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Posts posted by firefly

  1. I noticed the sweater that Dorinda was wearing at Luann’s house. She has worn this before and I couldn’t help but notice that there are moth holes around the neckline, several around the bottom in the back and one on the right side just down from the shoulder.

    Not sure why she still wears this, maybe it has precious sentimental value? One of the first gifts that Richard ever gave her? I wondered why a woman who has as many clothes as she does would still hang on to this.

    This sounds so petty of me and it probably is, I just couldn’t help wondering if anyone else had noticed it or knew why she keeps it around.

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  2. Larissa thinks that because Colt has to support her for ten years, she is entitled to $200.00 dresses and $1000.00 worth of makeup! She’s lucky that gaslighter Colt isn’t taking her to civil court and suing her for physical injuries (we all know that there probably weren’t any long lasting wounds, but I wouldn’t put it past him to let her think that may be an option).

  3. On 12/31/2018 at 3:39 PM, gingerella said:

    Your logic is flawed, allow me to explain...A JP couldn't go into Eric's squalid digs, they'd have to have called the Hazmat team to marry them, and I dont think the Hazmat team is credentialed to marry people. Just guessing though..

    But the Hazmat team would have been wearing white!

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  4. Quote
    On 12/30/2018 at 6:29 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

    Guys, since so many of you in the 90 Day Fiance forum recommended this show, I started watching it last night on On Demand. WHERE HAVE I BEEN? How could I have been missing this extravaganza of crazy? Thank you all for this wonderful gift! I will be seeing you around this forum in days to come as I catch up. 



    That’s the same reason I came here Pepper! Still get to see inappropriate wedding dress try-ons, disapproving family members, plus the bonus feature of possible parole violation.

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  5. Leida’s real dream is to become a doctor in America and she is willing (but not eager) to marry Eric to help move her plan along. She has some qualifications from Indonesia but cannot practice as a full-fledged doctor. Baraboo has no medical schools (surprise, I know!). So Leida would have to travel to Madison or Milwaukee to take additional courses. Minimum of 50 miles one way for either choice. Buy an additional car? Plus gas and insurance. Classes are not free, so there’s that cost. Books, additional money. May have to stay overnight on occasion, so hotel room fees. Where is this money coming from? It worries me that I have thought about this more than Leida or Eric.

    Since Larissa has disinvited Cousin John and his family from the wedding, subtract them from the total of 10 expected for the wedding. You don’t really need a $2400 dress for a handful of people.

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  6. Kalini only became a mom 5 months ago and pawns the baby off whenever she can. I think that Asuelu is doing pretty well for only having been around a baby for a few weeks. How would he know about not taking a baby out of a car seat while the car is moving? The country is new to him.


    Hey Eric, there’s a little airport in Chicago that rich doctor daddy and the family could have flown out of.

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  7. Kalani may have all of us on a technicality. It may have been her Samoan virginity that she lost. Her belief may be that she has virginity on each continent. For example, if she never goes to Antarctica she will always her have Antarctican virginity intact.

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