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Posts posted by stillshimpy

  1. *hands anothermi a warm mug of Seven Kingdom cocoa and a hanky, because that towel needs to go to the laundry Maester, STAT*  

    Glad you made it, anothermi

    I'm with you, Conan, I think whoever threatens either Tyrion or Sansa is the person that Shae will do in, but more likely Sansa.  That is if she gets her homicide on with anyone.  It's just initially when Varys told her to go and gave her a big honking bag of diamonds , I was ready to scream with frustration that she didn't get the hell out of Dodge while the escaping was good.  I wasn't focused on the "Wait, was that foreshadowing? " of what Shae had to say, I was focused on the "Roz is a very dead woman, Shae. Run!"  and this time I realized that Varys track record is not that good, is it?
    I just mean, people who follow his advice tend to die.  Headless Ned copped to treason at Varys urging and that turned out...I'll go with...not well, for the understatement hit.  Then Roz was actually working for, and reporting to Varys, at his urging. That turned out even worse (at least Ned's end was swift..ish) .  

    So yeah, maybe people need to stop listening to Varys and Shae most certainly didn't.  I first thought would spell her doom, but now, I'm not so sure.  

    I hope Gendry's dinghy (not a euphemism ) gets to safety rather than running into Dany at any point.  The timing isn't right either, she was still cooling her heels elsewhere while being called "mother" by a lot of people , but I did think of one thing that might lean in Gendry's favor if he ever does encounter Dany.  She has Barriston  with her, the former head of the King's Guard and whereas he feels like he let her father down, he did seem to think Robert was a decent man.  If an entirely dissolute one (which would be fair).

    Radiant, try asking in the support area, because that can't be close to normal and if it's only this thread, it's not something your employer is blocking. I'll grab a link , just a sec. Here's a link.  Let me know if you're having problems and I'll ask for you if it helps.   

    • Love 1
  2. I don't think Littlefinger can afford to kill Robyn. Littlefinger's authority in the Vale would be premised on being married to Lysa.

    If Robyn was a girl vs a boy, I'd sort of agree, but since Robyn is a male and therefore the heir to the Vale before any offspring that Littlefinger could produce, I think demented Robyn is likely to "catch a fever" which is Seven Kingdoms code for Murder Most Foul, as far as I can tell. Littlefinger's authority doesn't really depend on Lysa, it's a patriarchal society.  He was given the Vale by Tywin Lannister.  

    Tyrion said that Walder Frey will get the credit for killing Robb Stark.  The Rains of Castamere were playing.  I don't think anyone is going to think Walder Frey is really the person in charge when Bolton is named the Warden of the North by the King.  

    Also, Lysa has this small "totally batshit, bonkers, oh-my-god 'round and past and through the cuckoo's nest, chick-be-crazy" thing going on and her son is, at best, developmentally disabled (although I pray god weaned by now, please) so Littlefinger is likely to win the hearts of men simply by showing up and appearing to be relatively sane.  Sidenote: because if Robyn isn't weaned, Littlefinger has even more incentive to kill him, as folklore has always had it that women cannot conceive while breast feeding.  

    If Lysa's authority counted for anything, it's my personal opinion that she wouldn't actually be marrying Littlefinger.  She does know (inside the demented bat-cave that passes for her mind) that the Lannisters killed Jon Arryn.  The Lannisters have sent Littlefinger to marry her.  I don't think Lysa has a ton of agency here if that marriage goes through. 


    ETA: Thank you for all your help, Nymeria! It was greatly appreciated! I actually messaged with Pallas about the Tavern song and toast, so I think you're still in for some singing.  

  3. gingerella!! Here is the mead/grog/whisky -- with just a splash of blood orange bitters to help brighten the taste -- to slake your thirst after your long, long journey!  Thank goodness we're finding everyone.  I'm particularly glad to see you, the person who coined the word Bookwalker! All hail! Big hugs! 

