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Red Fields

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Everything posted by Red Fields

  1. It makes it too hard to multi-task. I feel the same way about The Americans.
  2. I was wondering about where she was getting gasoline. It's a walker, I bet.
  3. Her phone still works???? When and where has she been charging it?
  4. Do we know where they are supposed to be? It's about 70F in Tijuana right now. What month is is supposed to be?
  5. The kids are wearing hoodies too, and they are running around outside.
  6. I bet Travis ends up killing Chris at some point.
  7. First lesson, at night, with zombies all around. What could go wrong?
  8. And why couldn't he tell his father about the live people. On second thought he was probably right. Travis would want to makes friends with them.
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