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Posts posted by mandymax

  1. Both Craig and Madison seem to have really grown up this season - two things I never thought I'd say.  

    Did I catch correctly that Whitney's secret girlfriend's name is Larissa?  Isn't this the blonde European (German? Swedish?) model he was with a few seasons ago, who Patricia really liked?  She came to visit him at his L.A. house.  If so, it's nice that they're still a thing all this time later - which casts further doubt on his "relationship" with Naomi.  And also makes Taylor look even worse for sending him nude photos.

    Taylor . . . I felt bad for her after her outburst at last season's reunion, because she was so clearly hurting from the breakup and Shep's infidelities. I chalked up her immaturity to heartbreak.  Now, though, I'm afraid I don't have anything good to say about her.  Whether it was the show, the breakup, or her own nature that made her this way, she's not a nice person.  She's petty and catty and manipulative and dishonest.  I hope, for her own sake, that she quits the show and works on herself and grows up.


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  2. I loved Venita's ruffly blue and white bathing suit, and that pink coverup was gorgeous on her - that's definitely her color!

    Captain Sardine was awesome: "I outgrew the can" and "He's going to go all the way down to the bottom" when JT jumped in wearing a life jacket."

    There were some good one-liners and reactions, but otherwise, I've reached the end of my rope with Taylor.  She's become completely unlikeable and insufferable.  There are going to be big disappointments and heartbreaks in life, sweetheart.  You're not special.  Get used to it, and get over it.

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  3. Venita is entirely too poised and mature for this group.  The fact that she makes her own hotel bed instead of leaving it for housekeeping to do speaks volumes about her character.

    Hell, she's probably the only one of this entire bunch that makes her bed PERIOD, no matter where she is. That fact alone means she's too poised and mature for them.

    Austen's whole "We're supposed to be in each other's lives!" speech to Olivia had be flashing back to him telling Chelsea that they were going to be old and gray and in the same nursing home because THEY were meant to be in each other's lives. Does he just trot this sentiment out whenever he feels it'll work for him? (And does anyone know if he and Chelsea are even still in touch?)

    JT did indeed look like a beach towel, but at least he recognized Austen's stupid schtick for what it is and told him to his face that he's a kid in a grownup's body.

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  4. I do wonder why on earth Taylor didn't just go back to her old job or at least her old field - what was it, dental something or other? Why couldn't she just do that? Even Kate Gosselin eventually returned to nursing.  If she could do it, why can't Taylor?

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  5. It was nice to see Madison and Austen actually talking like grownups - quite the contrast to his therapy appointment, where it felt like he was rehashing the junior high cafeteria gossip of the day with his therapist, who smiled and said "Wow" at all the right places but who knows what was going on in her head.

    The dress Venita wore at the dinner was beautiful. I've actually come to really like her, as she seems way too mature for this group.

    Speaking of immature - as much as I don't like JT, he struck me as genuinely humorous a few times. The exchange in his bathroom with the bellhop legitimately had me laughing.

    As for Taylor, I'm awash in second-hand embarrassment for her. Ten, fifteen years from now, she's going to look back on her behavior and cringe, and then cringe even harder as she realizes the entire world saw her acting this way. I get that she's young. I get that she's hurt. I get that she wants nothing more than for Shep to say "I was so wrong, Taylor! I made a huge mistake! I'm so sorry I treated you that way! Please forgive me! I want you back! Marry me!" But she's really started acting ugly, all over a breakup - the kind of breakup that plenty of people go through every single day and come out the other side perfectly fine. Nothing she does is going to change her situation for the better - Shep isn't coming back - and, in fact, she's turning people against her.

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  6. I, too, would like to know exactly how Prince Charles and Camilla came to be friendly enough with Patricia, of all people, to have her over to Buckingham Palace for dinner and send her a piece of their wedding cake.  I'm not getting it.

    I did enjoy Whitney being neurotic over the dinner and the guys messing up the house.  And I liked that it was Patricia who finally said she didn't understand why this group was all sleeping with each other when there's a whole city full of other people.

    Can I ask why Austen and Craig arrived at Patricia's in a golf cart?  Whose golf cart was it?? Who in downtown Charleston tools around in golf carts???

    Gotta admit, that meal looked fabulous. But I've always wondered why, with Patricia's house being so grand and over the top, the kitchen is hardly bigger than a closet.  That never made sense to me.

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  7. I caved and bought this season and have been rewatching it the past couple of days.  I so wish and hope they might bring some of the other casts back.  It's really enjoyable and enlightening to see how deep some members of the original New Orleans cast became as adults and how introspective and mature they were in revisiting their experience twenty years earlier.

    SOME members.  Not others.  Like Julie.

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  8. Well, that went downhill abruptly.

    Both Shep and Taylor are absolutely whacked in the head.  Shep is a self-centered man-baby sore loser with a hair trigger.  Taylor is a walking open wound who seems to think that by still hanging around Shep, he'll magically realize what he lost and come begging to be back with her.  They need to avoid each other.  Period.

