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Posts posted by Genki

  1. So the author who created Felicity's Ghost just posted another one-shot. One part, I feel, is a bit questionable (you'll know if/when you read it) but damn I'd be lying if I didn't say this didn't make me tear up! It's different, it's bitter-sweet (more bitter), but it's just ugh. Just read it. It's essentially rooted in canon but is also an AU. 


    Oh and this is pure Oliver/Felicity. For those of you who aren't very interested then yeah you shouldn't read this lol


    Check it out here: Strangers Again


    OMG that was soooo sad!!

  2. Thanks for the recommendations. I tried to wade through Fanfiction.net but there were just too many stories. I am trying to avoid angst stories because the show is so dark right now. But, anything Olicity centered that involves the rest of the cast reacting to them as a couple is enjoyable particularly if it takes place before Moira was killed. I think Moira's reaction to her son dating Felicity would be a riot.



    Try using this site. I linked the top ten authors page.

    • Love 1
  3. The earlier posts Page 1 in this thread pretty much have the all the good starting Fanfic recs.


    My rule of thumb for deciding what to read is a minimum 10 comments per chapter = well written.
    Also be wary of OC usual the authors stop writing about the characters you want to read about, and start making it all about the OC.

    • Love 1
  4. Do we know that for sure though? Because the episode description calls it a "work dinner" (or something like that) doesn't it? Both were for work, both were for "jobs". Both were bought for her by guys who are interested in her. To me there is no difference. 


    Was Oliver "interested" in her at that stage? I think he was heavily compartmentalising then and Oliver's reaction to Felicity in the gold dress was the first time he became very aware of Felicity as hot.


    I really not sure where they are going with the Ray parallels, I think the salmon ladder feels like point the show is crossing a line into SWFM

  5. A couple of new previews of "Draw Back Your Bow" from Asia (per SpoilerTV). The first one includes Thea and her possible new LI. The other has more Cupid and Oliver interaction, plus bonus Detective Lance sighting — HERE



    Love the title card, Heart Arrow change in the Asian in promo. also seeing some more Thea (but not floppy haired DJ LI)


    Out of all the promos for this episode, I love the extended US one.

    I love the cheekiness of Dylan Dray's "Pretty Thing", the focus on Cupid and how she is completely messing with Oliver.

    Amy Gumenick seems committed to the crazy in an entertaining way.

    Just makes it seem fun.

    • Love 1
  6. In this era of streaming media, continuity is the friend of every show runner. Someone who signs on to watch the show in two years on Netflix won't have the time between episodes to forget minute nor big details to later be retconned. It would be bad enough for viewers who buy the DVDs, but these days you don't have to. If you are still relying on income from DVD sales, you better have damn good extras.



    So far the Arrow extras have not been enough to buy the DVDs for me.

    I started this season planning to by season 2 and tossing up between buying Season 1.


    But after the current start to S3, I'm not sure even about buying Season 2.


    As an overseas, *cough*internet viewer*cough* DVD sales are the only way to make money from me.


    The plot holes and continuity does have to get better. I like that not everything is spelled out and that I have to sometimes interpret actions and intentions, but lately there has been a lot of fan-wanking required.


    Also agree with @tv echo, the addition of a non comic book EP may help with general direction and overall cohesiveness of the show.

    • Love 3
  7. I've been thinking about Oliver's controlling nature, it has been backfiring on him quite a bit and making him come across as a bit of a hypocritical dick.


    My take is 2-fold


    1. Oliver has had some really horrific choices and events occur during his 5 years away, he has seen and experienced where the darkness leads and does not want anyone he cares about to go on that journey willingly. Felicity, Thea and even Laurel.


    2. I think Oliver knows what he was when he was forced onto his journey, he was selfish, he lacked control and did whatever he wanted, that lead to the worst experiences of his life. As Oliver started to gain control he was better able to deal with the horror he was encountering, so of course he is never willing to give it up.


     So I'm giving him a pass on his actions with Laurel and Ted this week.  


    I appreciate how he handles each new suspect in the whole killed Sara mess and the way he is handling Roy this season has been great even if it feels little unearned to me.

    • Love 3
  8. The way this season is going for me, I will accept nothing less than a jump over to HBO territory. I want inappropriate TV-MA.


