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Posts posted by Tabbygirl521

  1. On 10/3/2023 at 3:17 PM, JayDub1987 said:

    But didn’t you hear? She’s the “oldest female in the house.” That means she’s the stand-in wife and mother. Fortunately, she’s bought all the way into the cult shit that these people push so she’s a viable replacement. 

    If only Kim hasn’t shut down Lydia’s wishes to text those two guys she was interested in getting to know, instead of clamping down on her and dooming her to be the family caretaker/“old maid. It seemed clear Kim was waiting until SHE decided a guy was suitable (don’t hold your breath) and then Lydia would be allowed to text him two or three times and then get married. What about the amazing concept of getting to know a few different people before you make any big life decisions??

    and how I wish we could hear from Hosanna on her take about all this mess. Exactly why did she choose to opt out of the show?

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  2. 23 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

    This episode really demonstrated the exploitation of Truely. Early in the episode, Christine calls Truely to the kitchen to tell her "surprise, we're moving in a week." This was a moment done for the cameras... nothing more... and I shuddered when Christine kept trying to elicit a response. I thought that was bad. Then I watched what Kody did and that was far worse. Either way, the parents are not making great decisions here at all.

    Christine also needed to just tell Mykelti no. I'm sure this was a plot device pushed by TLC but come on, enough awkward staged standoffs already. 

    Lastly I find it so very ironic that Kody spent decades blaming his wives for not working on their relationships. And now, after 25 years, when two of them finally become actual friends - they are kicking HIM out. Truly poetic. 

    It has always seemed to me that any time any of the wives appear to be getting close or having fun, he pouts. 

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  3. 8 hours ago, Castina said:

    So... "truth be told Meri, she was talking about leaving Kody before Flagstaff"...

    So earlier when Kody said that the reason he wasn't being intimate with Christine was that she betrayed him and had been telling other wives he was leaving her long ago, it was ROBYN who told him that.  

    Both Robyn and Kody really want to make it clear (or sell) the idea that the move to Flagstaff had nothing to do and/or added to their problems. 

    Kody has said numerous times that people have told him Christine wanted to leave. Did it ever occur to him to TALK TO HER about it??

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  4. 9 hours ago, Kid said:

    I get what you're saying.  But, in his mind, he really only has 2.  The only two he seems to care about.

    In any case, he’s definitely not spreading himself thinly among 18. Please. 

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  5. On 10/25/2022 at 7:05 AM, LilyD said:

    This! Kody couldn’t care less about Christine staying or leaving. But he does care about the damage it does to his ego and manhood. He was dumped, it’s as simple as that and he hates it because he was convinced it would never happen to him.

    Agree. Look how he started treating Meri like shit when she tried to flee. As with Christine, he didn’t acknowledge how anything he did might have caused them to want out. 

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  6. 11 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    I thought Christine would be the last wife to leave Kody.  She more so than the other three fawned over him.  She never hid the fact that she was in love with him.  In every picture with the five of them, she is always next to him.  Then after her daughters got married, it appeared that something shifted.  I believe her eldest three sat her down and help her to see things the way they were, instead of how she wanted them to be. 

    I forget if it was in an episode, or if I saw this someplace else, but she did basically say that Mykelti and Tony helped her see that marriage doesn’t have to be a battle. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Pegasaurus said:

    Watching Kody's TH prior to performing the wedding for his "buddy" (didn't realize he had any) made me laugh.  He doesn't have a standard wedding script that he can just personalize?  He blathers on and on about how Christine has wronged him, how if he screws this up, he's only partly to blame, etc.   Good heavens, what a fool.

    He's not only incompetent as a polyg husband, he's just plain incompetent about everything.  

    Of course he was alone in the car with no wife; there was no extra room for one in the vehicle. His big, fat, ego took up all the space.

    I’m an Internet-ordained minister so I consider myself just as credentialed as Kody. I’ve performed weddings. And I can assure him he can easily Google wedding vows and readings, which take very little brainpower to personalize. 

