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Everything posted by Lozu68

  1. The episodes in this show (and many others) don’t necessarily follow the characters day to day. And sometimes the different POV’s often overlap in time (so while Cole finished his walkabout and started to drive back to Montauk, Alison had her bad day and flew to CA, and returned soon after (that wasn’t supposed to be a long trip...she had no bag with her.) 2-3 days later, Athena is worried Alison hasn’t called for 3 days, calls Cole, Cole calls Noah, and here we are. (and in my head...Helen’s trip to Joshua tree was after Alison left her house, and after the conversation with Noah about Vik dying...so during the “three days no one has heard from Alison.”
  2. You are so right, you reap what you sow! He hurt them all when he chose to leave, no matter how many trampolines he buys them...he has been very emotionally checked out on them. I love how Noah referred to Cole as “an old friend.” Dude...you slept with his wife!! You blew up his life (and he was a grieving father) And he still thinks of Helen as “a friend”...though he humiliated her several times over with the affair. His older kids were pretty mad at him then...the younger ones have now caught up.
  3. EXCELLENT episode!! Will hold my tongue until more people get to watch! So well done!
  4. HAHA!!! ??Not only did she use the shampoo....then she just dumped it down the drain!!! That’s just wrong!! Remember, she broke Helen’s oil/vinegar decanter too...I always wondered if Helen figured that out?!
  5. Why would anyone expect Helen to be “pleasant” in regards to Noah? Let’s not forget what a fool he made out of her, destroyed their life, he came home...only to screw Alison IN HELENS BED!! I know people keep saying he went to jail for Helen...but really, it wasn’t until they were going to call Alison to the stand did he jump up and confess! And, eventually Helen found that out too...the sacrifice wasn’t really for her. Not to mention, there was that drug infused sex-gone-non consensual...which I guess we were to conclude took place...that was the last time they ever had any physical contact at all. So....aside from “playing it cool”in front of the kids...why should Helen be nice? I’d say she’s done her best to move on from a world of hurt...but not sure there can ever true forgiveness. And now...she gets to watch her S.O die a crappy death. And possibly give birth to a baby she doesn’t want!! Misery!! Then again...there’s always Season 5??
  6. I agree, I think we will ultimately end up with the original couples back together...only...I don’t see Helen turning to Noah...I see Noah turning to her. She knows she “can’t luve without him”...but I think she has put up fierce walls to keep herself from getting hurt again. Noah will “be Noah” and keep inserting himself into the equation (maybe to be there for his grieving children), but if Helen cracks, he will swoop in to pick up the pieces.
  7. Excellent point about Alison being powerless. Maybe that is part of her personality, or part of the fallout from having to bury her child.
  8. I agree with you about Alison and the dude on the plane...but in terms of her relationships with Noah, Ben, hell even Oscar back in the day...it seems she views herself as vulnerable, I think she makes choices for herself based on being “a victim.” Not saying the other people in her equation bear no responsibility...it is a two way street. Loved how hospitable and pulled together Helen was in Alison’s view...and just angry and bitchy in Noahs. I wonder if the Solloway kids found out about Vik’s illness, hence Trevor being upset and not wanting to go to the concert. Maybe? Or just a plot point to free up Noah to go visit his boss at her home!!? Was so happy when Janelles ex told Noah to give them their privacy! I’m hoping that whole storyline will serve to “grow Noah up,” in terms of how he relates to his own children and ex-wife. I seriously doubt it is going anywhere further for them as a couple...she is very dedicated to her career and her son...I think she will NOT sacrifice those for Noah. He may learn something from this... Too much tossed in Alison’s storyline this week...I reallly feel like they needed 12 episodes to do this justice, and instead are cramming for just the 10. Too much to digest too quickly. And the preview for next week??!!? Is the neighbor going to sleep with Helen too??!! This is a lot to deal with...
  9. I too did not take away that Cherry was a “villian.” I mean...if the suicide threat was real...then Cherry was quite in need of mental health services...not her husband to come home and knock her up three more times, followed by being a nasty drunk who then kills HIMSELF. Are we supposed to think Gabriel was “noble” in leaving his vacation “fling” to “save” his wife and unborn child? I wonder what people would have thought if Helen had said that to Noah...and what he should have done...
