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Posts posted by Kelloggirl

  1. Quoting myself from the show thread because I am just shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that Ameriker got this so right! The pimping completely backfired, hahahaha!


    I would totally be happy with any of these three winning: Brian King Joseph, Zurcaroh, and my fave, Shin Lim (and he's totally sexy, I'm a straight woman, I would know).

    I could live with Glennis Grace, Duo Transcend, or Samuel J. Comroe winning.

    Would hate if they won with the fire of a thousand burning nuns (TWoP): Courtney Hadwin or Michael Kettering

    No Chance in Hell so I don't even have to address the possibility: Vicki Barbolak and Daniel Emmet


    So so happy!

    On a less positive note, it is BEYOND annoying that all of these reality shows drag out the vote until the last possible second and leave absolutely no room for any celebration or a little bit of comments from the judges. Hey idiots, we voted for the person, we like them, we would like to see them celebrated for more than 0.4 seconds. We promise we won't change the channel. We're not that frickin' fickle for crying out loud!

    • Love 11
  2. I would totally be happy with any of these three winning: Brian King Joseph, Zurcaroh, and my fave, Shin Lim (and he's totally sexy, I'm a straight woman, I would know).

    I could live with Glennis Grace, Duo Transcend, or Samuel J. Comroe winning.

    Would hate if they won with the fire of a thousand burning nuns (TWoP): Courtney Hadwin or Michael Kettering

    No Chance in Hell so I don't even have to address the possibility: Vicki Barbolak and Daniel Emmett

    • Love 11
  3. YES!!! So so happy that The Lab won! Overall, they never failed to deliver and entertain, and their routines were always tight, plus...cute kids. I was a little worried and a little disappointed that they went the "We Are the World" route of potential emotional manipulation and wish they went out on a slammin' funky fierce note, but the routine was still tight and great so it's OK, plus Michael Kaminski DIDN'T win, so I'm so happy about that! I don't' know why I was rooting against him so much. He's a great talented dancer, no doubt, but it's just same ol' same ol' angsty fierce contemporary to me. S-Rank - they're good but they do nothing for me (did I mention I'm still bitter about Desi Hoppers being out?). Charity & Andres I always enjoy, and they are super talented and athletic, but as far as I'm concerned, the right group won. Plus, I think that money will mean so much more to them than anyone else. 

    • Love 9
  4. 1 hour ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

    GAAHH! I just realized that I said "Step it up." Hopefully it wasn't as frustrating as Simon. Ha!

    I doubt it. I'm sure he could care less what I asked. I have no problem with chest hairs, it's that with Smon, it was a tad distracting. lol.

    Maybe he'll wear a suit (or acid-washed jeans and a blazer) next week with it being the finals and all.

    Brian Joseph King could wear an acid-washed diamond-studded suit and play with a flaming violin while being lowered into a pit of alligators and he still wouldn't get as much praise or pimping as Courtney Hadwin.

    SHIN LIM for the WIN!

    • Love 6
  5. 10 hours ago, Neet said:

    Of course, opinions differ (however, mine is FACT), but why are a few people here saying Vicki is not funny, but still likeable? I find her quite irritating and that definitely carries over into what I think of her material, despite how much it sucks on its own merits. I'd assume that any comedian has to be likeable to be funny and vice versa.

    I'm one of those, so I'll 'splain. I do think that a comedian has to be likeable to be funny (although if you're schtick is to be a dick/insulting, maybe not), but I don't think a comedian has to be funny to be likeable. I don't find her irritating, because I guess she reminds me of a friend of the family who was kind of bawdy and whose jokes were hit or miss - I loved her, but would mostly just roll my eyes at her jokes. And I guess every now and then I do kind of chuckle at Vicki, like "Oh Aunt Vicki, you're so embarassing." But if you find her irritating you already don't like her, and thus don't find her funny. Whereas I like her and wish her material was funnier and made me laugh more. Does that make any sense?