    7 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

    It's so heartbreaking to watch poor Gabe feeling so sad and unwanted. I hate Kody for making his kids feel that way. That's the only dad they have known and he discarded all of them once Sobbyn came in the picture. I really hope Gabe and his siblings can get help or talk to someone so their self esteem won't suffer so bad. It makes me have no respect for Janelle seeing how Kody is treating her kids and she just passivity lets it happen. He's breaking Gabe's heart and I'm sure his other siblings too and she's just okay letting him. I don't get it. I would never let some asshole, even if it is their dad, treat my kids like they're  worthless!! Ever!! Get a backbone Janelle! It's about time Christine did. Now only if Meri and Janelle would. I wonder if Kody ever talks to Mariah anymore. I never see him mention anything about her at all on the show. He's clueless why Christine doesn't just stay there??? So is Sobbyn?? Hello dumb asses...Kody spends zero time with any of his kids or wives unless they are the Sobbyn bunch so what the hell is there for these women to stay living like they're  single and watching Kody and Sobbyn have a happy life knowing they will never have that with Kody again. Him and Robyn make my blood boil!!

    I really, really wanted Gabe to be right about how to level the trailer. 

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  8. On 10/13/2022 at 8:53 PM, Tdoc72 said:

    I wonder how enforced it would be. Are the po-po hanging out at Coyote Pass?  Also what’s the fine?  I would maybe chance it if it wasn’t too much. 

    I doubt it would be an issue. I think that law is to allow people to have recourse in case there’s an RV parked endlessly on a public street, etc. I’m quite sure you can have your own RV on your own property without having to move it. And if they did have to move it, just switch it back and forth between Kody and Janelle, or Janelle and Christine’s. Christine is gone; she doesn’t care. 

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  9. On 10/10/2022 at 8:03 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I saw a story on ID a few years ago about a woman who went missing from a truck stop some years ago.  I can’t recall the state, but it seems like it was in the south.  She was reported missing and no one heard from her or could find her for years. Her family was distraught.  She was even featured on a tv show.  THEN, she came forward.  She had gotten a ride from the truck stop with a trucker and gone to the west coast.  She just didn’t feel compelled to let her family know she was well.  Odd family dynamics no doubt.  Odd case.  Not the normal outcome.  

    I think this was on “Disappeared” - it rings a bell with me. 

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  10. 9 hours ago, Mothra said:

    If Kotex wants to be treated as a Patriarch, he should act like one.   A Patriarch should be above petty preferences among wives--or at least shouldn't show them--and make sure they are all treated equally, in every way, as far as is humanly possible.

    If the covid Protoculls were making it impossible for him to spend the night with anyone but Rubbing (and Merry?  Didn't she follow the rules, too?), he should have figured out a way to make it at the very least symbolically equal--like having a tent at Christine's and Janelle's house, or a camper or something.  In those big houses, isn't there a spare bedroom that could have been made a covid-free zone somehow?  No way he should be throwing up his hands and saying, "Welp, I guess I have to just move in with Rubbing, since the rest of you make me sick."  There has to have been another way where the deprived <snort> wives were not forced to concede their and their children's Kotex time to Rubbing and her offspring.

      Reveal spoiler

    And another thing:  They moved to AZ to accommodate Rubbing's son's college career, right?  And he dropped out!  Yet they're still stuck there where nobody rilly wants to live.

    He could have at least zoom called everyone regularly.

    I was super super super cautious about Covid during this timeframe and yet I (and my family) found ways to stay connected. Covid is Not what kept Kody from being a fair and caring husband. 

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  11. 21 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

    So poor pitiful Kody must move all his stuff over to Robyn's house. Boo hoo.  Sounds like something he's wanted to do all along, only now he has a legitimate excuse/reason. 