    The current time sex scenes with Oliver and the Lances have always been a bit awkward,for me, which is hilarious because the CW knows how to do sex scenes. But I think Arrow could do really hot Olicity. Come on show..I believe in you.


    I really want the morning after scenes, also angst free thankyouverymuch!!


    And OMG kiss in the rain damn you!!!!!

    And Oliver watering the fern!!!


    Lol!! I'm obsessed with NOT getting my hair wet, so this never works for me, but I respect it is a classic.

    Just happened on the Vampire Diaries this week, apparently this took 5 seasons since the fans started hoping for it.


    They need to explain why the fern changes pots this week...

  9. Thank you for the reminder @drspaceman10 (and @SonofaBiscuit)! Oliver + suspenders = hotness


    Next time the bowtie needs to be around his neck & undone and Felicity needs to be in scene. 


    I think I'll play too, if I have to put up with a love triangle then there are certain tropes I expect to see:


    • Slow dancing (with intense eye sex)
    • Return of the Olicity theme music
    • The baby holding/longing looks that @SonofaBiscuit brought up (otherwise what is the point of a baby on the show)
    • Shirtless Oliver and appreciative (or hot and bothered) Felicity and vice versa
    • Strangers and Mama Smoak telling them about what a great pair they make
    • Forced to pretend to be couple/married/lovers other undercover capers
    • Protecting each other from baddies 
    • Swinging around together (more of that please!)
    • A proper "I love you"
    • A gift exchange for Hanukkah/Christmas


    They are giving Ray the Company and company related scenes, being inside Felicity's apartment, meeting Mama Smoak first, "funny" dialogue, shirtlessness, salmon ladder, jewellery giving, I wonder if they will have more than 1/8 of a date as well.


    I think I would cope better with the love triangle if I was enjoying other aspects of the show more.


    Or there can be no triangle and they can organically build towards the relationship, I'm OK with that too!

    • Love 6
  10. The problem for me with Sin is that Sara's greeting the the killer was not what I would have expected in tone or body language, from Sara to Sin.


    Hahaha I don't really believe that Helena is the killer, but she ticks a lot of boxes and I can just see the EPs being thrilled with how "clever" it is to have the Huntress kill the original Canary.


    I can just see them being gleeful about the potential conflict between the Birds of Prey members, and I know MG likes Helena after his interviews last season about wanting to do mini-season about her journey. Also if she was under orders from Waller agency is taken away form her.


    Away Crack Theory....I like Tommy back form the dead or Sara faked her own death better.


    Regarding the time away for Oliver spoilers/speculation, I'm wondering when Oliver returns from wherever (I'm assuming the League), he will has regressed into full Arrow (assassin?) mode and he will be damaged again and they will bring into play, "You were the 1st person I could see as, a person".

  11. Plot heavy agenda is the perfect way to describe this weeks episode. It feels like the EPs are ticking off boxes about who to please.


    This is what is wrong with 3A for me right now, the balance that 2A had, in each episode, between the many elements (action/comic origin/Olicity/etc) is gone.


    Please stop, I don't want to see the man behind the curtain.


    Finally caught up last night, few notes 


    Oliver's Hypocrisy 


    Oliver and the Arrow is ALL.ABOUT.CONTROL even when he was a killer in Season 1, it was all deliberate. I think Oliver had issues with the thought of a vigilante who's looses control and beats man to death.


    Also Ted was being obtuse about the side kick for, plot reasons, so that didn't help with the way this was playing out.




    I think KC acting as Laurel was much better than than I've seen in ages, shame it takes me from dislike to disinterest. But definitely seeing an improvement with regards to Laurel. Or maybe I've reached the acceptance stage.




    Felicity's Chair is getting so much action from Oliver (Sally must be jealous, first the fern now this!), another week another chair touch as a substitute for a Felicity touch


    Comic Call-out


    Boxing glove arrow is how you do a comic book call-out in the TV medium, cheeky nod, that stays true to the directions and tone of the show, with a little cheese and not too much contrivance to get to the scene. Also added little lightness.


    My sister, my barometer for the "average fan", (non-comic book, non-shipper, non-spoiled, casual internet activity regarding the show) enjoyed the scene gave her a laugh without her knowing the significance of it.




    Usually indifferent to Roy in the lair, but he still doesn't feel fully  integrated into Team Arrow, in my mind. I haven't seen enough, on screen, to buy the dynamics playing out this episode, so emotionally and mentally I switched off. Also because, let be real, stakes aren't that high about the whole "did Roy kill Sara" storyline for Meta reasons.

