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  1. This is like comparing apples and unicorns! A copyrighted logo/brand name is internationally protected, legally, to stop others reproducing and thereby benefitting from someone else's design/invention/work! A family crest (in centuries of old) was a GIFTED design, given to a family when they were elevated into the aristocracy of their society, as a gesture to acknowledge their change in rank & as an identifier to people that the bearer of crest was a member of the aristocracy. When the design was given to the family, from that point on, it belonged to any member of that family that was alive OR any future member to come into the family from that point on. Now, since the beginning of time there's only ever been 2 ways to join a family...Marry into it, or be born into it! Sonia married a Morgan...ergo....she joined the family & the crest belongs to her! Even if she changed her name back to her maiden name, in the eyes of feudal days you don't have to carry the name of the family to be considered a member of it. There's no stipulation that when u divorce that you are ejected from the family tree. In fact....regardless of the outcome of marriage...whether it be a long lasting marriage, widowhood or divorce...u are inextricably part of the family tree forever!! Ipso Facto.....Morgan crest belongs to Sonia every bit as much as it does to her ex husband who was born a Morgan!!!!
  2. Can I just say....Not only is Ramona Singer the most inherently selfish person I've ever seen...I mean...she's clearly a narcicist as is....but she seems to fit the criteria, to be diagnosed as an actual sociopath as well!! Firstly, some of the choices she makes & the actions she displays, are so completely oblivious to the feelings of any other person alive....(beside herself that it)....that it really is, a spectacle to watch!! ......It's like, step right up folks & see the woman with no soul.... she absolutely infuriates me...right down to my very core!!! But then, she compounds her already shitty behaviour, by jumping straight on the defensive, when confronted by others around her, questioning why she did or said particular things, thereby forcing whichever person that SHE has shit on, having to explain to HER, (step by step), WHY it wasnt an acceptable way to treat THEM that way in the first place!!! ..Like.... what the AF???? If she's smart enough to be as successful as she's always claiming she is...why then, does she need to have her behaviour explained to her, in terms a 4 year old would understand, if shes a grown woman without a mental impairment??? Answer is....SHE DOESN'T! Because its not that she needs to be taught that actions have consequences..... she already knows they do...that's a lesson everyone learns in early childhood....but she CHOSE to act that way regardless! She understands what the consequence could be, but doesnt care enough about the consequence she might suffer (or alternatively....justifies her actions to herself by claiming they were altruistic) to stop her actions in the first place!! .....AND EVEN THEN... although she might eventually be badgered into admitting how her actions are an UNACCEPTABLE and INCONSIDERATE way to treat other people.....she is still so completely fkn devoid, of any real remorse over it, that I don't understand why she even admits she shouldn't have acted that way in the first place!!!! It's obviously just her way of stopping any further conversation about it at that point, coz she's decided she's over discussing it & it matters very little to her anyway, so case closed, convo over! She must either be a cyborg...which would explain her total lack of empathy and/or human emotional maturity.....OR....she's just that completely self serving, that it's rendered her devoid of any ability to use normal human behaviour in her dealings with others, as she clearly has such limited experience in doing so in the past!!!! There are four types of people in the world People that are good people at heart, they know they're good & and are good in their actions People that are bad people at heart, they know theyre bad & and are bad in their actions People that are good people at heart, they know they're good, but have chosen bad actions And lastly....People that are bad people at heart, that THINK they're good & can rationalise any action they've taken as justifiable regardless of how bad it might be.....Ramona is this kind!!! The worse of all personality types!!! I can't fucking stand this bitch!
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