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Posts posted by Jennv

  1. 1 minute ago, go4luca said:

    After waiting an eternity to be approved to foster, he literally doted on these babies.  Protected their privacy, took them on walks, showered them with love - it was seriously amazing to watch unfold.  So his heartache was palpable when it came time to have to give them up.  I don't know how he did it.  I don't think I would have had the strength.

    I think he said he is going to pursue a private adoption, so I hope that works out for him

    • Love 8
  2. 3 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

    I miss the days when I liked all the girls in TC.  Now it's hard for me to even identify which one I find the least disgusting.  But Marissa is sure up there this cycle.  She told one of the girls that she knows her looks give her an advantage but she'd like to think that her dance will be what gets her on the team.  #delusional

    BTW: the only DCC who commented on this (ridiculous) photo was VK.  That tells you two things: 1) the company she keeps and 2) what the majority of the girls on the squad think of Marissa (hint: she alienated a lot of girls over the summer).

    She is delusional if she thinks she has an advantage looks wise. 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    Marissa has to be the most unattractive DCC I've ever seen.  If she also has "personality issues" as has been reported, I will never understand how she made the team.

    ugly beach shot.jpg

    God, is she ever homely. She looks like Golum

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  4. 9 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    What rule exactly?  Drinking?  Or traveling?  And why them, but not Amber who also went out of state?  Would they have been punished if it wasn't discussed on this forum? 

    Right? I know someone mentioned an organization rule about quarantine for 14 days after a trip, but they were not the only 4 who took trips that weekend.

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  5. Everyone seems to be assuming the girls have to social distance while performing. The players, obviously will not be, so why should the girls? Is it just for show? A lot of them live together, and they are all going out and socializing together so what is the point?

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  6. 1 minute ago, Jesiklyn said:

    I always thought this was a prime example of Kellis petty and nastiness. The girl who got tackled didnt ask for it and it wasnt really her fault, it's hard to get out of the way when someone is suddenly charging full speed at you. But because it made national headlines it was all the girls fault rather than just a freak unfortunate accident

    Ow hat did Kelli say about the tackle incident? In jeez, it was obviously an accident

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  7. 1 hour ago, Opine said:

    Well said.  I live in the south and you got that right!!  To some it is a strong faith and belief system and a guide for life.  To others it is a PC way to fit in.  When I moved to the south as a child from CA, it was so difficult!  The ones who did it just to fit in were such a turn off as they held prayer circles at lunch and then talked behind each others back at 1pm.  It took me years to figure out there was a true difference and to not dislike the 
    "super Christians" because they weren't all the same.

    The #blessed one cracks me up.  They say in the south that "bless your heart" basically means "you stupid idiot".  I have a whole host of FB friends that crack me up with their #blesseds.  Whenever you see that from a southerner, read it as "I am about to brag". 

    Sign me #blessed




    That #blessed shit gets on my nerves too, especially in relation to material things. "Here is my new BMW #blessed" its like they are saying " look at me, jesus loves me more than you"

    • Love 23
  8. 3 minutes ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

    I truly don't understand Lauren's push for modesty when the NFL uniforms already don't leave much to the imagination. I know that some of the trendy suits expose all kinds of buttcheek (btw, can this trend PLEASE die?), but I'm sure they could honor a request to have a suit that would cover nearly as much as the uniform.  Even with her rocking body, she couldn't make this suit look good.  It's hideous.

    Lol, I was thinking this suit looked great on her. 

    • Love 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, ByTor said:

    I guess I'm in your neck of the woods, I saw that & I saw that the mascot won't be there.  I assume that includes the cheerleaders too?

    I'm curious what he will do if the NFL turns around and changes their minds.

    I have a feeling the nfl will ban fans as well. If your team banned fans would you want to go play somewhere that didnt ban them? Seems like it would defeat the purpose

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  10. 8 minutes ago, ByTor said:

    Do you mean where did the "grace" thing come from?  In Maddie's interview from her 1st training camp, she was asked how she, as a Mormon, would feel about wearing the uniform.  Her answer was that as long as you wear it with "grace," it doesn't matter.

    That's convenient

    • LOL 8
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  11. 5 hours ago, Opine said:

    Someone finally said what I feel about Caroline.  She's fine.  But she has kind of a stepford look in her eyes.  She's pretty, she dances well, but she just isn't exciting.  To quote a certain person "she just doesn't have the "it" factor"!

    And Daphne.  What the what?  An ok dancer, sure, but I am sorry, she is no more attractive than the average girl at the mall. the hair is dreadful.  And clearly she struggles with eating issues.  So maybe that's not a good plan?  

