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Posts posted by sempervivum

  1. On 3/8/2022 at 11:07 AM, iMonrey said:

    Marian has never been seen in the same outfit twice.

    Actually, she's been shown in that draped gold and turquoise lace outfit 3 times. Ada has been shown in the teal dress with brown/gold fringy things over her boobs twice. Even Bertha has worn the dark pink with grey draped panniers twice.

    What can I say? Costumes really bring the past alive for me.

    Also, living in an 1872 14 room house makes me grateful for electricity basically every day. 🙂

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  2. Poor Thony- ALL the men in her life are pretty much trash. She needs to send Marco packing, but he'd probably spill all the secrets he knows about her and/or take Luca back to the Phillippines.

    Garrett- rambling self-righteously about good guys- is a selfish screwup, and Arman is an idiot who can't see how loyal and brave his wife is.

    14 hours ago, paigow said:

    Not sure why Hayak went to the trouble of freezing Carlos and delivering him to Arman.

    This makes no sense. In the real world, Carlos would have been dissolved or something asap. While it kind of reminds me of Line of Duty's great plot arc about a frozen body, I don't see how Hayak could use the corpse to blackmail Arman, even if he somehow knew Arman was still alive after the explosion.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

    I really wish they would get rid of the sad stories.  I know they're following The Voice's method,

    Yeah, American Idol was doing that stuff many years before The Voice showed up. 

    Not a fan of the sob stories, but I'm a sucker for a 'heartbreak voice', so Kelcie (raised-by-grandma W.VA. kid), Aaron (clueless grocery store worker), and Lady K (missing a front tooth) caught my ear. Also liked Mike Parker (tall maybe-he's-country guy), but I think he's going to turn out to be another in a long line of AI's church singers, specializing in runs galore. Christian has a very good voice (obviously trained), but such an old-fashioned style.

    Kenedi🙄 is definitely more than a pretty face, but her performance seemed kind of robotic. 

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  4. On 3/2/2022 at 7:43 AM, Gillian Rosh said:

    Has anyone watched Murder in Provence

    Just watched the first episode. Love Roger Allam, and the settings are glorious. The actual mystery was kind of lackluster, but the banter between the lovers/leads was pretty good.

    I started watching Deadwater Fell (Acorn) yesterday, though, and the difference in quality between the 2 shows is marked.

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  5. I would seriously support legislation that would make it illegal to allow parents to accept money to let their minor kids be filmed and shown unpixelated on any media. 

    TayLER and Indie planning to let strange men with criminal pasts move in with their kids is just unbelievable. At least Indie's kid has a vigilant grandma, but TayLER's are basically helpless. 

    Is it just me, or does Kaylah kind of look like Seal with fake eyelashes and a wig?

    Lacey v.2.0 has a nice figure, but there's no way she's 38. Antoine...has straight teeth. Not seeing 'hot' at all.

    Kevin's old girlfriend is the most dynamic thing about his storyline.

    Rick is like Muskrat Stan's younger, more poorly-groomed brother. I guffawed at the visual of the Hell's Angels (Geezer Division) tooling mildly through their white picket fence-style subdivision.

    i wonder if the show's going to continue with the 90 minute run time. I actually think leaving the audience wanting more is a better idea.

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  6. Didn't Thony say the last time somebody tried to get her to do surgery that she hadn't practiced in 5 years (or something)? I can't remember what her specialty was, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't transplant surgery. Just guessing, but that's not some little side skill that you can just summon up as needed. 

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  7. 18 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I think last season they sang a song in their chosen genre for the first round. But I could be misremembering.

    I think you're right- but I assumed they didn't do the groups because of distancing at the time. (I hope they bring it back this year),

  8. Pretty much typical for the first night of this show- very little to get excited about for a 2-hour viewer commitment. Niccolina was the only one I paid attention to. Aretha's grandchild is very pretty. The idiot with the carrot purse was a waste of time, although I did appreciate her chirpy 'no weapons!' comment.

    I still don't get the platinum ticket thing- there are only 3 being given, so that means there are only 3 audition cities? That seems very limited, even allowing for Covid restrictions. And the ones who get this ticket don't have to compete for the first day in Hollywood? Isn't that the infamous day when they form groups, etc., which is actually one of my favorite parts of this dumb show? 

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  9. 3 hours ago, libgirl2 said:
    10 hours ago, GaT said:

    That guy's daughter was soooo adorable, she really kept him in line. I hope that woman's arm looks a lot better when it completely heals, the after they showed didn't look better at all.

    No, it really didn't. I think the damage done is permanent. I wish her much luck with staying clean. I can't even imagine. 

    I think the color situation probably will be resolved, but those pits? If she can even afford the many laser sessions she'll need, her arm will still look like a mess for a long time. Best wishes to her.