  10. This episode. First of all...acting knocked out of the park by all involved. Oh my! Vic segment...amazing job by Omar. Loved the “mirror image” scenes, of Vic trying to talk with his parents about his illness, his dying wishes, and their reaction (or lack thereof)...cut to Vic having to tell the parents of his young patient that she might have cancer, and those parents screaming/sobbing utter devastation. Next...dear God Helen...most of us viewers knew you didn’t want to try and have another baby...why weren’t you just honest with Vic? Why lie and fake taking the injections? I guess we know what Maura was talking about in preseason interviews when she said Helen made selfish choices she herself didn’t agree with (I don’t think it’s selfish for Helen not to want to be pregnant a 5th time...but the lying was a cowardly thing to do.) And so...from what Vic told Sierra...it appears he sort of had his own selfish reasons for hanging in there with Helen for so long...cause he knew it pisssd his parents off! A tarnish on our dashing, mr.perfect Dr. Ullah. And so...he cheats...Sierra will have his baby...and who cares?! Helen might as well pack up Trevor and Stacey now and head back to Brooklyn. She knows deep down that she really “can” live without Vic, so why stick around and watch him die? This episode left me really wondering where it is all going! Not what I was predicting 4 back. I feel lost! Cole and his “walkabout?” I loved Amy Irving, and I got what we were supposed to take away from all that. Heavy heavy stuff in terms of Cole’s Father. But for the love of God, what was the point of Dephine? What the hell did Cole do that for?! That was gratuitous and insulting to viewers. No part in the story arc at all. Cant wait for more people to watch and check in here! Dying to hear other perspectives!
  11. With the way this show rolls...nothing would surprise me!!
  12. But....actors don’t get to decide how their character is portrayed...they deliver what has been written, what the directors are looking for. Anyone who watched ER can certainly see the similarities between Abby and Helen, but I think no one else can play that kind of emotional struggle with way Maura can. She nails it. Without wailing and chewing the scenery. Sometimes it tough to watch...because it is supposed to be! If they give her the pregnancy storyline...oh.my!
  13. Absolutely! From the get go, I thought it was hella creepy the way he kept isolating Alison from the conference...when he led her into the empty room to practice the technique they had just learned)...watch, she actually looks back towards the room where all the other attendees were...I think she had a “hmmmm” moment. Then, he leads her away, at the waters edge, again they are alone. Rents the boat sporadically...and they had packed them lunch...with wine??? No siree! Totally planned... for found myself feeling kind of sick when they were out on that boat.... another premonition Alison is missing...
  14. They certainly found a spot on Mini-me for Whitney, in the new Stacy. There is a picture of Maura Tierney as a child that I’ve seen in a few old ER boards...the original Stacy looked like that picture!
  15. I assumed they put the Noah mentioning raising Joanie for two years just for any newbies viewers who have only just found the show.
  16. It’s also a good way to occupy the mind between episodes!! Love reading other people’s insights!
  17. It’s really a crappy request...he’s a doctor...he HAS to know this will not come about just from a few thrusts on the kitchen counter!? Fertility treatment involves a lot of invasive testing, the medications used are all self administered by needles, and if pregnancy is achieved, some injections are prescribed through the first trimester. It’s a huge ordeal...and that’s only the getting pregnant part! I know Vik was overcome with his mortality staring him in the face...but still, an overwhelmingly shitty thing to ask if someone you care about!
  18. Um...couples in their 20’s and 30’s can suffer from infertility too. It’s not just an “old persons” disease. (Btdt at age 26. Luckily, the younger you are (particularly the woman) the more likely fertility treatment is to work. I think Helen will be out of luck on this.
  19. I thought Vik and Helen alluded to the neighbor as being the daughter of someone famous?
  20. I know this reply is months old...but new to this site (so happy I found it!) interesting comments on MT’s lip pursing...it is still very prevalent now in “The Affair”...but I recently watched all 5 seasons of “Newsradio” in dvd...and she did not do this back then at all. I do wonder if it manifested as she kicked smoking. Doesn’t matter to me...I could watch her read the phone book!
  21. I just found this board...I am SO EXCITED!! Having recently binged all 15 seasons on Hulu...been dying to dissect episodes!! Looking forward to reading and posting!!
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