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Posts posted by Kelloggirl

  1. On 12/19/2019 at 9:03 PM, Quickbeam said:

    I’m still thinking about Jessie’s shed. It was so wonderful.

    Me too, me too! That floor! I wonder what they do with the sheds - it almost sounds like they get to take them home. How awesome would that be? Or auction them off! I would hope they don't just demolish them. Hers was truly a work of art. 

    Chiming in late here - it was disappointing that they did this fast and furious version of this delightful show, especially because I kept missing episodes for various reasons but it's better than nothing. Lots of good stuff, and thought the final 3 were all worthy but I did prefer Jessie for the win though was totally fine with Justine and loved the segment with her dad.

    • Love 1
  2. On 9/9/2019 at 7:30 PM, auntiemel said:

    He didn't actually say it during the show. They ended with the live performance, but when people went to go and find his version on itunes, etc it wasn't there. He sent out a tweet. Let me see if I can find it...

    OK, I found this article - https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/television/8529191/songland-recap-charlie-puth

    His reason sounds like a total cop-out. Bummer for the guy, I do hope his song gets picked up by someone else.

    • Love 5
  3. On 9/5/2019 at 10:46 AM, funky-rat said:

    They actually are - it is a real song.  When the commercial first came out, I listened very carefully and googled what words I could understand, because it bothered me too.  It's a song about ships (kind-of as a metaphor for lost love), and I have no clue what ships passing or coming in (even as a metaphor for people/lost love) has to do with psoriasis.


    Oh my god!!! THANK YOU!!! I thought I was losing my mind! "Storing up on your summer glow" - never in a million years would I have thought that is what they were saying but now I have real words!!! You spared me a stint in the looney bin, I swear!

    22 hours ago, Maverick said:

     Can we please stop with "Mac Book". What a dullard.   This is a stupid concept anyway.  Like I'm going to buy a computer based on what some guy says because of his name. 

    Word. It's this stupidest dorkiest concept based on...I don't know, it's not even remotely clever. That ad agency is clearly out of ideas and they should be fired forthwith!

    • Love 5
  4. Current Commercial Annoyances:

    - Oil of Olay featuring a young model who in no way looks old enough to drive, let alone need their cream yet - the way she pronounces the word "Beaten" as "BEE - EN" drives me up a wall. There's a T in there for a reason you twit! Stop it or you're going to get your way too youthful face bee-en!

    - Perpetual hate for every Liberty Mutual ad for ever and ever and ever, amen.

    - The background music on the Taltz commercial is driving me insane because I swear they are not singing real words, just some semblance of them. No matter how hard I strain I can almost catch something like words but not...it's maddening! It sounds like..."Su-me-gi-to-glo-malon..." Arrrgggh!

    • LOL 4
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  5. Note: I'm usually to lazy and/or half-dozing during this show to keep a running commentary during the show that I post later, but I'm pretty awake tonight!

    The show opens and out comes a very muscular orange...wow! That's a lotta color, Terry!

    South African Choir: One of the few acts that manages to pierce through my fog of cynicism and ennui and give me a little smile.

    Ainsley Burns: Make. her. go. away. already! She opens her mouth and a stream of mediocrity ensues. And shut up, Simon! So you're saying she could come out and croak like a frog for 2 minutes (which she pretty much did) and we should disregard that and vote solely for the Pre-performance Producer Manipulation Clip? Errrm OK, I'll get right on that. In the meantime, let's work on America's Got Talent: Video Editor edition.

    I think Julianne is drunk. She says more and more inane things every time. She's reaching Paula Abdul-levels of inaninity disguised as incoherent pearls of wisdom.

    Shirtless Brothers: Ouch! That foot break injury looks almost as painful as watching yet another season of this show! [/rimshot] On another note, isn't there already a CHippendales show in Vegas? Based on future revenue, though, I'd give them the vote. There are A LOT of horny bachelorette parties in Vegas that would throw dollar bills at these guys. What was the point of bringing Julianne up? NVM don't answer that. Oh wait, I'm distracted by the really nice smile the one in the middle has...no! No! Must focus...need...to that's a lot of pretty man-flesh...[I'll be in my bunk.]

