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Posts posted by Souris

  1. On 5/12/2018 at 2:01 PM, Rumsy4 said:

    That's sounds like a horror story because that's exactly what the writers would've done. I'm devoutely thankful JMo decided not to stick around! lol

    Yeah, no doubt CS would've missed out on raising their child -- a second time for Emma! -- so I am also super-thankful JMo didn't sign up for S7. It would've been a watered-down, more annoying version of S1 Snowing. Dodged that bullet!

  2. 28 minutes ago, superloislane said:

    Is she saying she didn't even know the event was happening? I looked it up and she seems to have co-written about four episodes this season so she was definitely still writing for the show. That finale event was kind of a joke. The only original regulars I saw there were Lana and Gosh and I'd say Gosh only arrived because it was in LA where they live. Jen, Colin, Bobby, Bex and Sean weren't there, and I'm pretty sure Jared wasn't there, or at least I didn't see him. It was the season 7 people and a bunch of guest stars. And now we know that even some writers for the show weren't invited. Not a great send-off.

    Definitely seems like she didn't even know. If it was just for the actors, OK -- but then Mark Isham was there, so clearly it wasn't. So that's tacky not to invite the writers, too.

    • Love 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

    OMG I was screaming at the tv for Wendell to use his idol.  Thank God it wasn't his time to go.  

    Once again I'm cursing the editors. After Sebastian won the family visit, the first person he picked without hesitation was...Dom? Are those two close? Have we ever even seen them have a conversation? That was so out of the blue. But, hey, it pissed off Miss Kellyn (eye roll) so I'm all for it. How annoying was she, throwing a fit because Wendell chose to go for an advantage instead of spending a few hours with his dad. Girl, did you come to win a million dollars or have a tea party with your family member? Can't wait until she's gone.

    I was yelling at Wendell to use his idol, too. Couldn't believe he didn't, though of course it's possible that Donathan/Laurel told him about the plan. I really had no idea which way the vote was going to go, so I guess the editors got me.

    Kellyn is so whiny. So Wendell's not supposed to play the game and try for an advantage simply because you want it? Shut up.

    Dom's wife really was over the top. I was telling her to Chill!

    24 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    That thought actually did cross my mind. I thought he may have been trying to put enough paranoia so Wendell would play the idol, thereby flushing out the idol, while for the time being, still sticking with his alliance with Wendell and Domenick. 

    That's totally what I thought was going on. If you're going to try to make a move later, it's better if idols are off the table.

    • Love 13
  4. 1 hour ago, cappoe said:

    Wow I never thought I'd see the day where Adam says that Emma was the heart and soul of the show. I guess that's as close to any admiting that doing S7 was a mistake. Cause what good is a season of a show without the heart and soul of the show in it?

    Link? I need to see this with my own eyes, LOL.

  5. Is the merged characters thing coming ONLY from the call sheet or from elsewhere as well?

    ETA: I just looked at them again -- there was one page I hadn't seen. "Operation We Are Both" certainly does seem to suggest the characters are being combined, which is STUPID and offensive, TBH.

    Though, wait, didn't we get spoilers that Wish Henry and Older SB Henry are both at the coronation? So that would imply that not everyone gets combined, or that perhaps nobody actually does. Jared and Andrew are both on the call sheet for the coronation scene.

  6. 1 hour ago, Inquirer said:

    That's exactly what it is - one of the call sheets flat-out says "Regina has brought all the realms together".

    Does that have to be literal, though? Could it be metaphorical? As in "Regina has brought people from all the realms together to witness her coronation?" Like bringing the family all together?

  7. 10 hours ago, Camera One said:

    A&E are in a retreat with Josh Gad.  Don't tell me they've been hired to write a "Frozen" sequel.

    I ... what? Is this for real? Not a PVT version of The Onion?

    Run away, Josh! Run away!

    ETA: OK, I saw Adam's Twitter post. Whyyyy?