    Why was Olivia wearing sneakers with her red plaid PJ suit?  And who nonchalantly tells someone to just throw away a bra??? A good bra costs more than a pair of shoes!!!

    Otherwise, there were some humorous points.  JT describing Shep as a "good-hearted annihilist."  Craig saying he was young to "start a list of everything that is my nightmare that other people just think is normal." Little Craig is adorable.  Rodrigo is hilarious.  And there's no way the tin foil hats were supposed to be taken seriously.

    Also, the scenery this episode was beautiful.  Plus JT kind of scored half a point by being able to laugh at and embrace his own stupidity.

    Coming up next week: do we really believe that Prince Charles and Camilla know Patricia well enough to send her a piece of their wedding cake??

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  9. You know, I have to confess that with all the atrocities going on in the world, it's actually refreshing and relaxing to have one hour a week of meaningless middle-school cafeteria he-said/she-said mind-clearing me-time where whether or not Taylor/Shep/Austen/Olivia did anything with each other is my biggest concern.

    Absolutely loved that Shep put JT away from everyone else in a garage-level room with bunk beds at the lake house.  Talk about blatant shade.  The guy is such a sniveling smarmy wanna-be, and clearly they all feel that way.

    Honestly, I do like Rod (the guy who likes Olivia) and Rodrigo (the guy who wants to put Shep's photo on his wall).  They seem pretty normal and chill.  

    And now that Shep seems to be acting like himself again, I'm okay with him.  Plus I'm impressed that he's actually managed to keep Little Craig alive this long.  Did we ever actually learn why he named the dog after Craig?


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  10. I can't say I'm becoming a Madison fan, but between seeing her devotion to her son and hearing her proclaim herself a retired slut, I actually found aspects of her to like.

    And Shep reminds me of the Shep of old, who tried to be grounded and nice to everyone.  What on earth was that horrible phase he went through??

    Why would they not show the name of JT's "event place"? Also, JT's painfully unsubtle approach to Taylor and the idea of their being Valentine's dates was just embarrassing.

    And did that dinner table seem EXTREMELY skinny to anyone else?  Like barely wide enough for plates, let alone centerpieces?  I kept thinking that everyone must be banging knees with the person sitting across from them.

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  11. So much to unpack in this episode.

    I held my breath and waited for JT's wine glass to explode as he poured boiling water in it, all the while wondering WHY he's even on the show.

    It was so awesome to see Michael, and to see the obvious affection he, Patricia, and Whitney have for one another.  And it was touching that Patricia got teary-eyed after hanging up with him.

    They did show Cameran's therapy session in the first couple seasons, so it wasn't entirely out of the norm for them to show Austen's.  He really has a LOT of growing up to do - it was painfully apparent in his dealing with the situation with Olivia's brother.  He's stuck at that developmental stage where you see everything in the world as it relates to YOU.  They say that emotional development stops in kids at the time they go through a trauma, and the accidental death of Austen's sister may well have caused him to emotionally remain at the age he was when she died.

    I Googled Olivia's brother, of course, and saw that he'd passed away presumably from Lyme disease.  My childhood best friend contracted Lyme in the '80s, way before the world really knew what it was and what it could do, so it went undiagnosed and untreated for over a year.  I can attest to the physical havoc this disease wreaks, not to mention emotional.  35 years later, she's still confined to a wheelchair most days, has had multiple relapses over the years - it cost her her academic goals, her career goals, her artistic goals, and a number of personal relationships as the disease settled in her brain and sparked personality swings.  I feel for Olivia's brother, and her family, for having had to struggle with it for so long.

    I believe the show handled it tastefully, and it was touching to see Shep offer his home to Olivia's family for the duration, and to see Craig cooking them food because "you forget to eat."  Even Leva came through.  And truly, I can't necessarily discount Austen's response - I'm sure it did bring back a lot of memories for him.

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  12. I have to confess that Paige didn't annoy me this episode.

    And I had to laugh out loud when Patricia was discussing Taylor's nude photo with Whitney and finished with, "Well, if you're okay with it, I'm going to release my sex tape, then."

    And was that Michael in the next episode previews?? I miss him!

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  13. I thought there was all kinds of "I didn't quit my job" protesting done by Taylor after that Europe trip aired?  I remember it coming up during the reunion, how bad an idea it was to quit your job for a guy, and she insisted she'd never quit?  Did I imagine that?

    Strangely, Shep is acting more like the old Shep - laid-back, thoughtful, somewhat mature - than he has in two or three seasons, when he was rude, crude, and obnoxious to everyone.  Maybe he's finally starting to grow up a pinch?

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  14. I debated whether or not to watch this season, but finally gave in out of curiosity, and surprisingly, I didn't hate it!  I miss the old cast, but this already seems more palatable than last season.

    A few petty observations, though:

    What was up with the blatant white eyeshadow in the corners of Taylor's eyes while roller skating?  Too jarring.

    What's up with Patricia's blonde streaks?  Same.

    Madison's party dress was cute and pretty, but the skirt belled out like a lampshade and looked weird - I don't think the fabric was flexible enough.