    And of course there’s no mention at all of the possibility of storing anything at Meri’s. Because as much as he’s whining about “being left,” it’s A-OK that he has left Meri. And what a bastard, letting her cry alone in her house, grieving for her mom. Could he even just be a FRIEND to her? Jesus. 

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  12. 14 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Some awesome sleuth said that Janelle paid 82K for the 5th wheel. However, she was offered to buy the rental at an amazing cost. Why wouldn't you do that? Spend the next year or two fixing it up and flipping it and make a nice profit, then build on the land? So Kody said that in order to build, you have to have the land paid off, so what is stopping the start of at least two of the houses, since from what I read here that he paid cash for two of the lots? 

    I remember her saying she’s ago that it was her dream to have a motorhome or fifth-wheel and just spend the bulk her time traveling. So I think this is a step to that goal. 

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  13. On 8/1/2022 at 5:46 AM, GeeGolly said:

    Leon is a curious one for sure. Because we peripherally watched them grow up, we have all these thoughts, but no one really knows what is going on inside another person. We are like icebergs and what makes up most of us is hidden far below the surface.

    With that said, I didn't see this coming. From what I knew of Leon, they seemed like a confident, driven girl with a side of entitled, privileged brat. But I also never guessed the guy I knew as Bruce Jenner was hiding Caitlin all those years.

    Random info: Jenner’s first wife, back in the ‘70s, wrote a book called “I Am Chrysti,” describing life with a driven, Olympic-bound athlete. I didn’t read it until Jenner was in the news regarding transitioning, and I’ll just say it was an interesting read, knowing now about Jenner really being Caitlyn. Chrysti didn’t claim any kind of knowledge about that, but there were situations in the book that make more sense with today’s knowledge about Caitlyn’s gender identity. 

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  14. On 8/29/2022 at 10:44 PM, Annber03 said:

    Okay, so I watched that special on Mary Kay Letorneau, and hoo boy, there's a LOT to unpack with this story. 

    I didn't realize that she and Vill had first met when he was eight years old, and a student in her second grade class. That just adds an extra level of creepy to their later meeting again when he was 12. And her poems she wrote to him. "Your bones are the strength of a Samoan god." What? Who the hell writes that to a 12 year old kid

    Not even remotely surprised by the scandal her father found himself embroiled in. Not one bit. Chalk it up to seeing way, WAY too many of those "holier-than-thou" politicians and religious people getting caught up in their own sex scandals. I knew something was coming with him the moment they started in on how much he and his wife paraded their "Look at us, we're so moral, family values, blah, blah!" attitude all over. It's very interesting, though, that his scandal had eerie parallels to Mary Kay's. The mistress in his case was a number of years older, it seems, but still...

    (On a related note, I was poking around on Wikipedia about this case and her family, and if one really wants to trip themselves out, feel free to look up what all Mary Kay's brother Joseph Schmitz,  has been up to over the years. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I'll just put it that way, and that's all the more I'll say on that, 'cause politics.)

    I definitely agree that a lot of what Mary Kay went through with her parents, between her dad's scandal and her mom's complete lack of affection, shaped her in a lot of negative ways. I think it explains a lot of her narcissism and her attitude that the rules don't apply to her, and her belief that she wasn't doing anything wrong. And her parents' warped attitudes about sex and marriage certainly didn't help matters, either. Being made to marry someone she clearly didn't love* simply because they'd had a kid together, the inability to determine what an actual healthy relationship looked like and should be like, even the idea that she must just keep on pumping out kids, it all clearly stemmed from her upbringing. I like how her former friend pointed out that the abstinence message wouldn't work on Mary Kay. Of course it wouldn't. It never does, not when it's taught like that. I don't get how people still don't understand that the "abstinence only, no sex ed of any kind" message is far more damaging to people than teaching them actual proper sex education ever would be. 

    *Given how defiant she became later on in terms of finding any way possible to see Vill, it's interesting that she didn't fight her parents when they told her she had to marry her first husband. Makes one wonder what might've happened if she had. 