    I have always thought Caroline looked like a soccer mom. 

    Daphne, poor, skinny, Daphne. She looks like she was rode hard and put up wet. 

    • Love 6
  12. 32 minutes ago, BluegrassDCCFan said:

    Do we know who? Did they have to quarantine the entire team? How did I miss this???  I got a "conditional" job offer this week (waiting to hear if it's for sure) and more than likely wouldn't have been able to watch the show when it aired on TV so maybe this was meant to be 🙂

    Good luck with the new job!

    • Love 5
  13. 47 minutes ago, Lindsay Loo Hoo said:

    Don't remind me of Kat, i still stand by my statement she is the least attractive DCC ever. (A close second goes to Lisa)

    Lol, I agree with Lisa. I think that one Trevino girl, and Meredith Oden, are also on my list


    Edited to add that I don't think Kelli was that great looking in her day either

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  14. 29 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    I don't think I will ever get why they picked Marissa.  Especially for SG.  Did she think her new do with waves would fix this? She has an alien look to her.   I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be overly mean but I seriously cannot imagine this on the jumbo HD screen.

    ugly marissa_PT.jpg

    Yeah, she is seriously not attractive. My husband would call her alien face

  15. 4 minutes ago, TxBex said:

    I totally agree. In many cases, a big reason a vet is cut is because she's fallen out of favor with TPTB.  To some extent I believe that this year there was a more conscious attempt to include WOC; but I don't think the new WOC rookies are any less talented than some vets on the team. It's not about dance ability or being a good ambassador. It's about how much DCC kool-aid you drink, and how much "yes ma'am-ing" you do. Kelli acts like dictator who doesn't want anyone on the team that she can't control. We have all seen how she rewards her favorites, and punishes those who aren't.

    I've always thought this. I think she knows before auditions which vets she is cutting, and is based on something they did to displease her during the season. The deliberations over said vet at auditions are just for the show. 

    • Love 15
  16. 5 minutes ago, Muckypup61 said:

    I have no problem with TCC Alora-rose's modeling pictures. Hell, I don't have a problem with Kalyssa's modeling(though I was unhappy about her cutting and running after the football season was over; but maybe she recognized the issues, and bailed). What bothers me is TPTB getting offended, falsely, with someone using the DCC to further a career. Everyone knows it can open doors, especially in the Dallas area. Get real, Kelli. 

    This. I hate how Kelli gets personally offended if a girl infers that something other than the dcc might be the greatest achievement of her life. Its do obnoxious, they brag that they want educated people, med students, ect., as long as none of them dare imply that becoming a doctor might be a better accomplishment than making the team.

    • Love 23
  17. 5 minutes ago, Jennv said:

    Late 90's early 2000's punter was married to former dcc nikki green. Not sure of the specifics of when they dated ect but they had gone to high school together.

    I just looked her up, I think she retired before he signed with the cowboys, so technically they were not fraternizing

    • Love 2
  18. 10 minutes ago, kalibean said:

    Has anyone actually been kicked off the team for fraternization?  It's easy to get caught up in the Holly storyline since it got air time, but that has LAYERS.  She was one of their best dancers, but also a major attitude problem AND lied to Kelly's face about it.  There are other great dancers out there, and frankly, season after season we see awesome dancers passed over for whatever reason.  

    Jenna - hooked up with a player, was still set to be GL1 and point until the Holly issue.  Remained GL1.

    Paige - married a player, and no shame here, but she was married to someone else when she made the squad, so that relationship happened in the entirety of the time she was a DCC..

    Chantel - I don't even know the story on this one, but apparently they had already known each other?  But still...dated a player.

    Are there any other examples out there?  Because lots of words flying about double standards, but as far as I can tell, the same standard is being applied to Kat as it has been for anyone else.  Holly only became an issue when she lied about it multiple times.  And even then, the show said she quit, which is pretty much on brand for Holly attitude wise.  

    It seems like the rule against fraternization is only in there as a formality so the squad isn't seen in a poor light, tho bless those All-Stars that have to make the rounds of the suites during games. 



    Late 90's early 2000's punter was married to former dcc nikki green. Not sure of the specifics of when they dated ect but they had gone to high school together.

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  19. 12 minutes ago, rl27rl said:

    🤢 Of ALL of the DCC pics they can use, and they use hers!  Nah!  There's no nepotism there at all! 🙈🙉🙊

    AND she STILL can't stand in the line!  She HAS to be ahead of everyone else. 🤦‍♀️

    And has anyone noticed her hairline?  Why does it look weird to me?  Anyone else?

    That is literally one of the worst photos ive seen of Vic. The double chin!

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