    • Love 3
  12. I have no interest in watching Laurel as BC but even I think the costume looks cool (on a superficial level) and I think the internet is a pretty superficial place. In my opinion, how people respond to a picture of someone in a costume doesn't necessarily have any bearing on how people will respond to the storyline. I personally think this is a last ditch attempt to "save" the character or they wouldn't have done it so fast.

    Roy's costume looked good in photos but is pretty silly on screen IMO.

    I cringe every time I see him suited up.

    • Love 1
  13. Second the recommendation for The Firebird I like how they slotted the characters into the various roles.


    Some other reads….


    Cute AU fic where Oliver meets Felicity in college called First Impressions by skimmy77


    Also recommending latbfan's ongoing "Series of in-canon fill-in-the-blank and imagined one-shots between Oliver and Felicity" How was your day?


    I don't usually like first person narratives for Fanfiction, but I really like the author's voice for Oliver and Felicity, and enjoyed the instalment for 3.05.


    I also love latbfan's other major Arrow work All I want for Christmas

    • Love 2
  14. I've decided that, for me, the only really satisfying conclusion to him still not knowing would be for Sara to come back from the dead and show up at his door to let him know she's alive again, but he has to keep it a secret from everyone else.


    I love this theory best of all!!


    Sara killed Sara. The body is some Sara clone (or cyborg) gone rogue and for reasons she had to fake her death and keep it secret.


    I know  said i would accept a lot to get Tommy back, but I'd accept more to get Sara back.

    • Love 4
  15. Arrow is skipping the last week of Sweeps because of Thanksgiving. Plus, Flash had a week off, so they need it to align the shows again. The crossover will happen the first week of December: Flash 108 on Dec 2 and Arrow 308 on Dec 3.


    Lol don't live in The States so only have a vague awareness of Thanksgiving being sometime in November.

  16. I think the crossover will scrape in during last day of sweeps, so if they drop viewers in the next 2 weeks I think they will be picked up again on 3.08.

    Definitely think willa's photo is intriguing.

  17. The timeline for baby Sara's movement is so weird…but I hand waved because good character story goes a long way for me to not nitpick, also the mention of the Argus Babysitting division. Too funny!!


    For me I was also initially bemused by the timing of the Oliver/Felicity final scene in the Arrow cave. When Felicity comes down she is  in a different outfit that she will wear to work for the day.


    For Felicity I assume following timeline from when she pistol whips Cooper.


    Waits for Police to arrest Cooper > give statement > go home with Mom> sleep> get up crazy early and visit Oliver before starting work


    When Felicity enters the Foundry Oliver seems to be hanging the Arrow suit up, as if just back in the Foundry, changed, hang up suit. Now I take this as confirmation that  he actually does wash the hood…which really has been bugging me a while, because really it would have to smell right? 


    One small detail I really did like was  when Oliver is leaning on Felicity's chair and she comes back from QC. He basically swings it around for Felicity then back into position for her and she just sits herself down without looking or paying attention, because she know Oliver will take care of it. It's like a mini substitute shoulder touch. 

    • Love 9
  18. There's a really interesting reversal of stereotypes with Oliver and Felicity.  Normally, the woman would be pushing for the emotional bond and the man would admit attraction but not necessarily love.   Felicity has been open about lusting for Oliver but has been more guarded about acknowledging an emotional attachment.   Oliver's the one who said "I love you" in Season 2 and he's the one who implied he loved her in season 3.   All the moves to take things to an emotional level come from him.  Felicity responds to Oliver but hasn't worn her heart on her sleeve like he has.   Oliver is also sending tons of mix signals by making it clear he loves her while simultatenously making it clear he won't be with her.   Considering Felicity's issues with her father and Cooper it makes sense that she would guard her heart espeically when Oliver has shown that he won't follow through.


    I think Oliver's going to have to earn an "I love you" from Felicity by demonstrating he's fully commited and isn't going to declare love one day and walk away the next.   At this point, she trusts him with her life but not her heart and I can't blame her.  I really think Oliver's going to have to really fight for her or lose her forever because she isn't necessarily going to be as willing to jump into a relationship like she was in 3x01 when Oliver finally is ready to be with her for keeps.  Her heart's been wounded in the past and Oliver has shown that he'll bail at a romance when things get tough.  I love that she doesn't try to convince Oliver or change him.  She repects how he feels about not being in a realtionship even though she thinks he's wrong and how his "I want yout but I won't be with you" b.s. has hurt her.  She's just going to live her life not waiting for him and his maybes.  


