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Lady Calypso

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Posts posted by Lady Calypso

  1. Just now, Grizzly said:

    Q is making me long for the Bhanu days.

    I haven't gotten that low. Bhanu was absolutely terrible as a player and terrible to watch.

    Q's bad and his ego is through the roof, but he's still entertaining to watch.

    • Like 6
  2. Just now, iMonrey said:

    How funny do you think it will be when one of them wins?

    Honestly, for me, even if one of the Delusionals win, it won't be as bad as Gabler winning 43. I think me having it in my head that this is more of a joke season is helping to ease a lot of the frustration that I'd typically feel by these people.

    But I don't think they're winning. The Delusionals will take each other out.

    • Like 5
  3. Just now, Straycat80 said:

    Keep blindsiding people from the six and you’ll end up not being in the majority anymore. Why is no one talking about voting off Q? Have none of these players watched Survivor before? 

    Seems like Q hasn't annoyed them enough yet. I'm hoping that changes once immunity happens and Q starts really forcing his way onto people.

    Charlie seems to want Q out, though, so I hope that happens. Q is too much of a wildcard to keep around. He turns on people for the smallest of reasons. He literally cannot be trusted.

    • Like 1
  4. Honestly, this season might be one of the funniest I've seen. Every single person, except for maybe Maria, Tiffany, Ben and Hunter, are super delusional and have huge egos and it's funny to watch them be so confident about their positions.

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  5. Q constantly jumps through hoops to get to a conclusion about a player and it's funny to watch, but also frustrating. These poor players who have had to play with Q and have had to deal with his mental gymnastics.

    He constantly is targeting people based off of small shit like who their favourite Survivor player is or how well they hide at Hide and Seek. 

    • Like 10
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  6. Just now, LadyChatts said:

    And now Liz is saying it was really her idea to take out Soda and she's annoyed that Venus and Tevin are trying to take the credit?

    It's like a clown car with people claiming to have been the mastermind of the Blindside Soda plan.

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  7. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she's worried about how she's edited, so it sounds like she has a large'ish role this episode that could be controversial and she knows it might not go in her favour, edit-wise.

    Or, Venus is being Venus and is being too negative about things. I don't think she's taken kindly to the general opinion that she's a terrible Survivor player, albeit a very entertaining one, so it could be just her wanting to be edited to be a strategist and frustrated she continues to not get credit for anything.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    It was mentioned that Marisol owned her own place and she said she was thinking about renting it out when she moved in with Eddie.  I'm guessing she wasn't moved into Eddie's long enough to have rented it out and had a place to go back to.

    It's still annoying to have done all that moving but at least she's not homeless.

    But that does show how fast the "next step" was for them. The fact that she hadn't even rented out her own place and happily moved in with a man she's been dating for only four or five months, at the most. 

    It was a stupid plot, regardless, the more I think about it. It also didn't make any sense because why would Eddie move his new girlfriend in with his son? He had dated Ana longer than Marisol and Ana never got the "moving in" plot. It really didn't make any sense. They should have figured out a different way for Eddie to have discovered Marisol being a nun.


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  9. 3 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    As to whether that info needs to be behind spoiler tags is up for debate.  It depends on if this story means anything about the future.  Some people might think it does.  Personally, I don't.  But we really don't know.


    I would say, given how the initial storyline almost played out, it's on their mind and opens the door for them pursuing it in the future. I was iffy on whether to put it under spoiler tags, so did it just in case.

    3 hours ago, possibilities said:

    To me, it seemed like it was less about plot developments ahead, and more about process and backstory that Ferrigna imagined for himself, which isn't necessarily about the future, but more what helped him decide how to play the scenes in the present.

    I definitely don't think most of what Ferrigno has said is a spoiler. I love reading his thought processes on things, especially with his character, and his excitement really just shines through the interviews. I really find his interviewing style fascinating. 

    He did say that he initially only signed on for four episodes, but I'm fairly confident that that plan has changed. 

    Apparently, Tim Minear is still writing episodes 8-10, as well. They're very behind on production (probably due to the cruise ship filming) so the end of season 7 is still up in the air.

  10. Lots of interviews from Tim Minear, Lou Ferrigno Jr, and Oliver Stark.

    Tim Minear talks about Buck's bisexuality and what's upcoming for the second half of the season

    Lou Ferrigno Jr talks about his return to the series

    A secondary Lou Ferrigno Jr interview, in more depth about Tommy and his role in this season

    Oliver Stark talks about Buck's season 7 journey

    Some potential spoilers in those interviews, including: 


    The Buck bisexuality storyline almost didn't happen; not just availability of actors, but there was a very, very large chance that the storyline would have gone to Eddie. So there was a very real possibility the Tommy/Buck storyline would have been Tommy/Eddie. Things got changed up very last minute for unknown reasons.