    Speaking of, I found Ulle y'all.  I figured I'd go ahead and press my conjuring luck and I sacrificed a head of broccoli (in a possibly unrelated event) and yup, Found! No longer on the Milk Carton list! Also sort of no longer watching, but still unspoiled for all that. So perhaps one day the Viking division of the Spitball Wall will be reinstated.   I hope so, we had a ton of fun. 

    Okay, so I woke promptly in the middle of the night, which is always ever so convenient and because I watched the last episode of season three yesterday while on the elliptical and have more speculation at the ready.  Sidenote: difficult show to watch while exercising, you never know when something horrific is about to happen.  I did actually break down and fast-forward through Theon's stuff, but I watched Yara's scene.  Poor Yara, she's done something admirable, which means she's also in for a world of eek...and she's heading towards that bastard who has Theon.  

    Seeing as it has been three full years since anyone other than scum or the Lannisters really won one, I'm hoping Yara gets to kill the living hell out of Bolton's Bastard, whose name I think is Ramsey?  I think that's what Bolten said to Frey.  I was, of course, pleased by the Bran scene (Bran is starting to look tall sitting down) but I have to comment, for someone who apparently lurks in the netherworlds on a regular basis, Jojen was caught completely offguard by the appearance of Sam, but seemingly NOT by the dragon's glass dagger Sam had.  

    Also, here's an actual spitball and I don't know why it failed to occur to me before.  Who the hell is Shae going to kill?  It's almost as obvious as the "fear not, fans, Frey will pay, the gods do not forgive those who kill a guest under their roof" stuff.  When Varys says that Sansa is a sweet girl, Shae says with a fair amount of conviction "I love that girl, I would kill for her"  and man, the actress said that line like she was not screwing around with that.  

    So the good news?  Shae is almost always with Sansa and Shae is willing to kill for her.  The bad news?  Shae is not exactly the Hound in terms of being physically intimidating.  Maybe it isn't that Shae is so going to die , maybe it is that Shae does the killing?  

    Don't know, must go send unrelated Ravens to Ulle though! 

    • Love 1
  4. Any speculation on how Littlefinger will react to the fact that his patron House (Lannister) just had the (presumed) Love of His Life killed?

    It's Littlefinger so probably he will be restrained in his outright, vicious glee.  He'll drop kick a Seven Sister, Spike a Baby and Dance atop the shattered idealism of an innocent while smirking and singing the "Serves you right for refusing me." chorus.   Then he'll have a prostitute killed, because that's how he rolls.  

    Seriously, he's supposed to be marrying Lysa, right? Knowing Littlefinger he'll feel freed from any need to even pretend to treat her well.  So he'll drop kick Lysa (probably a bunch), Spike Robyn down the great, yawning sky hole and then he'll force all the women in the Eyrie to work in his Brothel: The Sky Annex. 

    • Love 1
  5. Don't cry, Radiant, or do, but don't give up! Try asking in the Questions area if there is a way to improve the appearance on a phone. Give me a second and I'll grab a link for you. Here, try this.

    I wonder if the show will ever answer the "Who actually sent the assassin to kill a comatose Bran?"

    Here's one: Maybe it was Jojen Reed. I'm only sort of kidding there. He said he can move through time in his visions, right? He had seen Ned and his father during the rebellion. Maybe his future self sent the assassin, to start this all?

    Unlikely, yes. In fact, I admit, it's a totally outlandish notion. However, since we've suspected everyone other than Bran (uh...wait, Bran can move through time in those visions too, can't he? Maybe HE sent the assassin?) and we still don't have anything close to an answer on that.

    Joffrey sounded like a pretty good candidate, seeing as any Lannister wouldn't have used Tyrion's knife. Unless it was Cersei and Cersei actually seemed freaked out when she pushed Jaime and yelled, "What were you thinking? He's a ten year old child!" back in season one (that might be a very slight paraphrase).

  6. Hey abcfsk, glad to see you made it across the Narrow Sea and weren't bombed by pigshit at any point. I'm assuming.


    At the moment, there's no acual list, but I will post the first part later today. I'll add to it in the following days, until all those names are up there. Damn they're many.. I can see why you need the list ;)

    You begin to sense why we make small wheels with god figures for the folks that are willing to maintain that stuff for us, Nymeria. Seriously, thank you. The cast of characters is just freaking vast.


