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Everything posted by Jennv

  1. It was stated that she was teaching at her to pay for her lessons because the family could not afford them. I dont believe that. I believe she taught there, but not because her family is one step up from poverty snd she had to teach for the money. I think it is more likely she taught because she wanted too, for the experience. I would think that teaching would be good experience for someone wanting to pursue a dance career. Maybe she wants to have her own studio someday, like Amy.
  2. It was leaked here that she lied about a missed appointment for her thyroid before anything aired. It was never stated on air that the appointment was regarding a thyroid issue, but later, when asked, Victoria confirmed it was a thyroid issue on instagram. If the insiders here are making stuff up out of thin air, then they sure made a lucky guess.
  3. The constant rebuttals to any and all Victoria criticism have the same effect on me as Kelli and Charlotte singing her praises does. It makes me dislike her even more.
  4. Yep. Took my mom up there and their was a line around the building ib the freezing cold. They let her in ahead of everyone because she is in a wheelchair Husband wenrt and it took 5 hrs
  5. I wouldn't mind if all the rookies retired. This is the most boring rookie class ever. On that note, if I could only pick one to retire/ not come back, it would be Lily. Girlfriend is basic as hell, and not in a pretty way, nor with the dance ability that Caroline has. Basic and haggard looking, and not impressive in any way.
  6. It doesn't look like she went private. It looks like she deleted all her posts but not the profile. Weird. Maybe its just a weird glitch or something
  7. I waited over a year to updaye my address the last time I moved. They didnt even ask when I moved.
  8. As if there aren't any toothless rednecks in North Carolina.....
  9. Victoria looks sloppy a lot. She posted a video on ig a while back doing michelle key''s choreo and she looked bad. Like a flailing mess. Honestly Michelle's choreo always looks a littke spastic to me, but some of the girls nail it and look very precise. Vic ain't one of them.
  10. She quit at some point in october or early November, but still, she didnt finish the season and works for the Pats. She should use one of her Pat pics for her profile
  11. My husband insists on leaving his wallet in his car 24/7, even though we live in a high crime area and cars are broken into nightly. I've told him repeatedly not to do this. If someone steals his wallet from the car and goes to town with his debit card you can bet your ass I'll be "victim blaming" #sorrynotsorry
  12. I guess admitting you exist on Adderall and diet coke wouldn't be acceptable. Totally kidding, of course, I have no idea what she did to lose weight.
  13. Too orange and her eyebrows are too light, they disappear into her tan in shots that are not super close up
  14. I doubt they want the girls even taking nude photos at all, regardless of the purpose, or method of storing them. I would not be surprised if they have some type of "morals clause" in their contract that cover that.
  15. And the mistakes she makes are made by all phenomenal dancers, they just happen to only catch Victoria on camera. Baryshnikov fell out of 50% of his turns in the 70's, but the KGB confiscated all the footage.
  16. I wouldn't be heartbroken if she retired. I think she and Amy were the most boring point girls they have had since the show started. Yikes, another shot of Maddie with her gut sticking out over her shorts. Makes Bridget look even better for point.
  17. Her figure is really square, also in this photo she is arching her back awkwardly. It looks like she is trying to fart. But, she is a great performer. I think she would be a good point girl. Way better than Maddie or Amy
  18. They better move Gina up in the formation, girl got done dirty this year
  19. I can't tell, the teeth are blurred
  20. Yup, ROTY, cover girl, and in the triangle. I wonder if she will be behind Maddie, because she is tall, or if they will go ahead and put her next to Maddie since "she is the strongest veteran" I can just hear it now...😱
  21. Meredith hasn't posted anything on ig since the 18th. I wouldn't be heartbroken if she decided not to audition again.
  22. I can totally see Tina and Victoria pulling a Tonya Harding on Maddie.
  23. This. All I see are buck teeth clumsily jumping/rolling around
  24. I'm guessing Savannah might retire. She really wanted show group, and Kelli seemed to imply that she was delusional if she thought she had a chance at it. I think that would do it for me.
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