    I was glad to see that the vast majority of the comments from those interviewed acknowledged her relationship with Vill for the fucked up, disturbing thing it actually was. And I like that they highlighted the double standard that came with stories like this - I remember there being a spat of other stories in the wake of this one involving female teachers with their students, and the attitudes some had were....disgusting, to say the least. It does feel like the attitudes have shifted over the years on that front, to where we see this as the awful thing it is, and I do like that that's the case. There were a few people whose comments had me giving a bit of side-eye, notably that couple who were neighbors of Vill and his family, but for the most part I tended to agree with most of the people being interviewed. 

    But man, the lengths she went to to try and see Vill, even after she was explicitly barred from seeing him. Just so brazen, all the way back to when she was bringing him into her home when her husband and kids were around! I mean, I agree she needed a LOT of psychological help, but clearly she also should've been kept somewhere where it'd be easier to monitor her, too. The fact she had to register as a sex offender probably should've been a clue that maybe she was more of a risk than they'd initially thought she would be. I had to laugh when they were all, "Oh, she doesn't pose a flight risk, so she can go free." Cut to her winding up in jail again and armed with a passport and some money. So much for not being a flight risk! 

    And all the kids. My god. I didn't realize she had THAT many. I feel bad for them, and I'm not surprised we've never heard a peep out of them about any of this over the years. They deserve their privacy, and I hope they've found their own ways to try and deal with all that's happened, if they even can. I feel for Vill's mom, suddenly finding herself having to raise two kids at a time in her life when I'm pretty sure that was not on her "future plans" list. 

    Other random observations:

    -Matt Lauer interviewing Vill is...um. Yeah. That's...something, to say the very least.

    -Seriously, "Entertainment Tonight", what the actual fuck? 

    -It was interesting to hear from her fellow inmates. I was struck by their observation that when they came to visit Vill and Mary Kay at their home after they got married, they never acted like one would expect a married couple to act. It seemed like Vill was still acting like a big kid and Mary Kay was happy to just take care of him in an almost motherly way. Which really seems to just sum up their relationship completely. 

    -Also not surprised they were eventually considering divorce. There's only so long they would've been able to keep this warped fantasy going before reality hit them head on and they realized they had nothing else connecting them. That clip of them trying to come up with things they had in common was incredibly awkward. Wow. 

    -The woman announcing the birth of Mary Kay's first baby with Vill sounded awfully peppy about it. 

    -As someone from Iowa, it threw me a bit to hear them mention a place called Des Moines :p. Kind of surreal that the police, when coming upon Mary Kay and Vill during their very first encounter in her car, apparently didn't think to press any further and see what was going on, and just followed Vill's mom's suggestion to release her son back to Mary Kay. 

    -"I think it's kind of sick." Most accurate line of the entire documentary, right there. 

    So yeah. Anyone else who's watched this, or will watch it, and wants to discuss it further alongside the bit that has been discussed in various posts here already, feel free to jump in with your thoughts. 

    So I’m acquainted with the two ex-inmates who befriended MKL in prison. One of them is peripheral to my family and has caused us many years of grief. I have no use for either of them. They plotted to befriend Mary when she arrived in prison with an eye to writing a book and making a fortune. I reread the book this week (from the library as I refuse to give them a dime) and the description in the book of how they first met and talked to Mary does not match what they said on camera.

    Our family knew of the book plan when it was in the works. We knew about the notes in the milk bottles. They were apologists for her way back then. One of the inmates currently has grandkids around the age Vili was when the grooming began and I’d love to know how she’ll feel if one of them knocks up a teacher in a few years.

    I do believe their assessment that after marriage Mary was basically the housemother - thereby illustrating that this was NOT some grand mutual love story but rather a woman with severe arrested development taking advantage of a kid with raging hormones. So he thought he was in love with her at age 12? When I was 12 I thought I was in love with Paul Revere and the Raiders’ lead guitarist (whom I never met!). You don’t know what love is at that age but you can be damn vulnerable.

    some of those smuggled letters to Vili were Mary threatening him with castration for sleeping with age-appropriate girls while she was in prison - in other words he was trying to live a normal life and move on. But she had her hooks in deep.

    sorry if this is incoherent. This is such a very sore subject for me. 

