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Posts posted by mandymax

  1. On 6/19/2022 at 3:04 PM, Bastet said:

    Her complete absence makes me feel like Melissa agreed to the interview on that condition, like "I would love to answer some of your questions about the show, but I have said all I need to say about that lady".

    I like the way Melissa being a big RW fan before and after being on the show affects her thoughts on participating:

    From that Tokyo interview, as a fellow introvert, even though I don't share the specific experience of knowing it's possible I'm going to have someone try to talk with me because they recognize me from TV, I nod along with this so hard my neck is going to hurt later:

    And, specific to encountering fans, this is a lovely perspective Tokyo has:

    I just have to say one more time how much I really, truly, wholeheartedly enjoyed this season, and how much I got out of it.  Even the whole Julie thing can be appreciated because her shenanigans only served to play up, by their forced interactions with her. how classy and mature all the rest of them have become as adults.

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  2. 15 hours ago, snarts said:

    So telling that as soon as Kelley announces to the group that she's leaving, Julie asks "is it because of me?"  

    While a part of me wishes that Julie would've been called on her behavior out in front of everyone, including the cameras, I understand why Kelley instead chose to just quietly leave.

    I'm also happy that by doing that, Julie didn't get the huge chaotic scene she wanted.  The best way to handle a narcissist is to ignore them. Julie was likely seething inside that she wasn't the focus of everyone's attention, which is why she tried to prolong Kelley's departure & kept trying to touch her.  She then went into that whole diatribe about quitting. 

    I read it differently: Pride that she'd succeeded in driving Kelley out of the house, deflection in trying to apologize and keep her around to make it look like she felt bad, not to mention a bonus thought of "well, if she stays, I get to keep coming at her."

    Didn't Julie say she was a foster parent?  Is all of this something that the foster system might request to see footage of to potentially re-evaluate her status?

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  3. The only response I can come up with is: WTF???

    In reading Kelley's side of the story - that's not just disgusting, or concerning, it's ALARMING.  I took it to mean that she was made to feel physically unsafe, and that the others also saw and agreed that she was physically unsafe.  And that's just wrong.  I can't even comprehend that this was allowed to continue.  What on earth happened in that house?  What was the "plan"?  What was done to specifically create an environment that was literally physically dangerous to Kelley?  How did that even happen?  And what was the end goal of the whole thing?? Why on earth was Julie so focused on Kelley, and what did she hope to accomplish???

    Clearly my inquiring mind wants to know.

    Otherwise, Melissa's "This person has a memory of me.  I want to honor that" immediately became my new mantra.  What amazing integrity, self-awareness, and class she has.  :-)  Melissa is awesome.

    And my inquiring mind also can't help wondering about Tokyo and his reluctance to say whether or not he had kids.  My gut instinct is that it's an extremely painful topic for him, for whatever reason. I feel bad for him.

    All in all, though, Julie aside, I absolutely loved this season and may even rewatch it.  This was a good one.

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  4. 4 hours ago, BelleBrit said:

    Re: signing on with the rest of the cast. Melissa has said in interviews that even though she had not kept in touch with her roommates, she did feel loyalty to them and since she did not know what each of their financial situations were, she didn't want to be the one person who messed up the opportunity for them.

    Of all of them, I'm absolutely loving Melissa's growth, groundedness, and maturity the most!

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  5. I hadn't known that David felt so self-conscious about his music after going on David Chappelle.  That's a shame and so sad.  I hate when people are made to feel embarrassed by something they enjoy (although I do admit that sometimes, like with Julie and her whole schipiel about Spencer and Jamie and sex and the hall pass, a modicum of self-censure IS called for).

    As for Kelley's discomfort and increasing anxiety over staying, all I can figure is that there's more going on than we've seen, and that something strikes her as a potential liability to her in some form or fashion if she stays.  I hope we find out the whole story.