    Okay, one tavern song (or the like) coming up before the first ep airs next week. So now we'll see if, in shimpy's immortal phrase, they really do write themselves.

    I can stare fixedly at you, Pallas, if you think it would aid the creative process, but I have a feeling it will make you just want to stuff me in a well, so I will give that a pass.

    Less than a week to go. So here's my spitball. I think we're going to find out where the Reeds are taking Bran early on. I still sort of hope Pallas's long ago spitball that Jojen is actually dead turns out to be true. That he's some sort of Dream Walker.

  7. Thanks, Nymeria, that is super appreciated. I adored Taco for bailing us out on that -- candidly, I'm often the person who can't absorb a name for love nor money, unless I see it written out -- and if you're willing to edit Taco's list enough for us to use it, there won't be any "Hey, that stuff on TWoP is copyrighted" issues.  We'll sing songs about your coolness.   Pretty much literally, 'cause it doesn't take much to inspire a song.  Your help on this matter will earn you more than one ribald toast.  I look to Pallas for this,  She's the wordsmith, I'm the drinker.  

    Yeah, Pallas , joliefaire did mention that she was using the third season character bio list to get us started.  I'm with you, I'd rather not use HBO's stuff, just because they'll go romping off into book-lore pretty easily and they don't draw a firm line on "seen on the show" vs. "gleaned from a book" .  

    That first season is alway so hard to rewatch, abelard.  That scene of the Starks at Winterfell being happy just gets worse and worse in terms of "Oh the painful frakking irony of the 'happy family' at Winterfell."  I mean, I didn't think it was going to get much worse than after Ned died, but lo and behold?  Whole new level of suck, just waiting to be revealed.  

    I'm almost relieved now, because there aren't that many characters I feel protective towards, which means whatever gruesome, hideous, soul-crushing stuff goes down, I'll be less likely to want to cry and more likely to "Well, that's the Seven Kingdoms for you.  Sucking to live in since Autumn at least." The exceptions to this are Gendry (So I assume someone is going to make both a lamp and an ottoman out of that poor kid, because that's what honor in any form gets you in the 7), Sansa, because all she ever really did was want what she was told she should want only to have it go pear-shaped and sucktastic on new, unexplored levels, Osha and Rickon  (because if Osha had just done what any other person in that Kingdom would have -- not kept her word to Robb Stark about being his loyal and faithful servant if he'd just spare her life -- I'm assuming she'll be the drapes and throw pillow in hell's living room, or whatever Theon's torturer has in mind for all things Stark for that bit of decency and honor) and then ...yeah, that's pretty much it.


    Everyone else can wield a sword, run like hell or doesn't go charging into danger trying to save the other good folks in the story.  Jaime decided to save Brienne in the Grizzly Pit, so I'm assuming he too will pay for that bit of kindness).  

    I know, I'm getting my own grim on here, but I'm just trying to shellac my heart in preparation for the new season.

    Edited because whoa...did I ever mess up that coding.

  8. By the "hit on Tyrion," do you mean at the end of the Blackwater battle, when Tyrion was slashed in the face?  I was almost certain that was Cercei.  Or...maybe Tyrion and Cercei had the convo at the beginning of S3, when Tyrion accuses Cercei to her face of trying to have him killed, and Cercei denies it?  So maybe Tyrion thought it was Cercei, but really it was Joffrey?

    Other people chimed in already,but when Tyrion confronts Cersei about it the implication is that it was Joffrey, because Tyrion starts talking about the special, rabid crazy that is Jofrrey in the same conversation.  

