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  1. I still like Haley with Andy the best. I know a lot of people didn't like them together, but I thought they looked cute and happy. I'm not opposed to them exploring this English professor though. I hope they develop their storyline a bit more (I haven't watched the rest of the season yet, so I guess I'll wait and see!)
  2. Just watched the last two episodes. Jenni was so irritating with all the "You're Welcome". You don't do something nice for someone, to expect them to fawn over you for your contribution. She got so bossy and annoying while planning the proposal. I don't blame Mike for finding her irritating. She was basically screaming at him and constantly putting him down. I think the other guys noticed too. She wasn't exactly being nice to them either. But then Ron, has to go, and take what Mike said (about the pie in the face...which you could tell he was just blowing off steam), and making it WAAAAY bigger than it was (really a offhand joke). Ron runs to Jenni and tells her, knowing that it would get her worked up. Jenni was just out of control. Like come on... Why would you want to wreck a friend's engagement, which is a huge deal, cause you feel like he might have slighted you. What an ego on this woman. And Ron, it just reeks of jealousy of your part. The more I watch the show, the more I dislike Jenni. I don't like the fact that she is so empathetic to Ron. She saw first hand that Ron cheats, that he rages, that he blames others for his issues. She accepts it because she hates Sami more. Sami was one woman in the house who really stood up to her and Jenni can't get over it. Sam walked away from the show and the money, to keep her sanity and herself away from her toxic relationship with Ron. Jenni has constantly complained about her not joining, and has never said anything positive to say, but has heaps for Ron. Ugh...just Ugh. I think it's obvious that Ron's on drugs right now . We can literally see him crashing. Been lots of blind items referring to this. A few episodes back, when Deena was upset, Deena said "Oh Snooki talks and you listen, but when it's me..." (sorry can't remember exactly what she said) Jenni was like "Yeah, that's how it is". That was pretty rude I thought. I get that Deena is not in their "inner circle", but she's always been nice, and didn't deserve that. How the episode ended, with Mike saying Ron needs to get himself together for the baby. Why was she all offended? Isn't Mike allowed to have an opinion? He came for a place of knowing how screwed up ones life can get, and was saying it to his roommates. I think they've all had that conversation before (herself included). But Mike isn't allowed to talk about her "boy" Ron. Why isn't she more upset, that he cheated on his baby momma? Then she immediately rats on Mike that he was talking about Ron. Looks like from the previous that Ron totally loses his shit. Ugh her and Ron are the same....constantly ratting people out. I like Mike, and I'm glad to see him so happy. It looks like he learned a lot from hitting rock bottom, and making his way back up. He was always the most interesting one on the shore. He had all the funny lines, all the funny sayings. It was sad to see him go out of control with his drug use, but I'm glad he got his life back on track. Lol...for the amount he eats, I think he still looks like he's in pretty good shape. Probably a testament to what good shape he was in previously!
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