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Posts posted by tearsandhysteria

  1. On 10/4/2019 at 9:53 AM, Risha17 said:

    I know a lot of people don't like Mae and think Kerissa was right in telling her off (and she was somewhat), but honestly, their showdown just made hate Kerissa even more. She's really a spoiled brat with low capacity for empathy. She has a lot of nerve saying that Mae's parenting style for Faith's suicide (and this is the second time, Kerissa inappropriately brought up Faith). I bet if anyone point how her and Jacob's relationship and parenting laid the foundation for Zora to be a such a spoiled brat and seek affection in an abusive prick like Isaiah, Kerissa would be pissed. And again, Kerissa brings up and shits on Grace in situation that has nothing to do with her. What on earth is Kerissa's deal with Grace? Is she transferring her issues with her mother unto Grace and sees Grace as competition? Is it jealousy? Did Grace do something to Kerissa in the past? Either way, I'm really done with Kerissa and enjoyed Mae slapping the mess out of her as well as her learning she has to stay at the Greenleaf estate. I hope Grace is the next one who puts her in check. 

    As for AJ, I fluctuate between feeling sorry for him and disliking him because he's so disrespectful and I keep getting the feeling he's not really Grace's son, but a plant or just a fake just wanting that Greenleaf money. 

    I have really grown to hate Kerissa too. I won't say I'm a Mae fan at all. I think she plays favorites with her children and I hate that.  I think she will get on her high horse in a minute all the while having secrets and confessions she needs to handle. But, all I can say about that slap is she should have done it harder. You don't come in my house and try to divide me and my husband EVER, much less over some petty stuff such as furniture that you have no right to to begin with. She'd have been outdoors for that alone. 

    Kerissa dislikes grace because Bishop wanted Grace preaching at Calvary instead of Jacob. She's very jealous and always has been. 

    And to be hiding about who is purchasing the land is ridiculous.  Jacob cheated on you and played you for a fool for how long? Man, If I wanted to sell the land and get out your mama's house that's just what would be happening. There would be no lying by omission or trickery involved. He owed her that at the least of it and that's coming from someone that hates her. 

    She'd have to get out of my house before she messed around and "fell" down the stairs if I were Mae though. Seriously. 

    And I agree with all you said about A.J. She did the boy wrong and that's undeniable.  But he makes it hard for me to feel sorry for him consistently. He has some ways about him but I guess he should. But even still, he weighs on my patience.  

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  2. 21 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    I think although Ghost has been a selfish piece of shit (and dumb lately) he’s acting this way because of his guilt. He KNOWS he did the entire family wrong with the Angela mess, and his fantasy to run off with his high school sweetheart effected his kids in the worst way. Yaz was too young to really know what was going on, sweet Raina the lovely girl that she was wanted to make her parents proud, dumb as Tariq acted out and instead of focusing on how his choices effected his kids, Ghost kept his head in the sand, kept having sexy times with Angela, and left Tasha to deal with Tariq (while she was trying to keep his ass out of jail with the Greg murder accusation!!) 

    Had Ghost been PARENTING this likely wouldn’t have gotten so bad. 

    True. Guilt will make people yield on making the right decisions going forward. My parents are a living testimony on that in regards to my sibling...

    anyway, in random news... I always find it funny that we see Dre's daughter that was supposed to be in the protection of CPS or more than the youngest St.Patrick child. I know she doesn't have a storyline but she should still be in there showing that Tasha is still struggling to take care of both children without the help of Ghost. She is just gone with the wind. Obviously, "my sister" needs more help with the kids if she thinks her best parenting route is to make Tariq the new ghost.

    And to say that she's going to make him so good that he doesn't get himself killed shows how off base she is. Honey, dying is part of that life and she knows that. Yes, his chances will be better if he's good at it. But, there they go making him feel invincible as usual. Most people in that life aren't worried about dying but not because they're are so foolish to think that they are too good at it to get got. They just take that as a part of the game. That's foolishness. He already has a big head complex. 