    Lou Ferrigno Jr spills a lot of information in his interviews, but it's very entertaining to read. He seems like a true fan of the show, even has come up with his own backstory and headcanons for Tommy. 

  11. I also think it's telling when he told Maddie what happened that he felt like it was someone else speaking when he told Eddie the lie, so it's clear that he didn't MEAN to react the way he did and he felt immediate shame/humiliation over lying like that, so the gay panic/identity crisis isn't like other instances where we've seen coming out stories on TV. He's not shameful for his sexuality, he's shameful that he felt like he had to hide it in that moment to Eddie. Which is likely why Maddie even told him upfront that he's more confused about his feelings.

    I think Buck obviously needed time to figure out his own feelings because of his sudden the discovery is for him. 

    He was panicked, yes, but not in the typical way we've seen in the media. It was more nuanced, more "I'm not really sure of things right now and I don't really want to try to explain to others when I'm not sure myself."


    • Like 5
  12. 4 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    Nick is good enough to look after her three kids when Mer wants to work on the other side of the country, but she treats him like an incompetent baby sitter, not her boyfriend, one who is an actual doctor, who one day be the kids step father. She shows him no respect.  Time to walk. away.  

    Yeah, Nick needs to walk away. This is the woman who wouldn't say I love you and just up and left for Boston, ghosting him for months. Then she doesn't even apologize to him when they meet back up. Nick made a mistake, getting back together with someone who really couldn't care less about him. It's a shame, I used to like the two together but something changed in season 18/19 for them.

    I agree, the suicide ideation plot was performative. They basically only went a quarter of the way and for what? To reveal that Kwan, too, has had suicidal thoughts? 

    I assume Helm did what she did to avoid favoritism accusations. Because Helm could get in trouble if she allows Mika to get involved in a surgery when the interns are told they can't.

    Jules/Winston scenes were good enough, I guess she's the one who has figured out her specialty first. I think this mentorship could be great for Jules and also for Winston, as long as they don't sleep together.

    Jo/Link are absolutely terrible. Both don't know the use of protection and safe sex, and one doesn't know how to read a freaking pregnancy test. Hilarious. Also, I'm guessing the show has either abandoned Luna's hearing loss or they think that the problem is so easily solvable and now Jo/Link can have another kid. But hey, at least they're planning another kid instead of the 15th surprise oopsie pregnancy, like this false alarm was.

    The episode was fine, but more on the dull side. They didn't do a whole lot with the patients, and with the med students. But it was fine, just not an episode I'll rewatch.

    • Like 6
  13. Honestly, I did think that they were gonna delay Buck's coming out since we have a three week hiatus but then I remembered this show loves speeding through plots like it's a racetrack. 

    The Buck stuff was done fairly well. Buck/Tommy's first date was a disaster and I could definitely have passed on Buck's cringeworthy "I'm an ALLY!" declaration (twice), but Tommy's reaction was very well done to the whole situation. He recognized Buck was figuring stuff out, especially with his adverse reaction when Eddie/Marisol showed up, and he decided to leave. I'm glad he explained that he left primarily for Buck's comfort, rather than being offended by Buck's rather strong reaction. 

    I am glad we got the two major coming out scenes with Maddie and Eddie. In typical Buck fashion, he Bucks it up with Maddie by accidentally coming out to her because he can't keep the pronouns right. I am surprised she was genuinely surprised by him being interested in men, but it did lead to one of the funniest lines of the episode, in an episode of funny moments:

    "Sure, I'll check out a hot guy's ass, but that's normal."

    As for the Eddie scene, it was really well done. Buck obviously had a hard time telling Eddie, but once he did, Oliver Stark played that relief really, really well. And Eddie's reaction was touching and sweet. 

    "Wait...TOMMY'S GAY?" And no question on Buck being bisexual, so that was a way to break the tension.

    Solid, solid episode for Buck, especially since he finally learned to talk to people and apologize and really communicate to his date. Now, inviting Tommy to the wedding is typical Buck fashion, moving too fast on something, but at least Tommy's friends with Chimney so it won't be too awkward. 

    Eddie/Marisol was annoying, but the nun plot seemed....sudden. Once I got over the absurdity, I see that it's setting up some Catholic guilt type story, and it led to a really nice moment with Eddie/Bobby so if handled well, it could be interesting to explore for a few episodes. I also like when the show circles back to Bobby's Catholicism. 

    The Hen/Karen plot was ok, it felt rushed but I get why it felt rushed. They also could have gone a little deeper into bringing in a more troubled foster child but I guess they wanted to keep it mostly light and mostly contained to this one episode. I think they solved the issue way too fast and am disappointed they took massive strides in less than three days, but if they're planning to keep Mara, then I guess in a shortened season, it's better than nothing.

