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Everything posted by beccatexture

  1. Glorious! I was very surprised to see Rob walking in with Scheana! We suspected they'd broken up! How cringe were the scenes of her in the pink hard-hat?! Someone a while back said that they suspect the editors are having great fun this season with Scheana's ridiculousness... and it certainly does seem that way! Haha. That cackle she does though??? EEK!! I too am very impressed by James, and have come to find him quite endearing (used to hate the sight of his face). I loved his interaction with Ken and glad they seem to have patched things up. As someone who has been in an emotionally/verbally abusive intimate relationship, I was extremely uncomfortable with the dynamic between Patrick and Stassi this episode. I've found it quite interesting to see Stassi, someone I deem intelligent, possessing potential, and (pardon the pun), with sass, falling for this type of crap. This is by no means to insult anyone else who has been through domestic violence, but in my own situation I've always accepted that I was susceptible to it because I was weak and a pushover. I never saw Stassi that way, but here she is! I almost think that it's scripted, because it's just so hard to believe. Again, I don't mean to offend anyone by this! Someone said a few episodes ago, that Jax struck them as more Borderline Personality Disorder than Narc/Socio.... and I tend to agree, because of the 'scrambling' sort of thing he always does. Scrambling and talking fast to explain, to get things back to normal again, to move past whatever he's done. There's a real desperation in that, and it does strike me as rather Borderline. But she's taken him back!!!! SMH Can't wait for the reunion! If only for the inevitable Roast of Scheana! EDITED to add more than simply an appreciation of Giggy's heavenly tummy! EDITED AGAIN to add that I don't intend armchair psychiatry! A year ago I was diagnosed with CPTSD, and understand that this is sometimes used synonymously with BPD. I certainly recognise some of my traits in BPD, and indeed in sweaty ol' Jax.
  2. Those snippets of Kristen in the club, grooving to that House Music, with that knowing/predatory look on her face - LMAO. I'm living for it this episode. Also loved the expression on Scheana's face during the scene when Lala's flowers were delivered. Never seen that expression on her face before!
  3. Hi Everyone. I'm a long-time lurker on this forum, first time commenter. Just want to let you all know how much I adore this forum as a commentary to my fave reality show! You guys are hilarious and brilliant - THANK YOU! I also felt compelled to comment to say that I really believe Ariana's insecurities. Yes, it does seem to contradict her exhibitionist/arrogant persona, but as a former victim of domestic violence I can understand how these issues can ebb and flow with the various stages of intimacy in future relationships. I think she's just reached a level of intimacy/familiarity with Tom where her insecurities are really coming out and are hard for her to push back down. I think perhaps she's just running with it as a storyline for air-time -but it doesn't mean it's not real. What I'm trying to say is that the way this is playing out for her I find really authentic. Also - Patrick. I admit when he first appeared I was like, "Aw he's not that bad! he's got that hipster type of look and is acting all defensive because he's vulnerable!" I really thought that in that first scene we saw them, they had that dynamic/banter whereby she pretended to be clueless and he acted all knowledgeable (and patronizing) - I really thought that was just their flirty banter and that of COURSE he couldn't mean it, because as dramatic as she is, I think Stassi is pretty clever and I personally admire her independence and ambition. BUT - this episode. What an absolute dick he is!!! Ugh. Selfish as hell - a complete douche!!! Buuuut, everyone here was saying that weeks ago. I'm now onboard! OMG the previews of James confessing he's in love with Lala??! This is going to be a good season! But if Schwartz hooks up with another girl I'm gonna stop watching, I swear! 1000% agree that FI Tom belongs in costume/styling. I really hope that he (even if only encouraged by this forum) considers it! His passion is glorious to watch! Seeing him coming up the stairs in his Maleficent costume was the absolute best moment of the series so far, for me. F***ing spectacular! LMAO
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