    Taco was in medical school and I think was lost for Character list updating to that endeavor, which is entirely cool and I hope he does well in life, healing the real folks rather than protecting our eyes.   Joilefaire over on TWoP already took care of the character list for us, checked it against the character guide on HBO.  Apparently the only info it has not yet onscreen is the house mottos.  I figured we'd all be cool with that, but if not, please let it be known.  I do think that Maximum Taco has Minimum Freetime these days though and can't help us out with the character list.  We do have a good bookwalker looking out for that already though.  So hopefully we'll have something to boost my complete inability to remember character names or (and this is the key) spell them.  

    Edited to add: Okay guys, I checked the character guide joliefaire linked to trying to see if I could spot anything.  The house mottos are on there.  So I now know the Lannister motto for sure when I didn't before, but that was the only thing that stood out to me as things I hadn't encountered on the show.  Anyone else want to double-check me? 

  9. Yes, after they are freed by the Head Mongol in Space.  So they are gifted with their freedom from head dude.  

    So "uplifting" in that "I only vaguely want to throw myself into a volcano now" way.  Also, Sam becomes magically competent again when she puts her pants back on and freed from the dazzling dress of distracting cleavage, Daniel, Jack and Teal'c are able to talk to her again without being stuck dumb after she conceals her killer breasts once more. 

    Okay, so maybe a "where's a volcano when you need one?" moment or two.  

    Oh hey! There's a creative idea for where I could stick my DVDs!

    • Love 1
  10. .  Many of us wondered in the second season, around the Blackwater episode I think, why wouldn't Tywin just do away with Joffrey since he had a spare right there?

    I don't think Tywin would have Joffrey killed.  Tywin seems to stop just short of actually killing family members.  Allowing them to die or putting them in positions where they are likely to perish? Yes, we've seen him actually do that with Tyrion.  We also know that Tywin loathes Tyrion on a very personal level and even has himself kind of convinced that Tyrion might not be his son (remember, Tywin said that if he could prove that Tyrion wasn't his, he'd do it).  I'm fairly certain that the only thing that kept Tyrion alive all these years is that Tywin Lannister will not stoop to killing his own blood.  Leaving them in the path of certain death?  Sure, but he won't arrange for an actual assassination. 

    Joffrey will though, so it seems like he'd be sort of easy to convince that Tywin would and that would necessitate offing Tommen or Tomin.  Or Tywin, for that matter, but Joffrey's also a screaming coward when you get right down to it and since the hit on Tyrion didn't actually work, I doubt he'd try when it came to Tywin, because he'd fear what would happen if it didn't work.  Tommen's a kid, so I can see Joffrey deciding to kill him without a problem.  He certainly seems to have no real familial attachment to anyone.  Although weirdly he got choked up at Robert's beside when Robert was dying.  

    Maybe he was just bummed that he didn't get to see the goring. 

  11. We do have other spare Lannisters though, don't we?  Hey abelard, good to see you.  We need Taco's character list , or my failing brain really does, but here goes:  There is the Lannister who was Robert's cup bearer (and likely drugged his wine) Lancell or Lancet? Something like that. Likely Lancell simply because I think I'd have remembered if he had a name interchangeable with a medical supply.  He also had an affair with Cersei and Tryion blackmailed him at one point, because he's also a coward (if the drugged wine didn't give that away).  

    Then there is Myrcella (daughter of Cersei and Robert-but-really-Jaime ) and then the Littlest Lannister, Joffrey's brother, who was showing signs of having at least some Lannister ass in him.  He was one of the ones yukking it up at the dinner table about Robb Stark being dead in some "wouldn't it be cool!" type of scenario or that might have been Myrcella.  Anyway, that kid is like the Rickon-lite character for the Lannisters, so they could off him to get Cersei to fully lose her bird and I wouldn't actually put it past Joffrey to contemplate having him killed, because as long as Lannister-whose-name-I-currently-forget is hanging around being a male with the last name of Baratheon but the real parentage of Lannister, Joffrey has someone who could have a claim to the throne at his back.  We've already seen that the Brothers Baratheon in the form of Renly and Stannis weren't above a little fratricide to try and secure a claim. 

