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  1. The multiple legs in the Bombas socks is definitely Uncanny Valley for me. Ick.
  2. Yes, I believe this is called a "glottal stop." and it's used among the ignorant.
  3. Because the Lume lady has people convinced their whole body smells.
  4. As if there aren't enough precocious, annoying, entitled kids blasting us with back-to-school commercials, I have to endure a particularly precious darling yelling "Real School" about nine times in one ad. September can't some soon enough.
  5. Paul Simon has been extremely pretentious since about 1980.
  6. That's awful. I'm glad I haven't seen that one. But it seems to be par for the course in commercials, TV, and movies nowadays to pair an annoying twit of a kid with a hapless parent.
  7. What annoys me about the "No more dinos, I want sharks" commercial is it's just another greedy, precocious, entitled kid who has no idea how fortunate he is to get a new backpack every year.
  8. This Snapchat commercial has to stop! Enough of this pretentious girl talking about "the more oranges we anthropomorphize." She is so snarkily proud of herself for working that word into a sentence, like she just learned it in her Women's Studies class. Every time I see this nonsense I want to throw something at the TV.
  9. Aqua

    S01.E01: Will

    Also Sean Penn is one who likes to stretch his acting muscles and this was likely a challenging and fulfilling role for him.
  10. Aqua

    S01.E06: Tuffy

    I think Sean Penn is a shoo-in and Julia Roberts probably too.
  11. Aqua

    S01.E06: Tuffy

    I wonder if that part is true?
  12. That's a cool site!
  13. Aqua

    S01.E02: California

    I think he's the only good guy (i.e., repentant) person to come out of Watergate.
  14. Aqua

    S01.E01: Will

    He is John Mitchell.
  15. Aqua

    S01.E08: Final Days

    Are we to believe that all the Watergate convicts were conveniently sent to the same prison worksite so they could touch base and commiserate? Was Martha really allowed to walk into a nursery and pick up a random newborn to cuddle, or was that supposed to be her son's baby?
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