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Posts posted by mandymax

  1. 2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    I didn't take Jeanette's dad's use of the term literally. He was angry and beat down and out of work and in debt--not to mention probably not familiar with the DSM, haha! He probably over- and misuses the word like tons of other people do.

    I would agree, if it weren't for all the other little things we saw where Jeannette was concerned - the obsession with the scrunchy, the smile at the news Kate was missing, the smile when she realized Kate was locked in the basement, even the constant coming and going from Martin's house anytime she pleased.  Maybe the writers didn't want to come out and say the word, but I do think they were implying an awful lot for a purpose, and they gave the character of Jeannette's dad the onus of calling her what they were getting at.

    That's just how I see it, though.

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  2. Don't forget, Jeannette's own father commented to his girlfriend something along the lines of "My daughter is a sociopath."  And this was maybe halfway through the season.  So there are indications that Jeannette is, in fact, a bit more complicated than "misguided."

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  3. 8 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

    Did Kate say she called the police the next day after staying with the body all night? I suppose Kate's parent's could have covered it up, but it seems like it was an odd plot decision to keep who/what/why Annabelle was as a secret until the reveal. 

    I kind of wondered about Kate sitting with the body all night and calling the police the next day, as well as why she didn't seem to remember who Annabelle was, but then I realized that may well have been shock and trauma.  Her subconscious may have kicked in at some point during the night and "protected" her by suppressing the memory of killing him, which would explain her calling the police next day with - presumably - no explanation to the rest of the world as to how a dead body ended up in the house, hence the - still sort of weak - "killed in a shootout" story.

    I do have a problem with that house just sitting there, totally furnished with all kinds of personal effects and debris and chaos left untouched, for over a year.  Who's paying the mortgage?  Did Martin have no family to come collect his things?  How has no one (else) broken in and graffitied the place or held ragers in all that time?  Wouldn't someone in the community have petitioned to have it torn down?

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  4. Hmm.  I'm not sure how I feel about the finale.

    I'm in the group that has never been a Mallory fan, simply because the actress portraying her has never seemed to fit the character, so Mallory and Kate becoming friends always felt forced to me.  As such, I was disappointed that they kissed - again, because they've never seemed to match in the first place, let alone as a romantic couple.  But following those lines, I could see season 2 taking the path of "Mallory thought it was real [because it did seem as though Mallory had romantic feelings for Kate] but, for Kate, it was merely an exuberant friendship kiss, so Mallory becomes unhinged and a stalker."

    As for Jeannette knowing in the end that Kate was in the basement and smiling - I'd noticed that she'd also given that creepy smile upon learning from Kate's mom that Kate was missing.  I always took it as "I know something about Kate Wallis that no one else knows," and that's the vibe I got at the very end at the basement door.  Jeannette wanted to feel special.  What's more special than knowing secrets concerning the special Golden Girl?

    Mind you, I do think Jeannette is a budding psycho.

    I would definitely like to see season 2 continue on the season 1 timeline - I really want to know how Jeannette managed to become the cold girl in Kate's absence.  I also REALLY want to know about that other girl in Widow Falls whom Martin supposedly stalked.

    All in all, though, the story and the directing of this show is fantastic, and I'm excited to see where it goes next!


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  5. Did anyone else recognize the scrunchie looped over the bathtub faucet when Kate was singing "Beautiful Dreamer" in the shower and Martin was making his way into the bathroom before closing the doors?  I thought the scrunchie was still on Jeannette at that point.  Or maybe it was a different scrunchie, to show how comfortable and settled in Kate was in the house?

    I tend to think that Jeannette recognized the music on the answering machine and bolted to get the snow globe from Mallory purely to save herself - if anyone else heard/recognized that music and noticed the snow globe out in the wild, they might put two and two together and realize that Jeannette had broken in and stolen it.  Or maybe she was afraid KATE would realize she'd stolen it and been able to fortify her "Jeannette saw me at the house and left me there" accusation.

    I so hope there's a second season to this.  There are still so many blanks to be filled in, and one more episode isn't nearly enough time.

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  6. Wild thought here, but could it all come down to Mallory being the villain, and wanting to get back at Kate for ruining her friendship with Jeannette by proxy?  Maybe Mallory was the one who saw Kate in the house when she snuck in to get the snow globe, put two and together and got five, and then called Jamie and played the snow globe and did some heavy breathing to 1) make him think Kate was having sex with 2) Martin, because the snow globe was the clue to try to guide him to Martin's house?  And Jeannette knows it and is trying to protect Mallory by taking the snow globe and getting rid of it?  It would be a redeeming factor for Jeannette, at least.

    I don't know - maybe/probably a reach, but this show has been slowly building to what I'm thinking will be an explosive conclusion, and it would make sense that it would have an ending no one expected.

    There's an awful lot to try to cram into the last two episodes.  Has it been renewed for a second season?

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  7. On 5/27/2021 at 2:17 PM, Cinnabon said:

    I assumed he raped/assaulted her at that time.