    Regardless of it all, I enjoyed this episode much more than others as of late! 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Ghost did look pretty scary when he told him that the second he became disloyal he was dead to him- but Tariq knows he wouldn’t hurt him. These kingpin fathers will protect their kids/family as long as the hierarchy is respected. You step out of line or turn against the family you are DEAD. Then he called him Ghost? The first time he did that in season 3 he should’ve whooped his ass.

    Tommy should've beat him up to scare him straight. They’ve let this crap go on too long with this kid. Why does he want to be a drug dealer so badly??

    Exactly. Ghost explicitly told him don't go checking for Tommy anymore period. So what's the first thing he does but run off to see Tommy. Then, when that created a problem for Tariq because Keisha figured out he took the drugs, Ghost falls right in line trying to protect him from Tommy finding out from Keisha. He didn't say a word to that boy about not listening, AGAIN. He should have jumped on him then even if he was going to still try to protect him later. He is weak as water when it comes to him. Tariq isn't scared of him and he shouldn't be and that's on Ghost. 

    • Love 4
  4. 15 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Youd think seeing his own sister be murdered in front of his eyes would set the kids straight, but no. He’s lied to his mom, stolen from Tommy- why is he hero worshipping KAANAN of all people?!!!

    I never got all the Kaanan intrigue either. I just always assumed Tariq dealt with him simply cause everyone told him not to. That's why he seems to do everything else. But, what killed me is why the show always makes Tariq the most protected entity in the world. Even Kannan supposedly couldn't bring himself to kill the almighty Tariq. Yeah, okay, writers. 

    I get that he is seen as family or is family to most of the main characters, but when you see most kids of kingpins or whatever on tv, they are in fear of their fathers until they're are pretty much grown. And, still most of them know they ain't too grown for an ass whooping by their fathers. Ghost should have already taught Tariq the hierarchy. That's just bad for business. You can't control your child but you're supposed to be able to run these streets?! 

    • Love 4
  5. 37 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

    This is a terrible final season. Everyone is stuck on stupid. Tommy and Ghost's brotherhood was one of the best things about the show, and leaving them at odds and propping up Tariq of all people (for the spinoff I guess?) is just a mess. Why hasn't that boy gotten his ass beat and then sent off to military school or something? They're really letting a 16 year old getting the jump on them. So dumb. 

    The best thing about Power Sundays for me is the intro. lol

    That's exactly what I was wondering about the spinoff. I already knew I was 100% percent out if it was about Dre or Tariq.  I've had enough of them on this show. The thought of them being lead, thanks but no thanks! 

    I know people in my family that keep their children so revered that they can't ever do what needs to be done even when it's to the child's detriment. Gonna love them to death.

    Ghost was silly to try to tough love him with an option that was improbable. If Ghost was going to kill him, he would have killed him for Raina. Scare him with a REAL consequence option. Kids know B.S.  He isn't just meeting you, Ghost. You can't intimidate your child with empty threats. You either have to follow through or not threaten to begin with.  He never thought he would really shoot him; he told him what he had to to get him out of his face for the moment, went right back to scheming. 

     I see why Tariq always thinks he's the smartest one in the room. Someone is always saving him from himself. But sooner or later, he's going to have to pay what he owes. That's something everyone needs to understand.  Don't have someone thinking the sea is always going to part for them regardless of their bad choices!

    • Love 5
  6. 3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    There is no way it wouldn't have been. Someone shoots up a penthouse like that, it's on the news. The other residents would have been screaming and wondering what was going on and trying to flee. Like, do people not realize how close New Yorkers live to each other? Even in fancy buildings like that, there are people around ALL THE TIME. You're literally on top of each other. 

    I died. And then when he asked if the whatever was sugar-free because he was out of Weight Watchers points for the day, I was through. More of him, please!

