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Posts posted by Brooks

  1. That doesn't help Darius-Grace-Harris.  Maybe Darius and Grace elect for adultery (I'm assuming Grace and Harris married), but Harris happily joins up with Alonzo because bro love is more important anyway.

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  2. 3 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    Darius leaves Grace's (I never met a man I didn't like) bed in the morning and when he comes back in the evening for round two, he finds out she is happily married.


    And then falls into such a deep depression that he no longer cares about saving the world.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Llywela said:

     what did happen with Grace's father, in the end? I mean, after being refused a Presidential pardon, he got busted out of prison by Navy Seals, that's what we were told, right? Not very stealthy, Harris - so you'd think there would be consequences for that, but we've not heard of any. Was he returned to prison? Did he get on the plane to nowhere? Is he in hiding? Does anyone actually care, or have they all moved on to the next crisis and forgotten him completely?

    I believe he was getting busted out of a prison hospital, still in pretty bad shape.  I figured he would continue to need medical care for a while.  Maybe Grace will get a 10 second phone call from him that wraps up that frayed end.

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  4. 18 minutes ago, Latverian Diplomat said:

    I smell spinoff!

    The year is 1987 2018, and NASA launches the last of America's deep space probes asteroid defense ships. In a freak mishap, Ranger 3 Salvation and its pilot, Captain William "Buck" Rogers Darius Tanz, are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems, and returns Buck Rogers Darius to Earth...500 years later!

    ,,,where thanks to inflation Darius' billions are now worth squat.  That's gotta hurt!

    • Love 3
  5. She has resources and support sufficient to continue her fantasy.  Her enablers make that possible.  I am elderly and on my own.  Some resources, really no support.  It was an easy call to look after my health.  I'm twice her age.  I don't think she has ever been as healthy as I am right now.  <sticking my tongue out at Twit>

    • Love 7
  6. 15 minutes ago, treetop said:

    I thought she would go grocery shopping like normal ppl do and not order ready to eat meals. Shes all abt healthy but pizza and chinese isnt that healthy at all... 

    She orders so many pizzas that she has 4 different apps on her smart phone so it isn't the same delivery guy every evening.  Because it would be fat shaming if a pizza delivery man recognized the address, LOL.

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  7. Just two episodes left.  After last evening I'm concerned our beloved asteroid really will be blown apart.  That's based on the evangelical look on Darius' face during the last scene as he stood in front of the Ark.

    • Love 2
  8. That's 8 eggs a day by someone close to 400 pounds.  I'm 118 and average 2 or 3 eggs a day.  So not concerned about the calories and my lab numbers are to die for!  It's inflammation she has to watch out for and she has that in spades from what she has told and shown us.

    Guess we know why she has to order so many meal deliveries.  Otherwise she would be spending all her time grocery shopping.  Three times as many grocery bags to lug home as us haters.

    All these recent dance events on her SM pages.  She must still be filming which means we won't get our Whitney fix probably until next winter.  I'm counting on my senior moments erasing everything she has told us so far about likely plot lines.  I feel we should be developing a checklist we can scan through as the season progresses.

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  9. 8 minutes ago, treetop said:

    As far as I know you are supposed to eat only 5 eggs. A WEEK! Lol. 

    Even the American Heart Association dumped that advice a long time ago, but the eggs really should be pastured if that is available.

    But sounds like another Whitney lie exposed.  She isn't eating 8 eggs for breakfast if she isn't eating breakfast at all except for her sugar and cream drenched latte.  Wasn't she complaining that she only ate dinner and still couldn't lose weight? Yeah, sure.

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  10. Darius' life limiting Huntington's (have to work that back into the plot line) becomes the reason he sacrifices himself to go after the asteroid, with the VP at his heels.  Liam and Alycia (who now has nothing better to do) become Prez and Vice Prez.  Grace watches her beloved Darius slipping into the great blue and slumps into the arms of, well, whoever.

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