    In fact, as long as the spare to the heir is there, Joffrey is in some peril from Tywin, I think.  Remember, "Everyone who isn't Us is an enemy." (Cersei to Joffrey) Well, in the case of being a despised ruler, everyone who isn't Joffrey and is seen as a legitimate heir is something of an enemy for good King Psychopants.   Plus we already know that Joffrey will have relatives killed, since he put the hit out on Tyrion. 

    Say, there's an idea, I wonder if Margaery would plant that seed in Joffrey's head?  Kill Littlest Lannister with Forgettable name and she has just cemented her position even more. 



    I could see a scenario in which Joffrey tries to rape Sansa and she kills him,

    I can't see that shaping up that directly, abel.  Joffrey has never shown any interest in actual sex.  Torture and cruelty turns him on, but it doesn't seem to take a sexual bent in any way, shape or form.  Yes, I do know that rape is not about the act of sex in a lot of ways, but Joffrey seems more likely to have Sansa beaten, etc.  than to actually try to touch her himself.  Joffrey is, above all else, a coward and until he killed Ros, he always had someone else doing the nasty deeds.  I don't think the act of killing Ros changed that.  Poor dead Ros.  

    Tomin! Right? Is the Littlest Lannister, Tomin? 

  12. White Stumbler left us last season, janjan, but he didn't go over the wall and into the library.  He suffered from the inability to Unsee.  I'll see if I can find him out there on the 'net.  It turned out that he -- like apparently several of our Unsullied -- happened upon the giant ass "Red Wedding" spoiler and he felt that was too big a one to know for the season and speculate on it.  At least, I'm assuming it was the Red Wedding one.  He pm'd me to say he'd been spoiled on a big element of the season and was going to excuse himself until such time as it was passed.  

    Since I'm guessing it was the worst wedding reception ever I think he'd be in the clear to come back, but I'll try reaching out to him.  We might have lost him to the ether though.  I forget how many times we're supposed to blow the horn for a fallen comrade.  3eyedpigeon took the book plunge the other day (why, why did you leave me!!!! I'm going to become feral, like Rickon, talking to the statuary in the crypt).  

    The other person we've been missing for eons is gingerella -- the person who coined the use of the word Bookwalker and other extreme hilarity.  Ulle has sadly left us too, which is why I really need to copy that thread over on TWoP, because man, she had some classics in there.  

  13. May as a start works for me as well, although I do think we'd be fine starting in April too.  

    The cool thing about rewatches is that people can also just sort of focus on the episodes they just really like to revisit and not dwell too much on ...oh...Emancipation (written by a woman, y'all, the SG1 factoid that still floors me) ...if they don't feel like it, if we have a less formalized structure.  The reason I think it would be fine to start in April is I personally think that Season 1 is the season in the early years most likely to have the "Why don't I just read the episode description on that one and call it watched, because EGADS that was bad." episodes.  

    It's also got truly good, fun and team building episodes too, but -- and clearly whatever works for the majority is what is best -- I figured it would be the least discussed of the seasons and therefore it wouldn't matter too much if the rewatch attendance was lower than it might otherwise be.  

    What do you guys think?  It's just in the past and with a lot of scifi shows (exception being my seldom spoken of these days, BSG) first seasons tend to be a little scattershot and "they were still finding their feet" and ye gods and little fishes, was that ever the case here (in my opinion, but ...Emancipation and Hathor, yo).  

  14. True, and Joffrey hates Sansa in a particular, personal way, unlike the rest of humanity within Westeros so her safety is of some concern.  

    Still Pallas, Tywin doesn't want the Lannister heir to come from Tyrion, even in name only.  At least, I don't think he does.  Tywin made it clear all the way back in the scene when we met him:  He thinks it is time for Jaime to take his rightful place in the family and step up to his Lannister responsibilities.  So I think he's likely to have Joffrey boot Jaime off of the King's Guard and get busy arranging a marriage for Jaime rather than try to get the bastard spawn of Jaime and Sansa into the heir slot.  