    I think you are right, for Felicity, between her Dad and Cooper, two major people in Felicity's life choose to leave her and Oliver is essentially doing the same.


    So it put a question, for me, on any future relationship she might have with Ray. 


    If it progresses in the next 2 episodes, which it seems it will, it seems fast (considering all of the above) unless, for Felicity, it doesn't mean that much or the stakes aren't that high. She isn't risking her heart she can go forward with Ray because the emotional fallout she suffered with her father and Cooper (and to an extent Oliver) won't be there, if the relationship ends.


    Or she is faking it 'til she makes it. Like with Cooper's "suicide" in College she decided to change her "identity" and hideout as a lowly "IT Girl". Have a normal life, (Which kind of reminds me of Oliver's compartmentalising, but that is a discussion for a different thread).


    I think this is one of the reasons Ray and Felicity don't work for me.


    The other is the lack of Spark-age, with all the EPs Hiatus discussions on old hollywood (Cary Grant) vibe between Ray and Felicity, I start envisioning "Bringing up Baby", "His Girl Friday,"The Philadelphia story", etc and the problem, for me, is that in these situation there is always a chaotic influence bringing havoc to, (and lighten up) the "straight-man"life. Ray and Felicity are too similar character types of it to work for me, they are both the chaotic influence so i'm not getting cute moments, and the emotional ones don't land because they have no history and he has not idea about what is really going on with her. 


    Worse, for Ray, we got to see this dynamic played out magnificently in 3.05, except Donna was the Chaos to Felicity's straight man. The Team arrow scene in the Foundry was gold. Throughout the episode the emotional beats were so right with an underlying love I knew was there because I immediately bought into the Mother/Daughter dynamic.


    We have also seen it in smaller doses with Felicity and Oliver. The verbal gaffs and innuendo are all little pieces of chaos which break into Oliver's Arrow persona and it was officially move out of sub-text in 3.01 with the "threats & targets/Person" revelation.


    Having said that their similarities and current interactions could play into a nice friendship, but I already love Diggle/Felicity (want and need more) and I'm accepting of Roy/Felicity and I liked Barry (and the Flash mob) as Felicity's intellectual connections. Frankly I want to see Felicity/Caitlin friendship really badly. This really leaves no time for me to want Ray/Felicity on screen, he needs to move forward into the main storyline, because right now he is firmly Oliver's Rival and nothing so far has me rooting for him. 



    • Love 2
  19. That is probably a fair call to make. But I have a slightly different experience.


    I my preference leans towards more darker superhero stories (The fact that they make Oliver a killer was a plus for me)…but not everything has to be batman


    I know I tuned out around Episode 1.03, in fact when I saw Felicity, my thought were "and now here is the mandatory "Chloe" for the show…" (Do even I need to state that Chloe was my favourite and I hated the way she was treated? And seriously the disliked everything to do with both LLs on Smallville ) and although I didn't watch to the bitter end, Smallville had burned me out, seriously cannot even watch Superman movies. 


    I caught up on a binge watch when I heard that direction for LI was going toward Felicity and Sara's Black Canary reappearance was going well. And friends who stuck with the show were enjoying it.


    1st Episode I liked Shady Moira, and Sally, The Abs, and the Queen family interaction. I really wanted to like KC's Laurel since I had been fond of her since Supernatural, also she really was the best thing about the Melrose Place remake (but not enough to make me keep watching).


    As for the Flash, the lightness is a little close to cheesy, for myself, and there are characters that I don't have a handle on yet, but I'm giving it more of a chance because I think there are some potentially interesting thing coming up, (Firestorm) and of course the crossovers.


    In summary tuned out of Arrow (in spite of the Abs) because of Smallville and I'm giving Flash longer because of Arrow.


    Side-ish Note: Agents of Shield I was watching to the bitter end because of Whedon, and I let a few bank up until I caught up on Thor 2 and the Winter Soldier, they really turned it around, so I'm giving Gotham a bigger change, even though not loving it.

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