    • Love 2
  6. Thanks for the insider perspective, Readalot! Just as we all suspected, Courtney is being pimped HARD! Nice to know Brian Joseph King got a lot of audience love, he deserves it. He has a sad story, but it doesn't feel so manufactured and genuinely is something he fights through during his performance, so I'm OK with it. 

    WHY WHY does Daniel Emmett keep making it through? He has a nice voice but is otherwise Blandy McBlanderson.

    • Love 5
  7. This was the worst of the horrible episodes of the semi-finals, mainly because it was so over-filled with singers and I couldn't be more annoyed at the lack of variety overall. I barely could bring myself to pay attention but what little I remember went something like this:

    • Large lady largely off-key (sad, because I liked her)
    • Dancing Dominicans Da Republik - looked like crash test dummies, but didn't have as much life
    • Bearded Guitar Dude - meh but still the best thus far (faint praise)
    • Angel City Choir - only heard them in the distance so can't judge fairly, but also thought meh.
    • We Three - hate on principle.
    • Daniel Emmett - hate on principle.
    • Aaron Crow - at least not a singer, but too long.
    • Brian King Joseph - yay, not a singer! Yay! Relatively speaking, loved it!
    • Glennis Grace - polished and great voice, yet not memorable, but will go through I hope.
    • Courtney - someone call the paramedics! Seizure alert. Also, Joss Stone called, she wants her schtick back. Bored now.
    • Vicki Trailer Nasty - also yay not a singer! Not that funny. Cringeworthy at times, but I do like something about her. Can't explain it.
    • Love 2
  8. 6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    I have instituted a new No Tolerance policy.

    Pharmaceutical commercial: That's a muting.

    Ambulance chasing law firm: That's a muting.

    Chevy commercial: That's a muting.

    Liberty Mutual: That's a .... well, you get the idea.

    Safe Auto: That's a muting.

    Political Ads: That's a muting.

    Wal-Mart "I Like Bread and Butter": Oh you better believe that's a muting!

    And for the record, the McDonald's Grandmas giving the young man the sweater give me a giggle.  And 100% what Bigilistic said. In fact, it's still on commercials all the time! Case in point: Doritos commercial. Man ogles half-naked model on cover of magazine. "Dog, fetch me a barenaked..." So if the dog actually fetched her, naked, presumably for what? Now that's creepy. Not some cute grandmas looking at a cute guy gardening. Older women have sexual urges. What a concept!

    • Love 9
  9. 28 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    The prosecuting attorney at his plea hearing said that he had attacked 3 or 4 other woman, including a 17-year-old girl who was pregnant (I think with his child).  But maybe his mommy helped cover for him then, which is why he wanted to talk to her before giving the DNA.

    Ah, interesting. Thank you! Scary! She is SO lucky she survived. But what a horrible vicious ordeal for her, and her whole family. Glad he got the max!

    • Love 2
  10. In the same McGruff the Crime dog series of As Long As People have been...I love the Alexander Graham Bell at the play one, it's hilarious. The wrong number, etc., "No you want Two. Two I say!" it just cracks me up.

    Another set I love is the new Jetta ones...the music is so catchy, and I especially love the one where it seems like the car is dancing, and does The Snake. I don't why I find it so cute. But it makes the car really endearing to me! Betta Getta Jetta!

    • Love 3
  11. I hate every Safe Auto commercial that ever was, is, or will be. The horrible quotes are the worst, but the Fahrnuhn or whatever spoof of a bad Alexa they're doing are not far behind. And the worst part is they are just on relentlessly and ceaselessly on the channels that I watch, so that doesn't help. 

    I also loathe Wal-Mart's exceedingly literal use of very popular songs to promote their online service. "Let's Get It Started" for going back to school, "Cars" for grocery pickup - groundbreaking!!! and "Ring My Bell" oh wow, so clever Wal-Mart. Also, that song does not mean what you think it means. 

