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Owwwww ma leg

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Posts posted by Owwwww ma leg

  1. 2 hours ago, Kyanight said:

    Kody:    Bye Caleb!  :::::Sob, hug, cry, cry, cry, bawl,, hug, hug, hug, hug, 15 minute hug, cry, cry, HUG, hug, hug, 20 more minutes of the same hug, cry, cry, cry,:::::::::

    ::::::::wipes eyes:::::::

    ::::waves::: Bye Maddie!  walks away


    Meri can't even put her dog down for a minute to give her daughter a hug with both of her arms.  In fact, the majority of the time we saw them moving, Meri is carrying around her dog like a baby.  I LOVE my pets, too - but wth???

    This! I couldn’t believe it, Maddie? Who’s Maddie? Kotex man is all about Caleb

    My cold heart did fill slightly for Meri during the TH. She’s right about how life marches on. I noticed that Robyn let her mask slip and her face while Meri was talking looked evil 🦹‍♂️ 

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  2. 22 hours ago, gardendiva said:

    I happened to screenshot that moment because I was going to do a side by side comparison with Charles Manson...he looked so cray at that moment.

    i was too lazy to search for a Manson photo, but here is that screenshot. And yes, he looks completely unhinged.


    A picture says a thousand words. Also, lay off the Botox 

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  3. 40 minutes ago, suomi said:

    When the family vetoed her business plan Meri flounced out the front door saying she had things to do, like earning $40k within 2 weeks (?) for her down payment. Then, when the deal went through (All By Myself) she kinda/sorta fronted like she did earn the money - until the truth oozed out that what she did was renegotiate the down payment. Because her cousin was the one writing the loan! He said something like "Whew, this was the hardest one I've ever done!"

    When they were reading the time capsule letters one said something about "Ysabel won't be having headaches all the time anymore." Maybe caused by scoliosis long before she was diagnosed?

    I think dividing the money equally is/was ridiculous, and cruel. OK, an equal base rate for utilities, fuel in the gas tank, etc. But grocery money should be allocated by how many mouths to feed. No fucking way should Meri and Mariah have gotten the same food allowance as Christine/6 kids and Janelle/6 kids. But Meri wanted equal so Meri fucking got equal. If I was her sister wife when that was happening to MY kids I would've fragged her. "Oops." What if it was Meri/6 kids and Janelle/Christine with 1 or 2 kids each? Oh ho ho! Meri is one snaky bitch, if for no other reason than stealing food from little kids. Of all her evil ways IMO that is the worst - and feckless Lord On High Kody let it happen. I'da fragged him too. 

    Well it’s has bitten her in her luluno bottom hasn’t it? She may have got the grocery money as hbic but now she’s left with her wet bar and 1500 sq ft

    • LOL 3
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  4. 6 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:


    I couldn't believe how bad the fit was... Did she go with no alterations and wear it straight off the rack??

    It was a mess front and back...  Just awful.

    There was a shot of her back which wasn’t too flattering with a side bulge, however I think she was definitely the loveliest of the brides. 

    • Love 24
  5. 8 minutes ago, Mothra said:

    Yeah.  How about that?  Sitting there in the front row with his knees approximately in the middle of the seats on either side?  God bless you, cameraman/woman.  (somehow I think it might be a woman)

    Manspreading is so annoying and rude all by itself, but his wearing a kilt made you have to look.  Cody Brown, the thirstiest man on tv.

    The man has no shame, I was hoping for an updraft but instead got to focus on his knobbly knees. I think Logan could have carried off that kilt, how is he Kodys son?

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  6. 3 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

    the wedding venue was gorgeous.  I tell ya I would have dived face first into that chocolate cake. Nom nom. I hope they got a deep discount  on the venue, because that would be one hella expensive location. I hope cheque cleared as the Browns’ are spending money like it’s going out of style. 

    Kody is an complete asshat. I’d like to smack the smug off of him. His comment about the marriage bed was creepy, and disturbing. His wedding speech was so cringe. Now Mitch is a king? Cuz he married into the Brown family? Get real. He also didn’t like Logan drinking , and sniffed the ‘gasoline’ and made a face. I love it that the older sons are doing their own thing. 

    I liked Mitch more this episode. He seems like a gentle guy, and rather shy. Aspen had that nervous energy of someone not comfortable with herself yet. When they danced together it was pretty evident that they are still virgins. 

    Robchin  prayed for a 7 bedroom house, and got it. God is a magic 8 ball, and ATM machine according to Robyn. The stupid is strong in this inbred woman. 

    Meri looked hideous, and if edgy equals ugly, she had it down.  Mariah and Meri share the same dark brown sharpie for doing their brows. Do they not look in the mirror? 

    Mitch’s Mom is a very sexy lady. She has all of the confidence that the sister skanks lack. I loved the red heels she always wearing, and she handled Meri’s hat situation with grace, but yet added a little shade to keep it real. 

