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Everything posted by LPBWfan

  1. They're hipsters. It's the "in thing" now to not have window treatments. All of the baby's clothing definately doesnt come from Target or Walmart. Every single outfit we've seen on Ember has been from a private shop, quite expensive. Not to mention the trips they take. They've slowed down since having Ember but man, they spend. Compared to the average american family, they spend quite a bit. Most of us actually dont want to spend more than $15 an outfit for a baby because we know they'll out grow them in a couple of months. I don't know. Maybe they get this stuff for free... but comapred to what clothes we see on Jackson, Ember's clothing is all unique. The house was whatever. They might have felt like it was a good "forever" home.
  2. in fairness, in the post she said to post in the comments where they would want to go on vacation.
  3. I wonder if this girl still has the messages? I kinda want to see the screenshots and see what Audrey actually said. Kinda petty but I am curious all the same.
  4. Playing devil's advocate here, but what if she has a bit of Post Partum Depression going on?
  5. we're doing a full rewatch of the series satrting with season 1 and discussing it over on reddit. there's a LPBW reddit if you're into that kinda thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/LittlePeopleBigWorld/
  6. I think the main gist that people are dogging on the twins for is that they don't come around to help out their dad/help out on the farm as much. Jer and Auj don't seem like they come around to visit family as often. And if Jer really wanted to take over the farm then he should have been learning the ropes.
  7. Don't give them ideas. LOL. and even so- that would mean Audrey would be required to work pumpkin season and show her face.
  8. Not sure if this is allowed but just discovered a some what new Reddit to discuss LPBW if you're on reddit please join! I think a lot of interesting dicussions can happen over there! https://www.reddit.com/r/LittlePeopleBigWorld/
  9. Thanks Audrey. Yeah and poor Ember looks really tired. Poor thing. She doesn't look very happy/well with circles under her eyes.
  10. I really feel as though the "red" hair is dyed. (Yes she may have red hair but not that flamboyant) and I doubt her curly hair is all natural. i think she spends A LOT of time upkeeping her hair... along with those stupid false lashes. For special occasaions false lashes are okay, but everyday?!?! Nope. They look so cartoonish on her!!! Drives me nuts. They are way too long. If they were more natural I'd be fine with it. Audrey just is too into her looks, that's okay if you're into that kinda thing but Audrey is trying to push the whole "natural and genuine" thing on us and based on her hair and makeup? Nothing about her apparenace is natural.
  11. THIS. I see all the time Tori is always bringing Jackson around. Ember hasnt really been around her grandparents much. (or at least we don't see it, but Auj's whole LIFE is being into her phone and I don't think she would pass up the opportunity of showing us that Ember does visit her grandparents... ) It's just sad because Ember really won't get to know her gradnparents as well as Jackson is continuing to do. And then Audrey and Jeremy will feel like Jackson is the "favorite" WELL... that's what happens when you spend MORE QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR GRANDCHILD. Watch, mark my words. Jer and Auj will place the blame on amy and matt for this not even realizing it is because of themselves. *eyeroll* OMG YES. My family all said the same thing. You know... the hurtful gay comments that came from them several years may have been a "coverup" for them. MAYBE. Have we even seen Mueller on the show recently?
  12. Yup. I saw it coming during the very first episode too.
  13. Not many people like them so it probably will... But Ican't help but want to watch the train wreck of trying to make everything perfect and then watch when everything DOESNT go their way. Am I harsh for thinking that?
  14. Or they could ask Tori and Zac????? They just flew with their infant. But I have a feeling they're not as close. I mean I have a feeling that Auj is just not that close to Jer's side of the family. So wrong in my opinion.
  15. I really didn't like how she just kinda brushed Jer off when she was just staring at her phone (like always) and didn't even really look up and show interest or being GRATEFUL to her husband. I strike it odd that Auj is always telling us to appreciate and to listen to our husbands on social media but on TV she doesn't even have the curtesy to pay any attention to Jer!!! I have seen her on her phone more times than I can count when Jer wanted to show her something. (I wonder if the month break was Jer's way to "reconnect" to Auj being so glued to her phone)
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