    Liberty Liberty Liberty...Liberty! Shoot me now.

    • Love 14
  12. 7 minutes ago, patty1h said:

    I didn't give this my 100% attention (because 2 hours) but I don't understand why the mother didn't give a description of the person she saw in her home.  She made it sound that she saw the culprit face to face (he even threatened her) but no word of her describing him to cops - they resorted to hypnotizing Britney to get more info.  Did I miss something?

    Yes, actually the mother was the first to give a description to the police, but it led nowhere. If you have a chance to catch it again, she did describe spiky hair as well, but the two sketches were pretty different (the one that came from her description vs the one Britney did after her hypnosis).

    I too, missed a bit of this, mainly the end after his arrest - did they ever speculate on a motive, did he follow her, theory of the crime, etc? Was it based on rejection, was he just a sociopath (seems odd he had no criminal history before or after), was it sexually motivated?

    • Love 1
  13. I'm still bitter about the way the Upper Group number shook out - for sheer entertainment and uniqueness, Desi Hoppers were my absolute favorites and I still think they got totally robbed. The rest of the teams all blend together for me and are there any women in any of them?

    I'm always partial to Latin Ballroom, and am so so sad about Karen y Ricardo going, but it's hard to deny that on that night, Michael's routine had that WOW factor that was near impossible to beat. I do agree that the costume and visuals contributed a lot. A LOT. to the overall feel. Had that not all been there I don't know, but if he had any influence over any of it, he definitely played it smart. I don't think there's anyway he can top himself though.

    So I'm going to go with my overall next favorite pick which maybe my first pick from the beginning anyway, which is The Lab. Love those guys. They never disappoint me. I do love the Fabulous Sisters but I think last week was better. It's hard because this show is not cumulative so you're always risking peaking too early.

    I know this show is a bit snarkworthy in some of the gimmicks and the judges' mannerisms, but for me, amazing dancing overcomes all that. 

    • Love 5
  14. 12 hours ago, Eliza422 said:

    I think Amber is going to win the whole thing, not that I think she should. I think Khiem (sp?) has been the most creative this whole time. I think his Halloween should have won hands down, that was awesome.

    His problem is that he's not "Etsy-friendly" - not on the hottest "trends", or whatever. He's a true artist with a flair for the dark / gothic, and I love it.

    Oh boy, did I laugh when Etsy judge said the 4th of July door wasn't too over the top (or whatever she said) - he had giant fucking arms on his door, what does that have to do with Independence Day?

    I agree, his Halloween door was by far my favorite. I knew he wasn't going to get the win though because he had already won the first fast craft challenge. I also think his wearing the costume backward might have been a result of his last-minute decision to turn it into a dog - maybe he didn't have enough time to fit it the other way?

    I really felt for Joanne - I like almost all of her stuff a lot, she tickles my cutesy bone -- because she clearly was at the end of her rope. St. Patrick's Day is kinda of a shitty holiday to end up with something that isn't "Magically Delicious" and leprechaun-cliche ridden. She was like, yeah, I got nothin', Kiss Me I'm Irish, someone give me a green beer...or 10.

    And so agree with everyone on the annoying Etsy judge - she's SO pretentious the way she proclaims things as being "on trend" and "so in right now" and ugh. Shut it, lady! Take your shiboring ass out of here already.

    I do give Amber credit for her skills and consistency, I just prefer Khiem's madcap genius.

    • Love 7
  15. 15 hours ago, s-k-s said:

    Khiem's  arena full of dead gummy bears and bones was ... something else. 

    HAHAHAHA I can't believe I almost forgot about this. I would've given him the win just for that. Glad he got it for the main challenge though. 

    I just love this show. I've never seen GBBO (had to wait for someone to say what it was) so doesn't bother me that it's like it (and now I'll have to check that out), I love Amy and Nick, and love watching people crafting, because it makes me think that maybe, just maybe, if I had more time, ambition, and a gift card to Michael's, I too could someday make my niece and nephew a cute little fort made of pool noodles and felt and rice krispies and wood and charcuterie items...