    Ok, I'm back! Where was I. Oh yeah. Thanks Julianne for bringing back to my senses...with your icky critique #mentoo, that was borderline sexual harassment. Thank you for some decorum, Gabrielle. And does Simon really have to take credit for every single improvement in an act? His narcissism and ego is getting out of control again.

    Lil' Fiddler: Oh I'm voting for the editors of this pre-performance clip for manipulative power - bring out the little brother! Cue tears!!! (I say this with a tear in my eye, F-Y-EYE). Performance-wise, he is both pretty good and pretty adorable. Will definitely get through. 

    Greg Morton: Light speed trip through Saturday morning cartoons. It pains me to say this but I agree with Simon. I loved his act initially, but it's worn thin. It's just so manic that it loses impact. Comedy needs space. Jeff Foxworthy would say "slow it down!" It is not cohesive - now if he could create an original skit with 5 or 10 cartoon characters auditioning for AGT, that would be funny and original! He's just a mimic, albeit a really talented one.

    Jackie Fabulous: I was surprised she made it through, but at least that performance was better than this one. She kind of rushed it and there wasn't an original comedic moment in there. Dating, blah blah blah, self-deprecating fat jokes, blah blah blah...These "comedians" need to watch Bring the Funny for tips and pointers, particularly on pacing and timing.

    Robert Finley: I just love this guy. Not sure I loved his performance tonight. I can finally see what everyone is saying about this being a great bar act. Vegas not so much.

    Kodi Lee: I admit I didn't pay that much attention to him, but I do like him and think he's talented. (See this is why I never post because at this point I'm bored into a near comatose stage.

    Light Balance Kids: They get more and more meh, and I wasn't crazy about the song choices.

    Eric Chien: It's subtle, and this show don't do subtle, and when they do they don't do it that often so Shin Lim got you already brother. The judges befuddlement was almost as entertaining as the act itself. I get the talent but this particular one fell a little flat for me (pun intended). Unfortunately I think I figured out how some it works though, which is a shame.

    Benicio Bryant: Also do think he's very talented but I wasn't crazy about the song...

    ...Zzzzz...Oh did I doze off? OK finally, it's over! Bedtime!

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  6. While I loved the final song, I have to call a little BS on this one. Didn't it just seem too "out there" to add Spanish! and rappers! and a Latin Beat! to a song that didn't really have those elements (maybe the beat, a little)? I'm thinking that maybe Leona gave Ryan an inside tip on capturing that vibe. Then again, maybe not and I've just become overly cynical from years of "reality" TV and the latest round of predictable shenanigans on AGT. 

    Still love this show, and man is Leona Lewis GORGEOUS!

    • Love 3
  7. Sooooo...I've never watched this show, but based on the following, I'm going to have to give it a pass:

    Girl in Black Dress: So before I tell you who the Boy I Will Couple With Is, that is the boy I choose for coupling, is that the coupling boy I choose, well, first I didn't give him a chance, and by him I mean the boy I'm selectioning for coupling forthwith, but now that I've had time to think about the coupling and the boy, I can only tell you that this boy that I'm going to choose to couple with deserves a second chance to be the selected couple with me boy. That boy I choose to couple with i, in so far as I'm willing to couple is....

    (2-Minute Pause while camera pans to all the not at all suspense-filled potential boys of coupling)...

    ...that boy is....

    (Another 2-Minute Pause while camera pans to apprehensive looking female contestants who I assume are worried that she's gonna pick the boy THEY wanna couple with)

    ...the chosen coupling one I'm going to couple with is...

    Me: Get On With It!!!! [/Monty Python]

    (Another 30-seconds of awkward silence while camera cuts to long-shot)

    Girl: The boy I have chosen for coupling is...

    Entire Crew and Cast, Coupled and Not Coupled: GET ON WITH IT!!!!