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  15. On 5/27/2022 at 6:27 AM, GeeGolly said:

    Anna's Fundiness certainly impacts her ability to leave, but mainstream folks go through similar situations all the time. Its almost never just one thing, but more likely a combination of a few things. They include love, socioeconomic status , self-esteem, faith, (co)dependency, health (physical & mental) supports, age...

    Then there's the many reasons Anna needs to believe FF is innocent.

    If Anna believes Josh is innocent, then nothing above matters. She would have no reason to think of leaving him. She has to get past step 1 before she can even think of step 2.

    Even if she thinks he’s guilty , she’s been taught that she must forgive. I think she’s stuck no matter what, unless she leaves the cult altogether. 

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  16. On 5/24/2022 at 7:17 PM, dingochick said:

    They had mentioned in media that this ep would be a sort of epilogue, so I was okay with how it ended and served as a series finale. Because sometimes life is mundane, and it is the little moments we may regret missing or taking advantage of. Life is fragile, sad, and beautiful. And I like that in the end, the big three won’t drift. So much of the series has focused on spats and fights and issues that siblings (and parents have)…as someone who has lost both her parents, and has a brother, I totally get the fear of drifting apart. It rang true to me. 

    Also, I wasn’t expecting anything huge or life altering. Life will go on for the Pearsons. 

    I liked when Jack said Rebecca would be there…it made me feel better about my own losses. And I liked that we were spared a Randall eulogy, because omfg can we just not? I wasn’t super happy about the Jack and Randall ending, but I got me some William, so I can forgive it. 

    As far as I’m concerned, as long as nothing ends like St Elsewhere did, it’s a win. :)

    Lastly, anyone else feel like adult Deja sounds like regular Deja? 

    I liked it, too. The demeanor of the Big Three felt very genuine. I lost my mom not long ago after a grueling illness and after the service we were just … tired. And sad and feeling a little bit at sea. I liked very much that we didn’t see the funeral in detail - just enough to see that all the “kids” either spoke or sang; all were shown at the lectern. We know them well and can “know” what they said without being hit over the head with it.

    I loved Randall’s happy dance after learning about the grandson. And I liked the focus on him and Deja in this context. Family doesn’t have to be blood. And I liked that Madison and Elijah have been around. I have a big complicated cobbled-together family with good relationships between exes, etc, which is so easy on the kids. I love seeing that with the Pearsons.

    I need to rewatch. What was the wisecrack Beth tossed out when talking about all of Randall’s parents, the RV, etc - something about he’d go swimming with someone’s mom. It made me laugh.

    Loved the perfect day with nothing to do with the Pearsons doing mundane hints resulting in fond memories. Very real.

    and Jack assuring Rebecca that he’ll show her the ropes, basically. She’ll be there  and so will Jack. (But I hope Miguel has someone he loves with him for eternity also.)

    And I know in my heart that Kate is already planning to dump Phillip and get back together with Toby. 

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  17. On 5/17/2022 at 8:59 PM, sara416 said:

    I know everyone is different, but I come from a big Irish Catholic extended family. I didn't know wakes were supposed to be sad until well into my teen years. There was always laughter and joking and food. There are no rules with grief. 

    I come from a big Greek family and my cousins and I have caught ourselves talking about the great “parties” we’ve had after certain funerals. 

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  18. On 5/10/2022 at 7:12 PM, Blakeston said:

    So Rebecca dealt with the kids when they were were crying at night. And Jack woke Rebecca up from desperately needed sleep when Kevin crapped the bed - instead of cleaning it up himself.

    Not at all surprised.

    My whole reaction was, “ Miguel would have cleaned up Kevin and let Rebecca’s sleep.”

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