upon the on-screen chemistry between Stephen and Emily in Season 1
    1,003 notes   Jun 23rd, 2015

    Guggenheim is straight up lying here, or being lawyerly. Why, I don’t know but he probably didn’t think it was a good idea to admit how much they screwed up with casting Cassidy. The shift in the writing started happening in Season 1, most noticeably AFTER the mid season finale. They gave a lot of romantic beats to Felicity instead of Laurel. If we were getting scenes like the “Can I trust you?” in episode 12, that means they were already making the plans to switch by October-November of Season 1. And Season 2 began full tilt with Olicity with the jungle swinging and such. 

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  5. On 5/14/2019 at 6:39 AM, way2interested said:

    SA picked one heck of a scene to visit to take that family pic, Felicity telling William and Mia that she was leaving and then likely sticking around to watch the last scene with Felicity going to reunite with Oliver in the future

    After reading the stuff about Stephen's insistence regarding Felicity's last scene, I'm wondering if they actually did film the reunion, not just Felicity stepping into the portal. 

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  6. I think some of those fans are seizing comments made in the reviews and articles about how next season will be very different, especially with Felicity gone. I can see how, if they ignore everything else that the show has said about Olicity, they would interpret it as their chance, so to speak. Even if the show going there would mean chucking out 7 years worth of story. I mean, Oliver and Laurel shook hands! Oh, the chemistry! 😜🤣

    • LOL 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

    As for Gemma Chan retweeting that. I don't think they were that close during the filming of CRA. In the interviews CW always seemed kind of distant from the rest of the cast. 

    Gemma didn't RT, she liked Yashar's tweet, although now she's walking it back:

  8. They've lost something like 390,000 viewers since the last episode before the hiatus. The last time I saw a drop that big was in Season 4 after Olicity broke up. Now, I know the CW doesn't care but consistently dropping viewers for 3 weeks straight? That's not a good trend. 

  9. Saw Endgame yesterday and loved it. I think I was crying for 2/3 of the film. The emotional moments and callbacks just really worked. Puzzled by the choice for 1 character, though. 

  10. The promo strategy for that episode was interesting. Before the day, a lot of the stuff I saw on social media was BS/KC, but on the day itself, the two clips they showed both heavily featured Felicity and BS was nowhere in sight. I think they realized, too late, that their "watch KC in all her BS glory" strategy wasn't garnering the expected results but that's just me being absolutely biased.

    • Love 4
  11. 14 hours ago, Chaser said:

    The Felicity/Sara is great. Why couldn’t they have killed Laurel instead of Sara in S3? They show would have been much better.

    KC has better lawyers 😂

    • LOL 5
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  12. 1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

    If they are both dead then at least they are dead together. Very Korean series but dead together is not too bad. Can float around on the after life and reincarnate as Olicity 2.0.

    OMG, MellowYellow, I have to tell you about this Korean drama my niece made me watch where it started with a scene implying the couple committed suicide and then it goes back to show them meeting, falling in love, facing hardship (guy is super rich and from a family that expects him to run the business but he wants to be a playwright or something, oh and also very married; girl is poor but talented singer) ... I thought the suicide thing was going to be a trick -- AND IT WASN'T! I later found out the title was "Hymn of Death." 


    • LOL 1
  13. 1 hour ago, way2interested said:

    Idk, imo the Olicity in this season has been great, especially since most of it were scenes/moments that were unexpected or didn't think were going to be included. Like,

    • "Oliver only interacts with Diggle in 701" Jk, Olicity have the biggest scene in the episode, along with a parallel fight scene that was also unexpected
    • "The writers neglect to reference how Olicity are married in s6" Oliver and Felicity refer to each other as husband and wife in every episode they are apart, with Oliver being the driving force of Felicity's plot in 705 and Felicity and William being triggers for Oliver throughout the prison arc
    • "We'll miss out on a reunion scene" They actually free up over one full minute for Olicity to reunite, including a kiss
    • Olicity got an anniversary reference, still continuing to reference they are married multiple times more than s6
    • "Olicity will be left in turmoil after 708" As if Beth knew that would be the reaction, the Arrow episode ends with Olicity reuniting (with an infamous "love of my life" line never before said) and get a kiss while WestAllen don't
    • Felicity being pregnant, 2 years ago no one would have thought that would happen in-show unless the finale
    • "William is gone for good, we'll never see Olicity be parents to him now" Olicity still get to be parents to William
    • "I hope that we'll get a reveal scene, but knowing these writers, probably not" It may have been short, but there was one, after it was believed there might not be at all
    • Olicity has a whole scene of Oliver telling Felicity that he's on her side even on killing Diaz
    • Olicity have a whole subplot over being new expectant parents
    • Olicity have a whole scene discussing baby names
    • A birthing scene, also may be short, but no one expected one at all
    • etc

    I get that maybe these aren't crazy defining 320-sex scene levels important, but I hardly think these and others were lacking in quality.

    What I'm getting with this is how bad Arrow writers have been at providing important emotional beats for the characters that viewers have started expecting the worst -- and then we're supposed to be glad and grateful that they did the bare minimum.

    • Love 8
  14. 1 hour ago, way2interested said:

    Idk, imo the Olicity in this season has been great, especially since most of it were scenes/moments that were unexpected or didn't think were going to be included. Like,

    • "Oliver only interacts with Diggle in 701" Jk, Olicity have the biggest scene in the episode, along with a parallel fight scene that was also unexpected
    • "The writers neglect to reference how Olicity are married in s6" Oliver and Felicity refer to each other as husband and wife in every episode they are apart, with Oliver being the driving force of Felicity's plot in 705 and Felicity and William being triggers for Oliver throughout the prison arc
    • "We'll miss out on a reunion scene" They actually free up over one full minute for Olicity to reunite, including a kiss
    • Olicity got an anniversary reference, still continuing to reference they are married multiple times more than s6
    • "Olicity will be left in turmoil after 708" As if Beth knew that would be the reaction, the Arrow episode ends with Olicity reuniting (with an infamous "love of my life" line never before said) and get a kiss while WestAllen don't
    • Felicity being pregnant, 2 years ago no one would have thought that would happen in-show unless the finale
    • "William is gone for good, we'll never see Olicity be parents to him now" Olicity still get to be parents to William
    • "I hope that we'll get a reveal scene, but knowing these writers, probably not" It may have been short, but there was one, after it was believed there might not be at all
    • Olicity has a whole scene of Oliver telling Felicity that he's on her side even on killing Diaz
    • Olicity have a whole subplot over being new expectant parents
    • Olicity have a whole scene discussing baby names
    • A birthing scene, also may be short, but no one expected one at all
    • etc

    I get that maybe these aren't crazy defining 320-sex scene levels important, but I hardly think these and others were lacking in quality.

    720 is Confessions, 721 is Living Proof, 722 starts shooting later this week

    Responding to this in Bitterness thread.

  15. 15 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

    The billboard situation is going to be interesting. 

    Everything that's going to charity is wonderful but the billboard seems kinda awkward now with no OTA in S8. Feels more like a slap than a celebration the billboard portion of it. 

    I actually like the idea of the OTA billboard even more. It has always been a thank you to the characters we love, but now it's also a big fuck you to Season 8. At least that's how I'm taking it.

    I'm super pissed about this whole thing. And like many others on this board, I'm done after this season. I stuck around this long (though not much this season) because of Felicity and Emily. With her gone, there's nothing tying me anymore to Arrow. 

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