    I did, too - at first.  But then I thought about the way Martin said it - "Don't worry, THIS PART will be over soon."  As though this was just one step in a longer process.  So it no longer seems like an assault to me.  Plus, Martin would probably not want to think of it as being "over soon," given the extent he's gone to to finally have Kate in the palm of his hand.  He'd want to think of it in a romantic context and make it last as long as possible.

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  8. 19 hours ago, Bobcatkitten said:

    And while being held captive is super bad it doesn't look like he sexually assaulted her - so why keep her? 

    Remember the grilled cheese she ate that was obviously drugged?  She was slumped against the wall, and Martin came in and told her, "Don't worry, this part will be over soon."  I've always wondered what he meant by that.

    Did Martin assault her?

    Did Annabelle assault her?

    God forbid, was there some sort of film made of her?

    Something completely different?

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  9. Count me in with those who thought the roller rink scene would end differently than it did.  Taken by itself, it wouldn't have bothered me, but within the context of the entire story, it would have felt like jumping the shark.

    I'm still not liking Mallory, but I think it's because I'm not fond of the actress portraying her.  She just doesn't seem to fit the role, in my own opinion.

    Did anyone else have the thought that Annabelle might be the girl from Widow Falls?  Kate was so vehemently NOT in favor of her that I wondered if she might have experienced a bit of Stockholm Syndrome with Martin and been jealous that there was a girl before her.  I could see Martin using that to play against her and get her to bond more tightly to him.

    I can see how Kate would feel that Joy raised her to be blindly obedient.  From my own experience, I understand that kind of conditioning.  Everything is great and wonderful and fun as long as you're following the other person's rules, but as soon as you balk, you get brutally steamrolled and berated and torn apart.  In time, you learn to avoid that by doing everything they say just to keep them happy and prevent your own tearing-down - regardless of who that other person is.

    I loved the directing of the scene in the basement, from the slow transition back and forth within the mirrors to show two of Martin AND two of Kate throughout the entire scene, to the small detail of Kate having to eat with her fingers as Martin reminds her that he's taking such good care of her - showing that juxtaposition was powerful.  That scene was incredibly well done.

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  10. 32 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    Teresa has had quite the transformation too...go back and look at season one and two...

    Teresa used to be adorable, both in looks and in personality (well, except for the table flip).  Now she looks, to me, like someone with whom life and unpleasant reality caught up.  I do sympathize with her regarding the loss of her parents; it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done, losing a parent is heartbreaking and a deep loss.

    I have to say, I loved Marge's hair.  I think it's a good look for her.

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  11. I noticed that Jeannette was wearing Kate's scrunchie when she went to Martin's house and hid in the closet.

    And while I liked the scene with Angela and Cindy, something about it made me distrustful of Cindy.  I was humorously relieved when I saw Angela drinking out of a bottle because I had the thought that Cindy would spike her drink and try to kill her.

    Beyond that, I don't feel like we're any closer to knowing for certain what happened.  How many episodes left?  Four?  They have a LOT to cram into four episodes!

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  12. I believe Jeannette definitely kept the scrunchy as part of her idolization of Kate - "I have something that belongs to my idol!"  And I believe Jeannette definitely had a crush on Martin in 1994, which would lead to her going in and out of his house whenever she feels like it to feel "close" to him.  

    Which makes me wonder:

    1) Does she see Kate in Martin's house and get jealous that Kate gets all the "great" guys, and just run off because she feels hurt?  

    2) Does she feel betrayed by Kate somehow before the kidnapping and somehow orchestrate things so she essentially delivers Kate right to Martin's door, in order to (in her own mind) gain favor with him and get back at Kate at the same time?

    3) Does Jeannette do something out of line to make Martin hold her crush on him over her head, and use it was leverage to get her to bring him Kate?  Remember, Jeannette was pleased to tell Martin that she'd see Kate and could give her the scrunchy back, so he knows she knows Kate and considers them friendly.

    Somehow, some way, Jeannette's interest in Martin has to play into this.

    And I agree with those who have said that Martin sees himself in Gideon and rips into Jeannette out of empathy, while savoring the idea of getting the most popular girl in school at last.  I believe that whatever Martin does and ends up doing is going to tie directly back to that.

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  13. 12 minutes ago, Blue Plastic said:

    Somehow I don’t think Kate is going to appreciate Ash’s chat room deception!  Why is Ash doing that?  Does she really think she is helping?

    Could Ashley also have been abducted at some time?  Or have had a boyfriend of her mother's take an inappropriate interest in her at some point?  Maybe she can relate better to Kate now?

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  14. I'd thought at first that Annabelle might have been a split personality of either Kate's or Martin's - but the way Kate looked directly at her mother when beginning the "ghost story" and saying that it was about a little girl named Annabelle who was the victim of everything her parents did to her, I'm wondering if Annabelle actually has something to do with Kate's mom.

    I also caught Kate's explanation at the end that she was the only person who knew what happened to her - "the other person didn't make it out alive."  Not "HE/MARTIN didn't make it out alive," or "he/Martin was killed," but somehow inferring that a whole separate person was there and was on the brink of escape or rescue but died.