    • Love 1
  8. Now that's how you redo a room! No stupid crazy-just-to-be-crazy designs, the rooms were actually what the homeowners wanted, they looked more expensive than cheap. I thought both rooms were really successful; though there were a few touches I didn't care for, they didn't ruin the designs. It did bother me you could see the flat ceiling at the top of the scalloped arch. I doubt that was supposed to be the case -- bad measuring, perhaps?

    I want that bed Gen did like NOW.

    • Love 2
  9. On 4/19/2018 at 11:06 AM, marinw said:

    Don't think Frost is the mole. This could be a red herring. But not before making Tom really sad.


    On 4/20/2018 at 12:08 AM, deaja said:

    I thought they were going to reveal his brother was the mole. 

    He was a prime suspect for me. I live in fear that it will be Chuck, trying to prove himself by fixing the problem in some twisted way.

    If they ruin Chuck, I'll 25th Amendment the show.

    • Love 5
  10. On 4/19/2018 at 9:10 PM, ParadoxLost said:

    Is making Regina queen of wish realm for real or just an educated guess.  

    I think she may be made queen of the regular EF, not the Wish realm.

    On 4/19/2018 at 9:25 PM, ParadoxLost said:

    Oh.  I've actually been wondering if its Zelena's wedding.  My only reason is that there was an extremely clunky line in the last episode.  Some kind of reference to her wedding being in two months which struck me as tune back in for the finale.

    One of the spoiler accounts said it's a coronation. And there's no indication that Zelena is even there, I don't think.

  11. “I would definitely say the last episode is as epic as probably any episode that Once Upon a Time has ever done,” Colin O’Donoghue says. “I mean it’s massive, it’s huge. It’s like taking the best of all seasons and jamming it into one — literally.”

    I wonder if they're going to be realm-hopping through a bunch of the realms they visited over the years? We know they go to the Wishverse. They could also hit up Neverland, Wonderland, Oz....

    • Love 1
  12. On 4/11/2018 at 11:44 AM, Kktjones said:

    Yeah, I think the 4A finale is when a lot of us realized that the writers had no interest in pay-off or closure on emotional storylines - they just wanted to move along to the next plot. I'm not a big fan of angst and did not enjoy the Rumple/Hook storyline in 4A, but the positivity police were out in full force telling us all that it would be worth it when we got that heartfelt conversation about why Hook felt the need to get his hand back and how he slipped into his old ways by blackmailing Rumple. It seems almost funny looking back on it that people actually expected that! If I recall, even Matt Mitovich at TVLine mentioned the lack of pay-off for Emma & Hook fans leading to A&E's famous "well, we can't just do 40 minutes of them kissing." That's when I really pulled back from the show and started only watching for my favorite characters. Obviously without 3 of my 4 favs (and really it's a different Hook, so 4 out of 4), Season 7 held no interest b/c the plot and the writing is just not strong enough to overcome their absence.

    Yep, that 4A finale was what killed my trust in the show. That was probably the angriest I've ever been after an episode of the show. Before, I believed they would actually have payoff for storylines. I had hope. But after that, I knew they never would. I came ::thisclose:: to giving up the show. I absolutely knew that I should have, because it was clear it wasn't going to be what I thought it should be. A&E's douchey comments after the finale made it doubly clear. But my affection for the characters, especially Emma and Hook, kept me watching. But the bitterness wouldn't go away.

    • Love 9
  13. 14 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

    Nice try, those of you insisting someone named Jenna is on this season!  (Are you sure you aren't thinking of Chelsea?  I believe there's a Chelsea.)

    I legit said out loud at one point in the ep, "There's a Chelsea???"

    6 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

    Where is Sebastian getting his pakalolo?  Dude looked stoned at Tribal Council!

    I wondered the exact same thing myself!

    Wendell's vote speech dissing Chris's rapping was the most classic vote speech ever! Hysterical! He just kept having more to say. LOL!

    Chris really did have no clue what he was doing socially.

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