     Truly’s dramatic reaction when Mitch dipped Aspen on the dance floor was gold. Someone needs to make a gif of it. I could watch it a million times.

    Also lived for Ari’s flower basket toss. 

    Is Tony pregnant? 


    He looks well into his second trimester.

    • LOL 14
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  7. 5 minutes ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

    It would take me about five minutes of constant yuks (and phrases like “dropping trou”) before I pulled Kody aside and asked him to take it down a fucking notch or two.  He is just such a joke of a man.  Like, you’re not Howard Stern.  Calm down. 

    Ughhhh, so compensating. What about how h calls his monog friends brother? Why? 

  8. 26 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

    Kody must be in full on frantic mode now.  I think Christine's was originally listed at $649,000 and they probably thought they would sell one every week at that price.  Even if they all sell at the list price now, they are down $200,000 below the anticipated prices.

    What did they originally buy for? Are they making any profit even with the reduced prices?

  9. 1 hour ago, Galloway Cave said:

    I just looked up the land lots on the Coconino County Assessor's site and all of them are listed as 9200 Coyote Pass, Flagstaff. Christine's house is on Bader Rd and is near the Coyote Pass properties.

    Looks like Robyn DID get what she wanted.

    The stealthy chin always gets what she wants....in this case valley of the plague

    • LOL 12
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  10. 19 hours ago, answerphone said:

    "We're a transient family."  Christine, you should have gotten that out of your system before you had all of these poor kids.

    Janelle, I'm so disappointed you're more interested in trees and camping than the stability and happiness of some of your kids.

    Meri, moving to Arizona will place you further away from Mariah and your bed and breakfast.

    Regarding Robyn, I have conflicting thoughts.  Am I the only one who doesn't hate her?

    I hate her more than ever, and I can’t believe I actually feel sympathy for Meri. It’s so evident that she needs to ditch and run.

    • Love 16
  11. On 3/6/2019 at 5:45 PM, dreadfulLeigh said:

    It just blows my mind, even with alllllll their tlc money, they can afford to carry 4 (3 now) houses in LV, house rentals in Flagstaff, plus did they buy Robin a temporary house (???) PLUS the land PLUS the new builds. Who. The. Fuck. Is. Giving. Them. All. These. Loans??? And how the hell can they even afford the LV house mortgages and their current rentals alone?? Kody was just talking about a failed business venture with their “ business partner” being one of the reasons they couldn’t help Meri with the B&B loan (even if that whole scene was bs). This would be ridiculous for any other tlc family but especially one that “needs” 4 flipping houses!

    How, with all their bankruptcies and other dodgy deals did they ever get loans. What could their credit scores be? It does not pass the sniff test!

    • Love 14
  12. 2 hours ago, Gobi said:

    He is convinced, no doubt, that he is smarter than anyone else on the show and that he would make fools of all of them in an argument. 

    I hope he watches the tell all and notices how dopey and unattractive he is. What was with the shirtee? Even Debee commented.

    1 hour ago, magemaud said:

    In the Profanity Laced Post Tell All Tattletale Session, Leida only spoke two words. When Eric was attempting to explain that he hadn’t chosen Alessandro over his daughters, she said, “He’s five.” Otherwise she just sat there sullenly. 

    On an unrelated note, my daughter just texted me that her husband asked her if they could watch 90DF tonight. He calls Asuelu “Asiago.” 


    Perhaps she is smarter than we all give her credit for. I read that she was the only one to hug Larissa. I’m sure you she was hoping that would be filmed and the masses could see how lovely and misunderstood she is.

    • Love 4
  13. 20 hours ago, Wendy said:

    This so much!!

     I am sure by this point Larissa realizes that with a pending divorce, her status is precarious at best. 

    She most likely will try to file for a U visa for victims of domestic violence, she most likely will get it as well.  . 

    Not so sure in this political climate. When I adjusted status for a green card it was no piece of cake. This was in the days before social media, You don’t need to bring in a photo album to your interview now, just send immigration social media links.

    i feel conflicted about Larissa staying, but I think for the sake of her children she needs to go home to Brazil.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Meowwww said:

    IMHO the whole deal with Eric proclaiming Tasha is an adult at 18 comes from Leida.  I have no doubt he was under strict instructions from her about what to say. She sat there grinning proudly while he spewed all of that out.  I felt like lots of what he said was half-hearted, but it’s his “last chance at love”. 

    Petty note:  something about Leida’s Eyebrows gross me out. 

    Me too, I fixate on them.

    • Love 2
  15. 4 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    Tough love Eric?  Go fuck yourself.  No matter what age, when your kid needs you, you take care of them and their problem.  That’s what parents are for.  I only hope Leida dumps you sooner than later, you alcoholic piece of shit.  I don’t know how you got thru the Marines.

    Yet from everything we have seen eyebags’ father seems to still support him. Hypocrite

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