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

    And like Homecoming LA. Then again, I have a feeling that group could meet up again in 30 years and still be that dysfunctional together.

    LA was the very first season I ever watched, and I was the exact same age as the cast at the time, plus I have an affinity for the city itself, so the LA season is my guilty pleasure - I have a lot of nostalgia attached to that cast, so I'm one of the few who likes that season.  But I agree - they definitely weren't put together in hopes of playing nice and becoming friends.

  7. I'm going to miss this season when it's over. :-(

    I agree that there are some people who could stand to be more open-minded and some who should learn to act their age and some who need to learn they don't have to be comfortable all the time (paraphrasing Julie from New York).  On the other hand, I do appreciate that with the exception of one person, this cast at least talks and tries to make their respective points without yelling and screaming and name-calling and being all dramatic.  This is how grown-ups should behave with and treat one another.  It's a refreshing change from the reality shows I normally watch (ie RHONJ).

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  8. I'm still thoroughly enjoying this season and loving everyone's interactions.  Melissa insisting that Matt's wife give her a fridge tour ("Okay, wait, go back to the eggs - let me see the eggs again.  I want to count the cartons") and saying she didn't want to hear that she had work to do because all she wanted was to go home and lie down had me rolling.  And with that wig and those glasses, she didn't look like she'd aged a day since the original.

    But Julie . . . that was so uncomfortable.  Even when it was just her and Jamie out on the patio and she started talking about how their encounter led her to start masturbating was just - NO!.  It was too much to unload on someone she hadn't seen in two decades, it was too much to unpack for the entire world to hear about (not to mention her parents - what IS the current status of her family relationship, anyway), and it was just plain inappropriate all around.  Everything about her behavior is just so incredibly strange.  Her husband is okay with her coming on the show and doing all this?  Really??

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  9. On 5/14/2022 at 8:26 PM, Asp Burger said:

    New Orleans did show Tokyo/David's mother visiting, in the David-heavy episode in which he was producing his first Real 7 and also preparing to sing the national anthem at the hockey game.

    I loved that episode.  His mom was great.  Does anyone know how she is?

  10. Teresa in the split screen at the end when they showed the after show recap featuring her and Jennifer - my God, she looked bad.  It's not just all the fillers and plastic surgery - she looks like a very, very unhappy woman.  The inside always reflects on the outside.  It's a shame.  Life is too short.

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  11. OMG, I am absolutely loving this season of Homecoming (aside from the Julie drama)!  I love everyone's maturity and exchanges and (aside from the Julie drama) acceptance of one another and welcoming of family and ALL of it - it feels like a warm hug.

    And "Who the hell is Scott Wolf?" "Exactly" made me spit coffee across my desk.

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  12. I almost couldn't get through this episode.  Was there more than 5 minutes of normal inside-voice talking amongst the shrieking?  I couldn't have followed ANYONE'S argument if I'd wanted to because I legit couldn't make out words.

    All I can say is:

    1) Teresa honestly thinks people believe her when she says she was never really in love with Juicy Joe?  After all the times/places she either wanted him to bang her or bragged about him banging her?

    2) I go back and forth on whether Teresa is a full-blown narcissist or just desperate to keep people from peering too closely at the things she says and does for fear that they're recognize exactly how dumb she is (as if it's not already obvious), so she deflects and makes them scramble to defend themselves so they get distracted.

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  13. I liked Melissa in the original season, don't get me wrong, but I was never as gung-ho about her as the rest of the world seemed to be; I felt like the volume was turned up on her personality to make sure everyone paid attention to her.  This time around, though, I see a woman totally comfortable in her own skin, and I love it, her, the running commentary, everything.

    And I love how ALL of them - with the obvious exception - are just being themselves and coming together with twenty-some-odd years of maturity and experience to accept one another and become the kind of friends they maybe didn't get to be the first time.  THIS is why I watch this show!