    Tywin hates the living hell out of Tryion and made it clear he's not going to make him heir to Casterly Rock.  So he's already cleared up that possibility.  I think it's more likely that Jaime and Tywin will have their showdown over who he expects Jaime to marry now.  I don't know where Jaime's feelings for Cersei enter into all of this.  Realistically, their relationship is what started the entire mess.  Or at least the mess to which we were witness  Arguably that mess started when Jon Arryn said, "you should marry Cersei Lannister, it's a good match' to Robert." It's so strange how commonplace the whole 'Oh yeah, that affair between siblings that ruined an entire world' is, to the extent that I almost don't give it enough credit.  

    So what happens when Jaime finally sees Cersei again after all this time and all that has happened? Does he take one look at her and say, "What were we thinking?  Also, our son? Seriously a Psycho."  or...? 

    Hey, one thing occurred to me and brightened my world yesterday.  No more Camp Inbreeding at Craster's House of Ick.  Then I recalled that the Wildlings are headed for the scattered/tattered remnants of the Crows and whereas the Wildlings aren't as bad as Craster, it's not like they're all the fun either.  

    Maybe Allister Thorne will finally make it to King's Landing with the Undead Paw.  

  15. Janjan, you're back!  I just saw your screenname the other day and wondered.  Here you are! Perhaps I have conjuring abilities now?  Hey, it could happen  Okay, probably not, but it's still good to see you.  Hi izabella! Pallas, way to bring the grim.  Or at least, that was my first reaction before realizing, I think you're right.  Tywin doesn't seem sadistic, just practical to the point that he might as well be.  

    Since Bran and Rickon (the Neglected) are both thought to be dead, Sansa is believed to be the Stark who could provide an heir.  Admittedly, I'm just less certain that Tywin actually gives a true crap about whether or not he has a "rightful" heir to Winterfell (now sort of Winterpile since it was sacked) .  The Starks are defeated.  Was the family named Castamere in that ever-so-uplifting song? Or was it the place? Either way (and you knew this was coming) the tavern song practically writes itself there when it comes to Robb Stark's wedding.  I don't think Tywin will be looking to appease anyone.    

    The legend of the Starks dying basically flips off the need for currying any favor with the North, I think. If word doesn't get out -- and it will despite Joffrey maiming the hell out of any musician that sang an unapproved lyric -- that the Ballad of Don't Fuck with the Lannisters was playing while the Starks died en masse, Tywin seems more likely to dispatch minstrels to make with the spreading of the word than anything else.  

    This is the guy who responded to the imprisoning of the son he actively wishes was dead with burning the Riverlands, right?  "Pigshit" memories of Yore and Monty Python escapees to boot.  This is also the guy who turned on the King he was Hand to (boy, that was an awkward sentence) and that's only slightly less famous than his son having killed that same King. 

    I'm just saying, I'm really not sure that Tywin feels like he needs to do anything legitimately and with honor of any kind, even in the pretense of it "Look,  a Stark heir.  Of sorts.  Follow him, her, them.  Shut up or I'll burn your children."  He seems to skip that and go straight to "What? You disagree and want to stage a rebellion?  Burn their children."  So I have fewer fears about Sansa's safety.  Besides, Jaime doesn't seem to have a long history of obeying the Pater.  I'm not sure why he'd start now.

    I'm more interested in who Jaime will be now that the man can't fight.  That was his entire identity.  Does Cersei still have to marry Loras? For Loras's sake, I sincerely hope not.  I always forget that Stannis is still out there, trying to stake a claim.  What happens now that Melisandre's (jeez, that's the Red Witch's name, right? ) leech curse seemed to work.  Will Stannis now step aside and let Gendry be slaughtered when word reaches him that Robb Stark is dead?  

    Janjan, I think you're right about Dany in that, I doubt she would kill Gendry simply to be spiteful.  Kill him because he's the last male Baratheon of any description in his generation?  Yeah, I think she'd kill him.  Or kill him because just hearing Robert's name would make her get her Melt On? Yeah, I think that too.  I think the Dany who smiled at kids (who turned out to be blue lipped wizards) learned harsh lessons about where mercy gets her when it comes to any kind of enemy. 