    ME: FINALLY!!! (click)

    I guess this is a regular thing since you guys aren't snarking about it!

    P.S. I can't remember the Coupled Boys name for the life of me.

    • LOL 4
  8. 11 hours ago, EJJ said:

    Yeah they were men. But I believe they just had corsets to create the hourglass figure and used makeup to create the illusion of cleavage rather than implants. 

    Some drag queens I know also use full on padded bodysuits that have curves in all the right places. 

    My (straight) boyfriend used to be the bar manager at an LBGTQIA club that had drag performers often. It took me a few months not to be wildly jealous and question my own femininity and womanly wiles. Oh the contouring skills alone!!!

    Agreed with Simon on the drag queens though, maybe they're amazing when you live in middle America and are wow'ed by mediocre singing just because it is performed by men who put my makeup skills to shame (or are in the AGT live audience and forced to applaud till your hands sting and fall off), but when you've seen a lot of them in person with better talent (like Thorgy Thor or the one who was also on RuPaul's show who juggled large knives to Heart's Barracuda, now that's talent!) it takes a lot to impress me.

    Back on topic, this show's downward suck slide continues, but every now and then there are spots of non-suck. This week included Marcin (the guitar kid), the Lil' Light Magic kids whose act was so fun and upbeat last night, well-deserved golden buzzer because for a minute there I almost had a heart attack that Ainsley was going to get it. Speaking of which, is it mean to laugh at a crying kid? On second thought, don't answer that. 

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  9. Oh and while I'm here... I have to share my hate for the new Drive Time commercial spokeslady in the green suit. She's SO loud, strident, and humorless. Can't stand her! WHY why why did they replace these two adorkable goofs? 

    Original Drive Time ad: Turned Down for What?

    New Horrible Ad

    Also, just cause it can't be said enough: I HATE Liberty Mutual commercials, every single one of them. I have to assume that they're purposefully horrible in the not even so bad they're good, but I don't know for what reason.

    • Love 7
  10. On 7/27/2019 at 3:50 PM, Sun-Bun said:

    Here’s my most hated commercial of the moment, considering it’s seemingly played every 3 minutes here:

    Thanks for bastardizing a once harmlessly fun random Amy Winehouse song, kid and old dude. And why THAT particular song? Desperately trying to connect with sentimental millennials who like to sing that old shit at karaoke?? Such a random yet oddly irritating choice of a song for a kid and his grandpa to bond over; something tells me Amy never would’ve let her music make it into a cheesy commercial like that. And can we expect Amazon to use some random Nirvana tune in its commercials to hawk the dot next?

    I dislike this commercial too, but for more nitpicky reasons. So the old guy says to Alexa "Alexa, play the song that goes "Valerie"" which to me implies that maybe Alexa can hear you sing some lyrics or a melody and use magic AI to figure out what the hell you're talking about, like in situations when you're talking to a friend and you're saying, "You know?!?!? That song that goes la-da-da-di-da duh duh duh dum Yeah Yeah Yeah?" and your friend is like "Whatchoo talkin' about Willis?" Now THAT would be great if Alexa did that! But either Alexa doesn't do that, in which case why didn't the old guy just say "Alexa, play Valerie" since he doesn't even sing the name??? And if Alexa DOES do the magic thingy, then they should have definitely highlighted that! (Although then maybe you would gotten into SNL "Alexa for Old People" territory...)

    • LOL 8
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  11. Thank you thank you thank you to @ElectricBoogaloo for all your hard work on this thread. To see all the songs in one place is AWESOME! Building my play lists now! I assume since Spotify has the official playlist, there is nothing on iTunes/Apple Music?

    • Love 3
  12. Though part of the reason I like this show is because it's very positive and doesn't humiliate anyone just for laughs or ratings, there is the snarky part of me that would love to hear some of the really bad songs that didn't even make it past the first round. They could do it anonymously = no need to show or name the guilty party. Just lyrics on the screen. 

    But not really, because we get those bad auditions on every other reality show.

