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Posts posted by Genki

  1. Threats of rape is the number I can't count. Actual rape so far is somewhere between 0 and 1. The way it happened I'm not sure if she stabbed him before or after it started. :( When they talked about what happened it focused more on her having killed someone so I couldn't tell if that was why she was in shock or not. She probably was but I cling to deniability.

    I peaced out from the books after

    the daughter travels through the stones and is raped

  2. Yeah it is much easier to get a way with a recast in a comedy.


    I mentioned Roseanne because they they went back to the original Becky after quite a while, and switched them around a few more times. Being a comedy they were able to make a lot of jokes about it.

  3. When a character's acceptance/likability improves because they are kept in the background all Season, they should be the logical choice to to "kill-off" when plotting out a death arc.


    I think Laurel has been the best she has been for a long time in this episode, but a short amount of decentness doesn't make up for 3+ season of failure. I'm glad she was written out since character-wise she didn't gel and lots of things had to be written around her, to make her fit in or even provide screen-time.


    I don't think it is a sign of sexism or fridging to kill off Laurel, since a character who doesn't fit organically (MG has made this such a dirty word to use) into the narrative  should be written out regardless of gender or race, etc.

    • Love 16
  4. Since I do believe there was a fair bit of BTS politics and tip-toeing around KC's status in Arrow, now that Laurel is dead I hope that certain elements which I've enjoyed previously will be back in the show.


    • More OTA adventures, including Felicity out in the field, like when they were infiltrating Merlyn Global or blowing up the Applied Sciences building
    • Less separation of TA members I want more Diggle & Felicity scenes, and more non-mask bonding like Thea & Felicity at the Diggles feeding Baby Sara
    • More Lyla and Lyla interacting individually with Felicity or Oliver and even Thea (and more Dyla goes without saying)
    • More Oliver/Felicity stunts, like Swinging through Lian Yu or Catapulting over the Stair rails, or zip-lining out the Clock Tower
    • Better fight scene and less of "everyone must be included" walk-up or jump-down shots
    • Training Scenes with Salmon Laddering or Tyre pounding and Felicity ogling
    • Olicity Awkward cuteness as they find they way back to each other and knowing looks from Diggle and Thea, like the Roy/Diggle eye-brows of 3.01 
    • Felicity and Thea friendship, show interaction independent of Oliver, 4.17 was good start now we need more
    • More girl-power scenes, with Felicity/Thea/Lyla/Donna, I loved the Foundry attack Scene with Felicity/Caitlin/Lyla in 3.08 and 4.17 was a good start
    • Felcity Lance scenes, I liked the working relationship that was established in S1 & S2
    • More non-island Flashbacks for Felicity and Thea and Diggle
    • Sara returning interacting and fighting with TA for and episode or 2
    • More Diggle heart-to-Hearts with Oliver or Felicity about how he is doing


    There are bunch more things I hope to see, like Oliver and Felicity working their way back to each other and stunts in streetwear (not Masks), but these are the things which I think can happen more easily now they don't have to take Laurel-factor into account.


    ETA:  Better show promotion!!

    • Love 15
  5. Someone better at this than I should post pics of SA at the MTV awards. He looks very handsome. No hat of any kind.






    i found this, article 'Arrow' Star Stephen Amell Reveals His Best On-Screen Kiss. I'm glad TMNT is making him do some press stuff that he normally wouldn't do.


    Here's one image from the article, he is handsome, but not sure about that jacket.





    from the 2nd twitter link



    • Love 5
  6. This show kills of female characters only to propel male character's arcs. It's the one thing about which I've always been irritated. This was no different. The first time they did it with Shado it really pissed me off. Now I'm just tired of it.


    I disagree, Sara was killed to propel Laurel into the BC role, as poorly and shoehorned as it was to see Laurel's "Journey to being the Black Canary" it would have been 100 times worse if Sara was around as a viable alternate Black Canary for Laurel to be compared against. Sara's training, character beats and relationship  with Oliver fits much better with the "cannon" BC story IMO, so in order to make Laurel more viable as the BC Sarah had to Die so she was the only option with the name.


    If it had been said in show that, while Laurel full name was "Dinah Laurel Lance", if Sarah's full name was "Sarah Dinah Lance", so much of the "because comics" arguments would be gone, IMO.

    • Love 10
  7. I did't like either leads in Lucifer, but I especially don't find the guy playing Lucifer charming or tempting or suave, which is how I believe he is meant to be portrayed. There is something in his mannerisms which negate what they are trying to sell, for me.

    • Love 1
  8. If "Schism" is referring to Team Arrow I hope it's due to outside circumstances, I don't want fighting, between the Team....Actually, I really don't want it to refer to them at all.


    Maybe they are separating the factions of H.I.V.E. maybe Ruve and Darhk and separating with DD breaking off form the main body, I mean he must be pissed that they were willing to let him rot in jail, once he was de-powered. They may even want to help TA de-power him again.


    Warning: Wild speculation ahead based.


    If the SC Bay was the only source of the algae the supports the corn palace place, maybe they will try to flood SC to mass produce it. Episode 4.22 is titled after the Flood...could be literal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Love 5
  9. AR419b_0154b.jpg


    This totally looks like Oliver's "I :heart Felicity" face. 


    It's a bit irksome that they are dragging out Laurel death like this, especially with the hiatus. Seems like they are keeping the wound exposed as long as possible.