    Still cannot stand Paige.  Too obnoxious.

    Bummed that Leva's still around.  Too boring and abrasive.  And why was she holding a vase of white roses during Austen's toast??

    Why did Shep, Austen, and Craig show up to the party house in a limo??

    Why did Austen feel downright entitled to know what Olivia was doing at Christmas and get pissy that she didn't tell him she was in Sedona at the time??  And the whole being mad that Craig was talking to Olivia when HE wanted to talk to Craig?? That was ridiculous. What a whiner.

    I've actually always liked Venita, and I think the friendship between Olivia and Taylor is sweet.  But Taylor definitely does need to grow up quite a bit yet.

    All in all, I'm more intrigued than I expected to be.

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  15. IMDB has the new season premiering September 14.

    I never thought I'd say this, but I'm on the fence.  I typically purchase every season right from the get-go because it's been one of my favorite shows, and I like to rewatch and have them on in the background.  But this time around, I don't even know if I'm going to watch, let alone purchase.  All my favorite people and train wrecks are gone.

    • Like 6
  16. 7 hours ago, WatcherUatl10 said:

    I've known a weird amount of Isabelles in my life, and they were always shortened to "Izzy" or "Belle", depending on their ages. "Belly" is off-putting, especially for someone over 8.

      I too have not read the books, but I HAVE seen the first season, and Jeremiah was briefly mentioned as "bisexual" until he wasn't. Aunt Julia's daughter has that "I'm trying to be non-binary" look, and doesn't seem to have any story purpose, but she and Jere recognized each other, so i am assuming that there is a hook-up in their future, to get the guilt out of the threesome's intermingling. The REASON I mention it is that I see a potential loophole in Julia not actually having a legit claim to the house, because I doubt the series will go full incest. (Also, I assume that Isabelle's talk about her mother's disinterest in her father will make more sense once the memoir is published, and her mother's love for Susannah will be revealed to be more than they thought, as seemed apparent in the first season).

      Again, shots in the dark, not having read the books. But I HAVE watched TV.

    I have the first book on my Kindle - maybe I'll give it a go and see if it makes me like the show any better.

    Honestly, I didn't find ANY of the characters likable in the first season.  Jeremiah's excessive romantic activities with everyone with a pulse made him look like a sleaze ball, Susannah came across as someone who thought she was all that and a bag of dips doodles who looked down on Belly's mom - really, the only character I liked even just a little bit was Belly's mom.  Even her brother was annoying.  

    Why am I continuing to watch this?

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  17. I haven't read any of the books.  I'd heard about the first season earlier this summer and binge-watched it, and I had no idea that either of the brothers was supposed to be in love with Belly or that Belly was supposed to be in love with either of the brothers until it was, like, thrown at the viewer halfway through the season, so it was almost kind of jarring that THIS was what the show was supposed to be about.

    I'm watching the second season just because it's there, and I'm still not all that impressed.  

    I think my biggest stumbling block is - and has been from the get-go - the nickname "Belly" for Isabelle.  All I can think is that this was as close to "Bella Swan" as they could legally/conceivably get in order to convey that the female MC is incredibly desirable by every male who crosses her path.   Not only that, just "Belly" is a turn-off for me.  Who wants to be known as a stomach?

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  18. I've really been enjoying this season.  I like that it's a completely different story than the first one and a whole new feel.

    What I still don't understand is why, in both this season and the first, the appearance of the main character in the "one year later/two years later" has gone completely dark with absolutely no explanation.  Jeannette chopped her hair short and became practically goth-like, but we never saw that happen or found out WHY.  Megan has the slicked back hair and facial piercings and "edgy" clothes - again, with no sense of WHY.  I get that they need to distinguish the time difference, but doing it this way both times makes it hard to take seriously and kind of gives this sense that they just plain didn't know what else to do, which doesn't really reflect well on them as writers/directors.

    Otherwise, I'm happy with this season.

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  19. This is so sad.  Katherine is responsible for her own choices; however, I do feel that meeting Thomas was one of the worst things that could have ever happened to her.  I believe that relationship screwed up the entire trajectory of her future on so many levels, even outside of the existence of the kids.   

    I remember how clear-eyed and level-headed she was after rehab - you could see the physical change in her.  I hope she eventually gets herself back to that place.  In the meantime, at least the kids won't have to worry about basic needs such as having a roof over their heads and food to eat and some sort of consistency in their lives.  I also hope Thomas steps up and finally GROWS up to be a stable dad.

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  20. I guess I always suspected that Simon was in love with Maddie, so it wasn't a really surprise to me when he told her.

    I also suspect they're dragging this out for season 2.  There are absolutely no viable suspects left.  I'm enjoying the show, but we're getting nowhere, and it's starting to wear on me.

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  21. I wondered about the trunk, too!

    My initial suspect: whoever was dressed up in the school mascot costume in the very first episode.  I'm still waiting on that one.  But now I'm wondering about Nicole.  And I had the sudden thought last night that the female teacher would be a really random, unexpected villain.  I really don't think it's going to be anyone we've seen heavily implicated thus far.

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