    • LOL 1
  13. The song I'm Just Getting Started or whatever was so immediately hook-y to the point where I really thought I had heard it before that I'm not surprised it won, though I really did like Same Blood as well.

    Did not like Tate with a V, or her song or attitude. Meh. 

    It was really cool that these guys had a chance to get their song in a big blockbuster. What an opportunity!

    Love having an inside window into this creative process!

    Also, seeing Aloe Blacc reminded me of Avicii, and that made me sad. 

    • Love 3
  14. This should probably be in the song thread, but it's so annoying I have to post it here it's that irritating. The Capital One or Citi commercial for a credit card where a young woman is going to a concert and it starts raining (maybe) but the song is "Make the beat? drop drop, drop drop drop drop, make my jaw drop" and about 5,439 repetitions of the word drop sung in an atonal completely lacking appeal melodic blackhole. 

    ARRRRGGHHHH! Make it stop!

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  15. I've always been interested in the the process of songwriting, which to me, seems like magic, so was interested in checking this show out, and boy am I glad I did. I missed the first episode but saw the one with will.i.am, and man, is he a hoot! Loved it. So much talent, and good-natured mentoring, no fake reality drama, etc. Great summer show!

    Although I do think the winning song choice is pretty telegraphed. But a minor nitpick, really.

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  16. The mismatch between the over-the-top gushing of the judges and the mediocrity of the acts is truly mind-boggling. Although I guess it makes sense given that what else can they do, admit that their cash cow should have been put out to pasture long ago?

    Acts I Enjoyed at Least Somewhat: Ambiguously Gendered Singer, Thunder from Down Under - though I thought they were Italian (just for the eye candy, thought their act wasn't anything new), the comedian, and the Golden Buzzer act though I absolutely loathe the Golden Buzzer concept itself, Indian Coconut Smashers 'cause why not.

    Ugh Whatever: The mini-Spice Girls - precociousness overload!, Toilet Contortionist, Haunted Chair magician, UnForgettable singer - too gimmicky for me.

    Anything else if I missed it must not have been memorable enough. Oh wait, the Light Show kids - I mean, it was good, but like everything else on this show now:

    seent it.jpg

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  17. On 2/5/2019 at 3:15 PM, Gothish520 said:

    I think Christina Exie is a dark horse for the win. She's got some real talent.

    I can only hope! This is the second week in a row that I think she's been completely robbed. Unfortunately, I think the judges are prodded by the producers to pick the Top 3/Bottom 3 based on who have the highest profiles, perhaps those that start lots of drama (I'm looking at you Irina and Michelle) or who they think are fan favorites, or possibly just give the best soundbytes. Perhaps Christina is just very quiet and focused, and doesn't give good TV, which doesn't give me a lot of confidence that she will win. She just doesn't seem to be noticed which is a shame because I thought her Croc dress was brilliant and should have won the challenge. It's the same 3 in the spotlight - Dmitry, Michelle, and Anthony Ryan. Only Dmitry is tolerable.

    It's a shame because the level of work is (mostly) very high and the runway is always a joy to watch. The judging, not so.

    • Love 3
  18. So late chiming in on this season but I agree with so many of you on the stupidity of the Golden Buzzer and the way it was done, the over-pimping of the child/young/ oh let's face it all singers, the awesomeness of Terry Crews, and how annoying it is how rushed everything is. 

    As for those that are going through, I'm really happy about and thoroughly enjoy:

    • The Sand Artist - wow! I missed her first performance, and when I heard about Terry giving her the Golden Buzzer, I was like pssshhhwww...what a waste! How good could that be? Given the crap ass picks of the other judges, I wasn't expecting much, but holy crap! I was mesmerized from start to finish. Sorry I ever doubted you Terry!
    • Shin Lim - he can do no wrong in my book. He's so not my type, but damn! Is he sexy. And talented. Amazing!
    • Jackie Evancho  - sorry, Pittsburgh girl here, gotta root for her. And I think she is really great, I didn't watch her on her first time, so maybe I'm easily impressed.
    • Darci Lynne -- does anyone else feel her act last night was super super short? Relative to the Danger Act which felt like an eternity. Doesn't seem fair, or maybe that's all she can do? Still love her though.