    • Love 9
  16. 6 hours ago, Frankenstein123 said:

    12: The PAC Dance Team. In a world of pure abomination, a bunch of Strawberry Shortcakes attack a street pimp. Considering two of the judges were bored out of their mind during this and we all knew exactly what they would do round after round after round (Spoilers: MORE OF THIS) then I still have no clue why they were let through in the first place. All I know is, it's time to PAC their bags and go home very soon.

    20 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

    Shin Lim: Still pretty awesome, but I'm not sure it was up to the level of his Audition or Judge Cuts performances. Maybe that was just me unable to keep up though.

    The Golden Child: What is going on? Seriously? The juxtaposition of her quote unquote "real" personality versus her on stage personality is so jarring it comes off like a weird parlor trick. And who decided a 14 year old Janis Joplin wannabe was something the world wanted? At least with GVW, she was copping whispery, early career Taylor Swift which made some sense artistically.


    Frankenstein123 - HA! Also, I didn't get the Willy Wonka thing, and just kept thinking when the edited version of the song with the lyrics "Don't want no short short man" that it was totally inappropriate choice for a high school dance team with a male lead dancer. The real lyrics are "Don't want no short dick man...teeny eenie eenie weenie." I'll just leave it at that.

    PHD-Purgatory15 - Agree on Shin Lim, though I love him always. And I just think "Joss Stone on Meth" when I see Courtney.

    20 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    I liked him. My favorite was the line in his first backstory package: "I'm not allowed to lead the office stretching exercises anymore."

    Still bitter about losing the contortionist to stupid crap like the Human Fountain and the SO GOOD! guys. Not that I don't laugh, but whatever show. He was not only talented, but loved his personality. I can kinda see that he needed to somehow make his act bigger. I hope he goes on to horror movie acting, commercials, etc.

    • Love 2
  17. I absolutely loathe the Discover (?) Alert ads and especially the woman and her over-the-top cutesy voice and all her panicked screaming over every thing. I debated whether to put this in the WTF thread, because I would always be multi-tasking and would just look up to see this woman freaking out while pressing every button on her phone NONONONONONO before hurling it across the room like it was on fire, and I could never figure out WTF her problem was. Well I must not have been the only one because no matter how many times I tried to catch why she was spazzing out, I never could until they added a voice over that the phone was alerting her to the fact that she was butt-dialing her ex. OOOOOkkkkayyy, I get it, no one wants to do that, but lady, throwing your phone across the room ain't gonna solve your problem. The next commercial is the one where she calls to find out about the alerts and how much they are, etc...when her dog is about to shake toilet water all over. I don't know why I find her so absolutely enraging and annoying, but I do! Maybe it's because they air those commercials incessantly, maybe it's because I couldn't figure out why she was freaking out initially, but MAKE HER STOP!

    Phew. I feel better. Ha.

    P.S. I usually enjoy Progressive's commercials, but if I was in the Heaven is a Place on Earth chorus, I would shove that Name Your Price Tool so far down Jimmy's throat he'd be shitting price comparisons for a month - "Do you believe this now, bitch?!?!?"

    • Love 13
  18. Soooo....way late to this party, but just chiming in to say that I caught this show one night after America's Got Talent I think when I was too lazy to change the channel (yes, that's a real thing even with remote controls, or maybe I was multi-tasking)...anyhoo, MOHINDER! got my attention with his pretty face and I decided to watch, although I didn't find anything that intriguing about it, I found it entertaining enough to watch and think the last 4 episodes were definitely a step up. Can't decide how I feel about Alexis, but definitely like the rest of the characters and actors. 

    I'd watch if there is another season, but won't be surprised (or heartbroken) if there isn't.