  16. Welcome to the Wall, Purple Bananaa and I like the new look, 90PercentGravity.  Did you forget most of last season thanks to the eye-searing trauma, by any chance, because that's why I've yet to complete a rewatch on the developments of last season.  I'm in denial about the Slaughter of Starks to this moment.  

    Sansa is the the character you're thinking of 90PercentGravity.   

    I almost hope Gendry isn't in Dany's path.  I can't even imagine how badly it would go for the poor guy if Dany discovers, "Robert Baratheon was your father, you say?"  because I'm willing to bet Dany holds a few grudges about the death of Drago and her own child.  Not, mind you, that Robert Baratheon caused those, but the attempt on Dany's life via Wine Merchant was courtesy of Robert.  

    Also, there are all the little dead Targaryens from the Rebellion and worse still, her father and brother, one of whom Robert famously killed.  Be the Blacksmith's kid if you encounter Dany, Gendry.  Take my word for it here.  You don't want to pull an overshare about your parentage.  

  17. Absolutely, supposebly, the best thing about scifi fans is we always gladly make room at the figurative cafeteria table for all fans.  Stick your tray down and share some thoughts.  

    anstar, I love that title.  Let's do that.  

    Hey, how about this, why don't we start a season thread once per month?  That way it isn't "this week we watch This and That" which is where our rewatches always go wrong, because it is too long of a time commitment and with so many seasons, too much to keep track of for people.  Also, we're all longtime fans so there are invariably "oh my gods and demons, do I really have to watch Hathor sex up O'Neill??" type of episodes that aren't as fun to rewatch and the only way to get through them -- speaking solely for me -- is to barrel on through them.  


    So what if we had "In the month of April, rewatch and discuss Season One, at your own pace" type of schedule, May season two, etc. ?  While having all season threads available for ongoing discussion and if anyone wants to jump ahead because they couldn't sleep or had a full weekend free (or those Doritos weren't just going to eat themselves) .  That way we're not locking anyone down, holding anyone back or trying to keep too swift a pace.  

    Any thoughts? Suggestions?  Creative places you'd like me to shove my DVDs? (in that home brewing kit gathering dust in the storage space, as a for instance).  

    It's just with ten seasons, it's hard to schedule X number per week, etc. without losing half the watchers by the third season.  

    Thank you, (wants to call you Glark, but I'm trying here), David! That would be cool.  Can we hit you up when we settle on a way to do this?  

    • Love 3
  18. Boy, reading through the old Wall thread made me miss White Stumbler and Ulle like crazy.  Here we go, White Stumbler's Oath: 


    Book Walkers gather, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until the end of this epic show.

    I shall snark no fellow Spitballers, read no GRRM books, reveal no spoilers. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory, but a hat is OK if needed.

    I shall live and die at my post on the Spitball Wall. I am the words in the darkness. I am the watcher for Book Walkers on this forum.

    I am the fire that burns against the boredom, the light that brings insight, the horn that wakes the sleepers to odd plot possibilities, the shield that guards the realms of this thread from spoilers. I pledge my life and honor to the Spitball Wall, for this post and all the posts to come.  - White Stumbler

    ... because Winter is...well, you've probably already heard that rumor. Swords at the ready, sweaters within reach, we stand! - me

  19. Thank you, mad_typist! That would be greatly appreciated.  

    Also , hey, just by-the-by, how's your bandwith here? I take it that thread, where we sort of wander around in circles trying to figure out what the heck is going on, is kind of popular with a large reader's site.  One of the bookwalkers pointed out to me in a PM on TWoP when we learned the site was closing that traffic tends to spike after an episode.  

    I swear to by the old gods and the new, I am generally not as much of a pain in the butt as this particular post might be leading you to believe at present.  

  20. Oh good point about Codger.  Vala's butt! Vala's butt! Vala's butt! Codger!! 

    It's like a Codger lure.  We can humanely trap him when he pokes his head in.  

    Someone's also going to need to find elle, particularly if DanJan gets mentioned. 

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