    I was so not impressed with Susan Boyle. Was she having an off night or is she normally that mediocre? There's something so public speaker-y, corporate Sales motivation speaker about Jon Derenbos that I just can't with him. I do like Christina Ramos, sorry! Can't say that anything else really stuck out in my mind. 

    • Love 6
  19. 5 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

    Minor reality “stars” shouldn’t be Cast, IMO.  Not that I pay this show much attention.  I’m more famous than some of them, almost.

    HA! Agree. At the rate they're going, I'll be getting the call soon. And I'd totally do it - I do need to lose some weight and get some more Instagram likes.

    Just now, DietCokeJunkie said:

    That was Kerri Strug who vaulted on a broken foot, not Mary Lou. 

    OMG! You're right! Holy crap, I'm making an appointment to get checked for dementia. Tomorrow. If I remember.

    • Love 15
  20. So I missed last night's episode cause Monday Night Football (Yay Steelers! Congrats on having the same record as the Browns! O/T Sarcasm), so my observations are just based on tonight's show.

    • Agree that everyone I saw seemed pretty good, except for that Grocery Store Joe. Who I hate on principal as I do anyone associated with any incarnation of The Bachelor, but who also can't dance.
    • Also, I thought DeMarcus and Lindsey were overscored based solely on tonight's dance.
    • I thought Tinashe was the best. Damn, she was fiery and confident! Liked her a lot!
    • Maybe it's because I watched the '84 Olympics live, but I would've been pissed if Ameriker had voted off Mary Lou Retton. C'mon people, she won us a gold medal vaulting on a broken foot! Throw her an unbroken bone!
    • I thought Nikki was better than she was scored and didn't deserve to go home but obviously she doesn't have the fanbase. I had a huge crush on John Schneider back in the day so he can stay.
    • Kudos to Artem (sigh...he's so dreamy) for taking on the challenge of teaching a blind woman to dance. And MEGA kudos to her for taking on the challenge of even doing this. Wow.
    • The rest I missed or were forgettable, so can't really comment too much else other than jeebus, what a frickin' pimp fest for DWTS Juniors that was. The whole concept of junior partner ballroom dancing skeeves me out a little. And wow, Honey Boo Boo! Didn't even recognize her. I don't know any of the kids other than her, so needless to say I'll be taking a pass on that whole endeavor.
    • Love 9
  21. Of course when I saw the headlines about Michael Ketterer I had to run here and say wow, someone nailed it and said he wasn't as nice as he seemed! But I was still pretty surprised about it. And I'm still waiting on that reaction.gif of him coming in 5th because I missed that part of the show. I'm also so sad to have missed Hans! Would love to see him come back!

    And reporting in from the average non-jaded viewer - my mom, who is normally really unimpressed with and bored with magic was hardcore rooting for Shin Lim. She was so happy he won! She adores Janis Joplin, liked Courtney but didn't think she was all that. She really liked Vicki Barbolak, more than Samuel. Go figure. But she reminds us of a family friend so that may be why. She thought all the singers were boring and definitely doesn't think someone should win for being a good person. Especially when they're not!

    • Love 2
  22. Not usually a sitcom person, and the first episode was pretty much a throwaway given that we've seen every single joke from it in the previews and commercials, but I dug the second episode a lot more. I like Emmitt or however you spell her name - I don't have kids but I can relate to her not being able to say no/guilt/passive-aggressiveness, and I loved the workplace aspects a lot. Loved that the nerds made her a bathtub VR simulation. Cute. I like my mom a lot more than she likes hers, but their relationship and my white boyfriend dealing with our Latina selves reminded me a bit of that whole side of it.  But yes, I was on edge the whole time she was in her neighbors' house, expecting them to come home unexpectedly at any minute. 

    Probably not DVR-worthy but not channel-changing fare for me either. 

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