    I'm very glad we got a tease of the Hangover Wedding before the hiatus. It's gonna be a long hiatus.

    I probably shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at the opening call, but I did.

    • Like 3
  14. 13 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    But is it really? Or is Buck just so hungry for acceptance that he's going along with it without really being into it? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Tune in next week to see, I guess.

    Yes, I believe it is. Like I said before, the one thing this show does right is LGBTQIA+ representation. They're not going to disrespect the community by having Buck kiss a guy and then go "whoopsie, he's still straight!"

    I can critique this show for a lot of things, but not its representation and handling it well. They're not going to backtrack on this.

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  15. 4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    At least, it is not actually Eddie and Buck falling for each other. Their relationship is still solid as is.

    I have a feeling that's where it might be going, though.

    Rewatching the episode, it very much was played out that Buck was jealous of Eddie getting closer to Tommy, but it didn't play out like Buck wanted Tommy at all, hence why his anger was directed at Eddie instead. I know the episode was more bait and switch, but logically, it seems like it would make more sense for Buck's feelings to be for Eddie, as he also doesn't know Tommy very well. I think Tommy left the 118 not long after Buck joined.

    They also made the note of how similar Tommy and Eddie are (both being in the army, both having the same interests and hobbies, both even looking a bit alike) so my thought is that it could be projection; it just makes more sense, logically, for Buck to be figuring out his feelings for Eddie but the journey to discover his sexuality is already a huge enough change, so he's projecting onto Tommy. Not that he might not find Tommy attractive, but it kind of protects him from getting hurt by not having his self discovery ALSO be with someone he's been close to for years and who he considers family.

    So my thought is that they will go down the Buck/Eddie route, but it'll be slow moving (obviously because, if they do go down this route, they also have to explore Eddie's side of the relationship). So that aspect won't happen this season but it could for next season. 

    • Like 3
  16. 10 minutes ago, babyrambo said:

    I get her point about the interns needing to trust and respect each other as peers but I’d be so annoyed if I was Yasuda. It’s one thing to be punished (for something you didn’t even do—how Jo and Link got away with frolicking in the rain while leaving their patient to die at the hands of interns is the primary issue imo) but another to adhere to constantly shifting goalposts. Carrying the weight of everyone else and constantly being undermined starts to wear thin after a while. Especially when the rest of the rookies are making such little progress. It’s a ten episode season and they’re halfway through, when does the group bonding slash enlightenment begin? Because right now I don’t see it. 

    Exactly. I know there's been some comments on how often Mika is yelling at her superiors but honestly, I don't blame her. They're all doing such a bad job with the interns under the guise that it's to help them become better surgeons. 

    Actually, as we're seeing, all it's doing is making them NOT want to become surgeons. They should have been excited for a groundbreaking surgery but they all got bored 10 minutes in. There's a way to stimulate their excitement and make them want to learn from their mistakes and do better. Bailey used to be better at teaching but I think she's completely lost her touch OR can't figure out how to teach interns now vs how she taught them 15 years ago.

    12 minutes ago, babyrambo said:

    Just like I don’t see what they’re going with Lucas. He isn’t hot or charming enough to suck this hard—it wasn’t meant to be funny but when he petulantly told Simone she slit his throat I laughed, so dramatic and whiny—I know he’s headed somewhere (I’m assuming they’re going to come back to his ADHD) but right now I just don’t care about the journey or the destination. 

    They're obviously going for a redemption for him at some point, and making him some sort of low point before so, but it's not really much fun to watch a character literally regress. I imagine part of it has to do with his undiagnosed ADHD and part of it is due to his nepotism and subsequent entitlement issues, but still. Nick does need to tell someone about what he discovered about Lucas, because we know Lucas hasn't told anyone he likely has ADHD. Unless I forgot about a scene where he told Simone or something, but I don't think I have. I think he was distracted by her fiancé stuff after his conversation with Nick.

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  17. Yeah, it was nice to see Arizona but having her on for such a small role and basically none of the interns fawning over her like they should be was downright embarrassing. 

    We haven't seen Arizona in years and we get no updates on her and disrespect from the intern class, who only care about getting back in the OR. They're gonna learn nothing from this, at the end of the day.

    And poor Mika, who did everything she asked and now she has to waste time helping people when she did nothing wrong. Bailey's approach is all over the place. I get her wanting everyone to work as a team but my god, Mika didn't even do anything wrong (as Jules said). 

    I did like seeing Jules' brother. I equally liked seeing Owen berate him for his stupidity in posing as a doctor.

    I really, really thought they were about to give Richard Alzheimer's in that OR. I'm glad it's just him finally realizing he's about ready to retire.

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