    Next week Keisha is talking about not doing this street shit forever ... girl, who do you think your man is? Unlike Ghost, he's never had any interest in going straight. He's never talked about getting out. She reminds me of Tara on Sons of Anarchy (although Maggie Siff is a MUCH better actress) - like, girl, you are a gangster's moll, period. (Although at least Jax gave lip service to leaving the life, and when he couldn't he told HER to take their kids and leave - she chose to stay.) That's all this relationship is or will be.

    I think you're right - he didn't deliberately lie to Benny, he just didn't know Tommy (and Tariq) were behind it until he saw Tommy's reaction.

    Yes on girl's acting! Every time Keisha talks I think this reminds me of SOA's Able. That was the worst child actor ever and Keisha is the Able of this show. Takes me right out of every scene. ugh. Hate that she's going to be a regular on the chi next season. And Tara would have been so much better as a lawbreaker than Keisha. She always seems minutes from getting herself killed or getting pinched by the cops and confessing.  It was no suprise that she didn't want help but couldn't do the books right. Tommy deserves better. Lol

    • Love 1
  7. I was so irritated with the writing for Tommy just riddling that place with bullets. Like there's no way he wouldn't have gotten caught. They would have had swat teams there so fast thinking there was a mass shooting going on. He stayed in there way too long.

    Then the whole Tariq has gotten himself into another pickle plot.  What a surprise! I'm sick of him and his Wile E Coyote plans. This last episode has me glad it's the last season. These writers are over it apparently.  

    And of course Ghost is still swearing up and down he's the only thing decent left in the world. Every time he speaks, I want hit him with a shovel.  Ugh, I'm ready to watch him burn. 

    • Love 4
  8. I can't stand Michael. Ugh. But if I were his mother, I also couldn't see myself telling Sarah about the fact that he is cheating AGAIN. He has cheated in the past and she's still there. He has been missing for hours and days and Sarah is right there for it still. I think it's like the people that go on the Maury show for the lie detector test. If you find strange panties in your house that don't belong to you and didn't come in a gift bag, you don't need a lie detector test to tell you what's up. And Sarah doesn't need his mama to tell her what's up either. She's already been down this road with him. Denial isn't the same thing as ignorance. 

    And as for Matt , Caitlyn puts up with so much of his crap with a smirk and just keeps it moving. He could deal with her being irritated with him and just take it for a change. He is so useless. I hope her mother dying will show her life is short. You shouldn't spend it with a very optional idiot. 

    And Clint needs a conservativeship over him. He seems challenged. They need to get him checked. 

    • Love 12
  9. As much as I hate Dre (the only person that can even rival that hatred is Tariq) I kinda need to hear him say "Francis" one more time before he goes. I swear it just cracks me up something fierce.  I'm glad Keisha decided she's "all in" if that's what she wants. While she was deciding I kept thinking of the Boardwalk Empire quote: you can't be half a gangster. Choose wisely, honey. I'm so sick of Ghost lying to everyone and always talking about someone going behind his back or not being completely 100 with him. That man is really something. I can't see Angie being dead. It would really surprise me for them to go that route. Was Tommy trying to shoot Ghost or Angie to hurt Ghost? I hope they'll make Tariq less ridiculous next season. I still want to kick him in the balls about saying he took the loss of Kanan for the team after getting his sister killed. Uh, no you still owe plenty, son. Let's not talk about your so called loss just yet. 

    • Love 2
  10. It's funny that Kanan is always talking about how Tariq is a gangsta. When he told Ghost that in the car I was like, you must want him to know you're a liar. Tariq has done nothing but tell stupid lies and cause messes. I like Dre more than him at this point. And where is Dre' s daughter? I guess he put her in witness protection after Kanan threatened her. 

    • Love 1
  11. I will not last another season of Tariq being too stupid to breathe. I just can't. How do you get your sister killed and can't even give her the respect of the eulogy because you're still obsessed with Dre. Someone, anyone please kill Tariq already. 

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