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Red Fields

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Everything posted by Red Fields

  1. I agree, leaving the party without telling her friends was not cool. And leaving the car out front was not genius.
  2. I appreciated that Cleo's murder was done offscreen. It's been hard not to root for her getting away despite the fact that we know she is dead from the first episode. Seems logical that Reggie did it but I guess we'll find out. I really wanted Maddie to shout out to the whole party that Allan raped her. Seems very possible that he is Seth's biological father. They sure have the same hateful personality.
  3. So glad they stayed platonic without a hint of anything otherwise. Even though they fought, they seemed to truly be able to be themselves with each other which was really nice to see. Unfortunately, they also brought out the worst in each other frequently. It seemed realistic that Sylvia was not able to hack the rigors of starting at the beginning of lawyering after 13 years off (not to mention having three kids) but IANAL so I could be wrong. I hope they can find a true balance for their friendship during the second season, instead of having long periods where they don't see each other much.
  4. I know you've had it rough, Maggie, but damn, that was disappointing.
  5. I was waiting for Dodi's phone to ring while he was telling off his father.
  6. Gillian Anderson is 55! And she looks it. That is not to say she looks bad, not at all. If Jean is supposed to be the same age, she would have given birth to Otis at 38 which is already on the older side. To have a surprise pregnancy and a healthy baby 17 years later is too far fetched. The chance of getting pregnant in your 50s without medical intervention is basically zero. I agree with Bastet, if they wanted Jean's romance to break up and have her be a mess, they should've come up with a more believable way.
  7. I just can't get past the fact that the actress is too old to have just had a surprise (!) baby without medical intervention.
  8. I vote for cringeworthy cheesy too.
  9. I wonder about this too. Losing Jericho (again) and Julian could be the end of Dorothy.
  10. Those Blair Witch crosses indicated to me that Leanne brought Jericho back from the dead.
  11. I just finished the third ep. Yeah, I think they killed Sara/Asha, poor little thing. If that is why Henrik is in jail, that is fine with me.
  12. The bracelet she was wearing in the pub scene with her mother was gorgeous! So glad Roy finally joined The Diamond Dogs! Every time they howl and make doggie noises and gestures I crack up. Roy’s “ruff” was perfect! The only real complaint I have is how depressing I found all the scenes concerning Ted’s decision to leave and the actual trip home. Yeah, of course he missed his son - I don’t know how he ever could have left him to begin with - but oy, how could he trade the Richmond life for the one back home in KC? Just seeing his car pull up in suburban USA was such a downer after the vibrant neighborhood in England, just blecch. And coaching his son’s team after The Greyhounds, the wonderful family that it is? Even the goldfish comment couldn’t make that right for me.
  13. I adored that Susie routinely fed the pigeons on the inside windowsill in her office. I knew it was a bad idea for Midge to put her arm on it and chuckled when she got poop on her elbow. That dress was really nice too. I agree that the heart of the story was the deep and enduring relationship between the two of them. I teared up at the end and really enjoyed the whole Maisel ride.
  14. Thank you for this info! I just watched it with my son and husband (on Netflix) and it was terrific!
  15. I guess I am in the minority. I find all of the parents entertaining, especially Abe, even if I don’t love them. The stereotypes crack me up. I am of the tribe and I definitely have seen people like them. I thought grown-up Ethan’s voice had Abe’s cadence, not Joel’s. Maybe I need to go back and listen again.
  16. I’ve never heard of it! I’m tempted to drop by the next time I go past the airport!
  17. I think I posted last season at some point, that Rose’s hats seemed to be growing larger with every appearance. The outfit was great but that hat was approaching Cat In The Hat proportions and wrecked it for me. The airport mise en scene was fabulous; it was Kubrick-worthy! I felt like we dropped into 2001: A Space Oddessey.
  18. And Jinger is still in a cult. Just a slightly different one.
  19. I just couldn’t with that hair color.
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