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  10. Maya Milliete (?)- husband purchased 'hex spells' to make her have an accident or something that would make her dependent on him. Shudder. The show never really told us whether Maya had indeed been having affairs, not that I'd blame her if she had. 

    Seems like a very circumstantial case; I wouldn't be too surprised if he gets off 😖

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  11. My favorite scene was the overhead view of the Russells' amazing kitchen.  A staff the size of a large restaurant now (pre-plague, at least) for a household of 4! I know some of them were not kitchen servants, but there were a lot of folks shown buzzing around carrying food and taking stuff out of ovens.

    Re. snobby Old Money butler sneering at New Money menu, etc. : I wondered why Mrs. Russell wouldn't be checking out the latest rules for table arrangements in the many ladies' magazines of the day? And why Church and Ze French Chef wouldn't be au courant about the correct choices?

    Re. Raikes at the opera: am I the only one who was wondering about the cutesy reaction of Mrs. Schermerhorn, imploring him to return to her box (so to speak)? She's looked almost as attractive as Bertha to me.  Also, Mr. Fane attended with his wife, why wasn't George there?

    • Love 3
  12. I watched 2 or 3 apparently 'new' episodes last night, so I may be combining some of them- old rocker with surgery-disfigured eye turned out somewhat improved. He needs to rethink the long black hair, though. 

    Pretty lady with terrible butt implants had a great result, imo. I did want to find out what that yellow stuff oozing out of her incision was, though, since Dubrow confirmed that it wasn't an infection.

    Blonde sugar baby/twink who wants big lip implants -uh, not to get TMI, but wouldn't it be pretty much impossible/dangerous to use those things, IYKWIM? And pec implants are going to look mighty strange with those thready little arms.

    Maxine the trans woman who 'plays 50 musical instruments' (badly, from what we were shown), who-of course- wants 4000cc implants, even though she can't seem to keep her current 1500cc ones covered adequately. So, so thirsty. She 'wants attention', no kidding. Bless her (and her sad partner's) hearts, at least they've got each other, I guess.

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  13. I'm surprised that nobody commented on Indie's tag for Harry on her phone - some Italian phrase like 'Un Dulcino Oso'. I'm guessing/googling that means something like 'sweet bear'? I wouldn't have thought this dim bulb could come up with anything beyond 'Boo', regardless.

    2 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Also can’t Boston be prosecuted for revenge porn?  You can’t post someone else’s nudes on the internet without their consent.

    I know nothing about this area of law, but from that blurred-out image we saw briefly, I don't think her head was included. And Tai did say 'these my tits and ass all over the internet' (or something), which might mean she had enough caution to not show her face when she took/sent them. I did have to laugh at her indignation, since she was one string busting/one button popping away from showing all of her assets to the entire WeTV audience.


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  14. I love George and Bertha both separately and individually, but then, I've always loved Scarlett and Rhett (who seem like 'opposite world' G & B to me).

    Instead of going to the publishers' offices herself, Peggy should hire Raikes to represent her. 

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  15. Yes, the whole 'keeping Passepartout warm' thing was absurd. However, I was impressed that in the lobster scene, those were actually the correct spiny lobsters that inhabit the South Pacific (rather than the large N. American kind with big claws).

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  16. This is belated, but thinking about the situations of these women, what did I not understand?

    We are told that Marian basically is left homeless because her father spent all the family money, which seemed to be news to all concerned. Yet we also hear that Agnes, 30-40 years earlier, had to marry the odious Van Rhijn because her brother (Marian's father) had spent all the family money?

  17. 21 hours ago, mojito said:

    . She simply doesn't understand the rules of the game.

    Oh, I think she understands them well. Her problem is that she doesn't have 30 years to subtly work her way into the good graces of the grande dames to clear the path for her daughter (and son, to a lesser extent) to be accepted into high society, which is her real aim, imo. 


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  18. So Haley hadn't previously been scared off Dalton by knowing about his crimes, but she's bawling and ready to pull the plug when she finds out he's apparently asking her for money to give to his other girlfriend, OK. 

    Gabby's whole deal is just boring; I was hoping the brother was going to tell her Chris is already married/has a bunch of kids, just so she'd leave.

    I was entertained by the range of reactions of Santiba's pals at their lady lunch- from the romantic who's egging her on, to the gimlet-eyed one who's telling her to slow her roll. At least she has a support system for when the inevitable happens.

    Max dresses like Muskrat Stan from LAL; actually, Stan dresses younger than Max. Those skin-tight dress pants are what Max wears to attempt riding a scooter? 

    I'm hating that Indie is apparently getting more screen time in the new season of LAL, based on the preview last night. These morons who have kids and allow them to be shown should be automatically eliminated as potential subjects for these shows, jmo.

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