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  1. ShrewLu telling Brooklyn your son is lucky you gave him up is beyond vile and horrific. It's right in character for her since she had no issue throwing Maxie parents abandoning her in her face while her insufferable ass was once again sticking her nose & meddling in business that ani't have shit to do with her. Wrongly at that. Brooklyn should've been able to beat the breaks off her ass. We're probably back to the Guza years where no one was able to knock tf out of her slap happy ass until the scabs came along. ShrewLu once again ran to Carly with other people business and how they chose to deal & react. You know how much of a delusional c*** you've to be for Carly 25+year wrecking ball perchant for stealing kids from their father's, playing hide n seek with other people's kids to have more sense than you? To be right on the right side of history for once. She did the same after my poor Georgie funeral went whining bitching sniping to Carly about how Maxie choses to treat, deal with her wayward deadbeat mother. Didn't like her dragging her for filth, but it was perfectly okay for her too spend 2 years dragging her no good rapist deadbeat alcoholic sperm donor for filth. She believes only she is allowed to do something & if you don't do it up to her standards it's wrong. Even Carly a broken clock is right twice a day told her she didn't have the right to judge how Maxie deals with her mom no matter the place & sympathized with her. Like now with Brooklyn basically told her it was none of her business. Instead of Laura playing Captain Save A Hoe With Psychos? She needs to gather her trifling child up & knock some sense into her. Hold her to the same standards you hold Nikolas to instead of blowing smoke up her ass like she shits rainbows & kittens. I find it real funny she suddenly for father's rights when she didn't gf about Dillons right(didn't get his consent to abort their child)or feelings(he wanted the baby)when she aborted(her god given right)the fetus of the married man she got knocked up by through lying & make his wife out to be some common whore to get him! If this raggedy b×tch don't stfu. The Audacity
  2. No! I love him he's my favorite kid on the show, and my favorite of Maxie's He's a chip off the old block always into something just like she was & still is. Messy, fun, gossipy, and blunt. Playing somewhere he's not supposed to & doesn't want his mom to know after getting hurt. Oh My God the hOrRoR😳a typical kid doesn't ≠pathological liar He is a breath of fresh of air in a sea of soap kids who are either budding psychos ie: Rachel #Days little redhead mykill, and who exists just to smile, stare and nod Wiley, Amelia, Young Jake before Hudson, prop for their parents to an extent Donna, Avery/Sonny. Lil Georgie is blunt, rude, messy and Bailey is shady side eyes all my girl kids are all different forms of her and her personality.
  3. Yessss 👌🏾🤌🏾One of these days they're going to get it together. Yes about EJ only logically working with someone like Ava & his psycho sister. Brady is just as dumb when it comes to Kristen how can you be shocked when you decided to have a gross toxic relationship with nutjob who raped both you and your brother? Tried to kill your sister, drugged her & tried to kill your mom! Make it make sense. Nearly this whole show is a insult to my intelligence
  4. Still do 🤣
  5. 👌🏾Martha didn't have chemistry with Jason either. It's pretty much how we got Shimi. She's never had it with either Shawn and it didn't help that MM very much looks her age/older & then some especially back when she first started. It's how she got the nickname grandma Belle. Days styling of her doesn't help either for one they dress her like an old lady, 2nd they have gotten into the habit of styling her hair exactly like her 70+ mother. Look at the old lady outfit they had her in for the 60th promo next to Marlena and Carrie? Hideous it's been a long term compliant since she started. The only man I saw her have chemistry with is JKJ. Jason coming back wouldn't change anything especially given how unhappy he was by the time he first left with the writing, direction & the pivotal back towards Shelle at the expense of Shimi. He would never come back as Shawn to be purse holder with his balls inside a glorified cuck doormat, wallpaper for Belle. As someone said constantly cheating on him, him accepting it & taking her back isn't some great love story it's abuse. Belle just comes across as desperate and gross with EJ. EJ is still the same trifling disgusting guttersnipe rapist he has always been. This is him 3rd time raping someone on top of being a wannabe murder that Days keeps trying to make fetch happen in the form of him being a leading man. It will never happen & it's insulting. I expect something like this from Murdering Mobster and Hitman Hospital but not days. The only person he would work with is Ava cause she is the female version of him. Their wouldn't be outrage or backlash because Ava wouldn't be compromised as character nor would it damage her. Their is morally grey like Philip(JKJ) and their is monster which is EJ who has no redeeming qualities. They should just bring JKJ back and pair Belle with him. Day's really needs to shit or get off the pot once and for all with Shelle. Just pull the plug of this vicious cycle they're in because Shelle is dead and no amount of dressing it up Is going to change it. They've haven't worked since my OGs were in the role and that ani't changing. Sometimes Magic doesn't strike twice, three times. It did for Roman and Marlena though with Wayne & Drake.