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  15. 16 hours ago, applecrisp said:

    I distrust the mom too. Wouldn't there be proof about homecoming queen though?

    Maybe?  Probably.  But in her own mind, she is/was all those things, so she likely wouldn't be thinking about providing proof to back it up.

    I remember the scene where she and Jeanette ran into Kate and her mom after aerobics, and she - Cindy - acted toward the mom just the way Jeanette acted toward Kate at the mall: goofy, hero-worship, giddy just to be talking to her.  This also makes me think she's re-imagined her entire high school social life.

    Oooh - what if she saw that Jeanette had the chance to be popular, the way she never did, and had something to do with Kate disappearing and Jeanette taking over her life?????

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  16. I tend to think that Cindy is remembering her high school days and her interactions with Kate's mother as she WISHES they were - so popular, all the boys wanting her, Kate's mother looking up to her - especially given the context in which she shared these memories: while assuring her "nerd" daughter that she surely had lots of people who wanted to be her friend and that she would one day be just like her mother (Cindy).  Her gazing off into the distance while saying that Kate's second husband once wanted HER kind of sealed it for me - like she was daydreaming.

    I'm so curious to see how they tie all of this together!

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  17. I caught up on this show yesterday and am completely sucked in!  I do like they way they've handled the year-jumping with the lighting - warm and golden for '93, normal for '94, and dark and menacing for '95.  Not only does it make it easy to tell them all apart, but it plays into the characters as they were in any given year.

    I also noticed the different outfit when Kate was banging on the basement door to be let out.  My first thought, given how tense things had gotten at home, was that she formed this bond with Martin that turned romantic, and she ultimately ran away and he hid her so they could play house - hence the fancy clothes, like at-home date night - but it quickly went south and he kept her captive.

    Something HUGE had to have happened for Jeannette to go from total nerd to It Girl in the span of twelve months, complete with the last It Girl's boyfriend who apparently adores her and It Girl friends who suddenly looked up to her the way they did Kate.

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  18. I completely understand how Delores could burst into tears over hearing that her dog made it to Heaven and NOT be emotional over the news of her relationship.  There have been many articles written about how much more strongly we bond with - and grieve - our pets as opposed to bonding with other people.  I would react exactly the same way.

    I agree with those who enjoy Bill much more than in previous seasons.  For me, it was the time the guys took him out and got him drunk and then lugged him into the house like Navy Seals carrying boats over their heads during training.  Ever since then, he's seemed so much more likable to me.  Maybe he was so stiff that first season due to nerves at being filmed.

    And I try not to comment on other women' looks, but I'm seriously troubled by Jackie's facial features since surgery.  Nothing about the work she had done looks balanced or even slightly natural; in fact, she seems more cartoonish with every episode, and her mouth appears to be dangerously askew, as though everything is shifting in ways it shouldn't.  I would hope she recognizes this when she sees herself on TV and visits another plastic surgeon for corrective work.

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  19. I'm not a Teresa fan, but I do feel for her regarding the loss of her father.  I know there were some who found Nonno creepy, but he captured my heart when they were all in Punta Cana and Teresa was lamenting the absence of her husband, and her elderly father looked at her and said, "Now *I'll* be here for you."  And then, when they showed the backflash clips of him fussing over the girls and saying, "I'm crying on the inside" as they cried, that just cemented it for me.  He loved his family so much and had no reservations in expressing it, and they all clearly loved him just as much.

    I'm pushing 50 and adore my father - I literally can't bear to think of the day I'll lose him - so I relate so well to Teresa's pain in missing hers., and I have to admit that in this particular case, my heart goes out to her.

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  20. I had to laugh at the beginning when they showed Dolores sitting on her bed, talking to David, with the big star wall hanging positioned perfectly behind her head like the Statue of Liberty's crown.  Was that deliberate?

    And while the realtor paperwork may well have been signed before filming, I have to give credit where credit is due: I thought Theresa's approach to the realtor was actually quite diplomatic.  She wasn't hostile, she wasn't accusatory, and her explanation that (paraphrasing) the realtor's husband and Joe ironing things out would make Theresa more comfortable listing her house with her actually made sense to me.

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  21. Around the fire ring, when the ladies kept hearing "animal" sounds and then screamed bloody murder and made a break for the house - Melissa stood up, pointed at someone off camera, and called them something crude (I forget what) before running off.  I'm assuming it was one of the producers making the noises a la "Blair Witch Project" to get them all riled up, but does anyone know for sure?

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  22. I've actually started rewatching the entire NJ franchise this week, and I can't get over how completely different Teresa looks in season one.  She's actually cute and pretty and her face looks smooth and natural and attractive.  

    And it's interesting now, in hindsight, to watch her count out stacks of $100 bills to pay for furniture and the girls' clothes, and to hear Caroline comment about how "carefree" Teresa is with "no stress" and "not a care in the world."

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