    Going forward, if they are acknowledging Laurel as the Black Canary what will it mean for Team Arrow's identities, they surely can't remain a secret now.


    Thea's ex-boyfriend and current roommate both exposed as vigilantes, Oliver's been accused more than once, it seems like they are leading up to a secret identity exposure, but I'm not sure if that is a good idea, story-wise for the show. Unless Felicity has been scrubbing video footage, surely Team Arrow's image has been captured somewhere. People should be putting things together.


    Even if it's just Laurel who is exposed as a vigilante, will all her convictions as ADA be overturned? If she hadn't died, she would have probably lost her job, right? Or is this moot because so many inmates escaped Iron-height with Dahrk?


    I wonder if one of those inmates that escaped was Papa Smoak...

    • Love 5
  10. If they really want to do a CEO plotline, I really wish they would just rename it Smoak Industries instead or have her start her own company. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing about Palmer Tech when there is no more Palmer on the show. And hopefully Palmer will remain off the show.

    Agree I was wondering if they are waiting for Olicity wedding to change name to Queen Inc. (shown in The Flash news paper in S1) or is that off the table after too much time-travel hi-jinx?

    • Love 1
  11. It might be the death Episode but tonight isn't KC's final episode so I think posting "Good-byes" isn't the right time for now. 


    I haven't watched the clip, since I usually don't but, I will give Oliver a pass for not recognising the Idol since Vixen smashed it and maybe he didn't get enough time to look at it whole...I don't know.


    Regardless if they are going to reassemble it, maybe they should leave 15% of the Statue pieces at Star Labs or something so the power can't come back.



    My problem with Oliver's spotty memory or repression or what have you being considered a character "flaw" is that it's completely dismissive of the trauma that Oliver experienced. Memory loss, fuzzy memories all of that is a real thing for someone that experiences the kind of trauma Oliver did.


    I just figured Oliver's own team members and family might just for a moment consider that as an option instead of jumping to "Well aren't you a dick for not sharing". 


    I thought Oliver's reaction to Laurel was interesting because he genuinely looked more confused and nonplussed than defensive about it. I think the totem is going to be used to reveal a really truly horrific thing he's been repressing.



    I have a bad enough memory without any traumatic life altering event.

  12. OMG I spent all day defending Felicity and Olicity. I have been called an Olicity shipper so many times today. It feels like an alternate universe O.o

    It might be good for your mental health to stay in a happy safe Arrow related bubble.....

    I'm definitely relying on this forum and the media thread; especially @tv echo to chart where it is safe to go.

    If they roumours about EPs wanting to get rid of KC in season 2 but couldn't due to network interference are true, I think that compliants that Arrow didn't honour BC are not valid for me. IMO they did a great BC origin story for Sara, (I'm also glad that Sara has her own show to shine as the Canary seperate from Arrow) they just didn't follow one for Dinah Laurel Lance.

    I'm looking forward to see what Arrow can be without "because comics" as a reason why the show MUST be written a certain way.

    Finally I've decided I will go home first watch Arrow then go to my Dad's for his birthday, priorities people!

    • Love 15
  13. No, there are a bunch of others. Also, if the new mayor were Oliver, why would she be torn about taking a job from him? And why would he be dealing with her decision when he made the offer? 


    Also if Oliver was Mayor, why would he even offer a job to Laurel? She was never part of his campaign and for vigilante activity her being in the DA's office is way better for TA .


    Last week Ruve was offering the job to Thea's boyfriend and Laurel suggested he try for one at PT, probably getting rid of the competition. 

  14. I think they dropped the Echo as regular news because he can be used as replacement for everybody on team arrow-Mask comic hero: BC/Speedy, Black Driver/second male in the Arrow cave: Diggle and Tech guy: Felicity. He also can replace Barry/Cisco so no need for more cross overs...



    Also no room for Ray Palmer to return. :evil grin


    I don't mind them dropping the news about Echo's status this week, IMO I'd prefer if he takes some heat for Laurel's death that could potentially go to Felicity.


    I'm glad we got confirmation about Papa Smoak returning, what I find interesting is that in this week's Ask Ausiello that had this spoiler for Supergirl, about "Cadmus" which was on the Tech that Papa Somoak was using in 4.12.


    This AAnd That…

    ♦  Project Cadmus will “definitely” play a role in Supergirl‘s (not-yet-ordered) second season, according to exec producer Andrew Kreisberg, noting that the evil conglomerate “has such a rich history in the comics and the animated shows.” Until it makes its formal debut, Cadmus will “remain more of an evil, specter-y thing that’s out there.”

    • Love 3
  15. Regarding Gina Torres in suits, this is a little old but maybe still relevant

    Eva Sofia, which would be Torres’ first series-lead role, wouldn’t immediately affect her part on Suits. But if the series is greenlit, Torres will remain a regular through the USA Network drama’s upcoming sixth season “with her character likely phased out,” Deadline reports.

    Source: http://tvline.com/2016/03/04/gina-torres-leaving-suits-jessica-pearson-abc-pilot-the-death-of-eva-sofia-valdez/
    • Love 1
  16. I think they are worried about the reactions and want the media to soften the blow for the internet crowd. They won't reveal who died but they will say if the death was respectful or not, or if  it meant something. This is a big episode for them. Hopefully they do better with it then The Walking Dead did last night. 


    Also it might produce some hype for the episode, since heavens know that CW PR are not going to do it.

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