  6. 😂🤣🤭Especially on the Ric, Liz part
  7. If I'm Lucky drown him. I take a 2effer Maxie can drown that guttersnipe he calls a mother Willow too. 2 stones with one bird🙏🏿
  8. They're Sonny and Brenda stunning levels of gorgeous
  9. Ric is going to go to his grave obsessed with Liz and that's either a good or bad thing depending on how you see it. Ric knows he fumbled a baddie & would pretty much sacrifice anything and anyone to get her back. Ric better sleep with one eye open cause Ava is a boiling bunny crazy as he is I love Ric but a spade is a spade he's a psycho a smarmy sexy one nonetheless. I never saw Liric in real time just clips and as much as I would love for them to give it another try, (with Liz being even more grown up compared to the 1st time)sans his unholy obsession with his mobster brother, Liz would be a fool to go down that route again.
  10. Lord I need someone to muzzle ShrewLu Stat! God damn that bitch is annoying between her Marcia Marcia Marcia obsession with Charlotte, ignoring not caring about Rocco and his feelings and her constant whining bitching sniping at Brooklyn I'm going need someone to shove her back in a coma cause this heifer is beyond tiresome and a broken record. I know some of it has to do with this terrible rewrite of Gio, Brooklyn and Dante. Like we fucking get it she's all brave righteous hoiler than thou "spunky" "brave" "badass" rah rah Spencer 🙄 She also needs to look in the mirror cause unlike Brooklyn she actually broke up a marriage and completely skated on it. GQ being teenagers and Lulu herself being one don't make any difference. A marriage is still a marriage. She got coddled by the whole damn town while not stfu about her damn abortion. I get ER version was far removed from JMB's version but GH is doing way to much and it's really heavy handed. Their is no likeability in AH version at all. I'm need Maxie to hurry up and tell her the horror story of the abomination that is PLP, Brooklyn helping her, being a friend, protecter of Bailey or she is going to have to be real mean to her so she comprehends it & be's quiet.
  11. No Emma was conceived on the day of Big Georgie funeral and has been aging gracefully from child to teen then young adult in college as of her last visit last year with Anna. Anna mentioned she was in college last year I believe
  12. Belle wasn't born or conceived till 92/93 so both Liz and Marie are before her time. The characters were never around or seen through both Kirsten and Martha's tenure of Belle's till now for Douglas/Bill's memorial and death. While Belle has been aged through both actresses portrayal, her birthday being pushed back, the characters never crossed paths. You probably are thinking of Carrie or Sami both who were little kids & pre teens in the 80s
  13. Alexa Havins was really good in that scene with her denial disbelief, then finally acceptance,that the myth of the legend rapist deadbeat cheating babykiller father of hers is dead. Maxie needs to chill and let Dante get in the house, sit down. Still love James and she better apologize to him for accusing him of lying 🤥 That was a good scene with Dante & Maxie. DZ & KS were good with the underlying subtext of Lulu being alive and the joy they have for it, but the pain of losing Sam who saved Lulu and died shortly after the surgery due to some nefarious person, who they love outweighs that joy of having her back. I glad Dante/DZ is getting this pov about his feelings and conflicted heart given what he has been through. Maxie was the perfect person for this given she loves both Sam and Lulu & they're her best friends. Thank God, Maxie didn't open her mouth & tell him the truth about what she knew. Otherwise, these Dante & Maxie scenes are really good👏🏾It's being handled with the sensitive and care that current version isn't always capable of. I'm shocked how good they're & that no one, esp Maxie, is pushing Dante back to Lulu
  14. Alexa Havins is doing a great job👏🏾 🙌 She has sold me on Lulu in a way I haven't felt since her Pre ShrewLu days pre summer 06. Has the spunk, fire, quick on her feet smartness & fiestiness of her linage that Emme never was able to portray and capture that JMB excelled at in her non ShrewLu, Mini Cujo days. Most importantly, she has Laura's heart, fiestiness too, moxie, vulnerability, warmth & softness that JMB never did have and was unable to portray that Emme excelled at. In short, she is the best of both Lulu's so far
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