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  14. My take on Julie, and I could be way off-base, is that her home life growing up was one strict, specific mindset.  Good for her for deciding she wanted to be different, but she had no role models or mentors to guide her appropriately.  And if her mom ultimately pitched in to help her find her own way after the original season, Mom probably had no one to look to, either.  So, like immature youngsters, they just did what they wanted, with no empathy or understanding of how to treat people properly when you're not treating them outside the guidelines of religion.  And Julie's never caught on otherwise.

    Although I have trouble with the idea that her husband was on board with her flirting with male cast members to make good TV . . ? I'd think he, of all people, would be the one to steer her straight.

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  15. 2 hours ago, seltzer3 said:

    Its interesting that there has been talks about Julie being fake or having a persona.  But for me it just seems that Julie seems to be socially unaware of things. I wonder if her upbringing has essentially stunted her.  Especially this episode where it seems like she feels like she missed her 20s, and wants to relive it now in her 40s. 

    Sometimes it does feel like at times she truly is unaware of how she's coming off.  But then when you combine it with her actually doing shady things, I wonder if Danny, Melissa and others (like Coral) just feel like she's always manipulative. 

    I was kind of thinking this same thing.  She strikes me now as she struck me then - as the odd one out simply because her background isn't exactly mainstream, so thoughts and ways of doing things that are common sense for most other people aren't even on her radar.  And maybe she's just a sloppy drunk, regardless.

    I'd be really interested to learn what Julie's relationship with her father is now, given how contentious it was then and how she ultimately left the Mormon church.

    And I'd also be interested to learn what Danny's relationship with HIS parents is now, too - I remember both his parents being so uncomfortable with his having come out, and it was actually kind of touching how they tried to overcome that when they visited the Belfort and Paul was there.  You could tell they were struggling, but they were really trying, for Danny's sake.  I hope they're all good today.

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  16. 17 hours ago, MMLEsq said:

    Now, I'm curious.  It seems like you've intentionally avoided watching the Boston season.  Why?


    On the contrary - I've been scrambling for YEARS trying to find it!!  Can anyone point me in the right direction??

    I went through an extremely financially lean time for several years and couldn't afford cable, so I missed several seasons, including Boston.  I was eventually able to catch up when all the other missing seasons reran, but for whatever reason, I was never able to catch Boston.  I hate that I'm missing that season from my collection!  And I've seen enough bits and pieces when they include snippets in other shows or reunions that it's driving me crazy that I may never see the whole thing in its entirety.

    15 hours ago, docmatt said:

    I thought there was some asymmetry when he talked, I wonder if he's had a stroke?

    I honestly wouldn't have recognized Danny if I hadn't watched and seen him introduced.  I can't figure it out, either.  His face is much thinner, his voice sounds different, but there's something *else* that's intangible.

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  17. 10 hours ago, Black Knight said:

    I don't think it would be disrespectful to have a San Francisco homecoming. Pedro would be a big part of it even absent and I think it would be a good way to honor him, actually, as he was so loved by Pam, Judd, Cory etc. We don't stop having reunions and gatherings once one of the family has passed away, so I'm not sure why the SF season should be held to such a standard. But I do think Puck would need to be banned from a SF homecoming, for a number of reasons.

    I agree - San Francisco was such an impactful season precisely because of Pedro, and he had such a profound impact on the other roommates, let alone on the world.  Of ALL seasons, this one would be the most poignant.  And I'd be interested to hear Puck's take on the season and his updates - but only via video monitor from another room in another city in another state.

    16 hours ago, starri said:

    Tonya being banned from MTV eliminates Chicago

    Tonya's banned?? Why?

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  18. I am LOVING these homecomings!  One of my most prized possessions is my collection of RW seasons #1 New York-#?? Key West (minus Boston, which I have never, ever seen) on VHS.  Now I'm feeling the urge to rewatch New Orleans, to sort of compare.