    • Love 2
  19. It might have been a setup, but the best moment of the entire episode for me was when that lady in the audience stood up and yelled "Oh SHUT UP!" at Mel B. and her confusion at the old comedian guy. I laughed and laughed cause she said what I was thinking. Minus the "You See You Next Tuesday" on the end of it.

    Other than that, a whole lot of meh with a few highlights:

    The Creepy Contortionist

    The Punny Accordionist (Can't help it, I love bad puns too)

    The HOT Howie Torturing Motorcyclists (really, just for the hotness and accent though, could care less about his motorcycle tricks)

    I did think the Whitney clone was amazing, and personally don't care if she's an amateur or not or whatever, I enjoyed listening to her.

    • Love 2
  20. I only caught the last 45 minutes or so of this, but I was intrigued enough to come back. Plus, Billy Porter! I'll be tuning in. But agree on the dance audition - Flashdance with 80% less actual dance content!

    Also...delicate question on trans/gender issues (I hang out with a lot of drag queens so wasn't sure and missed the beginning so forgive any insensitivity):

    The balls performers are not drag queens, correct (or at least not all of them)?

    Is Angel a woman from birth?

  21. I was intrigued by the preview, but overall felt pretty meh about the whole thing, probably because the biggest reveal was spoiled by the preview. None of the characters particularly stuck out in my mind, but there seem to be some interesting subplots brewing. I thought the lead investigator was a little too nonplussed by the whole "we're from the future" reveal. I mean, a whole bunch of people show up floating in the ocean telling this story and she didn't really seem particularly surprised or incredulous. I'm willing to give it another few episodes to see where it goes. 

    11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    To be fair it only said from "the network that brought you Lost," which was so random that I wish they had said from "the network that brought you Family Matters." 

    HA! Spot on. Now if Steve Urkel washed up on shore looking around and saying, "Did I do that?!?" they'd have me as a viewer for life!

    • Love 4
  22. Rude of me to barge in here without much introduction, but FYI, BBC America is having an X-Files marathon this Easter weekend, started with S1, Episode 1! It's so fun to watch a young Mulder and Scully...so fresh-faced and somewhat innocent. As of now they are on The Host - S2, E2. Ah, Deep Throat, Kryczek as not himself in Gender Bender, Beyond the Sea - it's a lovely bit of nostalgia!

    • Love 1
  23. Hi all - OMG I haven't watched this show in ages - and haven't really really cared about it since the heyday of Clay/Ruben (Claymate forever, y'all! j/k...sort of, haha). It's been fun to watch again, and while the current judges leave a lot to be desired, I'm enjoying it mightily, way more than I ever thought I would again. 

    I missed the audition episodes other than the last one, so didn't have a lot of context going into the Hollywood rounds. Of the contestants I remembered and liked, I was really happy to see Jurnee (though I'm old and crotchety and hate the stupid spelling of her name) and Ada Vox get through. Gabby Barrett (Carrie Underwood lite) is a local Pittsburgh girl so she's been getting a lot of press, and is the main reason I tuned in at all this season, and while I can't say I like her all that much, I'm happy she got through anyhow. 

    The two that I didn't really care for were Lane and the solo twin who changed the performance of his group - and while I suspect that was a lot of manufactured drama and to-do about nothing, but I still didn't think he was as strong as the others in his group, and at that point he came off looking rather poorly. And Lane just came off as having a "too cool for this shit" bad attitude that I found very off-putting, and he barely seemed like he was going through the motions to me. Really, he couldn't have faked it a little better? He is awfully good-looking though and I didn't see his audition so maybe he is really that great, but based on that group performance alone, no way should he have made it through.



    We saw a couple handfuls of people who we didn't get to see audition. Off of a few seconds each, I sort of liked Cesley Parrish from the Staying Alive group. She had an interesting lower toned voice and a hippie vibe, and Aname Rose who kicked off the Superdope group.

    Those were the two that stood out to me as well from the rest.

    Happy that Idol is back, but happier to have a new place to snark about it (RIP TWoP!...sniff)

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