    The challenges were never my thing, so I never saw any involving Julie to get a sense of her behavior after RW ended.  I did "hear" about something with her mother angling to get her the best/most speaking gigs at the expenses of the other castmates and the hard feelings that resulted, but I'd never known such a thing happened with Danny, and via Julie herself.  That's disappointing.  And watching the preview clips of the rest of the season shines such a bad light on Julie that I'm inclined to believe she really WASN'T the sweet kid I admit I believed her to be.  That's a shame.

    Otherwise, I kind of appreciate when cast members like Jamie come in and basically do nothing.  The original season was the time for youthful drama; homecoming quietness means maturity and grown-up-edness.  I like that.

    I'd love to see San Francisco, Seattle, Hawaii, and Chicago, but I have a feeling we're not going to get them all.

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  19. 54 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

     I kept thinking what ever happend to namaste Tre? You know the one that was teaching yoga when she got out of prison?

    I actually re-liked her then.  I remember when she sat down with and apologized to Danielle's daughter - Jillian? - for how she'd treated Danielle years earlier, and she actually told Jillian, "I went to jail."  The fact that she actually used the word "jail" impressed me, given her violent aversion to the word beforehand, and I thought that maybe she'd had time to reflect upon herself and grow and be better.  I guess not.

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  20. All of the housewives are moms, correct?  Why not treat Teresa as a toddler throwing fits and saying outrageous things simply to get attention?  Watch her, listen to her, smile indulgently, and then turn back to what you were doing without any further acknowledgement?  She only gets power from her behavior because they give it to her.

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  21. I thought Margaret looked beautiful at the party.  

    And I have trouble every time they show Jennifer's talking head, where she's wearing the bright pink dress.  All I can look at is the bright pink bra she's wearing under it, which looks like she only put it on because the neckline-cut-down-to-the-waistline look didn't sit right with her and she's trying to be modest.  Instead, it just looks like a low-cut dress with a bra showing.

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  22. I may not be a fan of everything Marge has had done to her face, but I do appreciate that she seems comfortable with the rest of her body and doesn't feel the need to go further and nip and tuck and vacuum out fat and what-all.  And that she's confident enough in her own skin to wear whatever she wants, regardless of whether or not it flatters her physique.

    Several seasons ago, Gia seemed to be the voice of reason when it came to Teresa and had no problem telling her to knock it off when necessary.  Now, sadly, she's become Teresa's megaphone.  I suppose she learned what happens when you disagree with Teresa - doesn't matter if it's your own daughter.  It's a shame, because those girls don't stand a chance to become their own women if they want to keep good relations with their mother.  They're going to be dealing with the psychological ramifications of that throughout their adulthoods.

    And I'm not athletically inclined by any stretch of the imagination, but the softball game did look fun.

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  23. It surprised me to hear Melissa say they moved to Florida to "get away from" her dad.  For some reason, I seem to recall her telling the story of learning about her dad's death, and it sounded like they were still in the same town - if not all still living in the same house, even - and the cops came to the door to deliver the news.  Am I remembering wrong?

    Having worked in college admissions for a number of years, you'd be surprised at the lengths parents go to to give their kids what they believe to be the best advantages in anything they want said kids to do.  It doesn't surprise me that the Gorgas moved so the boys could play football.  Antonia's always struck me as not necessarily having proper respect for her mom, but I do feel for her in this instance.  She's at a tough age to begin with, let alone at that age with so many other things piled on top.

    While I've never necessarily been a fan of Jennifer, I'm feeling bad for her this season.  Speaking as a female, I've always straight-up said that as a gender, we are not nice people; we're catty and bitchy and mean.  And Jennifer has her faults, but the ladies are really hammering on her.  She's done plenty of shady things, but it's clear that she loves her kids and her family and is a good mom.  For me, that goes a long way.

    And I might be in the minority, but I like Frank.  He's someone else who's behaved questionably, but he seems to have a good heart, for the most part, and I like the relationship he and Dolores have.

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